1 acid-resisting paint
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > acid-resisting paint
2 acid-resisting paint
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > acid-resisting paint
3 acid-resisting paint
weather-proof paint — краска, не поддающаяся влиянию погоды
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > acid-resisting paint
4 acid-resisting paint
1) Морской термин: кислотостойкая краска2) Химия: кислотоупорная краска3) Нефть: кислотоупорная окраска -
5 acid-resisting paint
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > acid-resisting paint
6 acid-resisting paint
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > acid-resisting paint
7 acid-resisting paint
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > acid-resisting paint
8 acid-resisting paint
9 bare and acid resisting paint
Техника: водо-и кислотоупорная краскаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > bare and acid resisting paint
10 acid-proof paint
= acid-resistant paint, = acid-resisting paint кислотостойкая краскаEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > acid-proof paint
11 acid-resisting
12 acid-resisting
13 acid-resisting
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > acid-resisting
14 paint
1) краска; красочное покрытие2) окраска, окрашивание || окрашивать, красить•- acid-resistant paint
- acid-resisting paint
- air-drying paint
- aluminum paint
- anticarburizing paint
- anticorrosive paint
- antinoise paint
- antirust paint
- antirusting paint
- bituminous paint
- camouflage paint
- carburization-preventing paint
- cold plastic paint
- cork paint
- dazzle paint
- epoxy paint
- epoxy resin-based paint
- fire-proof paint
- fire-resistant paint
- fluorescent paint
- fluorescing paint
- funnel paint
- graphite paint
- ground-coat paint
- heat-indicating paint
- heat-resistant paint
- hot plastic paint
- luminous paint
- nonflammable paint
- priming paint
- protective paint
- red-lead paint
- rust-preventing paint
- sound-absorbing paint
- thermal paint
- water-resistant paint
- white zinc paintEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > paint
15 paint
краска; окраска || красить; окрашивать- paint inАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > paint
16 paint
1. краска2. окраска3. красить4. окрашиватьabrasion-resistant paint — износостойкая краска
acid-proof paint — кислотостойкая [кислотоупорная] краска
acid-resistant paint — кислотоупорная [кислотостойкая] краска
acid-seal paint — кислотостойкая [кислотоупорная] краска
acoustic paint — звукопоглощающая краска
acrylic paint — акриловая краска
acrylic-ester paint — акрилоэфирная краска
acrylic-nitrосеllulose paint — акрило-нитроцеллюлозная краска
alkali-metal-silicate paint — краска на силикате щелочных металлов
alkyd paint — алкидная краска
alkyd emulsion paint — алкидная эмульсионная краска
aluminum paint — алюминиевая краска
aluminum-acrylic paint — алюминиево-акриловая краска
aluminum oxide-base paint — краска на основе окиси алюминия
aluminum-pigmented acrylic paint — акриловая краска, пигментированная алюминием
aluminum-pigmented silicone- alkyd paint — силиконо-алкидная краска, пигментированная алюминием
aluminum-silicate paint — краска из силиката алюминия
anticorrosive paint — противокоррозионная краска
antifouling paint — необрастающая краска
antinoise paint — звукопоглощающая краска
antiradar paint — противорадиолокационная краска
antirusting paint — коррозионно-стойкая [стойкая к ржавлению] краска
asphalt paint — асфальтовая краска
bitumen paint — битумная краска
black paint — чёрная краска
ceramic paint — керамическая краска
chameleon-like paint — цветоизменяющая краска ( под действием тепла и света)
chemical resistant paint — химически стойкая краска
chemical resisting paint — химически стойкая краска
chlorinated rubber paint — хлоркаучуковая краска
chromium-oxide-base paint — краска на основе окиси хрома
conducting silver paint — проводящая серебряная краска
corrosion-inhibiting paint — противокоррозионная краска
corrosion-resistant paint — коррозионностойкая краска
distemper paint — клеевая краска
enamel paint — эмалевая краска, ( лаковая) эмаль
ероху paint — эпоксидная краска
filling paint — шпатлёвка
fire retardant paint — огнестойкая [пламезадерживающая] краска
flame retardant paint — пламезадерживающая [огнестойкая] краска
fluorescent paint — флуоресцентная [люминесцентная, светящаяся] краска
fluorocarbon paint — фторуглеродистая краска
formaldehyde-resin-base paint — краска на основе формальдегидной смолы
fungus-resistant paint — грибостойкая краска
glycerol-phthalate paint — глицерин-фталатная краска
graphite paint — графитовая краска
heat-indicating paint — термоиндикаторная краска
heat-reflecting paint — теплоотражающая краска
heat-resistant paint — теплостойкая краска
heat-resisting paint — теплостойкая краска
high-heat resistant paint — жаростойкая краска
high-temperature resistant paint — жаростойкая краска
high-temperature conductive paint — краска с высокой теплопроводностью
indicating temperature paint — термоиндикаторная краска
inorganic paint — неорганическая краска
insulating paint — изоляционная краска
laser-sensitive paint — краска, чувствительная к лазерному излучению
luminescent paint — люминесцентная [светящаяся] краска
marine paint — морская краска
metallic paint — металлическая краска
methyl-silicone paint — метилсиликоновая краска
mineral paint — минеральная краска
mold-resistant paint — грибостойкая краска
nitrocellulose paint — нитрокраска, нитролак
nonflammable paint — невоспламеняющаяся краска
oil paint — масляная краска
oilproof paint — маслостойкая краска
opaque paint — непрозрачная краска
organic paint — органическая краска
phosphorescent paint — фосфоресцирующая краска
photoconductive paint — фотопроводимая краска
pigmented paint — пигментированная краска
plastic-base paint — краска на основе пластмасс
polystyrene paint — полистирольная краска
polyurethane paint — полиуретановая краска
polyvinyl-acetate paint — поливинил-ацетатная краска
priming paint — 1) лакокрасочный грунт 2) грунтовочная краска
protective paint — защитная краска
refractory paint — огнеупорная краска
resin paint — краска на смолах
rust-resistant paint — коррозионно-стойкая [стойкая к ржавлению] краска
silicate paint — силикатная краска
silicone paint — кремнийорганическая краска
silicone-aluminum paint — силиконо-алюминиевая краска
silver paint — серебряная краска
sound-absorbing paint — звукопоглощающая краска
synthetic-resin paint — краска на синтетических смолах
teflon-filled urethane paint — уретановая краска с тефлоновым наполнителем
temperature-indicating paint — термоиндикаторная краска
thermoindicator paint — термоиндикаторная краска
temperature-sensitive paint — термочувствительная краска
thermal control paint — терморегулируемая краска
thermoprene paint — термопреновая краска
thermosensitive paint — термочувствительная краска
thixotropic paint — тиксотропная краска
thorium-dioxide paint — краска из двуокиси тория
titanium-dioxide paint — краска из двуокиси титана
trichlorethylene paint — трихлорэтиленовая краска
undercoating paint — грунтовочная краска [покрытие]
varnish paint — 1) лаковая краска 2) эмалевая краска
water-reducible paint — водоотталкивающая краска
water-repellant paint — водоотталкивающая краска
water-resistant paint — водостойкая краска
water-soluble paint — водорастворимая краска
water-thinnable paint — водорастворимая краска
weatherproof paint — атмосферостойкая краска
white paint — белая краска
zinc-chromate paint — хромато-цинковая краска
zinc-silicate paint — силикатно-цинковая краска
zirconium-dioxide-pigmented paint — краска, пигментированная двуокисью циркония
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > paint
17 paint
краска; разг. изображение ( на индикаторе РЛС) ; красить; разг. различать [опознавать] ЛА ( на экране индикатора РЛС) -
18 b.&.a.r.p.
Техника: bare and acid resisting paint -
19 b.&.a.r.p.
bare and acid resisting paint - водо-и кислотоупорная краска -
20 material
материал; вещество || материальный; вещественныйmaterial being cut — материал, обрабатываемый резанием; разрезаемый материал
material being fed — подаваемый материал, продвигаемый материал
material being machined — материал, обрабатываемый на станке, материал, обрабатываемый на металлорежущем станке
- abrasive materialmaterial to be routed — материал, обрабатываемый на быстроходном фасонно-фрезерном станке
- absorbing material
- absorption material
- acidproof material
- acid-resisting material
- activated material
- active material
- add material
- adding material
- adhering molding material
- alloy materials
- alloying material
- alternate material
- antifriction material
- antislip material
- architectural material
- as-received material
- audiovisual material
- auxiliary material
- backing material
- bad material
- balled material
- base material
- basic material
- bead material
- bearing material
- best quality materials
- binder material
- binding material
- bonding material
- brazing material
- brittle material
- building material
- bulk material
- burden material
- carbide material
- carbon electric material
- carbon electrical material
- carbonaceous reducing material
- carburizing material
- casthouse materials
- categorized material
- ceramic material
- certified reference material
- charge material
- charging material
- clad material
- cleansing material
- coating material
- coiled material
- cold-charged material
- cold-worked material
- combustible material
- commercial material
- composite material
- composite metallic material
- composition material
- compound material
- conducting material
- contact conductor material
- container material
- controlled-porosity material
- core material
- corrosion-resisting material
- creep strained material
- critical material
- crucible material
- cushioning material
- cutting material
- cutting-tool material
- cycled material
- damping material
- deep-coat material
- defective material
- defense material
- depleated material
- diamagnetic material
- difficult-to-cut material
- difficult-to-machine material
- dispersion-hardened material
- dispersion-strengthened material
- dissimilar materials
- dissipative material
- document material
- dolomite-based material
- ductile material
- easy-to-cut material
- elastomeric material
- electric contact material
- electrical engineering material
- electrically active polymeric material
- electrically insulating material
- electrode material
- electrotechnical material
- elongated material
- emitting material
- engineering materials
- enriched material
- environmentally resilient material
- epoxy matrix material
- excessive uncut material
- extraneous material
- extreme pressure material
- facing material
- feed material
- ferrimagnetic material
- ferroelectric material
- ferromagnetic material
- ferrous materials
- fettling material
- fiber material
- fiber-reinforced material
- fiber-strengthened material
- fibrous composite material
- fibrous material
- filling material
- fine material
- flexible-heavy material
- fluid-extruded material
- fluorescent material
- fluxing material
- foreign material
- free-cutting material
- free-machining material
- friction material
- fuel material
- fully dense material
- fully fired material
- fully flattened material
- grain material
- granular material
- grinding material
- half-finished material
- hard material
- hard-magnetic material
- hard-to-cut material
- hard-to-machine material
- hard-to-punch material
- heat-absorbing material
- heat-conductive material
- heat-insulating material
- heat-resistant material
- heat-sensitive material
- heat-transfer material
- heavily alloyed material
- heavy material
- heavy-duty material
- heavy-gravity material
- high-coercivity material
- high-conductivity material
- high-force material
- high-friction material
- high-melting-point material
- high-resistivity material
- high-strength material
- high-technology materials
- high-temperature-resistant material
- high-tempering temperature material
- high-tensile strength material
- honest material
- host material
- hot-finished material
- hyperconductor material
- ideally plastic material
- imperfect material
- incombustible material
- incoming materials
- incompressible material
- inert material
- inflammable material
- ingoing material
- in-process material
- instructional material
- insulating material
- insulation material
- intermediate material
- iron-bearing material
- isotropic material
- jointing material
- lagging material
- laser material
- light material
- light-duty material
- light-stiff material
- limy material
- lining material
- loading material
- loose material
- low-ash reducing material
- low-coercivity material
- low-density material
- low-expansion material
- low-grade material
- low-strength material
- low-temperature material
- low-tensile strength material
- luminescent material
- lump material
- magnetic material
- magnetostrictive material
- material of construction
- material of high-absorbing power
- material of high-electric conductivity
- material of low-absorbing power
- material of low-machinability rating
- matrix material
- medium-strength material
- mix material
- moderator material
- mold material
- molding material
- multilayer bearing material
- multilayer conductor material
- multilayer material
- multimedia materials
- natural material
- no-coolant material
- noise-attenuating material
- nonabsorbent material
- noncombustible material
- nonconducting material
- noncrystalline material
- nonferromagnetic material
- nonferrous materials
- nonmagnetic material
- nonproduction material
- off-gage material
- oil-attracting material
- original material
- oversized material
- oxidizing material
- packing material
- paint material
- paramagnetic material
- parent material
- particulate material
- perfect material
- phase change material
- photoelectric material
- piezoelectric material
- plastic material
- plus material
- PM material
- polycrystalline material
- polymeric material
- poor heat conducting material
- poor machinability material
- pore-forming material
- positive active material
- powder material
- powder metallurgical material
- powdered material
- powdered refractory material
- preformed material
- prehardened material
- prepared burden materials
- prestrained material
- problem material
- radioactive material
- random material
- raw material
- recycled material
- reducing material
- reference material
- refractory backing material
- refractory conductor material
- refractory material
- refused material
- reinforced material
- rejected material
- remove material
- resistive material
- return material
- rework material
- roll-compacted powder material
- rolled sheet material
- rolling material
- rust-inhibiting material
- saleable material
- sandwiched material
- sandwich-type material
- scattering material
- scrap material
- sealant material
- sealing material
- secondary raw materials
- section material
- semiconducting material
- semiconductive material
- semifinished material
- semimanufactured material
- sheet material
- sheet-like material
- shell-mold material
- shield material
- shielding material
- shipbuilding material
- short-chipping material
- siliceous material
- siliceous refractory material
- sintered bearing material
- sintered material
- sintered metal-powder material
- slag-forming material
- slagging material
- soft material
- soft-magnetic material
- solid material
- sorted secondary raw materials
- sound-absorbing material
- sound-deadening material
- spent material
- spongy material
- sprayed material
- square-loop material
- standard cubic material
- standard material
- starting material
- stock material
- stopping material
- strain-hardened material
- strain-rate-resistive material
- strong material
- structural material
- stuffing material
- substrate material
- superconducting material
- superconductor material
- support material
- surface-active material
- suspended material
- tar-dolomite material
- target material
- tar-stabilized dolomite material
- test material
- test piece material
- textured material
- thermal insulating material
- thermally insulating material
- thermal-resistant material
- thermoplastic material
- thermosetting material
- titanium-base material
- tooling material
- tough material
- tough-to-machine material
- tracer material
- undersize material
- unprotected material
- unsized burden material
- vibration-deadening material
- virgin material
- viscoelastic material
- vitrified material
- waste material
- wearable material
- web material
- weighing material
- weld material
- welding wire material
- work material
- work-hardening material
- worthless material
- xerographic materialsEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > material
См. также в других словарях:
Acid-resisting paint — Кислотоупорная краска … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
materials science — the study of the characteristics and uses of various materials, as glass, plastics, and metals. [1960 65] * * * Study of the properties of solid materials and how those properties are determined by the material s composition and structure, both… … Universalium
automobile — automobilist /aw teuh meuh bee list, moh bi list/, n. /aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh moh beel, beuhl/, n. 1. a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel… … Universalium
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
List of Metal Gear characters — The Metal Gear franchise features a large number of fictional characters. The series canon comprises (not including re releases and remakes) Metal Gear (MG) and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MG2) for the MSX2, Metal Gear Solid (MGS) for the… … Wikipedia
Parkerizing — (also called phosphating and phosphatizing) is a method of protecting a steel surface from corrosion and increasing its resistance to wear through the application of an electrochemical phosphate conversion coating. Parkerizing is usually… … Wikipedia
Cross-linked polyethylene — PEX redirects here. For other uses, see Pex (disambiguation). Cross linked polyethylene, commonly abbreviated PEX or XLPE, is a form of polyethylene with cross links. It is formed into tubing, and is used predominantly in hydronic radiant heating … Wikipedia
education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… … Universalium
Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… … Universalium