Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский


См. также в других словарях:

  • achromophilous — achro·moph·i·lous (a″kro mofґĭ ləs) having no affinity for stains …   Medical dictionary

  • achromophilic, achromophilous — SYN: achromatophil (1) …   Medical dictionary

  • achromatophil — 1. Not being colored by the histologic or bacteriologic stains. SYN: achromophilic, achromophilous. 2. A cell or tissue that cannot be stained in the usual way. SYN: achromophil. [G. a priv. + chroma, color, + philos, fond] * * * achro·ma·to·phil …   Medical dictionary

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