1 aangifte
accusation, déclaration, dénonciation, plainte -
2 aanklacht
accusation, dénonciation, plainte -
3 beschuldiging
accusation, plainte -
4 telastlegging
accusation, plainte -
5 tenlastelegging
accusation, plainte -
6 beschuldiging
♦voorbeelden:2 een valse/onbewezen beschuldiging • a false/an unproven accusationbeschuldigingen inbrengen tegen • bring charges againstbeschuldigingen uiten/doen • make charges/accusationsonder/op beschuldiging van moord (gearresteerd) • (arrested) on a charge of murder -
7 aanklacht
♦voorbeelden:1 een aanklacht indienen tegen iemand • porter plainte contre qn.aanklacht wegens laster • plainte en diffamation -
8 beschuldiging
♦voorbeelden:1 iemand in staat van beschuldiging stellen • mettre qn. en accusationbeschuldigingen inbrengen tegen • porter des accusations contre -
9 aandichting
n. imputation, attribution; accusation, charge -
10 aanklacht
n. (Law) charge; accusation; indictment; complaint; plaint, delation; impeachment; arraignment; presentment -
11 aantijging
n. imputation, accusation -
12 aanvechting
n. inclination, urge; accusation -
13 allegatie
n. allegation, charge; statement; declaration; unfounded accusation -
14 beschuldiging
n. accusation, incrimination, impeachment, indictment, plaint -
15 betichting
n. accusation, charge, imputation -
16 blaam
n. blame, accusation, reproach; slur, taint -
17 gravamen
n. gravamen, accusation; complaint, protest -
18 imputatie
n. imputation, act of attributing or ascribing to; charge, accusation, attribution -
19 incriminatie
n. incrimination, act of charging someone with a crime, accusation, implication -
20 aanklacht
См. также в других словарях:
accusation — [ akyzasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1275; lat. accusatio 1 ♦ Action de signaler (qqn) comme coupable ou (qqch.) comme répréhensible. Accusations malveillantes, fausses. ⇒ calomnie, dénigrement, diffamation, médisance. Faire une accusation. « C est lui qui a… … Encyclopédie Universelle
accusation — ac·cu·sa·tion /ˌa kyə zā shən/ n 1: a formal charge of wrongdoing, delinquency, or fault the accused shall enjoy the right...to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation U.S. Constitution amend. VI compare allegation … Law dictionary
accusation — Accusation. s. f. v. Action en Justice, par laquelle on accuse quelqu un d un crime. Accusation calomnieuse. fausse accusation. accusation capitale. il y a contre luy vingt chefs d accusation. susciter une accusation. former une accusation … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Accusation — Ac cu*sa tion, n. [OF. acusation, F. accusation, L. accusatio, fr. accusare. See {Accuse}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of accusing or charging with a crime or with a lighter offense. [1913 Webster] We come not by the way of accusation To taint… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
accusation — (n.) late 14c., from O.Fr. acusacion or directly from L. accusationem (nom. accusatio), noun of action from pp. stem of accusare (see ACCUSE (Cf. accuse)) … Etymology dictionary
accusation — [n] charge of wrongdoing, fault allegation, arraignment, attribution, beef*, blast*, bum rap*, censure, citation, complaint, denunciation, dido, exposé, gripe, impeachment, imputation, incrimination, indictment, insinuation, recrimination, roar* … New thesaurus
accusation — ► NOUN ▪ a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong … English terms dictionary
accusation — [ak΄yo͞o zā′shən, ak΄yəsā′shən] n. 1. an accusing or being accused 2. the crime or wrong of which a person is accused … English World dictionary
accusation — n. 1) to bring, make an accusation against (he brought an accusation of theft against Smith; more usu. is: he accused Smith of theft) 2) to deny; refute an accusation 3) a damaging, grave; false, groundless, unfounded, unjust; sweeping accusation … Combinatory dictionary
accusation — (a ku za sion ; en poésie, de cinq syllabes) s. f. 1° Action en justice par laquelle on accuse quelqu un. Les chefs d accusation. Accusation d empoisonnement. Intenter une accusation contre quelqu un. Dresser une accusation. Par son éloquence,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
accusation — ac|cu|sa|tion [ˌækjuˈzeıʃən] n a statement saying that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong accusation against ▪ A number of serious accusations have been made against her. ▪ The main accusation levelled against him was that… … Dictionary of contemporary English