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  • 21 TRUE

    1) ((negative untrue) telling of something that really happened; not invented; agreeing with fact; not wrong: That is a true statement; Is it true that you did not steal the ring?) pravdivý
    2) ((negative untrue) accurate: They don't have a true idea of its importance.) presný
    3) ((negative untrue) faithful; loyal: He has been a true friend.) verný
    4) (properly so called: A spider is not a true insect.) pravý, skutočný
    - truly
    * * *
    • verný
    • vlastný
    • úzky
    • skutocný
    • spolahlivý
    • spravodlivý
    • správny
    • presný
    • presne
    • priamociary
    • presne pracujúci
    • presne vyvážený
    • ideálny
    • hodnoverný
    • cestný
    • poctivý
    • oprávnený
    • pravdivo
    • pravý
    • pravdivý
    • právoplatný
    • pravidelný
    • naozajstný
    • oddaný

    English-Slovak dictionary > TRUE

  • 22 true

    1) ((negative untrue) telling of something that really happened; not invented; agreeing with fact; not wrong: That is a true statement; Is it true that you did not steal the ring?) pravdivý
    2) ((negative untrue) accurate: They don't have a true idea of its importance.) presný
    3) ((negative untrue) faithful; loyal: He has been a true friend.) verný
    4) (properly so called: A spider is not a true insect.) pravý, skutočný
    - truly
    * * *
    • pravda

    English-Slovak dictionary > true

  • 23 unerring

    ((always) accurate: He threw the spear with unerring aim.) neomylný
    * * *
    • presný
    • istý
    • bezchybný
    • neomylný

    English-Slovak dictionary > unerring

  • 24 wild

    1) ((of animals) not tamed: wolves and other wild animals.) divý
    2) ((of land) not cultivated.) neobrábaný, pustý
    3) (uncivilized or lawless; savage: wild tribes.) divý, divošský
    4) (very stormy; violent: a wild night at sea; a wild rage.) búrlivý, prudký
    5) (mad, crazy, insane etc: wild with hunger; wild with anxiety.) šialený
    6) (rash: a wild hope.) bezmedzný
    7) (not accurate or reliable: a wild guess.) náhodný
    8) (very angry.) zúrivý
    - wildness
    - wildfire: spread like wildfire
    - wildfowl
    - wild-goose chase
    - wildlife
    - in the wild
    - the wilds
    - the Wild West
    * * *
    • vzrušený
    • výstredný
    • prenáhlený
    • búrlivý
    • divoký
    • divý
    • divocina
    • pustatina
    • pustý
    • rozcúlený
    • naslepo
    • neskrotený
    • neupravený
    • nepremyslený
    • neobývaný
    • nespútaný
    • necivilizovaný

    English-Slovak dictionary > wild

  • 25 hit the nail on the head

    (to be absolutely accurate (in one's description of something or someone, in an estimate of something etc).) trafiť klinec po hlavičke

    English-Slovak dictionary > hit the nail on the head

  • 26 in order (that)

    (so that: He checked all his figures again in order that the report might be as accurate as possible.) tak, aby

    English-Slovak dictionary > in order (that)

  • 27 specialised

    adjective ((of knowledge, skills etc) of the accurate detailed kind obtained by specializing.) špecializovaný

    English-Slovak dictionary > specialised

  • 28 specialized

    adjective ((of knowledge, skills etc) of the accurate detailed kind obtained by specializing.) špecializovaný

    English-Slovak dictionary > specialized

  • 29 spot on

    (very accurate or exactly on the target: His description of Mary was spot on!) presný

    English-Slovak dictionary > spot on

  • 30 strictly speaking

    (if we must be completely accurate, act according to rules etc: Strictly speaking, he should be punished for this.) presnejšie povedané

    English-Slovak dictionary > strictly speaking

  • 31 worth one's while

    (worth one's time and trouble: It's not worth your while reading this book, because it isn't accurate.) stáť za to

    English-Slovak dictionary > worth one's while

См. также в других словарях:

  • Accurate — Ac cu*rate, a. [L. accuratus, p. p. and a., fr. accurare to take care of; ad + curare to take care, cura care. See {Cure}.] 1. In exact or careful conformity to truth, or to some standard of requirement, the result of care or pains; free from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ACCURATE — (A Center for Correct, Usable, Reliable, Auditable, and Transparent Elections) was established in 2005 by a group of computer scientists, psychologists and policy experts to address problems with electronic voting. The NSF funded organization… …   Wikipedia

  • accurate — UK US /ˈækjərət/ adjective ► correct and without any mistakes: accurate data/details/information »Internet communication instantly provides timely and accurate data for evaluating investment opportunities. »The aim at all times is to have an… …   Financial and business terms

  • accurate — [adj1] precise authentic, careful, close, concrete, correct, defined, definite, deft, detailed, discriminating, discriminative, distinct, exact, explicit, factual, faithful, genuine, judicious, just, literal, matter of fact, methodical,… …   New thesaurus

  • accurate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) correct in all details. 2) capable of or successful in reaching the intended target. DERIVATIVES accuracy noun accurately adverb. USAGE On the distinction between accurate and precise, see the note at …   English terms dictionary

  • accurate — [ak′yə rət] adj. [L accuratus, pp. of accurare < ad , to + curare, to take care < cura, care: see CURE] 1. careful and exact 2. free from mistakes or errors; precise 3. adhering closely to a standard [an accurate thermometer] SYN. CORRECT… …   English World dictionary

  • accurate — I adjective actual, authentic, bona fide, careful, clear cut, conscientious, correct, defect free, dependable, direct, errorless, exact, executed with care, explicit, factual, faithful, faultless, free of error, genuine, inerrant, literal,… …   Law dictionary

  • accurate — (adj.) 1610s, done with care, from L. accuratus prepared with care, exact, elaborate, pp. of accurare take care of, from ad to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + curare take care of (see CURE (Cf. cure)). The notion of doing something carefully led to that of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • accurate — *correct, exact, precise, nice, right Analogous words: true, veracious (see corresponding nouns at TRUTH): *impeccable, errorless, flawless, faultless: punctilious, meticulous, *careful Antonyms: inaccurate Contrasted words: *careless, heedles …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • accurate — [[t]æ̱kjʊrət[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED Accurate information, measurements, and statistics are correct to a very detailed level. An accurate instrument is able to give you information of this kind. Police have stressed that this is the most accurate… …   English dictionary

  • accurate — 01. I m not sure of the time; my watch doesn t seem to be very [accurate]. 02. The witness gave an [accurate] description of the criminal she even knew his eye color! 03. It was hard to get an [accurate] count of the number of people in the room… …   Grammatical examples in English

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