Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский

accidental catch

См. также в других словарях:

  • accidental catch — other fishes caught during a fishery directed to a target species. The fish may be taking bait meant for other fish, chasing the target species or are swept up by the gear used. Also called incidental catch or by catch …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • incidental catch — bycatch (fishes caught incidental to the target species; also called incidental catch or accidental catch. These fishes are usually of lesser value than the target species, and are often discarded. Some bycatch species are of commercial value and …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • safety catch — noun A latching device that prevents accidental activation of a dangerous event, an interlock. Colloquially shortened to just a safety …   Wiktionary

  • safety catch — safety lock, lock to prevent accidental use …   English contemporary dictionary

  • safety catch — A secondary latch usually located under the front edge of the hood, near the center, which prevents accidental release of the hood if the main cable operated hood lock is activated by mistake …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • bycatch — fishes caught incidental to the target species; also called incidental catch or accidental catch. These fishes are usually of lesser value than the target species, and are often discarded. Some bycatch species are of commercial value and are… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • dirty fishing — bycatch (fishes caught incidental to the target species; also called incidental catch or accidental catch. These fishes are usually of lesser value than the target species, and are often discarded. Some bycatch species are of commercial value and …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Wild fisheries — A fishery is an area with an associated fish or aquatic population which is harvested for its commercial value. Fisheries can be marine (saltwater) or freshwater. They can also be wild or farmed. This article is an overview of the habitats… …   Wikipedia

  • Shark finning — is the controversial process of removing shark fins to provide the ingredients for the popular Asian dish of shark fin soup. TOC According to wildlife conservationists, much of the trade in sharks fins is derived from fins cut from living sharks; …   Wikipedia

  • Safety (firearms) — This article is about the mechanical safety devices built into most firearms. For the main article about firearm safety education, see Gun safety. Close up shot of a safety of an M16A2 rifle. In firearms, a safety or safety catch is a mechanism… …   Wikipedia

  • conservation — conservational, adj. /kon seuhr vay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of conserving; prevention of injury, decay, waste, or loss; preservation: conservation of wildlife; conservation of human rights. 2. official supervision of rivers, forests, and other… …   Universalium

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