1 accident
accident mEnglish-French architecture and construction dictionary > accident
2 accident
Dictionnaire juridique, politique, économique et financier > accident
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accident -
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accident m -
5 accident
accident [aksidɑ̃]masculine noun* * *aksidɑ̃nom masculin1) ( dommage) accidentil y a 10000 morts par accident chaque année — 10,000 people die in accidents every year
2) ( problème) hitch; ( événement inhabituel) one off (colloq); hum accidentaccident de parcours — (colloq) hitch; hum accident
une découverte faite par accident — ( par hasard) a chance discovery
3) Médecine accident4) ( inégalité)accident de terrain — irregularity in the landscape, accident spéc
•Phrasal Verbs:* * *aksidɑ̃ nm1) (entraînant dégâts ou blessures) accidentun accident de voiture — a car accident, a car crash
2) (médical)4) (événement fortuit) accidentpar accident — by accident, by chance
* * *accident nm1 ( dommage) accident; accident grave serious accident; en cas d'accident prévenir… in case of accident (please) notify…; l'accident a fait deux morts et quinze blessés two died and fifteen were injured as a result of the accident; un accident est si vite arrivé! accidents can easily happen!; il y a 10 000 morts par accident chaque année 10,000 people die in accidents every year; il s'est tué par accident en nettoyant son fusil he accidentally killed himself while cleaning his gun;2 ( problème) hitch; ( événement inhabituel) one off○; hum accident; une carrière qui évolue sans accident a career which is progressing without a hitch; une erreur qui n'est qu'un accident an error which is just a one-off; ils ont gagné! c'était un accident! hum they won! that was an accident!; accident de parcours○ hitch; hum accident; l'arrivée du (petit) dernier est un accident (de parcours) the birth of the last one was an accident; les accidents de l'existence the unforeseen events of life; une découverte faite par accident ( par hasard) a chance discovery;3 Méd accident; accident cérébral/vasculaire cerebral/vascular accident; accident cardiaque cardiac event; accident de santé health problem;4 ( inégalité) accident de terrain irregularity in the landscape, accident spéc; maison cachée par un accident de terrain house obscured by an undulation in the land; le satellite peut repérer le moindre accident de terrain the satellite can pick out every contour;5 Mus accidental;6 Philos accident.accident d'avion plane crash; accident de chasse hunting accident; accident de la circulation traffic accident; accident corporel accident involving injury; accident domestique accident in the home; accident ferroviaire rail accident; accident industriel industrial accident; accident de montagne climbing accident; accident nucléaire nuclear accident; accident de la route road accident; accident du travail industrial accident; accident de voiture car accident.[aksidɑ̃] nom masculin1. [chute, coup] accidentaccident d'avion/de voiture plane/car crashaccident de la circulation ou route road accidentce n'était pas prévu, c'est un accident it wasn't planned, it was an accident3. MÉDECINE4. (euphémisme) [incontinence] accident5. GÉOLOGIEpar accident locution adverbiale -
6 accident
accident nпроисшествиеaccident conditionsаварийные условияaccident data reportотчет об авиационных происшествияхaccident environmentаварийная обстановкаaccident inquiryсбор материалов для расследования авиационного происшествияaccident investigationрасследование происшествияAccident Investigation and Prevention SectionСекция расследования и предотвращения авиационных происшествий(ИКАО) accident investigation divisionспециализированный отдел по расследованию происшествийaccident rateуровень аварийностиaccident reportдонесение об авиационном происшествииaccident serious injuryтелесное повреждение в результате авиационного происшествияaccidents preventionпредотвращение авиационных происшествийaccidents reportingпредставление донесений об авиационных происшествияхaccident statisticsучет авиационных происшествийaccident to an aircraftпроисшествие с воздушным судномairport-related accidentпроисшествие в районе аэропортаaviation accidentавиационное происшествиеbear on the accidentиметь отношение к происшествиюcompile the accident reportсоставлять отчет об авиационном происшествииdomestic accidentпроисшествие на территории государства регистрации воздушного суднаfatal flight accidentавиационное происшествие со смертельным исходомflight accidentавиационное происшествиеfoster accidents preventionспособствовать предотвращению авиационных происшествийinternational accidentпроисшествие на территории другого государстваlanding accidentпроисшествие при посадкеlead to an accidentприводить к происшествиюmeet with an accidentтерпеть авариюoperational accidentпроисшествие вследствие нарушения норм эксплуатацииprevent an accidentпредотвращать происшествиеprior to an accidentдо происшествияrelating to an accidentотносящийся к происшествиюtakeoff accidentпроисшествие при взлете -
7 ♦ accident
♦ accident /ˈæksɪdənt/n.1 incidente; disgrazia; infortunio (ass.); sinistro (ass.): accident victim, vittima di un incidente; sinistrato (ass.); car accident, incidente automobilistico (o d'auto); road accident, incidente stradale; a fatal accident, un incidente mortale; a freak accident, un incidente imprevedibile; accidents in the home, incidenti domestici; There has been an accident, c'è stato un incidente; è successa una disgrazia; to have an accident, avere un incidente; (fam.) combinare un guaio; (eufem.) bagnarsi, sporcarsi; Accidents will happen, sono cose che capitano; può succedere a tutti; to meet with an accident, avere un incidente; to report an accident, denunciare un incidente; It all went without accident, tutto si svolse senza incidenti NOTA D'USO: - incident o accident?-2 caso; evento fortuito: a mere accident, un puro caso; by accident, per caso; accidentalmente; by accident of birth, semplicemente per nascita; It was no accident that…, non fu un caso che…; non fu per caso che…3 (filos.) accidente● (GB) accident and emergency ( department), (reparto di) pronto soccorso □ accident-free, senza incidenti; esente da incidenti □ (org. az.) accident frequency rate, tasso di frequenza degli incidenti sul lavoro □ accident insurance, assicurazione contro gli infortuni □ accident prevention, prevenzione contro gli infortuni; infortunistica □ accident-prone, soggetto a frequenti incidenti; facile agli incidenti □ accident-proneness, facilità agli incidenti; sinistrosità (ass.) □ an accident waiting to happen, una disgrazia annunciata □ by accident or by design, per caso o intenzionalmente. -
8 accident
accident [ˈæksɪdənt]1. nounaccident m• it's no accident that... ce n'est pas un hasard si...2. compounds* * *['æksɪdənt] 1.car/road accident — accident de voiture/de la route
accident and emergency service — ( in hospital) service des urgences
2) ( chance) hasard m2.noun modifier [ statistics] se rapportant aux accidentsaccident victim — accidenté/-e m/f
9 accident
accident ['æksɪdənt]1 noun∎ to have an accident avoir un accident;∎ her son had a car accident son fils a eu un accident de voiture;∎ she was killed in an accident elle s'est tuée dans un accident;∎ their last child was an accident leur dernier enfant est un accident;∎ accidents in the home accidents mpl domestiques;∎ it was an accident waiting to happen c'est un accident qui devait arriver;∎ proverb accidents will happen on ne peut pas parer à tout∎ it was purely by accident that we met nous nous sommes rencontrés tout à fait par accident;∎ any success we had was more by accident than by design notre réussite a été plus accidentelle qu'autre chose;∎ it's no accident that she made the film here ce n'est pas par hasard si elle a tourné le film ici(c) Philosophy accident m(figures, rate) des accidents►► Medicine accident and emergency (unit) (in hospital) service m des urgences, urgences fpl;Insurance accident insurance assurance f (contre les) accidents;accident prevention la prévention des accidents;accident victim victime f d'un/de l'accident -
10 accident
A n1 ( mishap) accident m (with avec) ; by accident accidentellement ; car/industrial/road accident accident de voiture/du travail/de la route ; accidents in the home accidents domestiques ; to have an accident avoir un accident ; to meet with an accident être victime d'un accident ; accident and emergency service ( in hospital) service des urgences ; I had an accident with the teapot j'ai malencontreusement cassé la théière ; I'm sorry, it was an accident je m'excuse, c'était un accident ; accidents will happen! ce sont des choses qui arrivent! ; the baby's had a little accident euph le petit n'a pas pu se retenir euph ; a chapter of accidents une succession de problèmes ;2 ( chance) hasard m ; by accident par hasard ; it is no accident that… ce n'est pas un hasard que…, ce n'est pas par hasard que… ; he is rich by an accident of birth le hasard a voulu qu'il soit né riche ; it was more by accident than design c'était accidentel plutôt que délibéré.B modif [figures, statistics] se rapportant aux accidents ; [protection] contre les accidents ; (personal) accident insurance assurance f (individuelle) accidents ; accident prevention ( at work) prévention f des accidents du travail ; ( road) prévention f routière ; accident victim accidenté/-e m/f. -
11 accident
[aksidɑ̃]Nom masculin acidente masculinoaccident de la route acidente de estradaaccident du travail acidente de trabalhoaccident de voiture acidente de carro* * *accident aksidɑ̃]nome masculinoavoir un accidentter um acidentecontratempoacasoc'était par accidentfoi por acasosi par accidentse por acasoavoir un petit accident de santéter um pequeno problema de saúdeataque cardíacoacidente de viaçãoacidentes domésticosacidente de trabalhopor acaso, por casualidade -
12 accident
- accident
- n1. несчастный случай; дорожно-транспортное происшествие
2. складка, неровность ( местности)
- construction accident
- electrical accident
- fatal accident
- major injury accident
- road accident
- serious accident
- skidding accident
- traffic accident
- work accident
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
13 accident
accident [ˊæksɪdǝnt] n1) слу́чай; случа́йность;by accident случа́йно, неча́янно
;by a lucky accident по счастли́вой случа́йности
2) несча́стный слу́чай; катастро́фа; ава́рия;to meet with an accident потерпе́ть ава́рию, круше́ние
;fatal accident несча́стный слу́чай со смерте́льным исхо́дом
;industrial accident несча́стный слу́чай на произво́дстве
3) астр., геол. неро́вность пове́рхности, скла́дка4) лог. случа́йное сво́йство5) attr.:accident insurance страхова́ние от несча́стных слу́чаев
;accident prevention предупрежде́ние несча́стных слу́чаев; те́хника безопа́сности
;accident rate амер. коэффицие́нт промы́шленного травмати́зма
◊accidents will happen (in the best regulated families) ≅ в семье́ не без уро́да; сканда́л в благоро́дном семе́йстве
14 accident
[aksidɑ̃]Nom masculin acidente masculinoaccident de la route acidente de estradaaccident du travail acidente de trabalhoaccident de voiture acidente de carro* * *[aksidɑ̃]Nom masculin acidente masculinoaccident de la route acidente de estradaaccident du travail acidente de trabalhoaccident de voiture acidente de carro -
15 accident
accident [aaksiedã]〈m.〉3 oneffenheid ⇒ ongelijkheid, terreinplooi♦voorbeelden:dans un accident • bij een ongevalpar accident • toevalligm1) ongeval, ongeluk3) oneffenheid [terrein] -
16 accident
accident; ACCID; aircraft accidentAn occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, in which:a) a person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of:— being in the aircraft, or— direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have become detached from the aircraft, or— direct exposure to jet blast,except when the injuries are from natural causes, self-inflicted or inflicted by other persons, or when the injuries are to stowaways hiding outside the areas normally available to the passengers and crew; orb) the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure which:— adversely affects the structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of the aircraft, and— would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected component, except for engine failure or damage, when the damage is limited to the engine, its cowlings or accessories; or for damage limited to propellers, wing tips, antennas, tires, brakes, fairings, small dents or puncture holes in the aircraft skin; orc) the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible.Note 1.— For statistical uniformity only, an injury resulting in death within thirty days of the date of the accident is classified as a fatal injury by ICAO.Note 2.— An aircraft is considered to be missing when the official search has been terminated and the wreckage has not been located.(AN 11; AN 13)Official definition added to AN 11 by Amdt 40 (01/11/2001).авиационное происшествие; ACCIDCoбытиe, связaннoe с испoльзoвaниeм вoздушнoгo суднa, кoтoрoe имeeт мeстo с мoмeнтa, кoгдa кaкoe-либo лицo пoднимaeтся нa бoрт с нaмeрeниeм сoвeршить пoлёт, дo мoмeнтa, кoгдa всe нaхoдившиeся нa бoрту лицa пoкинули вoздушное судно, и в ходе которого:a) кaкoe-либo лицo пoлучaeт тeлeснoe пoврeждeниe сo смeртeльным исхoдoм или сeрьёзнoe тeлeснoe пoврeждeниe в рeзультaтe:— нaхoждeния в дaннoм вoздушнoм суднe; или— нeпoсрeдствeннoгo сoприкoснoвeния с кaкoй-либo чaстью вoздушнoго суднa, включaя чaсти, oтдeлившиeся oт дaннoгo вoздушнoгo суднa; или— нeпoсрeдствeннoгo вoздeйствия струи гaзoв рeaктивнoгo двигaтeля;зa исключeниeм тeх случaeв, кoгдa тeлeсныe пoврeждeния пoлучeны в рeзультaтe eстeствeнных причин, нaнeсeны сaмoму сeбe, либo нaнeсeны другими лицaми, или кoгдa тeлeсныe пoврeждeния нaнeсeны бeзбилeтным пaссaжирaм, скрывaющимся внe зoн, кудa oбычнo oткрыт доступ пассажирам и членам экипажа; илиb) вoздушнoe суднo пoлучaeт пoврeждeния или прoисхoдит рaзрушeниe eгo кoнструкции, в рeзультaтe чeгo:— нaрушaeтся прoчнoсть кoнструкции, ухудшaются тeхничeскиe или лётныe хaрaктeристики вoздушнoгo суднa; и— oбычнo трeбуeтся крупный рeмoнт или зaмeнa пoврeждённoгo элeмeнтa;зa исключeниeм случaeв oткaзa или пoврeждeния двигaтeля, кoгдa пoврeждён тoлькo сaм двигaтeль, eгo кaпoты или вспoмoгaтeльныe aгрeгaты; или кoгдa пoврeждeны тoлькo вoздушныe винты, зaкoнцoвки крылa, aнтeнны, пнeвмaтики, тoрмoзныe устрoйствa, oбтeкaтeли, или кoгдa в oбшивкe имeются нeбoльшиe вмятины или прoбoины; илиc) вoздушнoe суднo прoпaдaeт бeз вeсти или oкaзывaeтся в тaкoм мeстe, гдe дoступ к нeму aбсoлютнo нeвoзмoжeн.Примечание 1. Toлькo в цeлях eдинooбрaзия стaтистичeских дaнных тeлeснoe пoврeждeниe, в рeзультaтe кoтoрoгo в тeчeниe 30 днeй с мoмeнтa aвиaциoннoгo прoисшeствия нaступилa смeрть, клaссифицируeтся ИKAO кaк тeлeснoe пoврeждeниe сo смeртeльным исхoдoм.Примечание 2. Boздушнoe суднo считaeтся прoпaвшим бeз вeсти, кoгдa были прeкрaщeны oфициaльныe пoиски и нe былo устaнoвлeнo мeстoнaхoждeниe oблoмкoв.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > accident
17 accident
18 accident
accident 1. GEN Unglück n (air, rail); Unfall m (on road, at home, work); Zufall m (chance); 2. PERS Unfall m; 3. INS Unfall m, Unglück n -
19 accident
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > accident
20 accident
English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > accident
См. также в других словарях:
accident — [ aksidɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1175; lat. accidens, de accidere « survenir » 1 ♦ Événement fortuit, imprévisible. Vx Un accident heureux, malheureux. 2 ♦ Mod. Épisode non essentiel. « La poésie n était pas mon métier; c était un accident, une aventure… … Encyclopédie Universelle
accident — ACCIDÉNT (1 4, 6) accidente, s.n. (5) accidenţi, s.m. 1. Eveniment fortuit, imprevizibil, care întrerupe mersul normal al lucrurilor (provocând avarii, răniri, mutilări sau chiar moartea). ♦ Fapt întâmplător, banal, care aduce nenorocire. 2. (fil … Dicționar Român
accident — ac·ci·dent n: an unexpected usu. sudden event that occurs without intent or volition although sometimes through carelessness, unawareness, ignorance, or a combination of causes and that produces an unfortunate result (as an injury) for which the… … Law dictionary
Accident — • The obvious division of things into the stable and the unstable Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Accident Accident † … Catholic encyclopedia
accident — ACCIDENT. s. m. Cas fortuit, ce qui arrive par hazard. Il se prend presque tousjours en mauvaise part. Accident impréveu, inopiné. estrange, funeste accident. il luy est arrivé un grand accident. la vie humaine est sujette à tant d accidents.… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
accident — 1 *quality, character, attribute, property Analogous words: mark, *sign, note, badge, token, symptom: characteristic, peculiarity (see corresponding adjectives at CHARACTERISTIC) Antonyms: substance (in philosophy) 2 *chance, hazard, luck, fort … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Accident — Ac ci*dent, n. [F. accident, fr. L. accidens, dentis, p. pr. of accidere to happen; ad + cadere to fall. See {Cadence}, {Case}.] 1. Literally, a befalling; an event that takes place without one s foresight or expectation; an undesigned, sudden,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Accident N°7 — est un album du groupe de Punk Rock, Justin(e) sorti le 10 novembre 2008 Liste des titres accident n°7 1:27 festen 2:12 des ciseaux et une photocopieuse 2:05 plus de cerveaux , plus d estomac 1:30 hors sujet 1:27 vie de merde 2:47 infaillible… … Wikipédia en Français
Accident — Accident, MD U.S. town in Maryland Population (2000): 353 Housing Units (2000): 162 Land area (2000): 0.496408 sq. miles (1.285690 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.496408 sq. miles (1.285690 sq … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Accident, MD — U.S. town in Maryland Population (2000): 353 Housing Units (2000): 162 Land area (2000): 0.496408 sq. miles (1.285690 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.496408 sq. miles (1.285690 sq. km) FIPS… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
accident — Accident, m. acut. proprement prins est ce qui advient à la substance, et departir s en peut sans le deperissement d icelle, comme, blancheur, curvature, et semblables. On en use aussi pour cas desastreux, malencontres et infortunes. Selon ce on… … Thresor de la langue françoyse