1 ♦ accident
♦ accident /ˈæksɪdənt/n.1 incidente; disgrazia; infortunio (ass.); sinistro (ass.): accident victim, vittima di un incidente; sinistrato (ass.); car accident, incidente automobilistico (o d'auto); road accident, incidente stradale; a fatal accident, un incidente mortale; a freak accident, un incidente imprevedibile; accidents in the home, incidenti domestici; There has been an accident, c'è stato un incidente; è successa una disgrazia; to have an accident, avere un incidente; (fam.) combinare un guaio; (eufem.) bagnarsi, sporcarsi; Accidents will happen, sono cose che capitano; può succedere a tutti; to meet with an accident, avere un incidente; to report an accident, denunciare un incidente; It all went without accident, tutto si svolse senza incidenti NOTA D'USO: - incident o accident?-2 caso; evento fortuito: a mere accident, un puro caso; by accident, per caso; accidentalmente; by accident of birth, semplicemente per nascita; It was no accident that…, non fu un caso che…; non fu per caso che…3 (filos.) accidente● (GB) accident and emergency ( department), (reparto di) pronto soccorso □ accident-free, senza incidenti; esente da incidenti □ (org. az.) accident frequency rate, tasso di frequenza degli incidenti sul lavoro □ accident insurance, assicurazione contro gli infortuni □ accident prevention, prevenzione contro gli infortuni; infortunistica □ accident-prone, soggetto a frequenti incidenti; facile agli incidenti □ accident-proneness, facilità agli incidenti; sinistrosità (ass.) □ an accident waiting to happen, una disgrazia annunciata □ by accident or by design, per caso o intenzionalmente. -
2 waiting
['weɪtɪŋ] 1.nome attesa f.2."no waiting" — "divieto di sosta e fermata"
* * *waiting /ˈweɪtɪŋ/n. [u]● waiting game, gioco d'attesa; temporeggiamento; attendismo □ (ric. op.) waiting-line theory, teoria delle code □ waiting list, lista d'attesa □ waiting maid, cameriera personale □ (ass.) waiting period, periodo d'aspettativa ( prima del pagamento d'un indennizzo) □ (comput.) waiting queue, coda d'attesa □ waiting room, sala d'aspetto (o d'attesa) □ an accident waiting to happen, un incidente prevedibile; una sciagura annunciata □ ( sport e fig.) to play a waiting game, fare un gioco d'attesa; tirare a guadagnare tempo □ (fig.) person who plays a waiting game, attendista □ (autom.) «No waiting» ( cartello), «divieto di fermata».* * *['weɪtɪŋ] 1.nome attesa f.2."no waiting" — "divieto di sosta e fermata"
См. также в других словарях:
accident waiting to happen — If something is an accident waiting to happen, there s definitely going to be an accident or it s bound to go wrong. ( Disaster waiting to happen is also used.) … The small dictionary of idiomes
accident waiting to happen — see ↑accident • • • Main Entry: ↑wait … Useful english dictionary
accident waiting to happen — If something is an accident waiting to happen, there s definitely going to be an accident or it s bound to go wrong. ( Disaster waiting to happen is also used.) (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
accident waiting to happen — noun A thing or situation which is almost certain to eventually lead to an accident Someone needs to repair that worn out old bridge, its an accident waiting to happen! … Wiktionary
an accident waiting to happen — a very dangerous situation in which an accident is very likely. The speed that people drive along this road, it s an accident waiting to happen … New idioms dictionary
an accident waiting to happen — 1) a situation that is likely to cause an accident An ageing nuclear reactor is an accident waiting to happen. 2) someone who behaves in a way that is likely to cause trouble … English dictionary
waiting to happen — phrase used for saying that something very bad is likely to develop from a particular situation There may be more riots waiting to happen. It’s an accident waiting to happen. Thesaurus: to be certain or likely to happensynonym general words… … Useful english dictionary
waiting to happen — used for saying that something very bad is likely to develop from a particular situation There may be more riots waiting to happen. It s an accident waiting to happen … English dictionary
(an) accident waiting to happen — … Useful english dictionary
an accident waiting to happen — 1) a potentially disastrous situation, typically caused by negligent or faulty procedures 2) a person certain to cause trouble … Useful english dictionary
(an) accident disaster waiting to happen — an ˌaccident/a diˌsaster waiting to ˈhappen idiom a thing or person that is very likely to cause danger or a problem in the future because of the condition it is in or the way they behave Main entry: ↑waitidiom … Useful english dictionary