1 accident
noun1) (unlucky event) Unfall, derroad accident — Verkehrsunfall, der
3) (mistake) Versehen, das4) (mishap) Missgeschick, das* * *['æksidənt]1) (an unexpected happening, often harmful, causing injury etc: There has been a road accident.) der Unfall2) (chance: I met her by accident.) der Zufall•- academic.ru/334/accidental">accidental- accidentally* * *ac·ci·dent[ˈæksɪdənt]nroad \accident Verkehrsunfall mtrain/plane \accident Zug-/Flugzeugunglück nt\accident at work Arbeitsunfall mto have an \accident einen Unfall habenhe had an \accident with the carving knife er hat sich mit dem Tranchiermesser verletztwithout \accident gefahrlossorry, it was an \accident tut mir leid, es war keine Absichtby \accident aus Versehenby \accident zufälligit is no/pure \accident that... es ist kein/reiner Zufall, dass...I'm afraid I've had an \accident mir ist leider ein Missgeschick passiertmy son's just had an \accident meinem Sohn ist gerade ein [kleines] Malheur passiert7.▶ \accidents will happen so was kommt vor▶ \accidents will happen in the best regulated families so etwas kommt in den besten Familien vor▶ it was an \accident waiting to happen es musste ja so kommen* * *['ksIdənt]n (MOTin home, at work) Unfall m; (RAIL, AVIAT = disaster) Unglück nt; (= mishap) Missgeschick nt; (= chance occurrence) Zufall m; (inf = unplanned child) (Verkehrs)unfall m (inf)accident and emergency department/unit — Notfallstation f, Notaufnahme f
she has had an accident — sie hat einen Unfall gehabt or (caused it) gebaut (inf); (in car, train etc also) sie ist verunglückt; (in kitchen etc)
little Jimmy has had an accident (euph) — dem kleinen Jimmy ist ein Malheur passiert (inf)
without accident (of driver, car) — unfallfrei
who by an accident of birth possessed riches — der zufälligerweise reich geboren wurde
accidents will happen (prov) — so was kann vorkommen, so was kommt in den besten Familien vor (inf)
it was pure accident that... — es war reiner Zufall, dass...
it's no accident that... — es ist kein Zufall, dass...; (not surprisingly) es kommt nicht von ungefähr, dass...
* * *accident [ˈæksıdənt] s1. Zufall m, zufälliges Ereignis:a) zufällig,b) versehentlich2. PHIL Akzidens n, (das) Zufällige3. Unfall m, Unglück(sfall) n(m):be (involved) in an accident in einen Unfall verwickelt sein;she had an accident in the kitchen ihr ist in der Küche ein Malheur oder Missgeschick passiert;accidents can happen es kann immer etwas dazwischenkommen;accidents will happen das kommt schon einmal vor;this was an accident waiting to happen das musste ja so kommen, das war vorprogrammiert;be killed in an accident bei einem Unfall ums Leben kommen, tödlich verunglücken;accident at work Arbeitsunfall;without accident unfallfrei;seven-car accident Unfall, in den sieben Autos verwickelt sind;accident annuity Unfallrente f;accident benefit Unfallentschädigung f;accident-free driving unfallfreies Fahren;accident insurance Unfallversicherung f;accident-prone besonders unfallgefährdet;“accident repairs” „Unfallinstandsetzung“;accident report Unfallbericht m;accident research Unfallforschung f;accident victim Unfallopfer n4. Unfallort m:* * *noun1) (unlucky event) Unfall, derroad accident — Verkehrsunfall, der
3) (mistake) Versehen, das4) (mishap) Missgeschick, das* * *n.Missgeschick n.Unfall -¨e m.Unglück -e n.Unglücksfall m. -
2 accident
ac·ci·dent [ʼæksɪdənt] nroad \accident Verkehrsunfall m;\accident at work Arbeitsunfall m;to have an \accident einen Unfall haben;he had an \accident with the carving knife er hat sich mit dem Tranchiermesser verletzt;without \accident gefahrlossorry, it was an \accident tut mir leid, es war keine Absicht;by \accident aus Versehenby \accident zufällig;more by \accident than design eher zufällig als geplant;it is no/pure \accident that... es ist kein/reiner Zufall, dass...I'm afraid I've had an \accident mir ist leider ein Missgeschick passiert;my son's just had an \accident meinem Sohn ist gerade ein [kleines] Malheur passiert;PHRASES:\accidents will happen so was kommt vor;\accidents will happen in the best regulated families so etwas kommt in den besten Familien vor;it was an \accident waiting to happen es musste ja so kommen
См. также в других словарях:
accident waiting to happen — If something is an accident waiting to happen, there s definitely going to be an accident or it s bound to go wrong. ( Disaster waiting to happen is also used.) … The small dictionary of idiomes
accident waiting to happen — see ↑accident • • • Main Entry: ↑wait … Useful english dictionary
accident waiting to happen — If something is an accident waiting to happen, there s definitely going to be an accident or it s bound to go wrong. ( Disaster waiting to happen is also used.) (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
accident waiting to happen — noun A thing or situation which is almost certain to eventually lead to an accident Someone needs to repair that worn out old bridge, its an accident waiting to happen! … Wiktionary
an accident waiting to happen — a very dangerous situation in which an accident is very likely. The speed that people drive along this road, it s an accident waiting to happen … New idioms dictionary
an accident waiting to happen — 1) a situation that is likely to cause an accident An ageing nuclear reactor is an accident waiting to happen. 2) someone who behaves in a way that is likely to cause trouble … English dictionary
waiting to happen — phrase used for saying that something very bad is likely to develop from a particular situation There may be more riots waiting to happen. It’s an accident waiting to happen. Thesaurus: to be certain or likely to happensynonym general words… … Useful english dictionary
waiting to happen — used for saying that something very bad is likely to develop from a particular situation There may be more riots waiting to happen. It s an accident waiting to happen … English dictionary
(an) accident waiting to happen — … Useful english dictionary
an accident waiting to happen — 1) a potentially disastrous situation, typically caused by negligent or faulty procedures 2) a person certain to cause trouble … Useful english dictionary
(an) accident disaster waiting to happen — an ˌaccident/a diˌsaster waiting to ˈhappen idiom a thing or person that is very likely to cause danger or a problem in the future because of the condition it is in or the way they behave Main entry: ↑waitidiom … Useful english dictionary