1 acceleration time delay
2 acceleration time delay
дв. увеличение времени приёмистостиEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > acceleration time delay
3 delay
запаздывание; задержка; отставаниеacceleration time delayaerodynamic delaycomputational delaycontrol loop delaycontrol system time delayeffective delayequivalent delayfeel system delayflight path delayflight path angle delayholding delayhuman delaylateral delaymode change delayobservation delayopen-loop delaypath stretching delaypilot delaypilot model time delaypilot's observation time delaypressure wave delaypure delayschedule delaytime delaytransport delayvisual delay -
4 delay
задержка, запаздывание -
5 time
acceleration timeвремя приемистостиacceleration time adjusterдроссельный пакет регулирования времени приемистостиactual airborne timeвремя фактического нахождения в воздухеactual time of arrivalфактическое время прибытияairborne timeполетное времяallowable time limitдопустимый предел наработкиapparent solar timeсветлое время сутокapparent timeфактическое времяapproach timeвремя захода на посадкуarrival timeвремя прибытияbasic overhaul timeмежремонтный ресурсblock timeвремя налетаblock-to-block timeвремя в рейсеboarding timeвремя посадки пассажировcaging timeвремя арретированияcalendar timeкалендарный срок службыcheck - in timeвремя начала регистрацииcheck-in time limitвремя окончания регистрацииcheckpoint time passageвремя пролета контрольной точкиchock-to-chock timeвремя в рейсеcorrect timeточное времяcredit flight timeвести учет полетного времениdelay timeвремя задержкиdeparture actual timeфактическое время вылетаdeparture timeвремя вылетаdown timeвремя простояdue timeвремя по расписаниюduration timeпродолжительностьelapsed timeистекшее времяelapsed time codeкод истекшего времениelapsed time counterсчетчик наработкиelapsed time handстрелка полетного времениelapsed time indicatorуказатель времени наработкиengine ground test timeвремя опробования двигателя на землеengine operating timeнаработка двигателяengine runin timeвремя обкатки двигателяestimated elapsed timeрасчетное время до назначенной точкиestimated time checkpointрасчетное времяestimated time en-routeрасчетное время в путиestimated time of arrivalрасчетное время прибытияestimated time of departureрасчетное время вылетаestimated time of flightрасчетное время полетаestimated time over significant pointрасчетное время пролета определенной точкиexpected approach timeпредполагаемое время захода на посадкуfixed time prognostic chartкарта прогнозов на заданное времяflight timeполетное времяflight time limitationограничение полетного времениflotation timeвремя плавучестиflying dual instruction timeвремя налета с инструкторомflying duty timeвремя налетаflying time todayполетное время, продолжительность полета в данный деньflyover timeвремя пролетаfueling timeвремя заправки топливомGreenwich apparent timeистинное время по ГринвичуGreenwich mean timeсреднее гринвичское времяGreenwich sideral timeзвездное время по гринвичскому меридиануground operating timeнаработка на землеground timeвремя простоя на землеground turn-around timeвремя, необходимое на полное обслуживание и загрузкуgyro erection timeвремя восстановления гироскопаhour's flying timeвремя налета в часахinstrument flying simulated timeвремя налета по приборам на тренажереinstrument flying timeвремя налета по приборамinstrument ground timeвремя наземной тренировки по приборамinstrument timeприборное времяlanding gear extention timeвремя выпуска шассиlatest checking timeвремя прекращения регистрацииlevel flight timeвремя горизонтального полетаlimit flight timeограничивать полетное времяlocal apparent timeистинное местное времяlocal mean timeсреднее местное времяlocal timeместное времяmaintenance ground timeвремя простоя на техническим обслуживанииmark timeотмечать времяmean-down timeсреднее время простояmean European timeсреднеевропейское времяmean time between failureсреднее время наработки между отказамиminimum installation timeминимальное время установкиminimum time trackмаршрут минимального времени полетаnight flying timeвремя налета в ночных условияхnormalizing time constantнормирующая постоянная времениnote the timeзасекать времяoff-block timeвремя начала руленияoff timeвремя вылетаon-to off timeпериод включенного состоянияoperating timeсрок службыoperation time limitмаксимально допустимое время работыorigin timeвремя вылетаoutbound timeвремя полета по внешнему контуруoverhaul timeмежремонтный срок службыpart time operationsвременные полетыpilot duty timeрабочее время пилотаradio time signalрадиосигнал точного времениramp-to-ramp timeвремя в рейсеreporting timeвремя начала регистрацииresponse timeвремя срабатыванияrun-down occupancy timeвремя нахождения на ВППrun-down timeвремя выбегаrun timeвремя разбегаscheduled departure timeвремя вылета по расписаниюservicing timeпродолжительность обслуживанияsolar timeсветлое время сутокsolo flying timeвремя самолетного полетаstandard timeпоясное времяsynchronized time signalсигнал синхронизации по времениtakeoff timeвремя взлетаtaxiing timeвремя руленияtime adjusterдроссельный пакетtime beltчасовой поясtime between failuresнаработка между отказамиtime between overhaulsмежремонтный ресурсtime calibrationтарировка по времениtime checkпроверка времениtimed approachзаход на посадку, нормированный по времениtime handed inвремя поступления сообщенияtime historyкарта замера при определенных часах наработкиtime in serviceвремя эксплуатацииtime in the airналет часовtime keepingотсчет времениtime lagотставание по времениtime limitограничение по времениtime markотметка времениtime markerотметчик времениtime markingотсчет времениtime of lagвремя запаздыванияtime of originвремя отправленияtime reference codingкодирование по опорному времениtime the valvesрегулировать газораспределениеtime to climb toвремя набора заданной высотыtime zoneчасовой поясtotal flying timeобщее время взлетаtraffic release timeвремя прекращения действия ограничения на воздушное движениеtrip timeвремя полета по маршрутуturnaround timeвремя на подготовку к обратному рейсуwheels-off timeвремя налетаwheels-on timeвремя нахождения на землеzone timeпоясное времяzulu timeсреднее гринвичское время -
6 time
время; период; продолжительность; pl. отсчёты времени; рассчитывать или замерять по времени; измерять времяfixed throttle point burn time — ркт. время работы двигателя с постоянной тягой
hover propellant burning time — время работы двигателей, обеспечивающих зависание (ЛА)
landing gear retraction time — время [продолжительность] уборки шасси
minimum annual flying time — установленный минимальный годовой налёт лётчика [члена экипажа]
running time between inspections — дв. наработка между осмотрами
time of thrust application — время действия тяги, время работы ракетного двигателя
time of velocity correction — время корректирования [регулирования] скорости
time to Mach 2 — время разгона до числа М=2
time to the ground — время до столкновения с землёй [до падения на землю]
total fleet engine time — общая [суммарная] наработка двигателей всего самолётного парка
— arm time— jet time— run time— T time— up time— web time— X time -
7 time
1) время
2) времена
3) временной
4) година
5) раз
6) хронировать
7) хронометражный
8) хронометрировать
9) срок
10) период
11) отмечать время
12) времяобразный
13) пора
14) такт
15) продолжительность
16) измерять
17) отсчитывать
18) синхронизировать
19) момент
– a longer time
– access time
– after-glow time
– all the time
– allowed time
– alloying time
– application time
– arrival time
– at that time
– at the same time
– auxiliary time
– beat time
– blanking time
– blowing time
– booking time
– braking time
– build-up time
– burn-out time
– by this time
– capture time
– charging time
– check-out time
– circuit time
– circulation time
– civil time
– clearing time
– coherence time
– computing time
– connection time
– continuous time
– conversion time
– count up time
– countdown time
– counting time
– curing time
– current-rise time
– cut-off time
– cycle time
– damping time
– de-excitation time
– dead time
– debug time
– decay time
– delay time
– demand time
– departure time
– detection time
– discharge time
– distribution in time
– down time
– drift time
– dwell time
– ephemeris time
– equation of time
– equilibration time
– estimated time
– excitation time
– exposure time
– fall time
– filing time
– fixed time
– flashing time
– flight time
– for a long time
– for the first time
– for the second time
– gelatination time
– generation time
– good time
– heat time
– hold time
– holding time
– hunting time
– idle time
– improvement time
– in real time
– in time
– in-service time
– installation time
– instant time
– integration time
– interaction time
– keep time
– lag time
– lead time
– legal time
– life time
– load time
– local time
– locking time
– longitude in time
– lost time
– machine time
– machining time
– manual time
– molding time
– Moscow time
– most of the time
– negative time
– next time
– nitriding time
– non real time
– off-air time
– operate time
– operation time
– paid time
– passage time
– payment on time
– periodic time
– pertaining to time
– point in time
– port time
– predetermined time
– preparation time
– preset time
– processing time
– production time
– propagation time
– pull-in time
– pulse time
– pulse-delay time
– pump-down time
– pumping time
– quantization time
– reaction time
– read-out time
– readout time
– real time
– reclosing time
– recognition time
– recording time
– recovery time
– recurrence time
– relaxation time
– release time
– releasing time
– reset time
– resolving time
– response time
– resting time
– retention time
– retrace time
– retrieval time
– return time
– reverberation time
– ringing time
– rise time
– rolling time
– running time
– sampling time
– saving of time
– schedule time
– scheduled time
– screwdown time
– selection time
– separation in time
– settling time
– setup time
– sidereal time
– slew time
– slot time
– slowing-down time
– soaking time
– solar time
– splitting time
– stabilization time
– standard time
– starting time
– storage time
– survival time
– switching time
– teardown time
– time acceleration
– time average
– time averaging
– time behaviour
– time card
– time cargo
– time cell
– time check
– time coherence
– time compression
– time compressor
– time constant
– time correlation
– time delay
– time demodulation
– time dependence
– time derivative
– time diagram
– time dilatation
– time discriminator
– time diversity
– time division
– time effect
– time fuse
– time grading
– time history
– time in flight
– time in rolls
– time integral
– time interval
– time inversion
– time lag
– time lag of switching
– time line
– time magnifier
– time mark
– time marker
– time meter
– time modulation
– time multiplex
– time multiplexing
– time of circulation
– time of cure
– time of exposure
– time of flight
– time of operation
– time of propagation
– time of release
– time of response
– time of solution
– time off
– time on
– time per piece
– time quadrature
– time relay
– time release
– time resolution
– time response
– time sampling
– time scale
– time scaling
– time scanning
– time sequence
– time sharing
– time shift
– time signal
– time slicing
– time slot
– time span
– time spread
– time star
– time step-interval
– time to failure
– time to go
– time to rupture
– time variation
– time zone
– transient time
– transit time
– transition time
– trapping time
– travel time
– true time
– turn-off time
– turn-on time
– unit time
– universal time
– unoccupied time
– upsetting time
– valve-opening time
– viewing time
– waiting time
– warm-up time
– word time
– zero time
– zone time
crystal-controlled time marker — кварцованная временная метка
electric time locking — < railways> электрозамыкание временное
from time to time — временами, по временам
from time to time — временами, по временам
injection-and-transit time diode — инжекционно-пролетный диод
local apparent time — <astr.> время истинное местное
mean solar time — среднее солнечное время, <astr.> время солнечное истинное
non-radiative relaxation time — время бызызлучательной релаксации
one-pulse time delay — задержка импульса на один главный импульс, задержка импульса на один разряд
preparation and finishing-up time — <industr.> время подготовительно-заключительное
pulse rise time — время нарастания импульса, длительность фронта импульса
time and percussion fuse — <engin.> взрыватель комбинированного действия дистанционный
time domain spectroscopy — <opt.> спектроскопия временная
time interval system — < railways> разграничение поездов временем
time magnifying study — <engin.> лупа времени
8 time
1) время || измерять [определять\] время; отмечать время; хронометрировать2) период [интервал\] времени4) срок; длительность, продолжительность5) темп; такт6) хронировать; синхронизировать; осуществлять привязку по времени7) регулировать взаимное положение фаз периодических процессов•time on — время включения; продолжительность пребывания во включенном состоянии;time to failure — наработка на отказ;time to repair — 1. наработка до ремонта 2. время ремонта-
absolute time
acceleration time
acceptance time
access time
acquisition time
action time
active repair time
actual airborne time
actual time
actuation time
addition time
add time
addressing time
administrative time
advance time
ageing time
aging time
air cutting time
air time
alignment time
annealing time
apparent time
arcing time
arc time
arrestment time
arrival time
assembly time
astronomical time
atomic time
attack time
attenuation time
average time
averaging time
backup time
baking time
base transit time
basin lag time
batch-free time
block-to-block time
blowing time
braking time
break contact release time
bridging time
bubble penetration time
bubble waiting time
build up time
burning time
burn-off time
burst time
caging time
calendar time
capture time
carbonizing time
carrier transit time
cell production time
chambering time
changeover time
characteristic time
charge time
check-in time
chill time
chock-to-chock time
civil time
clear time
clearing time
clipping time
closing time
compilation time
computer time
conditioning time
contact time
continuous recording time
continuous time
conversion time
cooking time
cool time
critical time
cumulative cutting time
cumulative operating time
cure time
current impulse time
current time
current-rise time
cutoff time
cutting time
cutting-in time
cycle time
damping time
data-hold time
daylight saving time
dead time
debatable time
debugging time
debug time
decay time
deceleration time
definite minimum inverse operating time
definite operating time
deionization time
delay time
departure time
detention time
development time
discharge time
disconnection time
discrete time
divide time
door-to-door time
down time
drift-transit time
drift time
drive time
dropout time
dust-free time
dwelling time
dwell time
early finish time
early start time
effective time
elapsed time
emptying time
engine ground test time
engine operating time
engine run-in time
engineering time
entry time
ephemeris time
erase time
error-free running time
estimated elapsed time
estimated time of checkpoint
execution time
exposure time
extinction time
fall time
fast time
fault clearing time
fault time
fetch time
firing time
first copy-out time
flash-off time
flight block time
flight dual instruction time
flight duty time
flight time
flooding time
floor-to-floor time
flotation time
flushing time
flyover time
forepumping time
forge time
freezing time
fuel-doubling time
fueling time
fuel-residence time
full operating time
fusing time
gate-controlled delay time
gate-controlled rise time
gate-controlled turn-on time
gate-controlled-turn-off time
gating time
generation time
Greenwich mean time
gross-coking time
ground operating time
group delay time
guard time
gyro erection time
handling time
heat time
high-water time
holding time
hold time
hold-off time
idle running time
idle time
ignition time
impulse front time
impulse tail time
incidental time
ineffective time
initial setting time
in-pile time
installation time
instruction time
instrument flight time
interaction time
interarrival time
interpulse time
interrupting time
intrinsic time
ionization time
keeping time
lag time of flow
lag time
landing gear extension time
latency time
lead time
leading-edge time
life time
local time
lockage time
locking time
low-water time
machine time
maintenance time
make contact operating time
make contact release time
make time
make-break time
manipulation time
Markov's time
Markov time
maximum permissible short-circuit clearing time
mean time between failures
mean time between power failures
melting time
mill delay time
mill pacing time
mixing time
modal transit time
monolayer time
moving time
multiplication time
near-real time
Newtonian time
no-load running time
nonreal time
normally-closed contact release time
nuclear time
nucleation time
object time
observation time
off time
off-stream time
on time
on-stream time
opening time
operating time
operator's time
optimized contact time
orbit phasing time
outage time
output voltage setup time
overall cycle time
paralysis time
partial operating time
particle residence time
peak-load time
periodic time
pickup time
plasma time
playing time
poison override time
predetermined time
preroll time
preset time
press down time
pressure resistance time
prestrike time
production pitch time
productive time
program fetch time
program testing time
propagation delay time
propagation time
proper time
pulling-out time
pull-out time
pull-in time
pull-up time
pulse fall time
pulse rise time
pulse time
ramp time
reaction time
read time
readiness time
reading readout time
reading time
real time
recession time
reclosing dead time
reclosing time
recovery time
reference time
release time
remaining life time
repair time
reset time
residence time
response time
restoration time
retention time
retrace time
retrieval time
reverberation time
reversal time
rewind time
rig time
rig total operating time
rig-down time
rig-up time
rise time
rolling time
roughing time
round-trip time
route-setting time
run time
run-down time
running time
running-down time
running-in time
run-up time
scheduled departure time
screen time
search time
seed-free time
seek time
selection time
self-extinction time
service time
serviceable time
servicing time
set time
setting time
settling time
setup time
shelf time
shipping time
ship time
shot time
sidereal time
signal modulation time
signal transit time
simulated time
sludging time
snubbing time
soaking time
solar time
sowing time
specified time
spending time
spray-on time
stabilization time
standard time
standing time
starting time
start time
station time
stay-down time
stock-descent time
stop time
stopping time
storage time
subtraction time
subtract time
succession time
summer time
sweep time
switchgear operating time
switching time
switchover time
tack-free time
takedown time
tap-to-tap time
task time
thermal death time
throughput time
time of arrival
time of coincidence
time of delivery
time of fall
time of flight
time of persistence
time of swing
tool-in-cut time
track time
traffic release time
trailing-edge time
trailing time
transfer time
transient time
transit time
transition time
translating time
transmission time
traveling time
travel time
trigger time
trip time
troubleshooting time
true time
turnaround time
turn-off time
turn-on time
turnover time
turnround time
unit time
universal time
up time
useful time
vehicle-off-the-road time
viewing time
waiting time
wait time
waiting-on-cement time
warm-up time
wavefront time
wavetail time
write time
Zebra time
zero time
zonal time
Zulu time -
9 time
1) время; период времени2) момент времени || отмечать время3) хронометрировать; рассчитывать по времени4) синхронизировать; согласовывать во времени•- access time
- accumulated operating time
- action time
- activity slack time
- actual activity completion time
- actual time
- actuation time
- addition time
- add time
- add-subtract time
- arrival time
- assembly time
- attended time
- available machine time
- average operation time
- awaiting-repair time
- binding time
- bit time
- build-up time
- calculating time
- carry-over time
- carry time
- chip-access delay time
- circuit time
- clear-write time
- coding time
- compile time
- computation time
- computer dead time
- computer time
- computer useful time
- computing time
- connect time
- control time
- crash time
- crisis time
- cycle time
- data time
- data-retention time
- dead time
- debatable time
- debugging time
- debug time
- decay time
- deceleration time
- delay time
- design time
- destination time
- development time
- digit time
- discrete time
- divide time
- down time
- earliest expected time
- effective time
- engineering time
- entry time
- error-free running time
- estimated time
- event scheduled completion time
- event slack time
- event time
- execution cycle time
- execution time
- expected activity time
- fall time
- fault correction time
- fault location time
- fault time
- fetch time
- float time
- form movement time
- forward-current rise time
- gate time
- good time
- guard time
- handshaking time
- holding time
- hold time
- idle time
- improvement time
- incidental time
- ineffective time
- inoperable time
- installation time
- instruction time
- integrator time
- interaction time
- interarrival time
- interrogation time
- latency time
- latest allowable event time
- load time
- lock-grant time
- lock-holding time
- logarithmic time
- machine available time
- machine spoiled work time
- machine spoiled time
- machine time
- maintenance time
- makeup time
- manual time
- mean error-free time
- mean repair time
- mean time between errors
- mean time between failures
- mean time to repair
- memory cycle time
- miscellaneous time
- mission time
- most likely time
- multiply time
- no-charge machine fault time
- no-charge non-machine-fault time
- no-charge time
- nonfailure operating time
- nonreal time
- nonscheduled down time
- nonscheduled maintenance time
- object time
- occurrence time
- off time
- on time
- one-pulse time
- operating time
- operation time
- operation-use time
- optimistic time
- out-of-service time
- peaking time
- peak time
- pessimistic time
- polynomial time
- pool time
- positioning time
- power up time
- pre-assembly time
- precedence waiting time
- preset time
- preventive maintenance time
- print interlock time
- problem time
- processing time
- process time
- processor cycle time
- production time
- productive time
- program execution time
- program fetch time
- program testing time
- progration time
- propagation delay time
- proving time
- pulse time
- punch start time
- read time
- reading access time
- readout time
- read-restore time
- real time
- record check time
- recovery time
- reference time
- refresh time
- reimbursed time
- repair delay time
- repair time
- representative computing time
- request-response time
- resetting time
- resolution time
- resolving time
- response time
- restoration time
- restoring time
- retrieval time
- reversal time
- reverse-current fall time
- rewind time
- rise time
- round-trip time
- routine maintenance time- run time- sampling time
- scaled real time
- scheduled time
- schedule time
- scheduled down time
- scheduled operating time
- scramble time
- screen storage time
- search time
- seek time
- send-receive-forward time
- sensitive time
- service time
- serviceable time
- setting time
- settling time
- setup time
- simulated time
- s-n transition time
- standby time
- starting time
- start time
- start-up time
- stop time
- storage cycle time
- storage time
- subtraction time
- subtract time
- superconducting-normal transition time
- supplementary maintenance time
- swap time
- switch delay time
- switch time
- switching time
- system time
- takedown time
- task time
- testing time
- throughput time
- time between failures
- time for motion to start
- time now
- total time
- track-to-track move time
- transfer time
- transit time
- transition time
- translating time
- true time
- turnaround time
- turnoff time
- turnon time
- turnover time
- unacked time
- unattended standby time
- unattended time
- unavailable time
- unit time
- unused time
- up time
- useful time
- user time
- variable dead time
- waiting time
- word time
- word-addressing time
- write timeEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > time
10 time
время; период; продолжительность || устанавливать время; распределять время; рассчитывать по времени; согласовывать во времени; синхронизироватьtime in use — время использования; время работы (напр. инструмента)
time on machine — время пребывания ( обрабатываемой детали) на станке
- acceleration timeto cut time — сокращать время (напр. обработки)
- access time
- activation time
- active maintenance time
- active repair time
- activity time
- actual in-cut time
- addition time
- additional time
- adjustable laser ramp-up time
- administrative time
- aggregate travel time
- air-cutting time
- arcing time of pole
- assembly time
- assessed mean time to failure
- ATC time
- attended running time
- attenuation time
- auxiliary time
- available machine time
- available machining time
- available time
- average access time
- average time
- base cycle time
- batch change time
- batch lead time
- batch run time
- block execution time
- block processing time
- bounce time
- braking time to standstill
- braking time
- break time
- breakdown time
- bridging time
- build time
- build-up time
- cam idle time
- cell production time
- changeover cut-to-cut time
- changeover time
- characteristic time
- charge time
- chip-cutting time
- chip-making time
- chip-to-chip toolchange time
- clock cycle time
- closing time
- combined travel/load time
- commissioning time
- component cycle time
- component inspection time
- component time
- computed machine time
- computing time
- control flow time
- control time
- conversion time
- correction time
- corrective maintenance time
- c-percentile storageability time
- c-percentile time to failure
- cumulative cutting time
- cure time
- current fall time
- current rise time
- cut time
- cutting time
- cut-to-cut time
- cycle time
- dead cycle time
- dead time
- debugging time
- delay time
- delivery time
- depalletizing time
- derivative action time
- derricking time
- detection time
- direct manufacture time
- disengaging time
- division time
- door-to-door time
- double-stroke time
- down time
- dry-cycle time
- dwell time
- effective cutting time
- effective dead time
- empty running time
- end-of-job time
- equispaced times
- equivalent running time for wear
- eroding time
- erosion time
- estimation time
- execution time
- exposure time
- fall time
- fast response time
- finishing time
- first-off machining time
- fitting time
- fixture lead time
- floor-to-floor time
- flow time
- forward recovery time
- frame time
- full brazing time
- full operating time
- full soldering time
- gate controlled turn-off delay time
- gate controlled turn-off fall time
- gate controlled turn-off time
- grinding time
- gripper-changing time
- head-changing time
- hobbing time
- holding time
- idle time
- index time
- indexing time
- innovation time
- in-process time
- integral action time
- interarrival time
- interoperation time
- interpolation delay time
- jaw-adjusting time
- job completion time
- job finish time
- laser interaction time
- laser shutter opening time
- laser weld tempering time
- laser-beam dwell time
- laser-beam interaction time
- lead time
- learning time
- loading time
- machine down time
- machine repair time
- machine run time
- machine slack time
- machine wait time
- machine-setting time
- machine-setup time
- machining floor-to-floor time
- machining time
- machining-cycle time
- maintenance down time
- maintenance time
- make time
- manual machining time
- manufacturing cycle time
- manufacturing lead time
- material to end product lead time
- maximum resetting time
- mean time between failures
- mean time to failure
- mean time to repair
- measuring run time
- metal-to-metal time
- minimum accelerating time
- minimum braking time
- move time
- moving time
- multiplication time
- NC machining time
- NC program debug time
- no-failure operating time
- noncut time
- noncutting time
- nonmachining time
- nonproductive machine time
- nonrequired time
- numerical processing time
- observed mean time to failure
- off-machine process time
- off-shift machine down time
- off-shift slack time
- opening time
- operate time
- operating spindle time
- operating time
- operation cycle time
- operation time
- operator's attention time
- operator's reaction time
- operator's time
- optimized contact time
- out-of-cut machine time
- out-of-cut time
- output cycle time
- overall cycle time
- overall lead time
- pallet change time
- pallet processing time
- pallet shuttle time
- parasitic time
- part turnaround time
- partial operating time
- part-waiting time
- payback time
- periodic time
- pickup time
- piece sequence time
- piece time
- planned loading time
- planning lead time
- planning time
- predicted mean time to failure
- preparatory time
- preset operating time before corrective adjustment
- preset operating time
- preset time
- probing time
- process response time
- process time
- processing time
- product development lead time
- product flow time
- product lead time
- production lead time
- production time per piece
- production time per unit
- production time
- productive time
- profiling time
- programming time
- prorated time
- protective power time
- pulse decay time
- pulse response time
- pulse rise time
- pulse time
- queue time
- queueing time
- rapid response time
- reading time
- readout time
- real time
- rechucking time
- recognition time
- recovery time
- release time
- releasing time
- remaining life time
- repair/down cost time
- required time
- reset time
- residence time of materials
- response time
- restoration time
- return time
- reverse recovery current fall time
- reverse recovery current rise time
- reverse recovery time
- rise time
- robot down time
- roughing time
- run time
- running time
- running-in time
- safety lead time
- sampling time
- scan time
- schedule time
- scheduled time
- sensing time
- series machining time
- service time of the tool
- servicing time
- servo update time
- setter time
- setting time
- settling time
- setup time
- ship time
- slack time
- soaking time
- software execution time
- specified no-failure operating time
- specified operating time
- specified time
- spindle cutting time
- spindle run time
- stabilization time
- stand time
- standard handling time
- standard piece time
- starting time
- start-up time
- station time
- station-to-station time
- step response time
- stopping time
- storage cycle time
- storage time
- storageability time
- switching time
- switch-over time
- system time
- table-indexing time
- tape-preparation time
- tape-turnaround time
- target build time
- target time
- teach time
- throughput time
- time of starting
- tool change time
- tool exchange time
- tool index time
- tool life time
- tool-cutting time
- tool-in-cut time
- tooling-response time
- tool-setup time
- tool-to-tool changing time
- total access time
- total changeover time
- total equivalent running time for strength
- total equivalent running time for wear
- total manufacturing cycle time
- total running time
- total sequence time
- to-the-minute time
- transfer time
- transient time
- transit time
- transition time
- traveling time
- turnaround time
- turn-off time
- turn-on time
- undetected failure time
- unit cycle time
- unit production time
- unit time
- up time
- update time
- updating time
- vehicle time per hour
- vehicle-use time
- waiting time
- wakeup time
- warm-up time
- wasted time
- work-change time
- work-cycle time
- work-in-process time
- wrench time
- zero ATC timeEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > time
11 time
время; период (времени), (временной) интервал; продолжительность; момент (времени)/ измерять [определять] время; рассчитывать по времени; согласовывать во времени; хронометрироватьtime between failurestime in turbulencetime on the wingtime spent maneuveringtime to acceleratetime to altitudetime to climbtime to doubletime to double amplitudetime to flytime to gotime to halftime to half amplitudetime to killtime to landtime to recovertime to wingborne flightacceleration timeairborne timeaircraft turn timeairframe timearrival timeavailable timebloom timeboarding timecheck timechop deceleration timeclimb timecomputing timeconflict-free landing timecontrol-law timecooling timecooling-down timecrater-filling timedecay timedelay timedeparture timedeplaning timedesign timedimensionless timedown timedwell timeelapsed maintenance timeengagement timeescape timeevacuation timeexposure timefinal timefiring timefleet flying timeflight timeflying timefull timeglideslope timegliding timegun timegun-firing timehead-down timehead-out timeice exposure timeicing timeinitial timeinspection timeinterarrival timelanding timemaintenance timemaintenance time per sortiemaintenance turn timemaintenance turnaround timemaneuver timemean time between maintenancemean time between removalmean time between shop visitsmean time to repairmean flight time between failuresmean logistic delay timeminimum separation timemission timemission cycle timemultiengined timeon-station timeoverhaul timepilot down timepower-on timepreview timeramp timerange timere-arm timeready timerefresh frame timerepair timeresponse timerunway occupancy timesampling timeseparation timesettling timesetup timesimulator timesimulator flight timesingle-engined flying timespool-up timeswitching timeterminal timetouchdown timetravel time point-to-pointturnaround timeup timevisual free timewaiting timewarning time -
12 time
time in the air — налёт часов; время пребывания в воздухе
time to climb to — время набора заданной высоты, скороподъёмность
— due time— off time— run time— to mark time -
13 time
время; период; срок- active braking time
- air application time
- braking time
- charging time
- cooling time
- cycle time
- delay time
- down time
- driver reaction time
- fueling time
- haulage time
- heating-up time
- hill-climb time
- idle time
- journey time
- lost time
- mean time to failure
- opening time
- operating time
- passing time
- pickup time
- pre-heating time
- reaction time
- removal time
- response time
- run time
- running time
- running-in time
- service time
- servicing time
- slowing time
- standing time
- starting time
- test evaluation time
- traveling time
- trip time
- turn-around time
- useful time
- warm-up time* * * -
14 time
1) время, период (промежуток) временисм. тж. absolute time, acceleration time, access time, add time, arrival time, bit time, boot time, build time, communication time, completion time, context-switch time, cycle time, dead time, delay time, discrete time, download time, execution time, face time, fall time, fetch time, hit time, holding time, response time, run time, sampling time, search time, seek time, settling time, slot time, start time, system time, thread time, time bomb, time interval, time stamp, time zone2) длительность, продолжительность, срок3) момент времени, точка во временисм. тж. decision time4) назначать время; составлять расписание, график; планировать время, рассчитывать [по времени]5) временнойАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > time
15 time
1. время; продолжительность2. согласовывать во времениto tell the time — показывать время; показывать, который час
time interrupt — временное прерывание; прерывание по времени
3. регулировать цикличность действия4. хронометрироватьacceleration time — время разгона, время достижения рабочей скорости
casting time — время отливки ; периодичность отливки
down time — простой, время простоя
exposure time — время экспонирования, выдержка
idle time — простой; время простоя
ineffective time — простой, время простоя
makeready time — время, затрачиваемое на приправку или наладку
registering time — время, затрачиваемое на приводку
response time — время ответа, время реакции
seasoning time — время, необходимое для полного увлажнения
standing time — простой, время простоя
start time — время разгона, время достижения рабочей скорости
16 fuze
взрыватель; трубка; огнепроводный шнурdelayed arming fuze (electrical, electronic, hydraulic) — взрыватель замедленного действия с (электрической, электронной, гидравлической) системой взведения
magnetic (field alteration sensor) fuze — взрыватель, реагирующий на изменение магнитного поля
— all-incidence base fuze— delay action fuze— electrostatic proximity fuze— EO fuze— IR fuze— long-delay time fuze— pulsed pressure fuze— rod fuze— TV fuze -
17 automatic
автоматический аппарат; II автоматический; самодействующий; автоматизированный- automatic acceleration control unit - automatic accumulator charging - automatic action - automatic adjustment - automatic adjustment mechanism - automatic advance control - automatic air regulator - automatic alarm - automatic alarm signal transmitter - automatic alternation - automatic amplitude control - automatic arc welding - automatic arc welding machine - automatic arc-welding machine - automatic assemblage - automatic assembly - automatic assembly machine - automatic backing-up - automatic backlash control - automatic backup - automatic balance control - automatic balancer - automatic balancing - automatic bar fed turning center - automatic bar feed - automatic bias control - automatic block - automatic bonding unit - automatic brake - automatic brake adjuster - automatic brake arrangement - automatic brake controller - automatic braking - automatic braking system - automatic brazing equipment - automatic buffing machine - automatic burette - automatic butt splicer - automatic calibration - automatic cam-controlled machine - automatic cathead - automatic centering - automatic chain-bending machine - automatic change of tools - automatic change-over - automatic change-over switch - automatic check - automatic check-out recording equipment - automatic checking balance - automatic checking machine - automatic checkout equipment - automatic checkout system - automatic checkout-and-readiness equipment - automatic choke - automatic chuck - automatic chuck extractor - automatic chuck-changing system - automatic chuck jaw changing - automatic chucker - automatic circuit - automatic circuit breaker - automatic circuit recloser - automatic climate control system - automatic closing system - automatic clutch - automatic cold upsetter - automatic come-along clamp - automatic compensation option - automatic compensator - automatic consistency checking - automatic constant tension mooring winch - automatic control - automatic control actuator - automatic control channel - automatic control circuit - automatic control engineering - automatic control equipment - automatic control halting instruction - automatic control installation - automatic control loop - automatic control rod - automatic control system - automatic controller - automatic conveying - automatic coupler - automatic coupling - automatic coupling device - automatic coupling screwing unit - automatic crab winch - automatic crimper - automatic crossover - automatic cut-out torque wrench - automatic cutout - automatic cycle - automatic cycle mechanism - automatic cycle working - automatic cycling equipment - automatic data analyzer - automatic data distribution - automatic data entry - automatic data processing - automatic data processing field branch - automatic data unit - automatic datum search - automatic deicing system - automatic device - automatic diagnosis - automatic diagnostic-and-recovery system - automatic discharging device - automatic disk changer - automatic door - automatic door closer - automatic door photoelectric relay - automatic drilling control - automatic drilling rig - automatic drinking bowl - automatic drive - automatic drive detection - automatic drive engagement - automatic dump - automatic-dump truck - automatic dust ejector - automatic dust unloading valve - automatic ejection - automatic electric drive - electrical drive - automatic electrode changer - automatic elevator - automatic emergency valve - automatic end stop - automatic error correction - automatic error detection - automatic exchange of tools - automatic expansion valve - automatic fault detection - automatic fault finding - automatic fault isolation - automatic fault isolation tester - automatic fault reporting - automatic fault signalling - automatic feature - automatic feed - automatic feed drill - automatic feed-off mechanism - automatic feeder - automatic feeding mechanism - automatic feedoff - automatic fire alarm - automatic fire alarm system - automatic fire annunciator - automatic fire detector - automatic fire sprinkler - automatic fixturing system - automatic flanger - automatic float-type pump-out unit - automatic flour meter - automatic flow tank - automatic focus correction servo-system - automatic forging machine - automatic front wheel drive engagement - automatic fuel economizing device - automatic fuel-control unit - automatic fuel saving device - automatic fuel shut-off - automatic fuse - automatic gage - automatic gaging-and-compensating system - automatic gain adjustment - automatic gain control - automatic gas-cutting machine - automatic gas-welding machine - automatic gate - automatic gate closer - automatic gate opener - automatic gauging - automatic gearbox - automatic generating plant - automatic generator - automatic grab - automatic gripper change - automatic gripper control - automatic guided vehicle - automatic half-hose machine - automatic heater - automatic hill holder - automatic hinged trip spider - automatic hitch - automatic holding - automatic holding device - automatic hopper-feed machine - automatic humidity regulator - automatic identification- Auto-ID- AIS - automatic idling control - automatic ignition - automatic ignition system - automatic ignition timing - automatic input - automatic insertion - automatic interlocking - automatic internal diagnosis - automatic jaw changer - automatic jaw shift device - automatic latching - automatic level - automatic level compensation - automatic level control - automatic level control system - automatic level gauge - automatic level setup - automatic leveling control system - automatic light - automatic light control - automatic light regulation - automatic line - automatic line disconnection - automatic line switching - ALS - automatic load control - automatic load sustaining brake - automatic load-gripping device - automatic loader - automatic loading - automatic lock - automatic locking - automatic locking holder - automatic locking hub - automatic locking spindle - automatic lockout - automatic lockout feature - automatic lubrication - automatic lubricator - automatic machine cycle - automatic magazine bar feed - automatic maintenance - automatic manipulator - automatic measurement-and-compensation system - automatic measuring facilities - automatic metal forming machine - automatic mixture control - automatic mode switching - automatic moisture regulator - automatic monitoring - automatic motor control gear - automatic movements starting - automatic multicam machine - automatic noise limiter - automatic noise-reduction system - automatic oil-flow controller - automatic oiling - automatic opening circuit breaker - automatic opening cover - automatic optimization - automatic overload control - automatic overload limiter - automatic overload stop - automatic packing - automatic pallet handler - automatic pallet storage-retrieval system - automatic part gaging - automatic part-loading conveyor - automatic photodetector - automatic pipe handling system - automatic pipe stabber - automatic placement - automatic plant - automatic polishing machine - automatic positioning - automatic power control - automatic power drawbar control - automatic power rotary scraper - automatic power slips - automatic press for cold pressing of nuts - automatic press for stamping electric motor stator and rotor notches - automatic pressure control - automatic pressure regulator - automatic probe changer - automatic probe changing - automatic probing cycle - automatic punch - automatic rack stacker - automatic radiator shutter - automatic ram pile driver - automatic reading - automatic reclosing circuit breaker - automatic recovery - automatic recovery program - automatic regulation - automatic regulation of belt tension - automatic regulation of drive chain tension - automatic regulation rod - automatic regulator - automatic release - automatic releaser - automatic repeat - automatic remote control - automatic reset - automatic reset-data circuit - automatic restart - automatic return - automatic return valve - automatic rotary line - automatic router - automatic routine - automatic rpm changer - automatic safety device - automatic sample changer - automatic sampler - automatic sampling - automatic sampling device - automatic sampling equipment - automatic sand-blasting machine - automatic scales - automatic screen - automatic selective overdrive - automatic sensitivity control - automatic set point - automatic shaft-position data encoder - automatic shaker bag - automatic shank spindle - automatic shift - automatic shut-off valve - automatic shutdown - automatic side-dumping - automatic signaling - automatic signalization - automatic size control tooling - automatic sorting machine - automatic spark advance - automatic spark advance governor - automatic spark advance magneto - automatic spark timer - automatic spectrometer - automatic spectrophotometer - automatic speed compensation - automatic speed control - automatic speed selection device - automatic spider - automatic spindle gear changing - automatic sprinkler fire control system - automatic stability - automatic stability controls - automatic stabilization and control system - automatic stabilizer - automatic stacker crane - automatic start - automatic starting - automatic starting motor - automatic start-up - automatic steel - automatic steering - automatic step selection - automatic stop - automatic stop switch - automatic straightening and cutting machine - automatic strip-straightening machine - automatic submerged-arc welder - automatic submerged-arc welding - automatic sucker rod spanner - automatic suction pump - automatic surveillance - automatic switch - automatic switchable redundance - automatic switchboard - automatic swivel spindle - automatic synchronization - automatic synchronizer - automatic takeup - automatic takeup mechanism - automatic temperature recording controller - automatic temperature regulator - automatic tensioning winch - automatic test analysis system - automatic test equipment - automatic test system - automatic thrust adjustment - automatic time switch - automatic time-delay switch - automatic timed magneto - automatic timer - automatic timing - automatic timing control - automatic timing device - automatic tipper - automatic tool changing apparatus - automatic tool transport mechanism - automatic tool wear-tool broken sensing system - automatic toolsetting - automatic tongs - automatic training idler - automatic transmission - automatic transmission fluid - automatic trip - automatic troubleshooting - automatic tuning - automatic two-speed geared head - automatic update - automatic vacuum deposition system - automatic valve - automatic valve adjustment - automatic viscosity controller - automatic voltage control - automatic voltage regulator - automatic warehousing - automatic warning - automatic washer - automatic water bowl - automatic water spray fire-fighting system - automatic weight controller - automatic weighing machine - automatic weigher - automatic weld - automatic welder - automatic welding - automatic welding machine - automatic wire feed - automatic workhandling - automatic workhandling device - automatic zero adjustment - automatic zero set -
18 valve
1) клапан; вентиль; гидро- или пневмораспределитель3) pl арматура, трубопроводная арматура•- 4-way valve
- acceleration valve
- adjustable orifice valve
- adjustable valve
- adjusting valve
- admission valve
- air bleed valve
- air pressure regulating valve
- air valve
- air-control valve
- air-escape valve
- air-inlet valve
- air-pressure-control valve
- alarm valve
- amplifying valve
- angle valve
- annular slide valve
- back-flow check valve
- back-flow prevention valve
- back-pressure valve
- balanced piston valve
- balanced valve
- ball valve
- ball-and-lever valve
- bang-bang valve
- bell-shaped valve
- bleeder valve
- blow valve
- blow-down valve
- blowing valve
- blowoff valve
- blowout valve
- blowthrough valve
- bucket valve
- bullet valve
- butterfly valve
- bypass valve
- calibrated flow control valve
- cartridge valve
- center-to-face valves
- changeover valve
- check valve
- choke valve
- circulation valve
- clack valve
- clapper valve
- closed-center valve
- closing valve
- combination valve
- common slide valve
- common valve
- compensation valve
- cone valve
- conical valve
- control valve
- counterbalance valve
- cup valve
- cushion valve
- cutoff valve
- damper valve
- decoupler valve
- delivery valve
- diaphragm valve
- differential pressure control valve
- direct acting valve
- direct action valve
- directional control valve with five ports
- directional control valve
- directional flow control valve
- directional valve with five ports
- directional valve
- discharge valve
- disk valve
- distribution valve
- distributive valve
- distributor valve
- double-seat valve
- double-seated valve
- double-solenoid hydraulic valve
- double-solenoid pneumatic valve
- draining valve
- dressing compensation valve
- dump valve
- duplicator valve
- easing valve
- ejection valve
- electric valve
- electronic valve
- emergency valve
- equalizing valve
- exhaust valve
- face-to-face valves
- fast-acting valve
- feed valve
- feed-check valve
- five-port valve
- flanged valves
- flap valve
- float cutoff valve
- float valve
- flow control valve
- flow relation valve
- flow restriction valve
- flow-dividing valve
- flow-regulating valve
- flow-summarizing valve
- fluid control valve
- foot-controlled valve
- forcing valve
- four-port control valve
- four-port valve
- four-way control valve
- four-way valve
- gate valve
- globe valve
- group valve
- hand-lever valve
- hydraulic back-flow check valve
- hydraulic check valve
- hydraulic directional valve
- hydraulic speed control valve
- hydraulic valve
- hydraulic volume control valve
- hydrostatic valve
- indirect acting valve
- injection valve
- inlet valve
- integral valve
- interstage air bleed valve
- isolation valve
- knee valve
- leaf valve
- lift valve
- lubricating bypass valve
- lubricating unloading valve
- lubricating valve
- magnet valve
- magnetic valve
- main valve
- make-up valve
- manual valve
- master air valve
- master valve
- metal valves
- metering valve
- mixing valve
- multiple ring valve
- needle valve
- nonreturn valve
- nonrising stem gate valve
- one-port control valve
- one-port valve
- one-way control valve
- one-way valve
- open-center valve
- operating valve
- orifice valve
- oscillating valve
- overfeed compensation valve
- overload relief valve
- over-pressurization relief valve
- paddle valve
- parallel seat gate valve
- parallel slide gate valve
- pet valve
- photoelectric valve
- pilot controlled check valve
- pilot-acting valve
- pilot-actuated valve
- pilot-controlled valve
- pilot-operated check valve
- pilot-operated valve
- pinch valve
- pipeline valves
- piston valve
- plate valve
- plug valve
- pneumatic check valve
- pneumatic directional control valve
- pneumatic speed control valve
- pneumatic valve
- pneumatic volume control valve
- poppet check valve
- poppet valve
- pressure control valve
- pressure release valve
- pressure relief valve
- pressure valve
- pressure-limiting valve
- pressure-reducing valve
- pressure-regulating valve
- proportional pressure control valve
- proportional valve
- proportioning valve
- pushbutton valve
- quantity control valve
- quarter-turn valve
- quick-closing valve
- quick-exhaust valve
- rate-of-flow control valve
- reducing valve
- regulating valve
- regulator valve
- relay valve
- release valve
- relief sequence valve
- relief valve
- return valve
- reverse valve
- reversing valve
- rising stem gate valve
- rotary valve
- safety relief valve
- safety valve
- screw valve
- screw-down valve
- screwed valves
- seat valve
- selector valve
- self-closing valve
- sequence valve
- servo solenoid valve
- servo-operated valve
- shutoff valve
- single-seat valve
- single-seated valve
- single-stage valve
- sleeve valve
- slide valve
- slide-type valve
- sliding piston-type selector valve
- sliding spool valve
- sluice valve
- soft-start valve
- solenoid acting valve
- solenoid valve
- solenoid-operated hydraulic valve
- speed control valve
- spool valve
- spool-and-ball valve
- spool-type throttling valve
- spool-type valve
- spring offset valve
- spring-centered valve
- spring-loaded valve
- step valve
- stop valve
- straight-through valve
- straightway valve
- suction valve
- tandem-type valve
- tappet valve
- three-port control valve
- three-port valve
- three-way control valve
- three-way valve
- throttle valve
- throttling direction control valve
- throttling valve
- through valve
- time valve
- time-delay valve
- tracer milling valve
- tracer valve
- traction-control valve
- two-port control valve
- two-port valve
- two-way control valve
- two-way valve
- unloading valve
- variable guide valves
- variable stage guide valves
- variable valve
- vent valve
- venting valve
- volume control valve
- volume controlling valve
- wedge gate valve
- wedge-action valve
- weighted valve
- wing valveEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > valve
19 action
действие; работа; срабатывание; воздействиеopen and shut action — релейное действие, действие типа «да — нет»
20 unit
единица; агрегат; узел; блок; ( войсковая) часть, подразделение; удельныйair support signal unit — Бр. подразделение связи авиационной поддержки
aircraft torpedo development unit — Бр. подразделение по испытанию и усовершенствованию авиационных торпед
air-sea warfare development unit — подразделение разработки приёмов борьбы авиации с кораблями противника
angular rate control unit — блок двухстепенных [прецессионных] гироскопов
auxiliary takeoff rocket unit — ракетный стартовый ускоритель [ускоритель взлета]
combat crew training unit — часть [подразделение] подготовки боевых экипажей
hose(-drum, -reel) unit — шланговый агрегат (системы дозаправки топливом)
jet assisted takeoff unit — реактивный ускоритель взлета; ркт. стартовый двигатель
long-range combat air unit — часть [подразделение] бомбардировочной авиации; подразделение истребителей-бомбардировщиков дальнего действия
main unit of landing gear — главная но: га шасси
monitor and equalization display unit — блок контроля и индикации рассогласования подсистем (резервированной системы)
range temperature control unit — дв. всережимный регулятор по температуре воздуха
rocket assisted takeoff unit — ракетный ускоритель взлета; ркт. стартовый двигатель
rudder artificial feel unit — механизм загрузки [усилий] руля направления
spotting and reconnaissance unit — корректировочно-разведывательная часть [подразделение]
vertical gyro control unit — гиродатчик вертикали; матка авиагоризонта
— I/O unit— jatounit— jet unit
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См. также в других словарях:
Time-of-flight mass spectrometry — (TOFMS) is a method of mass spectrometry in which ions are accelerated by an electric field of known strength. [Stephens, W. E., [http://link.aps.org/abstract/PR/v69/p674/s2 A Pulsed Mass Spectrometer with Time Dispersion] Phys. Rev. , 1946, 69 … Wikipedia
Time-of-flight — The time of flight (TOF) describes the method used to measure the time that it takes for a particle, object or stream to reach a detector while traveling over a known distance. In time of flight mass spectrometry, ions are accelerated by an… … Wikipedia
delay — Synonyms and related words: abide, adjourn, afterthought, arrest, arrestation, arrestment, await, backpedal, backwater, be a sideliner, be still, bide, bide the issue, bind, block, blockage, blocking, bog down, bottle up, brake, bureaucratic… … Moby Thesaurus
Gravitational time dilation — is the effect of time passing at different rates in regions of different gravitational potential; the higher the local distortion of spacetime due to gravity, the slower time passes. Albert Einstein originally predicted this effect in his theory… … Wikipedia
On-time performance — In transportation (such as municipal public transportation), schedule adherence or on time performance refers to the level of success of the service (such as a bus or train) remaining on the published schedule. There are many factors that can… … Wikipedia
Real-time locating — Articleissues confusing=July 2008 refimprove=May 2008 essay=May 2008: This page specifically concerns operational aspects of RTLS. For methodology issues see locating engine. For technology issues see wireless. According to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC31 and… … Wikipedia
Twin paradox — In physics, the twin paradox is a thought experiment in special relativity, in which a twin makes a journey into space in a high speed rocket and returns home to find he has aged less than his identical twin who stayed on Earth. This result… … Wikipedia
Nordström's theory of gravitation — In theoretical physics, Nordström s theory of gravitation was a predecessor of general relativity. Strictly speaking, there were actually two distinct theories proposed by the Finnish theoretical physicist Gunnar Nordström, in 1912 and 1913… … Wikipedia
General relativity — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to general relativity. General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources … Wikipedia
Latency (engineering) — Latency is a measure of time delay experienced in a system, the precise definition of which depends on the system and the time being measured. Latencies may have different meaning in different contexts. Contents 1 Communication latency 1.1 Packet … Wikipedia
Fuse (explosives) — In an explosive, pyrotechnic device or military munition, a fuse (or fuze) is the part of the device that initiates function. In common usage, the word fuse is used indiscriminately. However, when being specific (and in particular in a military… … Wikipedia