1 drinken
v. drink, consume liquids; consume alcoholic beverages; absorb moisture; eagerly absorb through the senses; honor with a toast, participate in a toast -
2 opslorpen
3 verwerken
3 [bij het bewerken opnemen] incorporate4 [psychisch verduwen] deal with♦voorbeelden:gegevens statistisch verwerken • incorporate/handle data statisticallyze heeft haar verdriet nooit echt goed verwerkt • she has never really come to terms with her sorrowtegenslag te verwerken krijgen • have to deal with a setbackeen enorme toeloop te verwerken krijgen • get a (sudden) rush of people -
4 absorberen
v. absorb, occlude, take in -
5 assimileren
v. assimilate, incorporate, take in, absorb; adopt the cultural characteristics of another group -
6 coopteren
v. co-opt, elect as a member; absorb; appropriate, take over -
7 digereren
v. digest, break down and absorb (food) -
8 grosseren
v. engross, absorb one's interest or attention -
9 in beslag nemen
v. confiscate, engage, absorb -
10 in zich opnemen
v. take in, absorb, imbibe, digest -
11 incasseren
v. collect, take payments (of money); absorb -
12 inzuigen
v. suck in, absorb; inhale, breathe in -
13 opslorpen
v. sip, absorb, imbibe, lap -
14 absorberen
• to absorb -
15 opnemen
• to absorb• to accommodate• to expose• to insert• to locate• to record• to shoot• to take up• to tape• to televize -
16 opvangen
• to absorb• to capture• to catch• to collect• to compensate• to intercept• to pick up• to receive• to take -
17 verwerken
• to absorb• to assimilate• to consume• to cope with• to deal with• to digest• to handle• to process• to use• to work• to work up -
18 absorberen
♦voorbeelden:1 absorberend middel • absorbent, absorbing agentdoor iets geabsorbeerd zijn • be absorbed in something -
19 intrekken
1 [gaan inwonen (bij)] move in (with)2 [binnentrekken] enter ⇒ move/march into4 [krimpen] shrink♦voorbeelden:bij zijn vriendin intrekken • move in with one's girlfriendII 〈 overgankelijk werkwoord〉1 [achteruit/naar binnen brengen] draw in/up ⇒ retract2 [terugnemen, afschaffen] withdraw ⇒ cancel 〈 opdracht〉, abolish 〈 rechten〉, drop 〈 aanklacht〉, repeal 〈 wet〉3 [leger] withdraw4 [(vocht) in zich opnemen] soak up, absorb♦voorbeelden:een touw intrekken • pull/haul in a ropeeen benoeming (weer) intrekken • cancel an appointmenteen toelage intrekken • discontinue an allowanceeen vergunning tijdelijk intrekken • withdraw/suspend a licenceeen verlof intrekken • cancel leaveeen wetsvoorstel intrekken • withdraw a bill -
20 opnemen
2 [op zich nemen] take on3 [weer opvatten] resume4 [laten afschrijven] withdraw5 [beoordelen] take6 [opvatten] take8 [nauwkeurig opmeten] measure (up)10 [weghalen] take/pull/tear up17 [opvegen] mop/wipe up♦voorbeelden:het vloerkleed opnemen • take up the carpet4 ƒ200,- opnemen • withdraw Dfl200,-een lening opnemen • take out a loaneen snipperdag opnemen • take the/a day offiets goed opnemen • take something wellhoe zou hij het opnemen? • how would he take it?iets hoog opnemen • not take kindly to somethingiets verkeerd opnemen • take something the wrong way7 iets goed opnemen • take a good look at/stock of somethingiemand nauwkeurig opnemen • observe/look at someone closelyiemand onderzoekend opnemen • scrutinize someonescherp/wantrouwend opnemen • eye sharply/keenly/suspiciouslyzij nam hem op van top tot teen • she looked him up and downop de band opnemen • tape, recordop de video opnemen • (video-)recordde tijd opnemen (van) • time a personin de stukken/notulen opnemen • enter in the documents/minutesnieuwe woorden opnemen in een woordenboek • enter new words in a dictionarylaten opnemen in een ziekenhuis • hospitalizeiets niet opnemen • leave out, omiteen clausule in een contract opnemen • insert a clause in a contractin het ziekenhuis opgenomen worden • be admitted to hospitalopnemen in een catalogus • put in a cataloguenamen in een lijst opnemen • include names on a list, list namesopnemen onder de rubriek …/in een rubriek • include under the heading …/in a columniemand als lid in een club opnemen • admit someone as a member of a club15 hij neemt alles heel snel/gemakkelijk op • he's very receptive/quick on the uptakeiets goed in zich opnemen • take something in18 deze spons neemt veel water op • this sponge takes up a lot of water/is very absorbenthet tegen iemand opnemen • take someone onhij kan het tegen iedereen opnemen • he can hold his own against anyonehet tegen anderen moeten opnemen • have to compete against othershet voor iemand/iets opnemen • make a stand for someone/something, speak/stick up for someone/something
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
absorb — 1 Absorb, imbibe, assimilate can all mean to take (something) in so as to become imbued with it or to make it a part of one’s being. The original meaning of absorb, to swallow up (both literally and figuratively), has been retained in spite of… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
absorb — ab‧sorb [əbˈsɔːb, əbˈzɔːb ǁ ɔːrb] verb [transitive] COMMERCE 1. if a large organization absorbs a smaller one, it takes control of it and makes it part of the organization: • The company was absorbed by IBM in 1995. absorb into • Several smaller… … Financial and business terms
Absorb — Ab*sorb , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Absorbed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Absorbing}.] [L. absorbere; ab + sorbere to suck in, akin to Gr. ?: cf. F. absorber.] 1. To swallow up; to engulf; to overwhelm; to cause to disappear as if by swallowing up; to use up;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
absorb — ab·sorb vt 1: to make (a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution) applicable to the states 2 a: to bear or assume the burden of expenses were absorb ed by the company b: to lessen the tax liability for has other losses to absorb the income D. Q … Law dictionary
absorb — [v1] physically take in a liquid blot, consume, devour, drink in, imbibe, ingest, ingurgitate, osmose, soak up, sop up*, sponge up*, suck in*, swallow, take in; concept 256 Ant. disperse, dissipate, eject, emit, exude, spew, vomit absorb [v2]… … New thesaurus
absorb — (v.) early 15c., from M.Fr. absorber (O.Fr. assorbir, 13c.), from L. absorbere to swallow up, from ab from (see AB (Cf. ab )) + sorbere suck in, from PIE root *srebh to suck, absorb (Cf. Armenian arbi I drank, Gk … Etymology dictionary
absorb — ► VERB 1) soak up (liquid or another substance). 2) take in (information). 3) assimilate or take over (something less powerful). 4) use up (time or resources). 5) reduce the effect or intensity of (sound or an impact). 6) (usu. as absorbed or … English terms dictionary
absorb — [ab sôrb′, abzôrb′; əbsôrb′] vt. [L absorbere < ab , from + sorbere, to suck in: see SLURP] 1. to suck up [blotting paper absorbs ink] 2. to take up the full attention or energy of; engross 3. to take in and incorporate; assimilate 4. to… … English World dictionary
absorb */*/ — UK [əbˈzɔː(r)b] / US [əbˈsɔrb] / US [əbˈzɔrb] verb [transitive] Word forms absorb : present tense I/you/we/they absorb he/she/it absorbs present participle absorbing past tense absorbed past participle absorbed 1) a) to take in a gas, liquid, or… … English dictionary
absorb — 01. Children are like little sponges that seem to be able to [absorb] languages very quickly. 02. The course I took was very intensive, and I had a lot of information to [absorb] in a short time. 03. These diapers are very [absorbent], so your… … Grammatical examples in English
absorb — [[t]əbzɔ͟ː(r)b[/t]] absorbs, absorbing, absorbed 1) VERB If something absorbs a liquid, gas, or other substance, it soaks it up or takes it in. [V n] Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil... [be V ed into n] Refined … English dictionary