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absolute altimeter

См. также в других словарях:

  • absolute altimeter — An instrument intended to give acceptably accurate, direct indications of absolute altitude (i.e., the vertical distance of the aircraft from the surface of the earth). A radio or a radar altimeter indicates absolute altitude roughly because of… …   Aviation dictionary

  • absolute altimeter — noun : an aircraft altimeter that determines distance to the earth by radio measuring the time needed for an emitted wave to reach the earth and reflect back to the aircraft * * * absolute altimeter, an altimeter measuring altitude by the time… …   Useful english dictionary

  • absolute altimeter — absoliutusis aukščiamatis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Prietaisas, kuriuo vertikalusis nuotolis iki paviršiaus (žemės, vandens ir t.t.) matuojamas naudojantis radijo, radiolokatoriaus, garso, lazerio ar erdvinio matavimo technologija.… …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • absolute altimeter — A type of altimeter which measures vertical distance to the surface below, using radio, radar, sonic, laser, or capacitive technology …   Military dictionary

  • absolute altimeter — noun A type of altimeter which measures vertical distance to the surface below, using radio, radar, sonic, laser, or capacitive technology …   Wiktionary

  • absolute altitude — The vertical distance of an object above the surface of the earth. It can be measured with the help of an absolute, radio, radar, or laser altimeter. See absolute altimeter …   Aviation dictionary

  • absolute altitude — noun : the vertical distance between an aircraft and the surface over which it is flying * * * Aeron. the vertical distance between a flying aircraft, rocket, etc., and the point on the earth s surface directly below it, as measured by an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • absolute altitude — Aeron. the vertical distance between a flying aircraft, rocket, etc., and the point on the earth s surface directly below it, as measured by an electronic altimeter (absolute altimeter). [1930 35] * * * …   Universalium

  • altimeter — noun an apparatus for measuring altitude See Also: altimetric, altimetry, absolute altimeter …   Wiktionary

  • Altimeter — Ein Altimeter (von lat. altus: hoch) oder Höhenmesser ist ein Gerät, mit dem die Höhe eines Objekts über einer definierten Ebene oder Referenzfläche gemessen wird. Die Höhenmessung kann barometrisch, mit Schall, mit Mikrowellen (Radar) oder mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • altimeter — /al tim i teuhr, al teuh mee teuhr/, n. 1. a sensitive aneroid barometer that is graduated and calibrated, used chiefly in aircraft for finding distance above sea level, terrain, or some other reference point by a comparison of air pressures. 2.… …   Universalium

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