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См. также в других словарях:

  • absentminded — index lax, oblivious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • absentminded — (adj.) also absent minded, preoccupied, 1810, from ABSENT (Cf. absent) + MINDED (Cf. minded). Related: Absentmindedly; absentmindedness …   Etymology dictionary

  • absentminded — absent, *abstracted, preoccupied, distraught Analogous words: inattentive, thoughtless, inconsiderate (see affirmative adjectives at THOUGHTFUL): heedless, inadvertent (see CARELESS): unobserving, unseeing, unperceiving, unnoticing (see… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • absentminded — adjective I tend to be most absentminded in school Syn: forgetful, distracted, preoccupied, inattentive, vague, abstracted, daydreaming, unheeding, oblivious, distrait, in a brown study; lost in thought, moony, pensive, thoughtful, brooding;… …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • absentminded — adjective lost in thought; showing preoccupation (Freq. 3) an absent stare an absentminded professor the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence • Syn: ↑absent, ↑abstracted, ↑scatty …   Useful english dictionary

  • absentminded — adjective Date: 1829 1. lost in thought and unaware of one s surroundings or actions ; preoccupied; also given to absence of mind 2. indicative of or resulting from preoccupation or absence of mind Synonyms: see abstracted • …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • absentminded — (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. preoccupied, forgetful. See inattention …   English dictionary for students

  • absentminded — see absent minded …   English dictionary

  • absentminded — æbsntmaɪndɪd adj. distracted, confused …   English contemporary dictionary

  • absentminded — ab·sent·mind·ed …   English syllables

  • abstracted — abstracted, preoccupied, absent, absentminded, distraught are comparable when they mean inattentive to what presently claims or demands consideration. Abstracted implies absorption of the mind in something other than one’s surroundings, and often …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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