1 above bubble point pressure
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > above bubble point pressure
2 above bubble point pressure
pressure zone — зона повышенного давления; зона нагнетания
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > above bubble point pressure
3 above bubble point pressure
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > above bubble point pressure
4 above bubble point pressure
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > above bubble point pressure
5 above bubble point pressure
Общая лексика: давление выше давления насыщенияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > above bubble point pressure
6 above bubble point pressure
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > above bubble point pressure
7 pressure above bubble point
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > pressure above bubble point
8 pressure above bubble point
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > pressure above bubble point
9 pressure above bubble point
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > pressure above bubble point
10 pressure above bubble point
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > pressure above bubble point
11 pressure above bubble point
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > pressure above bubble point
12 pressure
давление; пластовое давление; усилие; напор; напряжение; сжатиеpressure above the atmospheric — давление выше атмосферного; манометрическое [избыточное] давление, сверхдавление
pressure applied at the surface — давление, создаваемое на устье скважины
pressure at the economic level — давление, определяемое экономичностью разработки
pressure on the bit — давление на долото, нагрузка на долото
* * *
давление; пластовое давление
* * *
1) давление2) интенсивная эксплуатация, переэксплуатация ( природных ресурсов) скважины•pressure applied at surface — давление, создаваемое на устье скважины;
pressure at economic level — давление, определяемое экономичностью обработки;
pressure at well bore — забойное давление;
pressure in place — давление в залежи;
pressure in reservoir — давление в залежи;
pressure on bit — давление на долото, нагрузка на долото;
pressure on intake side of pump — давление на входе в насос;
pressure per diamond — удельное давление на один алмаз;
to keep up pressure — поддерживать давление;
to maintain pressure — поддерживать давление;
to offset formation pressure — создавать противодавление на пласт;
- abandonment pressureto pressure up — проверять плотность соединений перед кислотной обработкой; опрессовывать
- abnormal formation pressure
- abnormal gas pressure
- abnormal pore pressure
- abnormal reservoir pressure
- abnormal rock pressure
- abnormal well pressure
- abnormally high pressure
- above bubble point pressure
- absolute formation pressure
- absolute reservoir pressure
- absolute wellhead pressure
- annular friction pressure
- annulus pressure
- anomalously high pore pressure
- applied pressure
- areal average pressure
- atmospheric pressure
- available pressure
- average flowing pressure
- average reservoir pressure
- average unit pressure
- back pressure
- barometric pressure
- bit pressure
- boost pressure
- borehole pressure
- bottom-loading pressure
- bottomhole pressure
- bottomhole circulating pressure
- bottomhole differential pressure
- bottomhole flowing pressure
- bottomhole shut-in pressure
- breakdown pressure
- bubble-point pressure
- bubble-point pressure of reservoir oil
- bursting pressure
- casing pressure
- casing-burst pressure
- casing-head pressure
- charging pressure
- chip hold-down pressure
- circulating pressure
- circulating fluid pressure
- circulation pressure
- closed pressure
- closed-in pressure
- closed-in bottomhole pressure
- collapse pressure
- collapsing pressure
- compression pressure
- compressor discharge pressure
- compressor outlet pressure
- contact pressure
- critical pressure
- current pressure
- delivery pressure
- detonation pressure
- diamond pressure
- differential pressure
- discharge pressure
- discharge pressure at pump
- discharge line pressure
- displacement pressure
- down pressure
- drilling pressure
- drilling agent pressure
- drilling bit-nozzle pressure
- drilling mud pressure
- drilling mud bottomhole pressure
- drilling mud column pressure
- drilling mud head pressure
- driving pressure
- edge water pressure
- effective pressure
- equilibrium formation pressure
- equilibrium reservoir pressure
- excess pressure
- explosion pressure
- external boundary pressure
- feed pressure
- field pressure
- final bottomhole pressure
- final flowing pressure
- final formation pressure
- final hydrostatic pressure
- final hydrostatic drilling mud pressure
- final inflow pressure
- final reservoir pressure
- final residual reservoir pressure
- final shut-in pressure
- final shut-in bottomhole pressure
- final squeeze cementing pressure
- final tubing pressure
- flooding pressure
- flow pressure
- flow line pressure
- flowing pressure
- flowing bottomhole pressure
- flowing casing pressure
- flowing reservoir pressure
- flowing surface pressure
- flowing tubing pressure
- flowing tubing head pressure
- flowing wellhead pressure
- flowing wellhead annulus pressure
- fluid pressure
- fluid-displacement pressure
- formation pressure
- formation breakdown pressure
- formation fracture pressure
- forward pressure
- fractional pressure
- fracture pressure
- fracture opening pressure
- fracture widening pressure
- fracturing pressure
- full well pressure
- gage pressure
- gas pressure
- gas cap pressure
- gas inrush pressure
- gas pipeline pressure
- gas reservoir pressure
- gaslift differential pressure
- geostatic pressure
- ground pressure
- high pressure
- hydraulic pressure
- hydraulic fracturing pressure
- hydrofracturing pressure
- hydrostatic pressure
- hydrostatic bottomhole pressure
- hydrostatic kill pressure
- inflation pressure
- initial bottomhole pressure
- initial closed-in bottomhole pressure
- initial flowing pressure
- initial flowing wellhead pressure
- initial formation pressure
- initial hydrofracturing pressure
- initial hydrostatic drilling mud pressure
- initial inflow pressure
- initial reservoir pressure
- initial shut-in pressure
- initial shut-in bottomhole pressure
- initial vapor pressure
- injection pressure
- injection gas pressure at surface
- inlet pressure
- instantaneous shut-in pressure
- intake pressure
- intake well head pressure
- interstitial fluid pressure
- jack pressure
- jacking pressure
- kickoff pressure
- lateral pressure
- leak-off pressure
- line pressure
- liquid pressure
- live pressure
- log-derived pore pressure
- low pressure
- low-frequency pressure
- low-injection pressure
- manifold pressure
- maximum allowable pressure
- maximum allowable casing pressure
- maximum allowable surface pressure
- maximum allowable working pressure
- maximum flowing pressure
- maximum initial field pressure
- maximum initial reservoir pressure
- maximum surface pressure
- maximum top pressure
- maximum tubing pressure
- maximum wellhead pressure
- mean reservoir pressure
- medium pressure
- middle pressure
- mixing pressure
- mud pump pressure
- mud pump shock pressure
- negative pressure
- normal pressure
- normal pore pressure
- nozzle pressure
- oil pressure
- oil column pressure
- oil displacement pressure
- oil vapor pressure
- omnidirectional pressure
- open-flow pressure
- open-hole pressure
- original average reservoir pressure
- original bubble-point pressure
- original reservoir pressure
- original reservoir gas pressure
- oscillatory pressure
- outlet pressure
- overburden pressure
- pipe collapsing pressure
- pipeline pressure
- pipeline admission pressure
- piping pressure
- pore pressure
- pore fluid pressure
- priming pressure
- producing pressure
- producing bottomhole pressure
- propping pressure
- pump pressure
- pump discharge pressure
- pump inlet pressure
- pump intake pressure
- pump-in pressure
- pumping-out pressure
- Reid vapor pressure
- relief pressure
- replacement pressure
- reservoir pressure
- reservoir pressure as of date of appraisal
- reservoir pressure reduced to a plane
- reservoir back pressure
- return pressure
- rock pressure
- roof pressure
- sampling pressure
- sand pressure
- sand-face injection pressure
- saturation pressure
- saturation pressure of reservoir fluid
- seam pressure
- separation pressure
- separator pressure
- shut-in pressure
- shut-in bottomhole pressure
- shut-in casing pressure
- shut-in drill pipe pressure
- shut-in formation pressure
- shut-in reservoir pressure
- shut-in tubing pressure
- shut-in wellhead pressure
- shut-in wellhead annulus pressure
- side pressure
- slush pump pressure
- squeeze pressure
- standard pressure
- standpipe pressure
- static pressure
- static bottomhole pressure
- static reservoir pressure
- static wellhead annulus pressure
- steady-state reservoir pressure
- stone pressure
- stream pressure
- subsurface pressure
- suction pressure
- suction end pressure
- surface pressure
- surface mud pressure
- surface squeeze pressure
- surplus pressure
- terminal pressure
- terminal pipeline pressure
- test pressure
- top-hole pressure
- top-hole flow pressure
- top-hole gaslift pressure
- total pressure
- total bit pressure
- total critical pressure
- tubing pressure
- unbalanced pressure
- underground pressure
- undisturbed formation pressure
- unit pressure
- unit ground pressure
- unsteady-state reservoir pressure
- uplift pressure
- uplift pressure on bottom
- velocity pressure
- virgin pressure
- virgin formation pressure
- water pressure
- water hammer pressure
- water inrush pressure
- weighted average reservoir pressure
- well pressure
- well flowing pressure
- wellbore pressure
- wellhead pressure
- wellhead annulus casing pressure
- wellhead back pressure
- wellhead flowing pressure
- wind pressure
- working pressure* * *• усилиеАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > pressure
13 storage
1) хранение; складирование2) накопление; аккумулирование3) запоминание; хранение ( информации)4) хранилище; склад5) накопитель; машиностр. тж магазин6) вчт. запоминающее устройство, ЗУ; память7) резервуар; водохранилище9) складированный товар; складированные изделия10) водные запасы; водные ресурсы11) плата за хранение; стоимость хранения; складские расходы•storage in transit — хранение транзитных грузов;-
above-ground storage
above-water offshore oil storage
acoustic storage
active conservation storage
active storage
active liquid storage
actual storage
addressed storage
air energy storage
allowable storage
annual holdover storage
annual storage
artificial storage
associative storage
away-from-reactor storage
backing storage
backup storage
backwater storage
base-flow storage
battery electric power storage
beam storage
billet prep storage
bin storage
bottom-supported offshore oil storage
box-pallet storage
bubble storage
buffer storage
bulk storage
buoy storage
capacitive storage
capacitor storage
capacity storage
carrier storage
carry-over storage
cassette-tape part-program storage
chamber-type underground storage
chamber underground storage
channel storage
character storage
charge storage
coal storage
coil storage
cold storage
compacted storage
compressed air energy storage
compressed air storage
computer storage
conservation storage
constant storage
container storage
content-addressable storage
control storage
controlled atmosphere storage
core storage
crude storage
cryoelectronic storage
cryogenic energy storage
cryogenic storage
cutter prep storage
daily storage
data storage
dead storage
dedicated storage
delay-line storage
digital storage
direct-access storage
disk storage
dock storage
draft-tube gate storage
drawdown storage
drum storage
dry storage
dual-port storage
dynamic storage
effective storage
electric power storage
electrochemical storage
electron-beam storage
electronic document storage
elevated storage
emergency storage
energy storage
erasable storage
explosive storage
extended storage
external storage
flat-type grain storage
flood-control storage
flood storage
floor panel storage
floor storage
floppy disk storage
flowing storage
flywheel energy storage
font storage
format storage
freezer storage
freezing storage
gas storage
gasoline storage
grain storage
ground storage
groundwater storage
heat storage
high unit-load storage
high-density storage
high-level rack storage
high-pressure storage
high-stacking storage
hot storage
hypobaric storage
ice storage
inactive storage
inductive energy storage
information storage
in-process storage
input storage
integrated storage
intermediate storage
internal storage
liquefied gas cavern storage
liquid oxygen storage
live storage
local storage
log storage
logical storage
long-term heat storage
long-term storage
low-temperature storage
magnetic card storage
magnetic core storage
magnetic disk storage
magnetic storage
magnetic tape storage
main storage
manuscript storage
mass storage
mechanical storage
multiple-tank storage
natural-gas storage
nesting storage
nest storage
nonvolatile storage
off-line storage
oil storage
on-line storage
operating storage
optical storage
outdoor storage
output storage
packed-bed thermal storage
pallet storage
palletized storage
paper-tape storage
part program storage
part storage
peripheral storage
permanent storage
petrochemical storage
physical storage
pipeline storage
point storage
powder storage
primary storage
process storage
program storage
protected storage
pumped storage
push-down storage
push-up storage
quarry storage
random pallet storage
random-access storage
raw material storage
read-only storage
real storage
refrigerated storage
replacement storage
reserve liquid storage
rock storage of oil
rotating storage
saltbed storage
scratch pad storage
screen storage
seasonal heat storage
secondary storage
semiconductor storage
semimechanical storage
shelf storage
short-term storage
single-chip storage
soil water storage
solid-state storage
spent-fuel storage
static storage
stationary storage
sunken storage
superconducting induction energy storage
superconductor power storage
surcharge storage
tape storage
temporary storage
terminal cold storage
text storage
thermal energy storage
thread storage
tool storage
twistor storage
underground storage
unmanned parts storage
unprotected storage
upright storage
usable storage
vertical cage storage
virtual storage
volatile storage
waste liquid storage
water storage
wire storage
working storage
work storage
workpiece storage
zero-access storage
См. также в других словарях:
Pressure — This article is about pressure in the physical sciences. For other uses, see Pressure (disambiguation). Pressure as exerted by particle collisions inside a closed container … Wikipedia
bubble chamber — Physics. an apparatus for determining the movements of charged particles, consisting of a chamber containing a superheated transparent liquid that, by boiling and producing bubbles in the path of an ionizing particle, indicates the path of the… … Universalium
Vapor pressure — (also known as equilibrium vapor pressure or saturation vapor pressure ), is the pressure of a vapor in equilibrium with its non vapor phases. All liquids and solids have a tendency to evaporate to a gaseous form, and all gases have a tendency to … Wikipedia
Maximum bubble pressure method — In physics, the maximum bubble pressure method, or in short bubble measure method, is a technique to measure the surface tension of a liquid, with surfactants. Contents 1 Background 2 Maximum bubble pressure method 3 References … Wikipedia
Dew point — The dew point is the temperature to which a given parcel of humid air must be cooled, at constant barometric pressure, for water vapor to condense into liquid water. The condensed water is called dew when it forms on a solid surface. The dew… … Wikipedia
Loss of pressure control accident — Most commercial types of nuclear reactor use a pressure vessel to maintain pressure in the reactor plant. This is necessary in a pressurized water reactor to prevent boiling in the core, which could lead to a nuclear meltdown. This is also… … Wikipedia
Causes of the United States housing bubble — Mania for home ownershipAmericans love of their homes is widely known and acknowledged;cite news title=Home $weet Home |work=Time date=2005 06 13 url=http://www.time.com/time/magazine/0,9263,7601050613,00.html] however, many believe that… … Wikipedia
Electron bubble — An electron bubble is the empty space created around a free electron in a cryogenic gas or liquid, such as neon or helium. They are typically very small, about 2 nm in diameter at atmospheric pressure.Electron bubbles in heliumAt room temperature … Wikipedia
Chinese property bubble — An empty corridor in the mostly vacant New South China Mall. The Chinese property bubble is an alleged ongoing real estate bubble in residential and/or commercial real estate in the People s Republic of China. The phenomenon has seen average… … Wikipedia
давление выше давления насыщения — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN above bubble point pressurepressure above bubble point … Справочник технического переводчика
Positive airway pressure — A typical CPAP machine houses the air pump in a case lined with sound absorbing material for quieter operation. A hose carries the pressurized air to a face mask or nasal pillow … Wikipedia