1 abnormal velocity
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > abnormal velocity
2 abnormal velocity
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > abnormal velocity
3 abnormal velocity
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > abnormal velocity
4 condition
1. условие || обусловливать2. состояние; положение3. pl. обстоятельства
* * *
1. условие2. состояние; положение3. pl. режим ( работы)to keep in good condition — содержать в хорошем состоянии;
to restore to serviceable condition — возвращать в работоспособное состояние;
— in good condition— in working condition
* * *
состояние; свойство; условие; кондиция, положение
* * *
1. условие, режим, характеристика
* * *
1) условие2) состояние; положение3) pl режим ( работы)•at surface conditions — при условиях, приведённых к устьевым;
in good condition — в хорошем состоянии;
in working condition — в исправном состоянии; готовый к работе;
out of condition — в плохом состоянии;
to condition the hole — 1) готовить ( скважину к обсадке обработкой расширителем) 2) промывать скважину ( перед спуском алмазной коронки на забой);
to keep in good condition — содержать в хорошем состоянии;
to restore to serviceable condition — возвращать в работоспособное состояние;
under downhole conditions — в условиях скважины;
under field conditions — в промысловых условиях;
- abnormal operating conditionsunder reservoir conditions — в пластовых условиях;
- acid condition
- actual operating conditions
- alkaline condition
- anisotropic velocity conditions
- arduous conditions
- artificial conditions
- available condition
- average operating conditions
- borehole condition
- bottomhole conditions
- catastrophic condition
- cement hardening conditions
- completion conditions
- crack arrest conditions
- crack extension conditions
- crack propagation conditions
- corrosion conditions
- crooked hole conditions
- crossflowing conditions
- cutoff flow conditions
- dangerous conditions
- defective condition
- deposition condition
- difficult drilling conditions
- displacement conditions
- downhole conditions
- drilling conditions
- drilling-in conditions
- emergency condition
- environmental conditions
- erosion conditions
- extreme conditions
- facies conditions of oil occurrence
- failure condition
- faulty condition
- favorable conditions
- field conditions
- filtration conditions
- fissuring conditions
- flow conditions
- fluid-flow conditions
- forced operation conditions of well
- formation conditions
- geological conditions
- geological-and-technical conditions
- geotechnical conditions
- ghosting conditions
- good condition
- hazardous conditions
- hydrological conditions
- injecting conditions
- in-place conditions
- in-situ conditions
- in-use conditions
- isotropic velocity conditions
- layering conditions
- limiting wave condition
- maintenance conditions
- medium conditions
- moderate conditions
- near-shore conditions
- near-shot conditions
- no-flow condition
- normal pumping conditions
- oil-accumulation conditions
- oil-pool conditions
- oil-reservoir conditions
- oil-wet condition
- operable condition
- operating conditions
- operation conditions
- original reservoir conditions
- petrophysical conditions
- preferentially oil-wet conditions
- preferentially water-wet conditions
- producing conditions
- production condition of well
- pumping conditions
- regular service conditions
- reservoir condition
- residual oil condition
- running conditions
- sampling conditions
- seismic conditions
- seismic noise conditions
- semisubmerged condition
- service conditions
- serviceable condition
- severe severity conditions
- shothole conditions
- specified conditions
- standard conditions
- standard borehole conditions
- structural conditions
- subsurface conditions
- surface condition
- technical conditions
- tectonic conditions
- test conditions
- top condition
- transit condition
- typical conditions
- unballasted condition
- uncracked condition
- underground condition
- usable condition
- utmost permissible conditions
- velocity conditions
- wave conditions
- weathering conditions
- welding conditions
- well condition
- well production conditions
- workable condition
- working conditions* * *• свойствоАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > condition
5 pressure
давление; пластовое давление; усилие; напор; напряжение; сжатиеpressure above the atmospheric — давление выше атмосферного; манометрическое [избыточное] давление, сверхдавление
pressure applied at the surface — давление, создаваемое на устье скважины
pressure at the economic level — давление, определяемое экономичностью разработки
pressure on the bit — давление на долото, нагрузка на долото
* * *
давление; пластовое давление
* * *
1) давление2) интенсивная эксплуатация, переэксплуатация ( природных ресурсов) скважины•pressure applied at surface — давление, создаваемое на устье скважины;
pressure at economic level — давление, определяемое экономичностью обработки;
pressure at well bore — забойное давление;
pressure in place — давление в залежи;
pressure in reservoir — давление в залежи;
pressure on bit — давление на долото, нагрузка на долото;
pressure on intake side of pump — давление на входе в насос;
pressure per diamond — удельное давление на один алмаз;
to keep up pressure — поддерживать давление;
to maintain pressure — поддерживать давление;
to offset formation pressure — создавать противодавление на пласт;
- abandonment pressureto pressure up — проверять плотность соединений перед кислотной обработкой; опрессовывать
- abnormal formation pressure
- abnormal gas pressure
- abnormal pore pressure
- abnormal reservoir pressure
- abnormal rock pressure
- abnormal well pressure
- abnormally high pressure
- above bubble point pressure
- absolute formation pressure
- absolute reservoir pressure
- absolute wellhead pressure
- annular friction pressure
- annulus pressure
- anomalously high pore pressure
- applied pressure
- areal average pressure
- atmospheric pressure
- available pressure
- average flowing pressure
- average reservoir pressure
- average unit pressure
- back pressure
- barometric pressure
- bit pressure
- boost pressure
- borehole pressure
- bottom-loading pressure
- bottomhole pressure
- bottomhole circulating pressure
- bottomhole differential pressure
- bottomhole flowing pressure
- bottomhole shut-in pressure
- breakdown pressure
- bubble-point pressure
- bubble-point pressure of reservoir oil
- bursting pressure
- casing pressure
- casing-burst pressure
- casing-head pressure
- charging pressure
- chip hold-down pressure
- circulating pressure
- circulating fluid pressure
- circulation pressure
- closed pressure
- closed-in pressure
- closed-in bottomhole pressure
- collapse pressure
- collapsing pressure
- compression pressure
- compressor discharge pressure
- compressor outlet pressure
- contact pressure
- critical pressure
- current pressure
- delivery pressure
- detonation pressure
- diamond pressure
- differential pressure
- discharge pressure
- discharge pressure at pump
- discharge line pressure
- displacement pressure
- down pressure
- drilling pressure
- drilling agent pressure
- drilling bit-nozzle pressure
- drilling mud pressure
- drilling mud bottomhole pressure
- drilling mud column pressure
- drilling mud head pressure
- driving pressure
- edge water pressure
- effective pressure
- equilibrium formation pressure
- equilibrium reservoir pressure
- excess pressure
- explosion pressure
- external boundary pressure
- feed pressure
- field pressure
- final bottomhole pressure
- final flowing pressure
- final formation pressure
- final hydrostatic pressure
- final hydrostatic drilling mud pressure
- final inflow pressure
- final reservoir pressure
- final residual reservoir pressure
- final shut-in pressure
- final shut-in bottomhole pressure
- final squeeze cementing pressure
- final tubing pressure
- flooding pressure
- flow pressure
- flow line pressure
- flowing pressure
- flowing bottomhole pressure
- flowing casing pressure
- flowing reservoir pressure
- flowing surface pressure
- flowing tubing pressure
- flowing tubing head pressure
- flowing wellhead pressure
- flowing wellhead annulus pressure
- fluid pressure
- fluid-displacement pressure
- formation pressure
- formation breakdown pressure
- formation fracture pressure
- forward pressure
- fractional pressure
- fracture pressure
- fracture opening pressure
- fracture widening pressure
- fracturing pressure
- full well pressure
- gage pressure
- gas pressure
- gas cap pressure
- gas inrush pressure
- gas pipeline pressure
- gas reservoir pressure
- gaslift differential pressure
- geostatic pressure
- ground pressure
- high pressure
- hydraulic pressure
- hydraulic fracturing pressure
- hydrofracturing pressure
- hydrostatic pressure
- hydrostatic bottomhole pressure
- hydrostatic kill pressure
- inflation pressure
- initial bottomhole pressure
- initial closed-in bottomhole pressure
- initial flowing pressure
- initial flowing wellhead pressure
- initial formation pressure
- initial hydrofracturing pressure
- initial hydrostatic drilling mud pressure
- initial inflow pressure
- initial reservoir pressure
- initial shut-in pressure
- initial shut-in bottomhole pressure
- initial vapor pressure
- injection pressure
- injection gas pressure at surface
- inlet pressure
- instantaneous shut-in pressure
- intake pressure
- intake well head pressure
- interstitial fluid pressure
- jack pressure
- jacking pressure
- kickoff pressure
- lateral pressure
- leak-off pressure
- line pressure
- liquid pressure
- live pressure
- log-derived pore pressure
- low pressure
- low-frequency pressure
- low-injection pressure
- manifold pressure
- maximum allowable pressure
- maximum allowable casing pressure
- maximum allowable surface pressure
- maximum allowable working pressure
- maximum flowing pressure
- maximum initial field pressure
- maximum initial reservoir pressure
- maximum surface pressure
- maximum top pressure
- maximum tubing pressure
- maximum wellhead pressure
- mean reservoir pressure
- medium pressure
- middle pressure
- mixing pressure
- mud pump pressure
- mud pump shock pressure
- negative pressure
- normal pressure
- normal pore pressure
- nozzle pressure
- oil pressure
- oil column pressure
- oil displacement pressure
- oil vapor pressure
- omnidirectional pressure
- open-flow pressure
- open-hole pressure
- original average reservoir pressure
- original bubble-point pressure
- original reservoir pressure
- original reservoir gas pressure
- oscillatory pressure
- outlet pressure
- overburden pressure
- pipe collapsing pressure
- pipeline pressure
- pipeline admission pressure
- piping pressure
- pore pressure
- pore fluid pressure
- priming pressure
- producing pressure
- producing bottomhole pressure
- propping pressure
- pump pressure
- pump discharge pressure
- pump inlet pressure
- pump intake pressure
- pump-in pressure
- pumping-out pressure
- Reid vapor pressure
- relief pressure
- replacement pressure
- reservoir pressure
- reservoir pressure as of date of appraisal
- reservoir pressure reduced to a plane
- reservoir back pressure
- return pressure
- rock pressure
- roof pressure
- sampling pressure
- sand pressure
- sand-face injection pressure
- saturation pressure
- saturation pressure of reservoir fluid
- seam pressure
- separation pressure
- separator pressure
- shut-in pressure
- shut-in bottomhole pressure
- shut-in casing pressure
- shut-in drill pipe pressure
- shut-in formation pressure
- shut-in reservoir pressure
- shut-in tubing pressure
- shut-in wellhead pressure
- shut-in wellhead annulus pressure
- side pressure
- slush pump pressure
- squeeze pressure
- standard pressure
- standpipe pressure
- static pressure
- static bottomhole pressure
- static reservoir pressure
- static wellhead annulus pressure
- steady-state reservoir pressure
- stone pressure
- stream pressure
- subsurface pressure
- suction pressure
- suction end pressure
- surface pressure
- surface mud pressure
- surface squeeze pressure
- surplus pressure
- terminal pressure
- terminal pipeline pressure
- test pressure
- top-hole pressure
- top-hole flow pressure
- top-hole gaslift pressure
- total pressure
- total bit pressure
- total critical pressure
- tubing pressure
- unbalanced pressure
- underground pressure
- undisturbed formation pressure
- unit pressure
- unit ground pressure
- unsteady-state reservoir pressure
- uplift pressure
- uplift pressure on bottom
- velocity pressure
- virgin pressure
- virgin formation pressure
- water pressure
- water hammer pressure
- water inrush pressure
- weighted average reservoir pressure
- well pressure
- well flowing pressure
- wellbore pressure
- wellhead pressure
- wellhead annulus casing pressure
- wellhead back pressure
- wellhead flowing pressure
- wind pressure
- working pressure* * *• усилиеАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > pressure
6 AV
1) Компьютерная техника: Abstract Variable, Acrobat Viewer, Authorized Version2) Медицина: атриовентрикулярный, arteriovenous (артериовенозный)3) Американизм: American Voices4) Латинский язык: Annos Vixit5) Военный термин: Air Vehicle, Asset Visibility, Autovon, Auxiliary Vector, Available Vehicles, advanced version, aerospace vehicle, antivehicle, armored vehicle, austere version6) Техника: abnormal voltage, abvolt, anti-vermin, atomic volume, autocorrelation vocoder, avalanche voltage, aviation electronics, voltage amplification7) Сельское хозяйство: any variety8) Химия: Acceptance value9) Математика: дисперсионный анализ (analysis of variance)10) Экономика: Accounting variance (The difference between the budgeted cost of work schedule (BCWS) and the actual cost of work performed (ACWP) at any point in time at a project level.), actual value (фактическая стоимость)11) Политика: Anguilla, Alternative Vote (system)12) Сокращение: Acid Value, Aerial Vehicle, Angular Velocity, Anti-Vehicle, actual velocity, arteriovenous, atrioventricular13) Физиология: Aortic valve, Avulsion14) Электроника: Adjustable Volume, Аудио-Видео15) Вычислительная техника: audio/video, AudioVisual (macintosh, Apple)16) Нефть: annular velocity, audio-visual, скорость в затрубном пространстве (скважины; annular velocity)17) Фирменный знак: Avco18) СМИ: Amateur Video19) Бурение: песчаник овазский (Aux Vases sand), скорость в кольцевом пространстве (annular velocity; затрубном)20) Образование: Alphabetic Verses21) Макаров: аудиовизуальные системы22) Молочное производство: Artificial Vagina23) Расширение файла: Audiovisual, Authenticity Verification24) Подводное плавание: artificial ventilation25) Майкрософт: антивирусная программа26) Правительство: Alexandria, Virginia27) Программное обеспечение: Anti Virus -
7 Av
1) Компьютерная техника: Abstract Variable, Acrobat Viewer, Authorized Version2) Медицина: атриовентрикулярный, arteriovenous (артериовенозный)3) Американизм: American Voices4) Латинский язык: Annos Vixit5) Военный термин: Air Vehicle, Asset Visibility, Autovon, Auxiliary Vector, Available Vehicles, advanced version, aerospace vehicle, antivehicle, armored vehicle, austere version6) Техника: abnormal voltage, abvolt, anti-vermin, atomic volume, autocorrelation vocoder, avalanche voltage, aviation electronics, voltage amplification7) Сельское хозяйство: any variety8) Химия: Acceptance value9) Математика: дисперсионный анализ (analysis of variance)10) Экономика: Accounting variance (The difference between the budgeted cost of work schedule (BCWS) and the actual cost of work performed (ACWP) at any point in time at a project level.), actual value (фактическая стоимость)11) Политика: Anguilla, Alternative Vote (system)12) Сокращение: Acid Value, Aerial Vehicle, Angular Velocity, Anti-Vehicle, actual velocity, arteriovenous, atrioventricular13) Физиология: Aortic valve, Avulsion14) Электроника: Adjustable Volume, Аудио-Видео15) Вычислительная техника: audio/video, AudioVisual (macintosh, Apple)16) Нефть: annular velocity, audio-visual, скорость в затрубном пространстве (скважины; annular velocity)17) Фирменный знак: Avco18) СМИ: Amateur Video19) Бурение: песчаник овазский (Aux Vases sand), скорость в кольцевом пространстве (annular velocity; затрубном)20) Образование: Alphabetic Verses21) Макаров: аудиовизуальные системы22) Молочное производство: Artificial Vagina23) Расширение файла: Audiovisual, Authenticity Verification24) Подводное плавание: artificial ventilation25) Майкрософт: антивирусная программа26) Правительство: Alexandria, Virginia27) Программное обеспечение: Anti Virus -
8 av
1) Компьютерная техника: Abstract Variable, Acrobat Viewer, Authorized Version2) Медицина: атриовентрикулярный, arteriovenous (артериовенозный)3) Американизм: American Voices4) Латинский язык: Annos Vixit5) Военный термин: Air Vehicle, Asset Visibility, Autovon, Auxiliary Vector, Available Vehicles, advanced version, aerospace vehicle, antivehicle, armored vehicle, austere version6) Техника: abnormal voltage, abvolt, anti-vermin, atomic volume, autocorrelation vocoder, avalanche voltage, aviation electronics, voltage amplification7) Сельское хозяйство: any variety8) Химия: Acceptance value9) Математика: дисперсионный анализ (analysis of variance)10) Экономика: Accounting variance (The difference between the budgeted cost of work schedule (BCWS) and the actual cost of work performed (ACWP) at any point in time at a project level.), actual value (фактическая стоимость)11) Политика: Anguilla, Alternative Vote (system)12) Сокращение: Acid Value, Aerial Vehicle, Angular Velocity, Anti-Vehicle, actual velocity, arteriovenous, atrioventricular13) Физиология: Aortic valve, Avulsion14) Электроника: Adjustable Volume, Аудио-Видео15) Вычислительная техника: audio/video, AudioVisual (macintosh, Apple)16) Нефть: annular velocity, audio-visual, скорость в затрубном пространстве (скважины; annular velocity)17) Фирменный знак: Avco18) СМИ: Amateur Video19) Бурение: песчаник овазский (Aux Vases sand), скорость в кольцевом пространстве (annular velocity; затрубном)20) Образование: Alphabetic Verses21) Макаров: аудиовизуальные системы22) Молочное производство: Artificial Vagina23) Расширение файла: Audiovisual, Authenticity Verification24) Подводное плавание: artificial ventilation25) Майкрософт: антивирусная программа26) Правительство: Alexandria, Virginia27) Программное обеспечение: Anti Virus -
9 operation
1. операция, действие, рабочий процесс; обслуживание, управление2. цикл [процесс] обработки3. разработка, эксплуатация4. режим
* * *
1. операция; действие; работа; эксплуатация3. обслуживание— in operation
* * *
обслуживание, управление ( машиной); работа, цикл обработки
* * *
действие, операция (математическая или физическая, обычно обозначаемая некоторым символом; операциями являются дифференцирование, интегрирование, свёртка, преобразование Фурье, взаимная корреляция и т.п); 2) деятельность; разработка
* * *
1) операция; действие; работа; эксплуатация (<<машины>)2) срабатывание ( устройства)4) обслуживание•in operation — в процессе работы; в эксплуатации;
operations inspected — число проверенных операций;
to be out of operation — находиться в неисправном состоянии;
- operation of seismic data exchangeto put a plant into operation — вводить установку в эксплуатацию;
- abnormal operation
- accident-free operation
- air-gaslift well operation
- airlift well operation
- artificial-lift well operation
- bit operation
- bit off-center operation
- breakout operation
- cased-hole operations
- cementing operations
- commercial operation
- completion operations
- construction-and-assembling operations
- continuous flowing well operation
- continuous gaslift well operation
- cyclic storage operation
- debris-free operation
- degraded operation
- depth-probing operations
- drilling operation
- drilling-and-blasting operations
- drilling-in operation
- drop weight operations
- dry land operation
- emergency operation
- failed operation
- fail-safe operation
- failure-free operation
- fault-free operation
- field operation
- finite reflux operation
- fishing operations
- flashing operation
- flowing well operation
- fueling operation
- gas-injection operation
- gaslift well operation
- gas-scrubbing operation
- gas-washing operation
- gas-welding operations
- gate valves operation
- graceful operation
- handling operations
- hole straightening operations
- hydraulic fracturing operation
- hydropacker plunger lift well operation
- infinite reflux operation
- intermittent flowing well operation
- intermittent gaslift well operation
- kick-killing operation
- launchway operation
- logging operation
- makeup operation
- mapping operation
- mild-duty operation
- milling operations
- multiduty operation
- multiple-stream operation
- natural pressure gaslift well operation
- no-failure operation
- nonresiduum operation
- nonstop operation
- offshore operations
- oil spotting operation
- one-way operation
- parallel operation
- partial reflux operation
- pilot operation
- positioned operation
- pressure-testing operation
- primary operation
- prior operation
- producing operation
- products pipeline operation
- radioactive tracer operations
- reliability assurance operation
- repair operations
- repair-and-renewal operations
- rig operation
- rig-down operations
- rig-up operations
- round-the-clock operation
- round-trip operation
- running operation
- safe operation
- salvage operation
- sand washing operation
- seismic operations
- seismic logging operations
- seismic processing operation
- series operation
- shooting operations
- shot operations
- shot-firing operation
- sidetracking operation
- sighting operation
- stacking operation
- steam injection operation
- straight gaslift well operation
- successful operation
- survey operation
- system operation
- tank-truck loading operation
- test operation
- total reflux operation
- tripping operation
- trouble-free operation
- unattended operation
- undisturbed operation
- unit operation of field
- uphole shooting operation
- velocity-analysis operation
- Vibroseis operations
- washover fishing operations
- water flood operation
- water injection operation
- weight-dropping operation
- well operation
- well operation without pumping derrick
- well-logging operations
- well-service operation
- well-surveying operation
- well-workover operation
- wireline operation
- wireline fishing operations
- wireline remedial operations
- wireline workover operations* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > operation
10 drilling
бурение; сверление; высверливаниеbottom supported marine drilling — бурение скважин с опорой на дно (со стационарной свайной платформы)
* * *
1. бурение2. pl. буровой шлам, буровая мелочь
* * *
* * *
1) бурение; сверление; высверливание || буровой; бурильный2) pl выбуренная порода3) pl буровой шлам, буровая мука; буровая мелочь4) pl скважины5) pl алмазы величиной от 4 до 23 штук на карат•drilling afloat — бурение наплаву;
drilling ahead — 1) бурение ниже башмака обсадной колонны ( на значительную глубину) 2) бурение, опережающее проходку горной выработки;
drilling by flame — 1) термическое бурение 2) прожигание скважин;
drilling by jetting method — 1) бурение гидравлическим способом 2) гидромониторное бурение;
drilling deeper — углубка скважины;
drilling for gas — бурение на газ;
drilling for oil — бурение на нефть;
drilling for structure — картировочное бурение;
drilling for water — бурение на воду;
drilling from floating vessel — бурение с плавучего основания;
drilling in cramped quarter — бурение глубоких скважин из выработки малого сечения;
drilling into abnormal pressure zone — бурение в зоне высокого давления;
not drilling — простаивающий ();
drilling off the whipstock — бурение со стационарного отклонителя;
drilling on the bottom — чистое бурение;
drilling out of cement plug — разбуривание цементной пробки;
drilling suspended indefinitely — бурение прекращено на неопределённое время;
drilling the pay — разбуривание продуктивного пласта;
drilling to completion — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling to predetermined depth — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling to projected depth — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling with aerated fluid — бурение с промывкой аэрированной жидкостью;
drilling with aerated formation water — бурение с промывкой аэрированными пластовыми водами;
drilling with air — бурение с очисткой забоя воздухом;
drilling with counterflow — бурение с обратной промывкой;
drilling with explosives — взрывное бурение;
drilling with localized mud circulation — бурение с местной промывкой;
drilling with mud — бурение с промывкой буровым раствором;
drilling with oil — бурение с промывкой раствором на углеводородной основе;
drilling with salt water — бурение с промывкой солёной водой;
drilling with sound vibration — вибробурение со звуковыми частотами;
- drilling of submarine wellsdrilling without drill pipe — беструбное бурение;
- abrasive jet drilling
- aerated-fluid drilling
- aerated-mud drilling
- aeration drilling
- air drilling
- air-and-gas drilling
- air-and-stable-foam drilling
- air-flush drilling
- air-hammer drilling
- air-hammer rotary drilling
- air-motor drilling
- air-percussion drilling
- air-reverse-circulation drilling
- angled drilling
- angular drilling
- anomaly drilling
- appraisal drilling
- arc drilling
- auger drilling
- balanced drilling
- barge drilling
- bench drilling
- blasthole drilling
- blind drilling
- borehole drilling
- bottom supported marine drilling
- bottomhole circulation drilling
- bottom-supported offshore drilling
- branched-hole drilling
- cable drilling
- cable-churn drilling
- cable-Pennsylvanian drilling
- cable-rotary drilling
- cable-tool drilling
- calibration drilling
- Calyx drilling
- Canadian drilling
- carbide percussion drilling
- chain bit drilling
- checkerboard drilling
- chemical drilling
- chilled-shot drilling
- churn drilling
- churn flame drilling
- city-lot drilling
- clean drilling
- close drilling
- close-spaced surface drilling
- close-spaced underground drilling
- cluster drilling
- cluster directional drilling of slant
- combination drilling
- compressed air drilling
- continuous penetration drilling
- contract drilling
- control angle drilling
- controlled drilling
- controlled-angle drilling
- core drilling
- counterflush drilling
- counterflush core drilling
- cover drilling
- Craelius method drilling
- deep drilling
- deep-hole drilling
- deep-water drilling
- deep-well drilling
- definition drilling
- dense drilling
- development drilling
- diamond drilling
- diamond core drilling
- direct-air-circulation drilling
- direct-circulation drilling
- directed drilling
- directional drilling
- directional drilling of slant holes
- double-barreled drilling
- double-directional drilling
- double-hand drilling
- double-inclinated drilling
- double-simultaneous drilling
- double-tube drilling
- downhole drilling
- downhole electrical motor drilling
- downhole hammer drilling
- downhole percussion drilling
- downhole turbine motor drilling
- down-the-hole drilling
- drainhole drilling
- drive-pipe drilling
- dry drilling
- dry-hole drilling
- dry percussive drilling
- dual-bore cluster drilling
- dual-hole simultaneous drilling
- dust-free drilling
- dustless drilling
- easy drilling
- electrical drilling
- electrical arc drilling
- electrical bottomhole drilling
- electrohydraulic drilling
- electrojet drilling
- electron beam drilling
- erosion drilling
- erosion jet drilling
- exhaust gas drilling
- exploration drilling
- exploratory drilling
- explosion drilling
- extended reach drilling
- failure-free drilling
- fan drilling
- flame drilling
- flame-jet drilling
- floating drilling
- fluid circulating drilling
- fluid core drilling
- flush drilling
- foam drilling
- formation drilling
- full-diameter drilling
- full-hole drilling
- gas drilling
- gas-well drilling
- geological drilling
- group drilling
- grout-hole drilling
- guided drilling
- hand drilling
- hand churn drilling
- hand hammer drilling
- hard-rock drilling
- heavy weight drilling
- high-frequency drilling
- high-frequency percussion drilling
- high-velocity jet drilling
- hooded dry drilling
- horizontal drilling
- horizontal branched-hole drilling
- horizontal-drainhole drilling
- horizontal-radial diamond drilling
- horizontal-ring drilling
- hydraulical drilling
- hydraulical percussion drilling
- hydraulical rotary drilling
- hydrodynamical drilling
- hydropercussion drilling
- hydropercussion rotary drilling
- hydroturbine downhole motor drilling
- implosion drilling
- inclination drilling
- induction drilling
- infill drilling
- injection drilling
- instrumental drilling
- intermediate hole drilling
- inverted oil emulsion drilling
- jet drilling
- jet-bit drilling
- jet-erosion drilling
- jet-piercer drilling
- jet-piercing drilling
- jetted-particle drilling
- jetting drilling
- jump drilling
- key well drilling
- large-hole drilling
- laser drilling
- lateral drilling
- line drilling
- line-hole drilling
- line-well drilling
- long-hole drilling
- machine drilling
- magnetostriction drilling
- magnetostriction rotary drilling
- marine drilling
- mechanical drilling
- mechanized drilling
- Mesabi structural drilling
- microbit drilling
- mist drilling
- moderate drilling
- mud-circulating drilling
- mud-powered hammer drilling
- multidirectional drilling
- multihole drilling
- multiple drilling
- multiple-plan drilling
- noncore drilling
- nonpressure drilling
- offset drilling
- offshore drilling
- oil-emulsion drilling
- oil-mud drilling
- oil-well drilling
- old-well deeper drilling
- one-man drilling
- on-land drilling
- optimized drilling
- oriented drilling
- original drilling
- outstep drilling
- overbalanced drilling
- overburden drilling
- overhead drilling
- parallel hole drilling
- pay drilling
- pellet impact drilling
- Pennsylvanian drilling
- percussion drilling
- percussion-air drilling
- percussion-rod drilling
- percussion-rotation drilling
- percussive drilling
- percussive-machine drilling
- percussive-rotary drilling
- performance drilling
- permafrost drilling
- petroleum drilling
- pier drilling
- pillar extraction drilling
- pilot drilling
- pipe-driving drilling
- pipeless drilling
- pipeless downhole electrical motor drilling
- placer drilling
- plasma drilling
- plug drilling
- pneumatical drilling
- preliminary drilling
- pressure drilling
- probe drilling
- production drilling
- prospect drilling
- pulsed jet drilling
- push-button drilling
- push-feed drilling
- quick-blow drilling
- radial drilling
- random drilling
- rapid-blow drilling
- reduced-pressure drilling
- remote automated drilling
- reverse-circulation core drilling
- ring drilling
- rock drilling
- rocket drilling
- rod drilling
- rod-tool drilling
- roller-bit drilling
- rope drilling
- rotary drilling
- rotary-percussion drilling
- rotary-turbine drilling
- rotation drilling
- rotation-vibropercussion drilling
- rough drilling
- run-to-waste drilling
- safe drilling
- salt-dome drilling
- sample drilling
- scattered drilling
- seam drilling
- secondary drilling
- sectional steel drilling
- self-cleaning drilling
- shaft drilling
- shallow drilling
- shaped charge drilling
- shelf drilling
- ship-side drilling
- shock-wave drilling
- shot drilling
- shot core drilling
- shothole drilling
- simultaneous drilling
- single-hand drilling
- single-pass drilling
- single-row drilling
- slant-hole drilling
- slim-hole drilling
- sonic combination drilling
- spark drilling
- spindle feed drilling
- spring-pole drilling
- steel-shot drilling
- straight-ahead drilling
- straight-hole drilling
- straight-hole directional drilling
- stratigraphic test drilling
- structure drilling
- subgrade drilling
- submarine drilling
- subsurface drilling
- superdeep drilling
- surface drilling
- surface blasthole drilling
- surface hole drilling
- tension drilling
- test drilling
- test-hole drilling
- test-well drilling
- thermal drilling
- top hammer drilling
- top hole drilling
- tough drilling
- town-lot drilling
- triple-hole simultaneous drilling
- trouble-free drilling
- tungsten-carbide drilling
- turbine motor drilling
- ultradeep drilling
- ultrasonic drilling
- underbalanced drilling
- underground drilling
- underwater drilling
- up-hole drilling
- upper-hole drilling
- vacuum drilling
- vertical drilling
- vertical ring drilling
- vibration drilling
- vibratory drilling
- vibratory-percussion drilling
- vibratory-rotary drilling
- vibropercussion drilling
- vibropercussion rotary drilling
- wash drilling
- water drilling
- water-assisted drilling
- water-flush drilling
- water-jet drilling
- water-well drilling
- well drilling
- wet drilling
- wild-cat drilling
- wireline drilling* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > drilling
11 lens
геол. линза, чечевицеобразная залежь2. лупа, объектив— lens out
* * *
линзовидная залежь, линза || отлагаться в виде линзовидной залежи
* * *
линзовидная ( чечевицеобразная) залежь.
* * *
линза, линзовидная залежь
* * *
линзовидная залежь, линза || отлагаться в виде линзовидной залежи- cavernous lens
- elongated lens
- low-velocity lens
- oil lens
- porous lens
- sand lens
- velocity lens* * *• 1) линза; 2) линзовидная залежь• оптика -
12 AV
1. abnormal voltage - напряжение с отклонением от требуемого значения;2. abvolt - единица электродвижущей силы в системе СГСМ;3. according to value - по стоимости; согласно оценке;4. acid value - коэффициент кислотности; кислотное число;5. annealed in vacuum - отожжённый в вакууме;6. annular velocity - скорость в затрубном пространстве скважины; скорость в кольцевом пространстве; скорость восходящего потока;7. anti-vermin - предназначенный для борьбы с сельскохозяйственными вредителями;8. any variety - любой вид; любая порода; любой сорт;9. atomic volume - атомный объём; объём грамм-атома;11. audio-visual - звуко-визуальный; аудиовизуальный;12. authorized version - авторизованный перевод; уполномоченный вариант;13. autocorrelation vocoder - автокорреляционный вокодер;14. availability - готовность; коэффициент готовности;15. avalanche voltage - напряжение лавинного пробоя;16. average - среднее значение;17. aviation electronics - авиационная электроника;18. avionics - бортовая радиоэлектронная аппаратура;19. avoirdupois - английская система единиц массы и веса;20. voltage amplification - коэффициент усиления по напряжению -
13 AV
- скорость потока в кольцевом зазоре
- напряжение, не соответствующее нормированным показателям качества
напряжение, не соответствующее нормированным показателям качества
скорость потока в кольцевом зазоре
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > AV
См. также в других словарях:
аномальная скорость — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN abnormal velocity … Справочник технического переводчика
radiation — radiational, adj. /ray dee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. b. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and… … Universalium
Medical ultrasonography — This article is about using ultrasound to image the human body. For imaging of animals in research, see Preclinical imaging. Sonography redirects here. For the tactile alphabet called sonography , see Night writing. Medical ultrasonography… … Wikipedia
respiration, human — ▪ physiology Introduction the process by which oxygen is taken up and carbon dioxide discharged. The design of the respiratory system The human gas exchanging organ, the lung, is located in the thorax, where its delicate tissues are… … Universalium
Heart sounds — Front of thorax, showing surface relations of bones, lungs (purple), pleura (blue), and heart (red outline). The location of best auscultation for each heart valve are labeled with M , T , A , and P . First heart sound: caused by atrioventricular … Wikipedia
Cerebral palsy — Classification and external resources … Wikipedia
Hypertonia — This article is about increased activity and resistance in muscles. For increased blood pressure, see Hypertension. Hypertonia Classification and external resources ICD 10 P94.1 ICD 9 … Wikipedia
Group C nerve fiber — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = C fiber not labeled, but substantia gelatinosa of Rolando is Rexed lamina II, labeled at upper left. Caption2 = Precursor = System = Artery = Vein = Nerve = Lymph =… … Wikipedia
Blood pressure — For information about high blood pressure, see Hypertension. Blood pressure Diagnostics A sphygmomanometer, a device used for measuring arterial pressure. MeSH … Wikipedia
Magnetic resonance angiography — Intervention Time of flight MRA showing the circle of Willis in the brain. Note the venetian blinds artifact visible as the multiple pseudo stenosis on both the left and right middle cerebral artery … Wikipedia
Ventricular fibrillation — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = ECG lead showing VF DiseasesDB = ICD10 = ICD10|I|49|0|i|40 ICD9 = ICD9|427.41 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = D014693 Ventricular fibrillation (V fib or VF) is a… … Wikipedia