1 abnormal growth
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > abnormal growth
2 abnormal growth
1) Экономика: ненормальный рост2) Лесоводство: патологический рост -
3 abnormal growth
4 abnormal growth
5 abnormal growth
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > abnormal growth
6 abnormal growth
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > abnormal growth
7 abnormal growth
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > abnormal growth
8 abnormal growth
9 abnormal growth
10 growth
growth 1. рост; развитие; произрастание; 2. выращивание; культивирование; 3. культура (бактерий) ; 4. растительность; поросль; 5. новообразованиеgrowth additives ростовые добавкиgrowth additives стимуляторы ростаgrowth in surface (бот) плоскостной ростgrowth lime-inhibiting ограничение ростаabnormal growth ненормальный ростadditive growth аддитивный ростallometric growth, allomorphic growth аллометрический рост (неодинаковый по скорости рост различных частей тела)apical growth апикальный ростappositional growth (бот) рост наложениемautodecent growth самоподдерживающийся ростauxetic growth рост за счёт увеличения размеров клетокbalanced growth сбалансированный ростbase growth equivalence основное уравнение ростаcell growth рост клеткиcellular growth клеточный ростcompensatory growth компенсаторный ростconcomitant growth сопутствующий ростconfluent growth сплошной ростculture growth рост культуры клетокdelayed growth задержанный ростdiauxic growth диауксичный ростdirectional growth направленный ростdisharmonic growth несбалансированный ростduration of growth продолжительность ростаearly growth рост на ранних стадиях, начальный ростembryonic growth эмбриональный ростexponential growth экспоненциальный рост, экспоненциальная фаза ростаfir-tree growth микр рост в виде елиfull growth полное развитиеgeometrical growth геометрический рост, рост по логарифмической кривойheavy growth обильный рост, пышный ростheterogonic growth аллометрический рост (неодинаковый по скорости рост различных частей тела)indeterminate growth рост, не ограничиваемый развитием верхушечной почкиintercalary growth интеркалярный рост, вставочный ростinterstitial growth интерстициальный ростintracellular growth внутриклеточный ростintrauterine growth внутриматочный рост (плода)intrusive growth (бот) рост внедрениемisogonic growth равномерный ростisometric growth изометрический ростjuvenile growth рост молодого организмаlate logarithmic growth фаза позднего логарифмического ростаlatent growth латентная фаза ростаlimited growth ограниченный ростlinear growth линейный ростlongitudinal growth рост в длинуmeristic growth меристический рост (за счёт увеличения числа клеток)monolayer growth рост в монослоеmultilayer growth многослойный ростmultiplicative growth меристический рост (за счёт увеличения числа клеток)new growth новообразование; опухольone-step growth одиночный цикл размножения (напр. фага)parabolic growth параболический ростphotoautotrophic growth фотоавтотрофный ростplentiful growth обильный рост, пышный ростpoor growth слабый рост, скудный ростpostnatal growth постнатальный рост (после рождения или после вылупления)potential growth потенциальный ростprimary growth первичный ростpure growth чистая разводка (микроорганизмов)relative growth относительный ростriot growth обильный рост, пышный ростsecond growth 1. естественное возобновление; 2. вторичный лес, производный лес; порослевой лесsecondary growth вторичный ростseedling growth самосев; подсадsizeable growth заметный ростsliding growth (бот) скользящий ростsteady-state growth рост при постоянных условияхstunted growth чахлый ростsubmerged growth глубинный рост, погружённый ростsubmersed growth глубинный ростsurface growth поверхностный ростtip growth верхушечный ростunbalanced growth несбалансированный ростvegetative growth вегетативный рост; вегетативное развитиеwall growth пристеночный ростyeast-like growth дрожжеподобный ростyoung growth 1. подрост, молодняк; 2. порослевой лесEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > growth
11 abnormal
1. a ненормальный; аномальный; отклоняющийся от нормы2. a огромный, необычно большого размераabnormal statement — особый оператор; необычный оператор
3. a отклоняющийся от средней величиныСинонимический ряд:1. aberrant (adj.) aberrant; anomalistic; anomalous; atypical; bizarre; curious; deviant; deviating; deviative; divergent; eccentric; heteroclite; irregular; odd; off-key; peculiar; preternatural; prodigious; strange; unnatural; unregular; unrepresentative; untypical; unusual2. exceptional (adj.) exceptional; extraordinary; rareАнтонимический ряд:customary; normal; ordinary; regular; usual -
12 growth
nрост; развитие; увеличение- balanced growthto slow down growth — замедлять рост / развитие
- break-neck growth
- damped growth
- economic growth
- efficient growth
- equilibrium growth
- export-biased growth
- full growth
- global economic growth
- growth in prosperity
- growth of technology
- impediment to growth
- import-biased growth
- industrial growth
- intellectual growth
- job growth
- poor growth
- population growth
- rapid growth - sluggish growth
- smooth path of growth
- stable growth
- stages of growth
- steady growth
- stunted growth
- substantial growth
- sustainable growth
- sustained growth
- swift growth
- unbalanced growth
- uncontrolled growth
- ups and downs in growth
- urban growth
- zero growth -
13 growth
1) рост; развитие2) выращивание, культивированиеpoor growth — слабый [скудный] рост
submerged growth — глубинный [погружённый] рост
Англо-русский терминологический перечень по культуре тканей растений > growth
14 growth
1) рост; развитие, увеличение; прирост2) выращивание3) происхождение -
15 growth
nрост, развитие, увеличение; прирост -
16 growth
2) выращивание3) наращивание6) размножение; рост ( клеток)•growth by flux evaporation — выращивание ( кристаллов) методом выпаривания расплава;growth by heat exchanger method — выращивание ( кристаллов) методом теплообменника;growth by sintering — выращивание ( кристаллов) методом спекания;growth from liquid solution — выращивание ( кристаллов) из жидкого раствора;growth from melt — выращивание ( кристаллов) из расплаваgrowth of cyclone — углубление циклонаgrowth of metastable phases — рост ( кристаллов) метастабильных фаз-
abnormal grain growth
advance growth
after growth
annual growth
apical growth
austenite grain growth
autodecent growth
automatic growth at diameter
auxetic growth
balanced growth
basal area growth
biological growth
boat growth
bottom growth
cellular growth
centrifugal zone growth
confluent growth
crack growth
crusibleless growth
crystal growth
crystal-pulling growth
dendritic growth
diameter growth
discontinuous growth
domain growth
early growth
edge-defined film-fed growth
edge-stabilized silicon ribbon growth
electroepitaxial growth
epitaxial film growth
epitaxial growth
epitaxial vacuum growth
exaggerated grain growth
exponential growth
filamentary crystal growth
film growth
flame-fusion growth
flux growth
fracture growth
grain growth
gravity-free growth
gross growth
hail growth
heteroepitaxial growth
homoepitaxial growth
hydrothermal growth
isothermal growth
late logarithmic growth
latent growth
lateral growth
layer growth
liquid-phase epitaxial growth
liquid epitaxial growth
machine thermal growth
melt growth
microgravity growth
molecular-beam growth
monoclinic growth
multiple silicon ribbon growth
neck growth
noncoherent growth
nucleus growth
old growth
one growth
on-orbit growth
oriented growth
oxide growth
poly growth
precipitation growth
pulling growth
raindrop growth
rated growth
rate growth
reliability growth
sea ice growth
second growth
seeded growth
selective growth
silicon ribbon growth
silicon sheet growth
single-crystal growth
solid-liquid growth
solid-solid growth
spiral growth
stand growth
submersed growth
surface growth
tetrahedral growth
thermal-gradient growth
unbalanced growth
vapor-phase epitaxial growth
vapor epitaxial growth
Verneil growth
volume growth
whisker growth
young growth
zone growth -
17 growth
1) рост; увеличение; развитие2) рост; выращивание (напр. кристалла)3) прирост; увеличение•growth by exsolution — рост посредством выпадения преципитатов, экстрактивный рост
growth by flux evaporation — выращивание методом испарения расплава;
growth by open-tube process — выращивание в проточной системе, выращивание методом открытой трубы;
growth by reversible reactions — выращивание методом обратимых реакций;
- growth of wavegrowth in open boat — выращивание в открытой лодочке, выращивание методом Чалмерса
- abnormal grain growth
- aqueous growth
- aqueous-solutlon growth
- arc-image growth
- boat growth
- cellular growth
- Chalmers' growth
- chemical reaction growth
- conservative crystal growth
- continuous grain growth
- controlled dendritic growth
- convection-limited growth
- crucibleless growth
- crystal growth
- crystal-pulling growth
- crystal-pushing growth
- Czochralski growth
- dendrite-ribbon growth
- dendrite-web growth
- dendritic growth
- diffusion-controlled growth
- diffusion-limited growth
- discontinuous grain growth
- domain growth
- electrochemical growth
- epitaxial growth
- epitaxial film growth
- epitaxial vacuum growth
- exaggerated grain growth
- facet growth
- fernlike growth
- flame-fusion growth
- flux growth
- fractal growth
- gaseous growth
- gaseous-phase growth
- gel growth
- grain growth
- heteroepitaxial growth
- high-temperature growth
- homoepitaxial growth
- hopper growth
- horizontal Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- hydrothermal growth
- ingot growth
- irreversible growth
- isotropic growth
- Kruger-Finke growth
- Kyropoulos growth
- layer growth
- liquid-metal solvent growth
- liquid-phase growth
- logistic growth
- low-temperature growth
- melt growth
- molten-salt growth
- monocomponent growth
- multiwafer film growth
- nonconservative growth
- normal grain growth
- oriented growth
- oxide growth
- pedestal growth
- poly growth
- preferential growth
- pseudomorphic growth
- rate growth
- rheotaxial growth
- seeded growth
- selective growth
- sheet growth
- single-crystal growth
- solid-liquid growth
- solid-solid growth
- solutioh growth
- spherulitic growth
- spiral growth
- sublimation-condensation growth
- thermal growth
- thermal-gradient growth
- transport-limited growth
- unintentional growth
- vapor growth
- vapor-liquid-solid growth
- vapor-phase growth
- vapor-solid growth
- Verneuil growth
- vertical Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- V-L-S growth
- whisker growth
- zero-gravity crystal growth -
18 growth
1) рост; увеличение; развитие2) рост; выращивание (напр. кристалла)3) прирост; увеличение•growth by exsolution — рост посредством выпадения преципитатов, экстрактивный рост
growth by open-tube process — выращивание в проточной системе, выращивание методом открытой трубы
- aqueous growthgrowth in open boat — выращивание в открытой лодочке, выращивание методом Чалмерса
- aqueous-solutlon growth
- arc-image growth
- boat growth
- cellular growth
- Chalmers' growth
- chemical reaction growth
- conservative crystal growth
- continuous grain growth
- controlled dendritic growth
- convection-limited growth
- crucibleless growth
- crystal growth
- crystal-pulling growth
- crystal-pushing growth
- Czochralski growth
- dendrite-ribbon growth
- dendrite-web growth
- dendritic growth
- diffusion-controlled growth
- diffusion-limited growth
- discontinuous grain growth
- domain growth
- electrochemical growth
- epitaxial film growth
- epitaxial growth
- epitaxial vacuum growth
- exaggerated grain growth
- facet growth
- fernlike growth
- flame-fusion growth
- flux growth
- fractal growth
- gaseous growth
- gaseous-phase growth
- gel growth
- grain growth
- growth of metastable phases
- growth of wave
- heteroepitaxial growth
- high-temperature growth
- homoepitaxial growth
- hopper growth
- horizontal Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- hydrothermal growth
- ingot growth
- irreversible growth
- isotropic growth
- Kruger-Finke growth
- Kyropoulos growth
- layer growth
- liquid-metal solvent growth
- liquid-phase growth
- logistic growth
- low-temperature growth
- melt growth
- molten-salt growth
- monocomponent growth
- multiwafer film growth
- nonconservative growth
- normal grain growth
- oriented growth
- oxide growth
- pedestal growth
- poly growth
- preferential growth
- pseudomorphic growth
- rate growth
- rheotaxial growth
- seeded growth
- selective growth
- sheet growth
- single-crystal growth
- solid-liquid growth
- solid-solid growth
- solutioh growth
- spherulitic growth
- spiral growth
- sublimation-condensation growth
- thermal growth
- thermal-gradient growth
- transport-limited growth
- unintentional growth
- vapor growth
- vapor-liquid-solid growth
- vapor-phase growth
- vapor-solid growth
- Verneuil growth
- vertical Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- V-L-S growth
- whisker growth
- zero-gravity crystal growthThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > growth
19 growth
20 abnormal grain growth
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > abnormal grain growth
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Growth landmarks — are parameters measured in infants, children and adolescents which help gauge where they are on a continuum of normal growth and development. Growth landmarks have also been used for determination of abnormal growth as well. med stubExternal… … Wikipedia
growth — /grohth/, n. 1. the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase. 2. size or stage of development: It hasn t yet reached its full growth. 3. completed development. 4. development from a simpler to a more complex stage:… … Universalium
growth — grəʊθ n. development, process of growing; abnormal growth of a mass of tissue, tumor … English contemporary dictionary
growth factor — n a substance (as a vitamin B12 or an interleukin) that promotes growth and esp. cellular growth * * * any of various chemicals, particularly polypeptides, that have a variety of important roles in the stimulation of new cell growth and cell… … Medical dictionary
Growth failure — is a medical term for a pattern of a child s growth which is poorer than normal for age, sex, stage of maturation, and genetic height expectation. Growth failure usually has an abnormal cause or causes. Many short children are growing normally… … Wikipedia
growth — [grōth] n. 1. the process of growing or developing; specif., a) gradual development toward maturity b) formation and development 2. a) degree of increase in size, weight, power, etc. b) the full extent of such increase 3 … English World dictionary
growth — ► NOUN 1) the process of growing. 2) something that has grown or is growing. 3) a tumour or other abnormal formation … English terms dictionary
growth — noun 1 increase in sth ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, exponential, significant, strong ▪ the exponential growth in world population ▪ high ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Abnormal Situation Management — The Abnormal Situation Management (ASM) Consortium is a long running and active Honeywell led research and development consortium of 12 companies and universities that are concerned about the negative effects of industrial accidents. An abnormal… … Wikipedia
Growth hormone deficiency — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = Growth hormone DiseasesDB = 5447 ICD10 = ICD10|E|23|0|e|20 ICD9 = ICD9|253.3 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = 001176 eMedicineSubj = med eMedicineTopic = 930 MeshID = D004393 Growth Hormone Deficiency is the… … Wikipedia
growth — The increase in size of a living being or any of its parts occurring in the process of development. accretionary g. g. by an increase of intercellular material. appositional g. g. accomplished by the addition of new layers on those previously… … Medical dictionary