1 abbreviation
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > abbreviation
2 abbreviation
abbreviation Abkürzung fEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > abbreviation
3 abbreviation
4 abbreviation
< term> ■ Abkürzung f -
5 abbreviation
ab·bre·via·tion [ə ˌbri:viʼeɪʃən] n -
6 abbreviation
Abkürzung -
7 abbreviation
8 abbreviation
9 abbreviation acronym
English-german engineering dictionary > abbreviation acronym
10 abbreviation document
n.Kurzrufdokument n. -
11 radio abbreviation
< tele> ■ Funkabkürzung f -
12 unit abbreviation
13 AD
abbreviation = Anno Dominin. Chr* * *[,ei 'di:](abbreviation from Latin) (anno domini; (used in dates to mean after the birth of Jesus Christ; also used by non-Christians): in 630 AD; in the seventh century AD.)* * *AD[ˌeɪˈdi:]adj abbrev of Anno Domini n. Chr.* * *abbr n. Chr., A.D.* * *AD abk1. anno Domini, in the year of the Lord A. D., n. Chr.:* * *abbreviation = Anno Dominin. Chr* * *n.Zeitungsanzeige f. -
14 ad
abbreviation = Anno Dominin. Chr* * *[,ei 'di:](abbreviation from Latin) (anno domini; (used in dates to mean after the birth of Jesus Christ; also used by non-Christians): in 630 AD; in the seventh century AD.)* * *AD[ˌeɪˈdi:]adj abbrev of Anno Domini n. Chr.* * *abbr n. Chr., A.D.* * *small ads Kleinanzeigenad2 [æd] s Tennis: US umg Vorteil m:ad in (out) Vorteil Aufschläger(in) (Rückschläger[in])* * *abbreviation = Anno Dominin. Chr* * *n.Zeitungsanzeige f. -
15 APR
abbreviation = annualized percentage rateJahreszinssatz, der* * *( written abbreviation) ( April)* * *[ˌeɪpi:ˈɑ:ʳ, AM -ˈɑ:r]n FIN effektiver Jahreszins* * *abbr Jahreszinssatz m* * ** * *abbreviation = annualized percentage rateJahreszinssatz, der -
16 ATM
abbreviation = academic.ru/4555/automated_teller_machine">automated teller machine* * *[,ei ti: 'em]((American) (abbreviation) Automated Teller Machine; a machine, usually outside a bank, from which people can get money with their credit cards or bank cards.)* * *[ˌeɪti:ˈem]auto·mat·ed ˈtell·er ma·chine, ATMn Geldautomat m, Bankomat m SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR* * *abbr See: of automated telling or teller machine* * *ATM abk* * * -
17 BA
abbreviation(Univ.) = Bachelor of Arts see also B.Sc* * *[,bi:'ei:]( abbreviation) (Bachelor of Arts; a first university degree in arts, literature etc (but not in the exact sciences).)* * *BA1[ˌbi:ˈeɪ]BA2[ˌbi:ˈeɪ]* * *abbr See: of Bachelor of Arts* * *BA abk* * *abbreviation(Univ.) = Bachelor of Arts see also B.Sc -
18 Ba
abbreviation(Univ.) = Bachelor of Arts see also B.Sc* * *[,bi:'ei:]( abbreviation) (Bachelor of Arts; a first university degree in arts, literature etc (but not in the exact sciences).)* * *BA1[ˌbi:ˈeɪ]BA2[ˌbi:ˈeɪ]* * *abbr See: of Bachelor of Arts* * *Ba, ba [bɑː] s REL Ba-Seele f (im alten Ägypten als menschenköpfiger Vogel dargestellter Teil der Seele)* * *abbreviation(Univ.) = Bachelor of Arts see also B.Sc -
19 ba
abbreviation(Univ.) = Bachelor of Arts see also B.Sc* * *[,bi:'ei:]( abbreviation) (Bachelor of Arts; a first university degree in arts, literature etc (but not in the exact sciences).)* * *BA1[ˌbi:ˈeɪ]BA2[ˌbi:ˈeɪ]* * *abbr See: of Bachelor of Arts* * *Ba, ba [bɑː] s REL Ba-Seele f (im alten Ägypten als menschenköpfiger Vogel dargestellter Teil der Seele)* * *abbreviation(Univ.) = Bachelor of Arts see also B.Sc -
20 BC
abbreviation = before Christv. Chr* * *[,bi: ɡsi:]( abbreviation) (before Christ (used in dates; also used by non-Christians): in (the year) 470 BC.)* * *BC1[bi:ˈsi:]adv abbrev of before Christ v. Chr.BC2[bi:ˈsi:]* * *I abbr v. Chr II abbr See: of British Columbia* * ** * *abbreviation = before Christv. Chr
См. также в других словарях:
Abbreviation — Ab*bre vi*a tion, n. [LL. abbreviatio: cf. F. abbr[ e]viation.] 1. The act of shortening, or reducing. [1913 Webster] 2. The result of abbreviating; an abridgment. Tylor. [1913 Webster] 3. The form to which a word or phrase is reduced by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
abbreviation — abbreviation. См. отрицательная анаболия. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
abbreviation — index abridgment (condensation), abstract, capsule, compendium, curtailment, decrease, digest, diminu … Law dictionary
Abbreviation — Abbreviation,die:⇨Abkürzung(2) … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
abbreviation — (n.) mid 15c., from M.Fr. abréviation (15c.), from L.L. abbreviationem (nom. abbreviatio), noun of action from pp. stem of abbreviare make brief, from L. ad to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + breviare shorten, from brevis short, low, little, shallow (see … Etymology dictionary
abbreviation — [n] something shortened abridgement, abstract, abstraction, clipping, compendium, compression, condensation, contraction, digest, outline, precis, reduction, sketch, summary, syllabus, synopsis; concepts 283,652 Ant. augmentation, enlargement,… … New thesaurus
abbreviation — Abbreviation. sub. f. v. Retranchement de quelques lettres dans un mot pour escrire plus viste, ou en moins d espace; par exemple lors qu au lieu de Monsieur, de Chastelet, & de vostre, on escrit Mr, Chlet, vre, ce sont des abbreviations que l on … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
abbreviation — ► NOUN 1) a shortened form of a word or phrase. 2) the process or result of abbreviating … English terms dictionary
abbreviation — [ə brē΄vē ā′shən] n. [ME < MFr abréviation < LL abbreviatio: see ABBREVIATE] 1. a making shorter 2. the fact or state of being made shorter 3. a shortened form of a word or phrase, as N.Y. for New York, Mr. for Mister, lb for pound, ctn for … English World dictionary
Abbreviation — For the <abbr> HTML tag, see HTML element. For guidelines on making and editing abbreviation articles on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Disambiguation and abbreviations. An abbreviation (from Latin brevis, meaning short) is a shortened form of a… … Wikipedia
abbreviation — /euh bree vee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole, as Dr. for Doctor, U.S. for United States, lb. for pound. 2. an act of abbreviating; state or result of being abbreviated; reduction… … Universalium