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См. также в других словарях:

  • abaptiston — /ab ap tis teuhn/, n. Surg. a cone shaped trephine designed to avoid penetration of the brain when incising the skull. [1690 1700; < Gk (trýpanon) abáptiston (trepan) not dipped, neut. of abáptistos, equiv. to a A 6 + baptis , var. s. of… …   Universalium

  • abaptiston — /ab ap tis teuhn/, n. Surg. a cone shaped trephine designed to avoid penetration of the brain when incising the skull. [1690 1700; < Gk (trýpanon) abáptiston (trepan) not dipped, neut. of abáptistos, equiv. to a A 6 + baptis , var. s. of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • abaptiston — noun A trepan having a conical shape so that injurious penetration of the brain is impossible …   Wiktionary

  • abaptiston — abap·tis·ton (a″bap tisґtən) pl. abaptisґta [a 1 + Gr. baptein to dip] a trephine so shaped that it will not penetrate the brain …   Medical dictionary

  • Trepan — (Trepanum, Terebra), Werkzeug, womit die Trepanation vollzogen wird. Arten: A) der Kronentrepan (Trep. cum corona), dessen schneidender Theil, wie eine Krone gestaltet, eine Kreissäge bildet; a) Bogentrepan, ähnlich dem Windebohrer der Tischler;… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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