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  • 1 test pilot

    1. वायुयान को चलाकर\test pilotपरीक्षा\test pilotकरने\test pilotवाला\test pilotचालक
    He joined as a test pilot.

    English-Hindi dictionary > test pilot

  • 2 test tube baby

    1. वीर्य\test tube babyसेचन से\test tube babyपैदा\test tube babyहुआ\test tube babyबच्चा

    English-Hindi dictionary > test tube baby

  • 3 test case

    1. एक\test caseआदर्श\test caseमुकदमा
    It is a test case for future company negotiations.

    English-Hindi dictionary > test case

  • 4 test

    1. परीक्षा
    The space programme was a test for our abilities.
    1. जाँच\testकरना
    Mohan was tested and interviewed for the officer's post.

    English-Hindi dictionary > test

  • 5 test tube

    1. परखनली
    Students are using test tubes in the laboratory.

    English-Hindi dictionary > test tube

  • 6 test

    परीक्षा, कसौटी जांच, सोना आदि धातु शोधने की कटोरी
    v. tr.
    जांचना, परीक्षा करना, शोधना

    English-Hindi new dictionary > test

  • 7 intelligence test

    1. बुद्धिमत्ता\intelligence testकी\intelligence testपरीक्षा
    Students often give intelligence test to test their I.Q level.

    English-Hindi dictionary > intelligence test

  • 8 cloze test

    1. क्लोज़\cloze testटेस्ट
    रिक्त\cloze testस्थानो\cloze testकी\cloze testपूर्ती\cloze testसही\cloze testशब्दो\cloze testसे\cloze testकरने\cloze testकी\cloze testपरीक्षा
    We had to take a cloze test before joining the English teaching course.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cloze test

  • 9 litmus test

    1. परीक्षा\{सच्चाई की\}
    The passage of the bill is going to be a litmus test of the governments seriousness.

    English-Hindi dictionary > litmus test

  • 10 field test

    1. फील्ड\field testजाँच
    Has this machine been fielt tested ?
    1. फील्ड\field testटेस्ट\field testकरना
    नये\field testउत्पाद\field testके\field testइस्तेमाल\field testकी\field testजगह\field testजाँच\field testकरना
    Models of new cars are field tested before they are put on the market

    English-Hindi dictionary > field test

  • 11 ECG

    1. ई.सी.जी.\{बिजली\ECGसम्बन्ध\ECGनाडी\ECGकी\ECGधमक\ECGजानने\ECGका\ECGयन्त्र\}
    The doctor advised him to take ECG test.

    English-Hindi dictionary > ECG

  • 12 column

    1. स्तम्भ
    The building had marble columns.
    2. सैन्यदल
    The sixth column of the battalion was moving forward.
    3. पृष्ठ\columnका\columnएक\columnखण्ड
    Each page of the journal has two columns.
    4. The test tube held a column of white powder

    English-Hindi dictionary > column

  • 13 compound

    1. मिश्रण
    The movie was compound of humour and pathoes.
    2. आँगन
    Our school had a big compound.
    1. मिल\compoundजाना
    The test tube in which the chemicals were compounded fell from her.

    English-Hindi dictionary > compound

  • 14 dejected

    1. दुःखी/उदास
    He felt dejected when he could not clear the test even in three attempts.
    After Sita's death I'm feeling very dejected.
    सीता की मृत्यु के पश्चात मैं बहुत उदास महसूस कर रहा हूँ.

    English-Hindi dictionary > dejected

  • 15 drawing-board

    1. ड्रॉइंग\drawing-boardबोर्ड
    लकड़ी का चिकना तख्ता जिसपर कागज रखकर चित्र खीचा जाता है
    The students were asked to bring their drawing boards for the drawing test

    English-Hindi dictionary > drawing-board

  • 16 far reaching

    1. दूर\far reachingतक\far reachingप्रभाव\far reachingड़ालने\far reachingवाला
    The Pokharan test might have far reaching consequences.

    English-Hindi dictionary > far reaching

  • 17 figure of eight

    1. आठ\figure of eightका\figure of eightअंक
    In test for grant of licence for driving motorcycles, one is required to drive in figure of eight.

    English-Hindi dictionary > figure of eight

  • 18 flunk

    1. असफल होना
    I flunked in the test.

    English-Hindi dictionary > flunk

  • 19 guinea

    1. गिन्नी
    Guinea is a coin of 21 shillings.
    2. चूहे\guineaकी\guineaतरह\guineaकुतरने\guineaवाला\guineaजन्तु
    Guinea pigs are originally found in South America.
    3. ऐसा\guineaव्यक्ति\guineaया\guineaपशु\guineaजिस\guineaपर\guineaकोई\guineaवैज्ञानिक\guineaपरीक्षण\guineaकिया\guineaजाता\guineaहै
    Monkeys are used as guineas to test the effectiveness of medicines before prescribing them for human beings.

    English-Hindi dictionary > guinea

  • 20 improvisation

    1. अप्रस्तुत या आशु रचना
    One has to test one's powers of improvisation.

    English-Hindi dictionary > improvisation

См. также в других словарях:

  • Test-driven development — (TDD ) is a software development technique consisting of short iterations where new test cases covering the desired improvement or new functionality are written first, then the production code necessary to pass the tests is implemented, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Test pilot — Test pilots are aviators who fly new and modified aircraft in specific maneuvers, allowing the results to be measured and the design to be evaluated. Test pilots may work for military organizations or private, (mostly aerospace) companies.… …   Wikipedia

  • Test logiciel — Test (informatique) En informatique, un test (anglicisme) désigne une procédure de vérification partielle d un système informatique. Le but en est de trouver un nombre maximum de comportements problématiques du logiciel, car il est impossible de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test Card F — is a test card that was created by the BBC and used on television in the United Kingdom and in countries elsewhere in the world for more than four decades. Like other test cards, it was usually shown while no programmes were being broadcast, but… …   Wikipedia

  • Test the Nation — is a television programme, first broadcast in 2001 by BNN in The Netherlands where the concept is owned by [http://www.eyeworks.tv/ Eyeworks Holding] who license it to TV production companies around the world. how FormatThe format is designed to… …   Wikipedia

  • Test and tagging — is a generic name given to the process of visually inspecting and electrically testing in service electrical equipment for personal use and/or safety. Colloquially, it is also referred to as; tagging, test tag, test and tag, electrical tagging,… …   Wikipedia

  • Test Rorschach — Test de Rorschach La première planche parmi les dix du test de Rorschach Le test de Rorschach ou psychodiagnostik est un outil d évaluation psychologique de type projectif élaboré par le psychiatre et psychanalyste Hermann Rorschach en 1921. Il… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test de Charge — Test de performance Un test de performance ou benchmark est un test dont l objectif est de déterminer la performance d un système informatique. L acception la plus courante de ce terme est celle dans laquelle ces tests logiciels vont avoir pour… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test de Khi-2 — Test du χ²  Pour la loi de probabilité, voir Loi du χ². Densité du χ² en fonction du nombre de degrés de liberté Le test du χ² (prononcer …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test de rorschach — La première planche parmi les dix du test de Rorschach Le test de Rorschach ou psychodiagnostik est un outil d évaluation psychologique de type projectif élaboré par le psychiatre et psychanalyste Hermann Rorschach en 1921. Il consiste en une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test des taches d'encre — Test de Rorschach La première planche parmi les dix du test de Rorschach Le test de Rorschach ou psychodiagnostik est un outil d évaluation psychologique de type projectif élaboré par le psychiatre et psychanalyste Hermann Rorschach en 1921. Il… …   Wikipédia en Français

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