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См. также в других словарях:

  • Solemnity — • The word solemnity is here used to denote the amount of intrinsic or extrinsic pomp with which a feast is celebrated Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Solemnity     Solemnity   …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Solemnity — So*lem ni*ty, n.; pl. {Solemnities}. [L. solemnitas, solennitas: cf. F. solennit[ e], solemnit[ e], OF. also sollempnit[ e].] 1. A rite or ceremony performed with religious reverence; religious or ritual ceremony; as, the solemnity of a funeral,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Solemnity — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Heavy Metal Gründung 1998 Website www.solemnity.de …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • solemnity of contract — n. A concept that it is all right for two people to enter into a contract for anything they wish to, and as long as the proper formalities are observed and no defenses exist against it, that contract is enforceable and should be respected.… …   Law dictionary

  • solemnity — I noun awesomeness, ceremoniousness, ceremony, dignity, graveness, gravitas, gravity, impressiveness, pomp, seriousness, severitas, soberness, sobriety, solemn feeling, stateliness, tradition, tristitia II index ceremony …   Law dictionary

  • solemnity — late 13c., “observance of ceremony,” from O.Fr. solempnete, from L. solempnitas, from sollemnis (see SOLEMN (Cf. solemn)). Meaning “state of being solemn” is from 1712. Related: Solemnities …   Etymology dictionary

  • solemnity — ► NOUN (pl. solemnities) 1) the state or quality of being solemn. 2) a solemn rite or ceremony …   English terms dictionary

  • solemnity — [sə lem′nə tē] n. pl. solemnities [ME solempnete < OFr solempneté < L sollemnitas] 1. solemn ceremony, ritual, observance, etc. 2. solemn feeling, character, or appearance; serious or awesome quality; gravity 3. Law the formality needed to… …   English World dictionary

  • Solemnity — A Solemnity of the Roman Catholic Church is a principal holy day in the liturgical calendar, usually commemorating an event in the life of Jesus, his mother Mary, or other important saints. The observance begins with the vigil on the evening… …   Wikipedia

  • solemnity — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ great ▪ The monument was unveiled with great solemnity. ▪ mock ▪ due … OF SOLEMNITY ▪ air …   Collocations dictionary

  • Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God — The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is a liturgical feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church on 1 January, the Octave Day of Christmas. In some countries this day is considered a holy day of obligation. The feast …   Wikipedia

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