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  • 1 der Kopf

    - {bean} đậu, hột, cái đầu, tiền đồng - {dome} vòm, mái vòm, đỉnh tròn, đầu, cái chao, cái nắp, cái chụp, lâu đài, toà nhà nguy nga - {head} người, đầu người, con, đầu óc, trí nhớ, năng khiếu, tài năng, chứng nhức đầu, vị trí đứng đầu, người đứng đầu, người chỉ huy, thủ trưởng, hiệu trưởng, chủ, vật hình đầu, đoạn đầu, phần đầu - ngọn, đỉnh, chỏm, chóp, vòi, đầu nguồn, ngọn nguồn, đầu mũi, lưỡi, đáy, ván đáy, bọt, váng kem, ngòi, gạc, mũi, mũi biển, mặt ngửa, đường hầm, nhà xí cho thuỷ thủ, đề mục, chương mục, phần chính, loại, lúc nguy kịch - lúc gay go căng thẳng, cơn khủng hoảng, cột nước, áp suất - {heading} đề mục nhỏ, tiêu đề, lò ngang, cú đánh đầu, sự đi về, sự hướng về - {mind} tâm, tâm trí, tinh thần, trí, trí tuệ, trí óc, ký ức, sự chú ý, sự chủ tâm, sự lưu ý, ý kiến, ý nghĩ, ý định - {nob} quan to, người quyền quý, người giàu sang - {noddle} - {nut} quả hạch, cục than nhỏ, đai ốc, người khó chơi, việc hắc búa, việc khó giải quyết, công tử bột, người ham thích, người điên rồ, người gàn dở - {onion} củ hành, cây hành - {pate} - {sachem} tù trưởng sagamore), người tai to mặt lớn - {top} con cù, con quay, mặt, mui, vung, đỉnh cao, mức cao, số cao nhất, số nhiều) thân lá = pro Kopf {a head; apiece; per capita; per person}+ = Kopf weg! {mind your head!}+ = Kopf hoch! {Cheer up!; Chin up!; never say die!}+ = wirr im Kopf {light in the head}+ = der führende Kopf {masterminded}+ = Hals über Kopf {head over heels; headlong; heels over head; on the spur of the moment; slap-dash}+ = Kopf schütteln {to shake one's head}+ = der verlorene Kopf (Technik) {sprue}+ = ein heller Kopf {a clear-headed fellow}+ = im Kopf rechnen {to do mental arithmetic}+ = ein kluger Kopf {a bright fellow}+ = den Kopf ducken [vor] {to duck one's head [to]}+ = zu Kopf steigend {heady}+ = den Kopf aufwerfen {to toss one's head}+ = den Kopf verlieren {to lose one's head}+ = Kopf an Kopf stehen {to stand shoulder to shoulder}+ = mir brummt der Kopf {my head is throbbing}+ = den Kopf betreffend (Medizin) {cephalic}+ = mir wirbelt der Kopf {my head is in a whirl; my head whirls}+ = auf den Kopf stellen {to turn upside-down}+ = auf den Kopf zusagen {to put to}+ = den Kopf hängenlassen {to hang one's head}+ = Rosinen im Kopf haben {to have big ideas}+ = auf den Kopf gestellt {topsy-turvy}+ = auf den Kopf schlagen {to nob}+ = den Kopf hängen lassen {to mope}+ = den Kopf emporstrecken {to snake}+ = mit dem Kopf nach unten {upside-down}+ = seinen Kopf durchsetzen {to get one's way}+ = Hals über Kopf verliebt {head over heels in love}+ = sich den Kopf zerbrechen {to beat one's head; to cudgel one's brains; to puzzle one's brains; to rack one's brains}+ = Sie nickte mit dem Kopf. {She nodded her head.}+ = sich den Kopf zerbrechen [über] {to puzzle [about,over]}+ = bunte Knete im Kopf haben {to have big ideas}+ = ich bin ganz wirr im Kopf {I'm all mixed up}+ = nicht ganz richtig im Kopf {pixilated}+ = alles auf den Kopf stellen {to turn everything topsy-turvy}+ = etwas auf den Kopf stellen {to turn something upside down}+ = jemandem den Kopf verdrehen {to turn someone's brains; to turn someone's head}+ = es wächst mir über den Kopf {it is getting beyond my control}+ = ein Brett vor dem Kopf haben {to be a blockhead; to be slow on the uptake}+ = jemanden vor den Kopf stoßen {to put someone off}+ = jemanden mit den Kopf stoßen {to butt}+ = nur Dummheiten im Kopf haben {to play the fool all the time}+ = er hat ein Brett vor dem Kopf {he is a blockhead}+ = kein Dach über dem Kopf haben {to have no roof over one's head}+ = sie hat ihm den Kopf verdreht {she swept him off his feet}+ = sich etwas in den Kopf setzen {to take something into one's head}+ = den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen {to hit the nail on the head}+ = mit dem Kopf gegen etwas stoßen {to bob one's head against something}+ = wie vor den Kopf geschlagen sein {to be stunned}+ = sich etwas aus dem Kopf schlagen {to get something out of one's head}+ = er behält immer einen klaren Kopf {he always keeps a level head}+ = ich zerbrach mir darüber den Kopf {I puzzled my brain over it}+ = Lassen Sie den Kopf nicht hängen. {Don't be down in the mouth.}+ = sich die Augen aus dem Kopf gucken {to look high and low}+ = sich über etwas den Kopf zerbrechen {to rack one's brains over something}+ = jemandem Flausen in den Kopf setzen {to put a bee in someone's bonnet}+ = sich eine Kugel durch den Kopf jagen {to blow out one's brains}+ = Ich weiß nicht wo mir mein Kopf steht {I don't know if I am coming or going}+ = Ein Gedanke schoß mir durch den Kopf. {An idea rushed into my mind.}+ = ich weiß nicht, wo mir der Kopf steht {I don't know whether I'm coming or going}+ = jemandem Grobheiten an den Kopf werfen {to haul someone over the coals}+ = sich etwas durch den Kopf gehen lassen {to think something over}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > der Kopf

См. также в других словарях:

  • slow beat — англ. [сло/у бит] медленный темп в танцах типа рок н ролл букв. медленный удар …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • beat up phrasal — verb 1 (transitive beat someone up) to hurt someone badly by hitting them: They claimed they had been beaten up by the police. 2 beat up on AmE to hit someone and harm them, especially someone younger or weaker than yourself 3 beat up on yourself …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Beat 'em up — Beat em ups (often called scrolling fighting games, fighting action games, scrolling beat em ups or sometimes brawlers) are video games where close combat fighting against multiple opponents is the main objective. Beat em ups based around mêlée… …   Wikipedia

  • Slow (DJ) — Slow DjSlow Levi Finland 2011 Birth name Vellu Maurola Also known as …   Wikipedia

  • Slow motion (disambiguation) — Slow motion is a filmmaking technique.Slow Motion may refer to:* Slow Motion (album), an album by Supertramp * Slow Motion , an album by Man * Slow Motion (song), a song by Juvenile * Slow Motion (Third Eye Blind song) * Slow Motion (Big Rich), a …   Wikipedia

  • Beat induction — is the process in which a regular isochronous pulse is activated while one listens to music (i.e. the beat to which one would tap one’s foot). Interestingly, the cognitive mechanism that allows us to infer a beat from a sound pattern, and to… …   Wikipedia

  • Beat juggling — is the act of manipulating two or more samples (e.g. drum beats, or vocal phrases), in order to create a unique composition, using multiple turntables and one or more mixers. This can involve pauses, scratching, backspins and delays. It could be… …   Wikipedia

  • slow — slow, slowly In current English the normal adverb for general purposes is slowly (We drove slowly down the road / She slowly closed the door). Literary uses of slow as an adverb died out in the 19c • (As the stately vessel glided slow beneath the …   Modern English usage

  • beat the gun — See: JUMP THE GUN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • beat the gun — See: JUMP THE GUN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Slow drag (dance) — The slow drag is an American social dance originally performed to ragtime music, and has been resurrected as part of blues dancing.The slow drag, first performed in the African American community of New Orleans in the 1890s, incorporates elements …   Wikipedia

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