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См. также в других словарях:

  • slav — SLAV, Ă, slavi, e, s.m. şi f., adj. 1. s.m. şi f. Persoană care face parte din populaţia de bază a Rusiei, Ucrainei, Bielorusiei, Poloniei, Bulgariei, Cehiei, Slovaciei, Serbiei etc. sau care este originară de acolo; slavon (1); (la m. pl.) popor …   Dicționar Român

  • Slav (village) — Slav (Hebrew: שליו, lit. Quail ) was a Jewish village and Israeli settlement in the Gush Katif settlement bloc, located in the south west edge of the Gaza Strip, whose residents were evicted in Israel s unilateral disengagement plan of 2005. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Slav. — «slahv, slav», noun, adjective. –n. a member of a group of peoples in eastern, southeastern, and central Europe whose languages are related. Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Moravians, Serbs, and Bulgarians are Slavs. –adj. of or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Slav — late 14c., Sclave, from M.L. Sclavus (c.800), from Byzantine Gk. Sklabos (c.580), from O.C.S. Sloveninu a Slav, probably related to slovo word, speech, which suggests the name originally meant member of a speech community (Cf. O.C.S. Nemici… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Slav — Slav1 [släv, slav] n. [ME Sclave < ML Slavus: see SLAVE] a member of any of a group of Slavic speaking peoples of E, SE, and central Europe, generally divided into Eastern Slavs, Southern Slavs, and Western Slavs: see SLAVIC (n. ) adj. var. of …   English World dictionary

  • slav|er — slav|er1 «SLAY vuhr», noun. 1. a dealer in slaves. 2. a ship used in the slave trade. 3. = white slaver. (Cf. ↑white slaver) ╂[< slave + er1] slav|er2 «SLAV uhr», verb, noun. –v.i. to let saliva run from the mouth; drool: » …   Useful english dictionary

  • slav´ish|ness — slav|ish «SLAY vihsh», adjective. 1. of or having something to do with a slave or slaves. 2. like a slave; mean; base: »slavish fears. 3. Figurative. weakly submitting: »the thoughtless, slavish victim of inclination. SYNONYM(S): servile …   Useful english dictionary

  • slav´ish|ly — slav|ish «SLAY vihsh», adjective. 1. of or having something to do with a slave or slaves. 2. like a slave; mean; base: »slavish fears. 3. Figurative. weakly submitting: »the thoughtless, slavish victim of inclination. SYNONYM(S): servile …   Useful english dictionary

  • slav|ish — «SLAY vihsh», adjective. 1. of or having something to do with a slave or slaves. 2. like a slave; mean; base: »slavish fears. 3. Figurative. weakly submitting: »the thoughtless, slavish victim of inclination. SYNONYM(S): servile …   Useful english dictionary

  • Slav — (sl[aum]v or sl[a^]v), n.; pl. {Slavs}. [A word originally meaning, intelligible, and used to contrast the people so called with foreigners who spoke languages unintelligible to the Slavs; akin to OSlav. slovo a word, slava fame, Skr. [,c]ru to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Slav|dom — «SLAHV duhm, SLAV », noun. the group or race of people called Slavs; Slavs collectively: »the civilization of Slavdom …   Useful english dictionary

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