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  • 1 lever

    1. उत्तेजक
    A lever has been fixed to raise the iron door.
    2. हत्था
    The gear lever.
    3. दबाव
    He used a political lever to get this job.
    1. उत्तोलक से हटाना
    Iron rods are often used to lever the logs.

    English-Hindi dictionary > lever

  • 2 upheaval

    1. कायापलट
    There has been a major upheaval in the political situation.

    English-Hindi dictionary > upheaval

См. также в других словарях:

  • Nothing Has Been Proved — Single by Dusty Springfield from the album Reputation …   Wikipedia

  • political science — political scientist. a social science dealing with political institutions and with the principles and conduct of government. [1770 80] * * * Academic discipline concerned with the empirical study of government and politics. Political scientists… …   Universalium

  • Political aspects of Islam — are derived from the Quran, the Sunna, Muslim history and sometimes elements of political movements outside Islam. Traditional political concepts in Islam include leadership by successors to the Prophet known as Caliphs, (Imamate for Shia); the… …   Wikipedia

  • Political cult — is a term used to describe some groups on what is generally considered to be the political fringe. Although the majority of groups to which the term cult (currently often used as a pejorative term according to some comparative religion scholars… …   Wikipedia

  • political economy — political economist. 1. a social science dealing with political policies and economic processes, their interrelations, and their influence on social institutions. 2. (in the 17th 18th centuries) the art of management of communities, esp. as… …   Universalium

  • Political criticism — (also referred to as political commentary or political discussion) is criticism that is specific of or relevant to politics, including policies, politicians, political parties, and types of government.ControversyThere is great controversy over… …   Wikipedia

  • Political Economy —     Political Economy     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Political Economy     SCIENCE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY (ECONOMICS).     I. DEFINITIONS     Political economy (Greek, oikonomia the management of a household or family, politike pertaining to the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Political arguments of gun politics in the United States — center around disagreements that range from the practical mdash; does gun ownership cause or prevent crime? mdash; to the constitutional mdash; how should the Second Amendment be interpreted? mdash; to the ethical mdash; what should the balance… …   Wikipedia

  • Political privacy — has been a concern since voting systems emerged in ancient times. The secret ballot is the simplest and most widespread measure to ensure that political views are not known to anyone other than the voter it is nearly universal in modern democracy …   Wikipedia

  • Political parties in Iran — gives information on the political parties in Iran. Iran has regular presidential and parliamentary elections. Only those candidates and parties that are approved by the clerical Guardian Council can be elected. The system as a whole is presented …   Wikipedia

  • Political verse — (Greek: Politikos stichos, Πολιτικός στίχος), also known as Decapentasyllabic verse (from Greek dekapentasyllabos, δεκαπεντασύλλαβος, lit. 15 syllable ) is a metric form in Modern Greek poetry. It is an iambic verse of fifteen syllables and has… …   Wikipedia

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