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  • 1 hell

    ((according to some religions) the place or state of punishment of the wicked after death with much pain, misery etc.) inferno
    - hellbent on
    * * *
    [hel] n 1 inferno (também fig). 2 lugar de grande sofrimento e destruição. as hell absolutamente, muito. between hell and high water bras entre a cruz e a caldeirinha. come hell or high water venha o que vier. for the hell of it por prazer. hell of a legal, muito. hell to pay conseqüências desagradáveis. like hell a) muito, intensamente, excessivamente. it hurts like hell / está doendo incrivelmente. b) muito difícil. c) muito rápido. to give someone hell a) punir, castigar alguém severamente. b) infernizar. I gave him hell / infernizei-lhe a vida. to raise hell pintar o diabo. what the hell! que diabo!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hell

  • 2 hell

    ((according to some religions) the place or state of punishment of the wicked after death with much pain, misery etc.) inferno
    - hellbent on

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hell

  • 3 damn

    [dæm] 1. verb
    1) (to sentence to unending punishment in hell: His soul is damned.) amaldiçoar
    2) (to cause to be condemned as bad, unacceptable etc: That film was damned by the critics.) condenar
    2. interjection
    (expressing anger, irritation etc: Damn! I've forgotten my purse.) raios!
    3. noun
    (something unimportant or of no value: It's not worth a damn; I don't give a damn! (= I don't care in the least).) nadinha
    - damning
    * * *
    [dæm] n 1 maldição, praga. 2 importância insignificante. • adj sl maldito, desgraçado. • vt+vi 1 condenar, censurar, rejeitar, desaprovar. 2 amaldiçoar, blasfemar. 3 condenar às penas eternas, ao inferno. damn him! sl dane-se! o diabo que o carregue! damn it! maldito seja! I don’t give a damn, I don’t care a damn não ligo a mínima. it isn’t worth a damn sl não vale nada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > damn

  • 4 damned

    1) (sentenced to unending punishment in hell.) danado
    2) (annoying, greatly disliked etc: Get that damned dog out of here!) maldito
    * * *
    [dæmd] n os condenados ao inferno. • adj 1 danado, condenado. 2 condenado ao inferno. 3 maldito, execrável, infernal, abominável, detestável. 4 danificado, reprovado. • adv 1 execravelmente, infernalmente. 2 muito.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > damned

  • 5 damn

    [dæm] 1. verb
    1) (to sentence to unending punishment in hell: His soul is damned.) amaldiçoar, danar
    2) (to cause to be condemned as bad, unacceptable etc: That film was damned by the critics.) condenar
    2. interjection
    (expressing anger, irritation etc: Damn! I've forgotten my purse.) droga!
    3. noun
    (something unimportant or of no value: It's not worth a damn; I don't give a damn! (= I don't care in the least).) nada
    - damning

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > damn

  • 6 damned

    1) (sentenced to unending punishment in hell.) danado
    2) (annoying, greatly disliked etc: Get that damned dog out of here!) maldito

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > damned

См. также в других словарях:

  • Hell — • Hell (infernus) in theological usage is a place of punishment after death Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. hell     Hell     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Hell in Christian beliefs — Hell, in Christian beliefs, is a place or a state in which the souls of the unsaved will suffer the consequences of sin. The Christian doctrine of hell derives from the teaching of the New Testament, where hell is typically described using the… …   Wikipedia

  • hell — like, adj. /hel/, n. 1. the place or state of punishment of the wicked after death; the abode of evil and condemned spirits; Gehenna or Tartarus. 2. any place or state of torment or misery: They made their father s life a hell on earth. 3.… …   Universalium

  • hell — (hĕl) n. 1. Christianity a) often Hell The place of eternal punishment for the wicked after death, often imagined as being presided over by Satan and his devils. b) A state of separation from God; exclusion from God s presence. 2. The abode of… …   Word Histories

  • punishment —    Punishment is the infliction of something bad (frequently, but not necessarily, pain or a loss of freedom) on a wrongdoer because of a wrong committed. Philosophical debate centres on the question of how, if at all, punishment can be justified …   Christian Philosophy

  • Hell Wasn't Built in a Day — сборник Megadeth Дат …   Википедия

  • Hell Wasn’t Built in a Day — Hell Wasn t Built in a Day …   Википедия

  • hell|fire — «HEHL FYR», noun, adjective. –n. the fire of hell; punishment in hell. –adj. promising damnation and punishment; raising visions of fire and brimstone: »children terrorised by a hellfire puritanism (Manchester Guardian). ╂[Old English helle fyr… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hell — [hel] n. [ME helle < OE hel (akin to Ger hölle, hell & ON Hel, the underworld goddess, HEL) < base of helan, to cover, hide < IE base * k̑el , to hide, cover up > L celare, to hide] 1. [often H ] Bible the place where the spirits of… …   English World dictionary

  • Hell on Earth Part V — Manowar Режиссёр Нил Джонсон Дата выпуска ноябрь 2009 Жанр Heavy Metal Лейбл Magic Circle Music Страна …   Википедия

  • Hell — Hell, n. [AS. hell; akin to D. hel, OHG. hella, G. h[ o]lle, Icel. hal, Sw. helfvete, Dan. helvede, Goth. halja, and to AS. helan to conceal. ???. Cf. {Hele}, v. t., {Conceal}, {Cell}, {Helmet}, {Hole}, {Occult}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The place of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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