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  • 1 bir

    "1. one (as a number): Bir beyaz manolya yedi pembe manolyaya bedeldir. One white magnolia is worth seven pink magnolias. 2. a, an; a certain, a particular: Bursa´da güzel bir evi var. She has a lovely house in Bursa. Dünkü partide bir kadını gördüm; kim olduğunu sen anlarsın. At yesterday´s party I saw a certain woman; you know who I mean. 3. the same: Emellerimiz bir. Our goals are the same. 4. united; of one mind, of the same opinion: Bu konuda biriz. We´re of one mind on this subject. 5. shared, used in common: Yatak odalarımız ayrı, banyomuz bir. We have separate bedrooms but share a bathroom. 6. only: Bir o bunu yapabilir. Only she can do this. Bunu bir sen bir de ben biliyoruz. You and I are the only ones who know this. 7. used as an emphatic: O hayata bir alıştı ki sorma gitsin! He has really gotten accustomed to that way of life! Bir dene! Just try it! Birdenbire bir feryat! And suddenly there was such a yell! Ah, bir oraya gidebilsem! Ah, if I can just go there! 8. used to add a note of vagueness: Bir zamanlar Arnavutköy´de çilek yetiştirilirdi. There was a time when strawberries were grown in Arnavutköy. Sen bugün bir tuhafsın. You don´t seem quite yourself today. - ağızdan in unison, with one voice. - alan pişman, bir almayan. colloq. It´s the sort of thing that looks good and attracts a lot of interest but is actually of very little use. - alay a great quantity, a large number. - âlem something else, really something, a wonder, amazing: Orası bir âlem! That´s one amazing place! Cüneyt başlı başına bir âlem! Cüneyt is a wonder in his own right! - an at one point: Bir an bir şey söyleyecek gibi oldu. At one point she looked like she was going to say something. - an evvel/önce as soon as possible. - ara/aralık 1. at one point, for a while, for a short period. 2. when one has a free moment, when one has a chance: Bir ara bana uğrayıver. Drop by when you have a free moment. - araba 1. a wagonload of; a truckload of. 2. colloq. a lot of, a slew of. - arada together. - araya gelmek 1. (for people) to come together (in the same place and at the same time). 2. (for events) to happen at the same time, coincide. - araya getirmek /ı/ to bring (people, things) together (in the same place and at the same time). - aşağı bir yukarı (to come and go) aimlessly. - atımlık barutu kalmak/olmak to be almost at the end of one´s resources, be almost at the end of one´s rope; to have played almost all of one´s cards; to have very little energy left. - avuç 1. a handful (of). 2. a handful (of), a very small number or amount (of). - ayağı çukurda olmak to have one foot in the grave. - ayak evvel/önce immediately, at once. - ayak üstünde bin yalan söylemek 1. to tell a whole pack of lies at one go. 2. to be a big liar. - bakıma in one way, in one respect. - baltaya sap olmak to have a job, be employed. - bardak suda fırtına koparmak to raise a tempest in a teapot. - başına all alone, all by oneself. - baştan/uçtan bir başa/uca (traversing, looking at, surveying, filling a place) from one end to the other, from end to end. - ben, bir de Allah bilir. colloq. Only God knows what I´ve gone through. -e beş vermek to yield five times the seed, yield fivefold. -e bin katmak to exaggerate, make much of a trifle. - bir one by one. - boy 1. once. 2. used as an emphatic: Bir boy gidelim, görelim. Let´s just go and see! - boyda of the same height. - bu eksikti. colloq. Nothing but this was lacking!/This was all that was needed! (said sarcastically). - cihetten in one way, in a way. - çatı altında under the same roof, in the same building. - çırpıda at one stretch, without interruption, at once. - çift söz 1. a little advice, a piece of advice: Sana bir çift sözüm var. I have a piece of advice for you. 2. a brief exchange of conversation: Öyle meşguldüm ki kendisiyle bir çift söz bile edemedim. I was so busy that I couldn´t have even a brief conversation with her. - çuval inciri berbat etmek to foul things up but

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > bir

  • 2 uyku

    "1. sleep. 2. sleepiness, drowsiness. -su açılmak/dağılmak to become fully awake. -sunu açmak /ın/ to drive away (someone´s) sleepiness. -su ağır heavy sleeper. -sunu almak to have a good night´s sleep, sleep well. - basmak/bastırmak /a/ suddenly to feel very sleepy. -su başına vurmak/- beynine sıçramak 1. to feel logy because of lack of sleep. 2. to be short-tempered owing to lack of sleep. -su bölünmek for (one´s) sleep to be interrupted. - çekmek to sleep a long time; to sleep deeply. -ya dalmak 1. to fall asleep; to doze off. 2. to stop paying attention to what is going on around one. - durak chance to rest, chance to catch one´s breath, breathing spell; moment´s peace: Bende uyku durak bırakmamıştın. You didn´t give me a moment´s peace. -su gelmek to feel sleepy. - gözünden akmak to be very sleepy, be unable to keep one´s eyes open. -su hafif (someone) who is a light sleeper. - hastalığı sleeping sickness. - ilacı soporific, sleep-inducing drug; sleeping pill(s). -su kaçmak 1. to be unable to get to sleep. 2. to be worried, lose sleep. -dan kalkmak to wake up and get out of bed. -da olmak 1. to be unaware of what´s going on. 2. (for a job, a matter) to be on ice for the time being; (for a job, a matter) to be hanging fire. - sersemliği sleepy feeling, grogginess, loginess. - tulumu 1. sleeping bag. 2. person who sleeps a lot, great sleeper. - tutmamak to be unable to go to sleep. -, uykunun mayasıdır. proverb The more you sleep, the sleepier you get./Sleep begets more sleep. -m var. I´m sleepy./I feel sleepy. - vermek to make a person feel sleepy. -ya yatmak to go to bed (in order to sleep). - zamanı bedtime, time to go to sleep."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > uyku

  • 3 nefes

    "1. breath. 2. puff, draw, drag (on a pipe, cigarette). 3. instant, moment. 4. breath which has healing power (and which is blown upon the sick). 5. poem (sung by dervishes). 6. slang hashish, hash. - alamamak 1. to be unable to breathe properly. 2. to be very busy, not to have time to catch one´s breath. - aldırmamak /a/ to work (someone) very hard, not to give (someone) a chance to catch his breath. - almak 1. to breathe; to breathe in, inhale. 2. to feel relieved, breathe freely. 3. to take a short break, catch one´s breath; to rest. 4. to live, breathe. - borusu anat. trachea. - çekmek 1. to take a puff, draw, or drag (on a pipe, cigarette). 2. slang to smoke some hash. 3. slang to have sexual intercourse, have sex. - darlığı 1. shortness of breath. 2. asthma. - etmek /a/ to blow one´s breath upon (someone) (to cure him/her of an ailment). - kesici breathtaking, thrilling; suspenseful, suspense-filled. -i kesilmek to be thrilled: O manzara karşısında herkesin nefesi kesildi. That view took everybody´s breath away. -i kesilmek/daralmak/tutulmak 1. to have difficulty breathing. 2. to gasp, catch one´s breath. - nefese out of breath, panting. - tüketmek 1. to talk at great length, talk until one is blue in the face. 2. to expend a lot of hot air for nothing, waste one´s breath. - vermek to breathe out, exhale."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > nefes

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  • Moment — Mo ment, n. [F. moment, L. momentum, for movimentum movement, motion, moment, fr. movere to move. See {Move}, and cf. {Momentum}, {Movement}.] 1. A minute portion of time; a point of time; an instant; as, at that very moment. [1913 Webster] In a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Moment of a couple — Moment Mo ment, n. [F. moment, L. momentum, for movimentum movement, motion, moment, fr. movere to move. See {Move}, and cf. {Momentum}, {Movement}.] 1. A minute portion of time; a point of time; an instant; as, at that very moment. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Moment of a force — Moment Mo ment, n. [F. moment, L. momentum, for movimentum movement, motion, moment, fr. movere to move. See {Move}, and cf. {Momentum}, {Movement}.] 1. A minute portion of time; a point of time; an instant; as, at that very moment. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • moment of a force — Moment Mo ment, n. [F. moment, L. momentum, for movimentum movement, motion, moment, fr. movere to move. See {Move}, and cf. {Momentum}, {Movement}.] 1. A minute portion of time; a point of time; an instant; as, at that very moment. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Moment of inertia — Moment Mo ment, n. [F. moment, L. momentum, for movimentum movement, motion, moment, fr. movere to move. See {Move}, and cf. {Momentum}, {Movement}.] 1. A minute portion of time; a point of time; an instant; as, at that very moment. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • moment of rotation — Moment Mo ment, n. [F. moment, L. momentum, for movimentum movement, motion, moment, fr. movere to move. See {Move}, and cf. {Momentum}, {Movement}.] 1. A minute portion of time; a point of time; an instant; as, at that very moment. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • moment of the mass — Moment Mo ment, n. [F. moment, L. momentum, for movimentum movement, motion, moment, fr. movere to move. See {Move}, and cf. {Momentum}, {Movement}.] 1. A minute portion of time; a point of time; an instant; as, at that very moment. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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