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См. также в других словарях:

  • Four-wheeler — Four wheel er, n. A vehicle having four wheels; specifically, a hackney carriage with four weels. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • four-wheeler — noun a) A horse drawn hackney cab with four wheels, as opposed to a hansom or dogcart. At length we saw a four wheeler drive up. Out of it, in leisurely fashion, got Lord Godalming and Morris. And down from the box descended a thick set working… …   Wiktionary

  • four wheeler — Trucker slang for Passenger car or pickup as in Looks like smokey is giving that four wheeler and invitation …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • four-wheeler — four wheel·er …   English syllables

  • four-wheeler — /fawr hwee leuhr, wee , fohr /, n. 1. a four wheel vehicle, esp. a hackney carriage. 2. CB and Auto. Slang. a four wheel automotive vehicle, as a car or small truck, esp. as distinguished from a vehicle having more than four wheels, as a tractor… …   Universalium

  • four-wheeler — /fɔ ˈwilə/ (say faw weeluh) noun 1. a four wheeled vehicle. 2. a. → four wheel drive (def. 2). b. Colloquial the driver of a four wheel drive (def. 2) …  

  • four-wheeler — noun Date: 1846 a vehicle with four wheels …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • four wheeler — vehicle having four wheels …   English contemporary dictionary

  • four-wheeler — noun a hackney carriage with four wheels • Hypernyms: ↑hackney, ↑hackney carriage, ↑hackney coach …   Useful english dictionary

  • four wheeler — Cockney Rhyming Slang Sheila …   English dialects glossary

  • four-wheel — [fôr′hwēl΄, fôrwēl΄] adj. 1. having or running on four wheels: also four wheeled 2. affecting four wheels [a four wheel drive] four wheeler n …   English World dictionary

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