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  • 1 for good measure

    (as something extra or above the minimum necessary: The shopkeeper weighed out the sweets and put in a few more for good measure.) în plus

    English-Romanian dictionary > for good measure

  • 2 common

    ['komən] 1. adjective
    1) (seen or happening often; quite normal or usual: a common occurrence; These birds are not so common nowadays.) obişnuit, banal
    2) (belonging equally to, or shared by, more than one: This knowledge is common to all of us; We share a common language.) comun
    3) (publicly owned: common property.) public
    4) (coarse or impolite: She uses some very common expressions.) vulgar
    5) (of ordinary, not high, social rank: the common people.) de rând
    6) (of a noun, not beginning with a capital letter (except at the beginning of a sentence): The house is empty.) comun
    2. noun
    ((a piece of) public land for everyone to use, with few or no buildings: the village common.) teren comunal
    - common knowledge
    - common law
    - common-law
    - commonplace
    - common-room
    - common sense
    - the Common Market
    - the House of Commons
    - the Commons
    - in common

    English-Romanian dictionary > common

  • 3 hundred

    1. noun
    1) ((plural hundred) the number 100: Ten times ten is a hundred; more than one/a hundred; There must be at least six hundred of them here.) sută
    2) (the figure 100.) o sută
    3) (the age of 100: She's over a hundred; a man of a hundred.) o sută de ani
    4) ((plural hundred) a hundred pounds or dollars: I lost several hundred at the casino last night.) sute (de...)
    2. adjective
    1) (100 in number: six hundred people; a few hundred pounds.) sută
    2) (aged 100: He is a hundred today.) o sută de ani
    - hundredfold
    - hundredth
    - hundreds of

    English-Romanian dictionary > hundred

  • 4 many

    ['meni] 1. comparative - more; adjective
    (a great number of: Many languages are spoken in Africa; There weren't very many people; You've made a great/good many mistakes.) mult
    2. pronoun
    (a great number: A few people survived, but many died.) mult
    - many a

    English-Romanian dictionary > many

  • 5 might

    1) (past tense of may: I thought I might find you here; He might come if you offered him a meal.) a (se) putea să
    2) (used instead of `may', eg to make a possibility seem less likely, or a request for permission more polite: He might win if he tries hard; Might I speak to you for a few minutes, please?) a (se) putea să
    3) (used in suggesting that a person is not doing what he should: You might help me clean the car!) a putea cel puţin
    - might have
    - I might have known
    (power or strength: The might of the opposing army was too great for us.) forţă, putere
    - mightily
    - mightiness

    English-Romanian dictionary > might

  • 6 several

    ['sevrəl] 1. adjective
    (more than one or two, but not a great many: Several weeks passed before he got a reply to his letter.) mai mulţi
    2. pronoun
    (some or a few: Several of them are ill; Of the eggs, several were broken.) mai mulţi; unii

    English-Romanian dictionary > several

  • 7 squeeze

    [skwi:z] 1. verb
    1) (to press (something) together or from all sides tightly: He squeezed her hand affectionately; He squeezed the clay into a ball.) a presa, a comprima
    2) (to force (eg oneself) eg into or through a narrow space: The dog squeezed himself / his body into the hole; We were all squeezed into the back seat of the car.) a vârî
    3) (to force something, eg liquid, out of something by pressing: She squeezed the oranges (into a jug); We might be able to squeeze some more money/information out of him.) a stoarce
    2. noun
    1) (an act of squeezing: He gave his sister an affectionate squeeze.) îmbrăţişare
    2) (a condition of being squeezed: We all got into the car, but it was a squeeze.) îngrămădeală
    3) (a few drops produced by squeezing.) câteva picături de
    4) (a time of financial restriction: an economic squeeze.) criză
    - squeeze up

    English-Romanian dictionary > squeeze

  • 8 such

    1. adjective
    1) (of the same kind as that already mentioned or being mentioned: Animals that gnaw, such as mice, rats, rabbits and weasels are called rodents; He came from Bradford or some such place; She asked to see Mr Johnson but was told there was no such person there; I've seen several such buildings; I've never done such a thing before; doctors, dentists and such people.) la fel, echivalent, asemănător
    2) (of the great degree already mentioned or being mentioned: If you had telephoned her, she wouldn't have got into such a state of anxiety; She never used to get such bad headaches (as she does now).) astfel de
    3) (of the great degree, or the kind, to have a particular result: He shut the window with such force that the glass broke; She's such a good teacher that the headmaster asked her not to leave; Their problems are such as to make it impossible for them to live together any more.) atât(a) (de)
    4) (used for emphasis: This is such a shock! They have been such good friends to me!) atât de; aşa de
    2. pronoun
    (such a person or thing, or such persons or things: I have only a few photographs, but can show you such as I have; This isn't a good book as such (= as a book) but it has interesting pictures.) ca atare
    - such-and-such
    - such as it is

    English-Romanian dictionary > such

См. также в других словарях:

  • A Few More Published Studies — Infobox Album Name = A Few More Published Studies Type = studio Artist = The XYZ Affair Released = 2006 Recorded = Genre = Indie rock Length = 38:13 Label = Independent Producer = Reviews = *Wireless Bollinger (67/100)… …   Wikipedia

  • few — W1S1 [fju:] determiner, pron, adj comparative fewer superlative fewest [: Old English; Origin: feawa] 1.) [no comparative] a small number of things or people a few ▪ I have to buy a few things at the supermarket. ▪ Pam called to say she s going… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • few — [ fju ] (comparative fewer; superlative fewest) function word, quantifier *** Few can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a plural noun): Few people live there now. There were a few animals in the barn. as a pronoun: Many… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • More FM — Broadcast area 22 markets in New Zealand Slogan Live it, Love it, Sing it First air date 1991, in Wellington Format Adult contemporary music, Pop music Owner …   Wikipedia

  • more — [ mɔr ] function word, quantifier *** More is the comparative form of much and many and can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a noun): He wants to spend more time with his family. as a pronoun: I wish I could do more to… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Few — (f[=u]), a. [Compar. {Fewer} (f[=u] [ e]r); superl. {Fewest}.] [OE. fewe, feawe, AS. fe[ a], pl. fe[ a]we; akin to OS. f[=a]h, OHG. f[=o] fao, Icel. f[=a]r, Sw. f[*a], pl., Dan. faa, pl., Goth. faus, L. paucus, cf. Gr. pay^ros. Cf. {Paucity}.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • few — /fju:/ quanountifier, noun (plural) 1 a few/the few (no comparative) a small number (of): I ve got a few books on gardening. | I ll pop into the supermarket and get a few bits and pieces. | only a few hundred yards past the crossroads | It s one… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • few */*/*/ — UK [fjuː] / US [fju] determiner, pronoun Word forms few : comparative fewer superlative fewest Summary: Few can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a plural noun): Few people live there now. ♦ There were a few animals in… …   English dictionary

  • few*/*/*/ — [fjuː] (comparative fewer; superlative fewest) grammar word summary: Few or a few can be: ■ a determiner: Few people live there now. ♦ There were a few animals in the barn. ■ a pronoun: Many have tried, but few have succeeded. ♦ A few of the… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • few - a few — ◊ used in front of nouns Few and a few are both used in front of nouns, but they do not have the same meaning. You use a few simply to indicate that you are talking about a small number of people or things. When you use few without a , you are… …   Useful english dictionary

  • more */*/*/ — UK [mɔː(r)] / US [mɔr] adverb, determiner, pronoun Summary: More is the comparative form of much and many and can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a noun): He wants to spend more time with his family. as a pronoun: I… …   English dictionary

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