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  • 1 favour

    ['feivə] 1. noun
    1) (a kind action: Will you do me a favour and lend me your car?) pakalpojums
    2) (kindness or approval: She looked on him with great favour.) labvēlība; laipnība
    3) (preference or too much kindness: By doing that he showed favour to the other side.) aizbildniecība; protekcija
    4) (a state of being approved of: He was very much in favour with the Prime Minister.) būt labi ieredzētam
    2. verb
    (to support or show preference for: Which side do you favour?) atbalstīt; veicināt; labi ieredzēt; būt labvēlīgam
    - favourably
    - favourite
    3. noun
    (a person or thing that one likes best: Of all her paintings that is my favourite.) favorīts; mīlulis; mīļākais priekšmets
    - in favour of
    - in one's favour
    * * *
    labvēlība; pakalpojums; palīdzība, atbalsts; intereses, labums; lentīte, nozīmīte; būt labvēlīgam, izturēties labvēlīgi; veicināt, atbalstīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > favour

  • 2 for

    [fo:] 1. preposition
    1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) priekš
    2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) (norāda virzienu) uz
    3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) (norāda attālumu vai laika posmu)
    4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) (norāda uz nolūku)
    5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) (norāda vērtību) par
    6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) (norāda uz mērķi)
    7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) (pārstāvot kādu) no
    8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) (kāda) labā
    9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) par
    10) (because of: for this reason.) dēļ
    11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) (norāda nolūku)
    12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) (norāda attieksmi, spējas)
    13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.)
    14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).)
    15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) neskatoties uz; par spīti
    2. conjunction
    (because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) jo; tāpēc ka
    * * *
    tāpēc ka, jo ; priekš; par; labad, dēļ, aiz; pret; pēc; uz ; no

    English-Latvian dictionary > for

  • 3 ask

    1) (to put a question: He asked me what the time was; Ask the price of that scarf; Ask her where to go; Ask him about it; If you don't know, ask.) []jautāt
    2) (to express a wish to someone for something: I asked her to help me; I asked (him) for a day off; He rang and asked for you; Can I ask a favour of you?) lūgt
    3) (to invite: He asked her to his house for lunch.) ielūgt; uzaicināt
    - ask for
    - for the asking
    * * *
    apjautāties, jautāt, izjautāt; lūgt; ielūgt, uzaicināt; prasīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > ask

  • 4 thank

    [Ɵæŋk] 1. verb
    (to express appreciation or gratitude to (someone) for a favour, service, gift etc: He thanked me for the present; She thanked him for inviting her.) pateikties
    - thankfully
    - thankfulness
    - thankless
    - thanklessly
    - thanklessness
    - thanks
    2. interjection
    (thank you: Thanks (very much) for your present; Thanks a lot!; No, thanks; Yes, thanks.) paldies
    - Thanksgiving
    - thanks to
    - thank you
    * * *
    pateicība; pateikties

    English-Latvian dictionary > thank

  • 5 grant

    1. verb
    1) (to agree to, to give: Would you grant me one favour; He granted the man permission to leave.) dot; sniegt
    2) (to agree or admit: I grant (you) that it was a stupid thing to do.) piekrist; pieļaut
    2. noun
    (money given for a particular purpose: He was awarded a grant for studying abroad.) dotācija; stipendija
    - granting
    - take for granted
    * * *
    dāvinājums, dāvinājuma akts; dotācija, subsīdija; stipendija; piekāpšanās, atļauja, piekrišana; dāvāt, dāvināt; piešķirt dotāciju; atļaut, piekrist; pieļaut

    English-Latvian dictionary > grant

  • 6 abdicate

    1) (to leave or give up the position and authority of a king or queen: The king abdicated (the throne) in favour of his son.) atteikties (no troņa)
    2) (to leave or give up (responsibility, power etc): He abdicated all responsibility for the work to his elder son.) atteikties (no tiesībām)
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > abdicate

  • 7 grace

    [ɡreis] 1. noun
    1) (beauty of form or movement: The dancer's movements had very little grace.) grācija; pievilcība
    2) (a sense of what is right: At least he had the grace to leave after his dreadful behaviour.) pieklājība; takts
    3) (a short prayer of thanks for a meal.) [] lūgšana
    4) (a delay allowed as a favour: You should have paid me today but I'll give you a day's grace.) pagarinājums
    5) (the title of a duke, duchess or archbishop: Your/His Grace.) augstība; gaišība
    6) (mercy: by the grace of God.) žēlastība
    - gracefully
    - gracefulness
    - gracious
    2. interjection
    (an exclamation of surprise.) ak vai! ak Dievs!
    - graciousness
    - with a good/bad grace
    - with good/bad grace
    * * *
    grācija, pievilcība; pievilcīgas īpašības, piemīlība; vēlība, labvēlība; pieklājība, laipnība; žēlastība, žēlsirdība; galda lūgšana; gaišība, augstība; atļauja; pagarinājums, atvieglojums; fioritūra; rotāt; apbalvot, apveltīt; pagodināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > grace

  • 8 Mass

    I 1. [mæs] noun
    1) (a large lump or quantity, gathered together: a mass of concrete/people.) liels daudzums; (ļaužu) masas
    2) (a large quantity: I've masses of work / things to do.) liels daudzums
    3) (the bulk, principal part or main body: The mass of people are in favour of peace.) vairums
    4) ((a) measure of the quantity of matter in an object: The mass of the rock is 500 kilos.) masa
    2. verb
    (to bring or come together in large numbers or quantities: The troops massed for an attack.) sapulcināt; sapulcēties
    3. adjective
    (of large quantities or numbers: mass murder; a mass meeting.) masveida-; masu-
    - mass-produce
    - mass-production
    - the mass media
    II [mæs] noun
    1) ((a) celebration, especially in the Roman Catholic church, of Christ's last meal (Last Supper) with his disciples: What time do you go to Mass?) mise
    2) (a setting to music of some of the words used in this service.) mesa
    * * *
    mise; mesa; liels daudzums, milzums; masas; ļaužu masas; lielākā daļa, vairums; masa; sapulcināt, savākt; sapulcēties; koncentrēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > Mass

  • 9 swing

    [swiŋ] 1. past tense, past participle - swung; verb
    1) (to (cause to) move or sway in a curve (from side to side or forwards and backwards) from a fixed point: You swing your arms when you walk; The children were swinging on a rope hanging from a tree; The door swung open; He swung the load on to his shoulder.) šūpot; šūpoties
    2) (to walk with a stride: He swung along the road.) soļot
    3) (to turn suddenly: He swung round and stared at them; He is hoping to swing the voters in his favour.) pagriezt; pagriezties
    2. noun
    1) (an act, period, or manner, of swinging: He was having a swing on the rope; Most golfers would like to improve their swing.) šūpošanās; vēziens
    2) (a swinging movement: the swing of the dancers' skirts.) šūpošanās; līgošanās; plīvošana
    3) (a strong dancing rhythm: The music should be played with a swing.) svings
    4) (a change in public opinion etc: a swing away from the government.) pārmaiņa; pavērsiens
    5) (a seat for swinging, hung on ropes or chains from a supporting frame etc.) šūpoles
    - swing bridge
    - swing door
    - be in full swing
    - get into the swing of things
    - get into the swing
    - go with a swing
    * * *
    šūpošanās; vēziens; norise, gaita; vingrs solis; ritms; šūpoles; svings; pārmaiņa; turneja, brauciens; šūpot; šūpoties; karināt; karāties; iet vingrā solī; dejot svinga ritmā; spēlēt svinga ritmā; pagriezt; pagriezties; pārmainīt; pārmainīties; uzsākt; būt dzīvespriecīgam; veikties

    English-Latvian dictionary > swing

См. также в других словарях:

  • For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK — Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK Leader Roberts Zīle Founded TB: 1 February 1993 …   Wikipedia

  • Favour — Favour, Favor, Favours, or Favors may refer to:* Party favor, a small gift given to the guests at a party * Wedding favors, small gifts given as a gesture of appreciation to guests from the bride and groom during a weddingPeople with the surname… …   Wikipedia

  • favour — British English spelling of FAVOR (Cf. favor) (q.v.); for spelling, see OR (Cf. or). Related: Favourite; favouritism …   Etymology dictionary

  • for — ► PREPOSITION 1) in favour of. 2) affecting or with regard to. 3) on behalf of or to the benefit of. 4) having as a purpose or function. 5) having as a reason or cause. 6) having as a destination. 7) representing …   English terms dictionary

  • favour — fa|vour1 W2S1 BrE favor AmE [ˈfeıvə US ər] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(help)¦ 2¦(support/approval)¦ 3¦(popular/unpopular)¦ 4¦(advantage)¦ 5¦(choose something instead)¦ 6 do somebody/something no favours 7¦(unfair support)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • favour — 1 BrE, favor AmE noun 1 HELP (C) something that you do for someone in order to help them or be kind to them : ask a favour (of sb): Can I ask a favor of you? | do sb a favour: Could you do me a favour and turn off that light? | do sth as a favour …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • favour — I UK [ˈfeɪvə(r)] / US [ˈfeɪvər] noun Word forms favour : singular favour plural favours *** 1) [countable] something that you do for someone in order to help them do someone a favour: Could you do me a favour? ask a favour of someone: Can I ask a …   English dictionary

  • favour — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} (BrE) (AmE favor) noun 1 sth that helps sb ADJECTIVE ▪ big, great, huge ▪ little, small ▪ special …   Collocations dictionary

  • favour — [[t]fe͟ɪvə(r)[/t]] ♦♦ favours, favouring, favoured (in AM, use favor) 1) N UNCOUNT If you regard something or someone with favour, you like or support them. It remains to be seen if the show will still find favour with a 1990s audience... No one… …   English dictionary

  • favour*/*/ — [ˈfeɪvə] noun I 1) [C] something that you do for someone in order to help them Could you do me a favour?[/ex] He wouldn t take any money for his work: he insisted he was doing it as a favour.[/ex] 2) [U] support or admiration from people Nuclear… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • favour — /ˈfeɪvə / (say fayvuh) noun 1. a kind act; something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration: ask a favour. 2. kindness; kind approval. 3. a state of being approved, or held in regard: in favour; out of… …  

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