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  • 1 consonant

    consonant ['kɒnsənənt]
    1 noun
    Linguistics consonne f
    formal en accord;
    to be consonant with or to sth être en accord avec qch
    ►► Linguistics consonant shift mutation f des consonnes

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > consonant

  • 2 consonant

    consonant [ˈkɒnsənənt]
    The French word consonne has a double n.
    * * *
    noun consonne f

    English-French dictionary > consonant

  • 3 consonant

    consonne 〈v.〉

    Deens-Russisch woordenboek > consonant

  • 4 consonant

    A n Ling consonne f.
    1 ( in agreement) en accord (with avec) ;
    2 Mus harmonieux/-ieuse.

    Big English-French dictionary > consonant

  • 5 consonant shift

    consonant shift n Ling mutation f consonantique.

    Big English-French dictionary > consonant shift

  • 6 consonant with

    qui cadre avec; qui reste dans l'esprit de; en accord avec

    English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > consonant with

  • 7 consonant

    (any letter of the alphabet except a, e, i, o, u which are vowels.) consonne

    English-French dictionary > consonant

  • 8 double consonant

    double consonant n consonne f double or géminée.

    Big English-French dictionary > double consonant

  • 9 stop consonant

    stop consonant n occlusive f.

    Big English-French dictionary > stop consonant

  • 10 voiced consonant

    voiced consonant n consonne f sonore.

    Big English-French dictionary > voiced consonant

  • 11 voiced consonant

    noun consonne f sonore

    English-French dictionary > voiced consonant

  • 12 созвучный

    consonant, harmonieux

    созву́чный эпо́хе — à l'unisson de l'époque

    * * *
    gener. congénial (Alors s'établissent les genres musicaux les plus congéniaux à sa voix: Rock ; Pop rock ; Blues.), harmonieux, accordant, consonant, accordé

    Dictionnaire russe-français universel > созвучный

  • 13 consono

    consŏno, āre, sŏnŭi - intr. - [st1]1 [-] produire un son ensemble.    - consonuere cornicines funebri strepitu, Petr. 78, 6: les sonneurs de cor jouèrent une marche funèbre.    - Varr. R, 3, 16, 30 ; Sen. Ep. 84, 10. [st1]2 [-] renvoyer le son, retentir.    - plausu virūm consonat omne nemus, Virg. En. 5, 149: tout le bois renvoie les applaudissements des hommes.    - Virg. En. 8, 305; Vitr. 5, 8, 1; Tac. An. 14, 32. [st1]3 [-] être en harmonie ensemble.    - inter se acutae ac graves voces consonant, Sen. Ep. 88, 9: les voix aiguës et les voix graves s'harmonisent entre elles. [st1]4 [-] avoir le même son [terminaison semblable].    - Quint. 9, 3, 75. [st1]5 [-] être en accord, concordance.    - Quint. 9, 3, 45, etc. [st1]6 [-] fig. être en accord, être en harmonie, concorder.    - animus secum meus consonat, Sen. Ep. 88, 9: mes sentiments ne se démentent pas.    - consonare sibi, Quint. 2, 20, 5: être en accord avec soi-même    - numeri universitas consonat, Aug. Civ. 15, 10: le total concorde.
    * * *
    consŏno, āre, sŏnŭi - intr. - [st1]1 [-] produire un son ensemble.    - consonuere cornicines funebri strepitu, Petr. 78, 6: les sonneurs de cor jouèrent une marche funèbre.    - Varr. R, 3, 16, 30 ; Sen. Ep. 84, 10. [st1]2 [-] renvoyer le son, retentir.    - plausu virūm consonat omne nemus, Virg. En. 5, 149: tout le bois renvoie les applaudissements des hommes.    - Virg. En. 8, 305; Vitr. 5, 8, 1; Tac. An. 14, 32. [st1]3 [-] être en harmonie ensemble.    - inter se acutae ac graves voces consonant, Sen. Ep. 88, 9: les voix aiguës et les voix graves s'harmonisent entre elles. [st1]4 [-] avoir le même son [terminaison semblable].    - Quint. 9, 3, 75. [st1]5 [-] être en accord, concordance.    - Quint. 9, 3, 45, etc. [st1]6 [-] fig. être en accord, être en harmonie, concorder.    - animus secum meus consonat, Sen. Ep. 88, 9: mes sentiments ne se démentent pas.    - consonare sibi, Quint. 2, 20, 5: être en accord avec soi-même    - numeri universitas consonat, Aug. Civ. 15, 10: le total concorde.
    * * *
        Consono, consonas, pen. corr. consonare. Plautus. Retentir, Resonner.
        Consonat clamor. Liuius, Consonante clamore nominatim Quintium orare. Par un cri accordant.
        Nemus consonat. Virgil. Retentist.
        Consonare sibi. Seneca. Est tousjours d'une sorte, Ne point varier.
        Consonat moribus oratio. Cic. Sa parolle se rapporte et s'accorde bien à sa vie, Resemble, ou est semblable et conforme, ou consonante à sa vie, Il parle comme il vit.

    Dictionarium latinogallicum > consono

  • 14 consonante

    I. consonante s.f. ( Ling) consonne. II. consonante agg.m./f. (Mus,Metr) consonant: accordo consonante accord consonant.

    Dizionario Italiano-Francese > consonante

  • 15 съзвучен

    прил consonant, e, harmonieux, euse; съзвучен акорд accord consonant.

    Български-френски речник > съзвучен

  • 16 a

    indef. article
    (a is used before words beginning with a consonant eg a boy, or consonant sound eg a union; an is used before words beginning with a vowel eg an owl, or vowel sound eg an honour.)
    1) (one: There is a boy in the garden.) un, une
    2) (any; every: An owl can see in the dark.) un, une
    3) (for each; per: We earn $6 an hour.) par; de

    English-French dictionary > a

  • 17 an

    indef. article
    (a is used before words beginning with a consonant eg a boy, or consonant sound eg a union; an is used before words beginning with a vowel eg an owl, or vowel sound eg an honour.)
    1) (one: There is a boy in the garden.) un, une
    2) (any; every: An owl can see in the dark.) un, une
    3) (for each; per: We earn $6 an hour.) par; de

    English-French dictionary > an

  • 18 the

    [ðə, ði]
    (The form [ðə] is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house or consonant sound eg the union [ðə'ju:njən]; the form [ði] is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple or vowel sound eg the honour [ði 'onə])
    1) (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known: Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off!)
    2) (used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc: The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well.) l', le, la
    3) (used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names: the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean).) l', le, la
    4) (used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc: In this job we are paid by the hour.) au, (à) l', (à) la
    5) (used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other: He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all.) le, la, les
    6) ((often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc: He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it.) le, la, les
    - the...

    English-French dictionary > the

  • 19 French provinces and regions

    Both traditional pre-Revolution regions and modern administrative regions usually take the definite article as in l’Alsace, la Champagne etc.:
    I like Alsace
    = j’aime l’Alsace
    Champagne is beautiful
    = la Champagne est belle
    For names which have a compound form, such as Midi-Pyrénées or Rhône-Alpes, it is safer to include the words la région:
    do you know Midi-Pyrénées?
    = connaissez-vous la région Midi-Pyrénées?
    In, to and from somewhere
    There are certain general principles regarding names of French provinces and regions. However, usage is sometimes uncertain ; doubtful items should be checked in the dictionary.
    For in and to, with feminine names and with masculine ones beginning with a vowel, use en without the definite article:
    to live in Burgundy
    = vivre en Bourgogne
    to go to Burgundy
    = aller en Bourgogne
    to live in Anjou
    = vivre en Anjou
    to go to Anjou
    = aller en Anjou
    For in and to with masculine names beginning with a consonant, use dans le:
    to live in the Berry
    = vivre dans le Berry
    to go to the Berry
    = aller dans le Berry
    For from with feminine names and with masculine ones beginning with a vowel, use de without the definite article:
    to come from Burgundy
    = venir de Bourgogne
    to come from Anjou
    = venir d’Anjou
    For from with masculine names beginning with a consonant, use du:
    to come from the Berry
    = venir du Berry
    Regional adjectives
    Related adjectives and nouns exist for most of the names of provinces and regions. Here is a list of the commonest:
    an Alsace accent
    = un accent alsacien
    Alsace costume
    = le costume alsacien
    the Alsace countryside
    = les paysages alsaciens
    Alsace traditions
    = les traditions alsaciennes
    Alsace villages
    = les villages alsaciens
    These words can also be used as nouns, meaning a person from X ; in this case they are written with a capital letter:
    a person from Alsace
    = un Alsacien
    an Alsace woman
    = une Alsacienne
    the people of Alsace
    = les Alsaciens mpl

    Big English-French dictionary > French provinces and regions

  • 20 US states

    In some cases, there is a French form of the name, but not always (if in doubt, check in the dictionary). Each state has a gender in French and is used with the definite article, except after the preposition en, e.g.:
    = l’Arkansas m
    = la Californie
    = le Texas
    Arkansas is beautiful
    = l’Arkansas est beau
    I like California
    = j’aime la Californie
    do you know Texas?
    = connaissez-vous le Texas?
    In, to and from somewhere
    For in and to, use en for feminine states and for masculine ones beginning with a vowel, e.g.:
    in Alaska
    = en Alaska
    to Alaska
    = en Alaska
    in California
    = en Californie
    to California
    = en Californie
    For in and to, use au for masculine states beginning with a consonant, e.g.:
    in Texas
    = au Texas
    to Texas
    = au Texas
    For from use de for feminine states and for masculine ones beginning with a vowel, e.g.:
    from California
    = de Californie
    from Alaska
    = d’Alaska
    For from use du for masculine states beginning with a consonant, e.g.:
    from Texas
    = du Texas
    Coming from somewhere: Uses with another noun
    There are a few words e.g. californien, new-yorkais, texan used as adjectives and as nouns (with a capital letter) referring to the inhabitants. In other cases it is usually safe to use de for feminine states, and to use de l’ or du for masculine states, e.g.:
    the Florida countryside
    = les paysages de Floride
    Illinois representatives
    = les représentants de l’Illinois
    a Louisiana accent
    = l’accent de la Louisiane
    New-Mexico roads
    = les routes du Nouveau-Mexique

    Big English-French dictionary > US states

См. также в других словарях:

  • consonant — CONSONÁNT, Ă, consonanţi, te, adj. (muz.: despre acorduri) Care este format din consonanţe (1); armonios. ♦ (Despre cuvinte) Care are o terminaţie asemănătoare cu a altui cuvânt. – Din lat. consonans, tis, fr. consonant. Trimis de Joseph,… …   Dicționar Român

  • Consonant — Con so*nant, a. [L. consonans, antis; p. pr. of consonare to sound at the same time, agree; con + sonare to sound: cf. F. consonnant. See {Sound} to make a noise.] 1. Having agreement; congruous; consistent; according; usually followed by with or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • consonant — adj Consonant, consistent, compatible, congruous, congenial, sympathetic are comparable when they mean being in agreement one with another or agreeable one to the other. Consonant implies agreement with a concurrent circumstance or situation, or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Consonant (band) — Consonant Origin Boston, Massachusetts Genres Alternative rock Years active 2001–? Labels Fenway A …   Wikipedia

  • consonant — consonant, ante [ kɔ̃sɔnɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • v. 1165; lat. consonans, de consonare « résonner ensemble » ♦ Qui produit une consonance; est formé de consonances. Intervalles, accords consonants. Phrases consonantes. ⊗ CONTR. Dissonant. ● consonant,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Consonant — Con so*nant, n. [L. consonans, antis.] An articulate sound which in utterance is usually combined and sounded with an open sound called a vowel; a member of the spoken alphabet other than a vowel; also, a letter or character representing such a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • consonant — ► NOUN 1) a speech sound in which the breath is at least partly obstructed and which forms a syllable when combined with a vowel. 2) a letter representing such a sound. ► ADJECTIVE (consonant with) ▪ in agreement or harmony with. DERIVATIVES… …   English terms dictionary

  • Consonant — (v. lat., Mitlauter), Laut, welcher nur in Verbindung mit einem Vocal ausgesprochen werden kann, s. u. Laute …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Consonant — Consonant, in der Grammatik ein Buchstabe, dessen Laut nicht allein, sondern nur in Verbindung mit einem Selbstlauter, Vocal, ausgesprochen werden kann, Mitlaut …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • consonant — I adjective accordant, adapted, agreeing, alike, answerable, appropriate, apt, arranged, at one, attuned, balanced, becoming, coherent, coincident commensurate, compatible, concerted, concordant, concurrent, conformable, conforming, congenial,… …   Law dictionary

  • consonant with — index pursuant to Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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