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  • chapter of accidents — the succession of unforeseen events make no plans but leave things to the chapter of accidents * * * chapter of accidents see under ↑accident • • • Main Entry: ↑chapter * * * chapter of accidents, the unforeseen course of events; a series of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • The chapter of accidents — Chapter Chap ter, n. [OF. chapitre, F. chapitre, fr. L. capitulum, dim. of caput head, the chief person or thing, the principal division of a writing, chapter. See {Chief}, and cf, {Chapiter}.] 1. A division of a book or treatise; as, Genesis has …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • (a) chapter of accidents — a chapter of accidents british phrase a series of unpleasant or annoying events that happen quickly one after the other The whole affair has been a chapter of accidents from start to finish. Thesaurus: accidentssynonym Main entry: chapter …   Useful english dictionary

  • a chapter of accidents — 1. An unforeseen course of events 2. A series of accidents • • • Main Entry: ↑accident * * * a chapter of accidents Brit informal : a series of bad or unfortunate events • • • Main Entry: ↑chapter …   Useful english dictionary

  • a chapter of accidents — ► a chapter of accidents a series of unfortunate events. Main Entry: ↑chapter …   English terms dictionary

  • a chapter of accidents — British a series of unpleasant or annoying events that happen quickly one after the other The whole affair has been a chapter of accidents from start to finish …   English dictionary

  • be a chapter of accidents — British & Australian, formal to be a series of unpleasant events. The whole trip was a chapter of accidents …   New idioms dictionary

  • a chapter of accidents — a series of unfortunate events. → chapter …   English new terms dictionary

  • chapter — ► NOUN 1) a main division of a book. 2) a particular period in history or in a person s life. 3) the governing body of a cathedral or other religious community. 4) chiefly N. Amer. a local branch of a society. ● chapter and verse Cf. ↑chapter and …   English terms dictionary

  • Chapter — Chap ter, n. [OF. chapitre, F. chapitre, fr. L. capitulum, dim. of caput head, the chief person or thing, the principal division of a writing, chapter. See {Chief}, and cf, {Chapiter}.] 1. A division of a book or treatise; as, Genesis has fifty… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Chapter head — Chapter Chap ter, n. [OF. chapitre, F. chapitre, fr. L. capitulum, dim. of caput head, the chief person or thing, the principal division of a writing, chapter. See {Chief}, and cf, {Chapiter}.] 1. A division of a book or treatise; as, Genesis has …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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