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  • 1 crash

    [kræʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a noise as of heavy things breaking or falling on something hard: I heard a crash, and looked round to see that he'd dropped all the plates.) hrmot
    2) (a collision: There was a crash involving three cars.) zrážka
    3) (a failure of a business etc: the Wall Street crash.) krach
    4) (a sudden failure of a computer: A computer crash is very costly.)
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) fall with a loud noise: The glass crashed to the floor.) rozbiť sa
    2) (to drive or be driven violently (against, into): He crashed (his car); His car crashed into a wall.) naraziť
    3) ((of aircraft) to land or be landed in such a way as to be damaged or destroyed: His plane crashed in the mountains.) zrútiť sa
    4) ((of a business) to fail.) skrachovať
    5) (to force one's way noisily (through, into): He crashed through the undergrowth.) predierať sa
    6) ((of a computer) to stop working suddenly: If the computer crashes, we may lose all our files.)
    3. adjective
    (rapid and concentrated: a crash course in computer technology.) intenzívny
    - crash-land
    * * *
    • zriadit sa
    • zrútit sa
    • skrachovat
    • spadnút
    • havária
    • havarovat
    • katastrofa
    • rachot
    • pád
    • kolízia
    • narazit

    English-Slovak dictionary > crash

  • 2 be all ears

    (to listen with keen attention: The children were all ears when their father was describing the car crash.) byť samé ucho
    * * *
    • pozorne pocúvat

    English-Slovak dictionary > be all ears

  • 3 whiplash

    1) ((the action of) the lash or cord of a whip.) remienok biča; šľahnutie
    2) (a neck injury caused by a sudden movement of the head: He escaped the car crash with whiplash and a few bruises.) hyperflexia krku

    English-Slovak dictionary > whiplash

  • 4 smash

    [smæʃ] 1. verb
    1) ((sometimes with up) to (cause to) break in pieces or be ruined: The plate dropped on the floor and smashed into little pieces; This unexpected news had smashed all his hopes; He had an accident and smashed up his car.) rozbiť (sa)
    2) (to strike with great force; to crash: The car smashed into a lamp-post.) naraziť
    2. noun
    1) ((the sound of) a breakage; a crash: A plate fell to the ground with a smash; There has been a bad car smash.) treskot, buchot, rinčanie; zrážka
    2) (a strong blow: He gave his opponent a smash on the jaw.) úder
    3) (in tennis etc, a hard downward shot.) smeč
    - smash hit
    * * *
    • vrazit
    • vyrazit
    • železnicná katastrofa
    • zlomit
    • zlisovat
    • zdemolovat
    • zrážka
    • zruinovat
    • zrazit sa
    • znicenie
    • znicit
    • smec
    • smecovat
    • šláger
    • sádzat
    • skrachovanie
    • trieskat
    • tresknút
    • treskot
    • úpadok
    • prerazit si cestu
    • prerazit
    • hit
    • hniezdo
    • búchat
    • búracka
    • bankrot
    • chladený koktail
    • ciapky nosené šikmo
    • dat smec
    • roztrieštit
    • prudko narazit
    • prudký úder
    • rozprsknút sa
    • rozbitie
    • rozletiet
    • prudký útocný úder
    • rútit sa
    • rúcanie
    • rachot
    • rozbit
    • roztrieskanie
    • púštat do obehu
    • rincanie
    • razit si cestu
    • prudko hodit
    • prudko udriet
    • prudká rana
    • roztrieskat
    • rozdrvit
    • rozbit na malé kúsky
    • ovocný koktail
    • prebit sa
    • porazit
    • krach
    • nabúrat
    • mlátit
    • nesmierne úspešný
    • nicenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > smash

  • 5 collision

    noun (a crash; a violent striking together (of eg two vehicles): Ten people were injured in the collision between the bus and the car.) zrážka
    * * *
    • zrážka
    • duplicitná adresa
    • kolízia

    English-Slovak dictionary > collision

  • 6 rip

    [rip] 1. past tense, past participle - ripped; verb
    1) (to make or get a hole or tear in by pulling, tearing etc: He ripped his shirt on a branch; His shirt ripped.) roztrhnúť (sa)
    2) (to pull (off, up etc) by breaking or tearing: The roof of the car was ripped off in the crash; to rip up floorboards; He ripped open the envelope.) vytrhnúť, roztrhnúť
    2. noun
    (a tear or hole: a rip in my shirt.) roztrhnutie
    * * *
    • utrhnút
    • vyrvat
    • vytrhnút
    • vyhrabat
    • vyšklbnút
    • vytrhnutie
    • zodriet
    • zmútená voda
    • zotriet
    • štiepat
    • strhnút
    • trhlina
    • trhat
    • dupni na to
    • hnat si to
    • bežat
    • divoch
    • rozorvat
    • puknút
    • roztrhnút
    • rozpáranie
    • rozpárat sa
    • roztrhnutie
    • rútit sa
    • rozpárat
    • perej
    • pozdlžne rezat
    • prasknút
    • lámat
    • letiet
    • mazat
    • odtrhnút
    • ohrievat

    English-Slovak dictionary > rip

  • 7 run into

    1) (to meet: I ran into her in the street.) stretnúť
    2) (to crash into or collide with: The car ran into a lamp-post.) naraziť do

    English-Slovak dictionary > run into

  • 8 safety-belt

    noun (a fixed belt in a car or aircraft used to keep a passenger from being thrown out of the seat in an accident, crash etc.) bezpečnostný (záchranný) pás

    English-Slovak dictionary > safety-belt

См. также в других словарях:

  • car-crash TV — carˈ crash TV noun (informal) Distasteful or deplorable material broadcast on television that exercises a compulsion on the viewer comparable to the ghoulish fascination or schadenfreude often experienced by witnesses of road accidents • • • Main …   Useful english dictionary

  • car crash — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms car crash : singular car crash plural car crashes 1) an accident in which two or more vehicles crash into each other 2) something that is completely unsuccessful The show will either be a smash hit or a… …   English dictionary

  • Car crash songs — The car accident has been a popular topic for songs. In 1950s and 1960s pop and rock music, the car crash song was a popular form of teenage tragedy song genre. At the time automobile accidents appeared to be an alarming new threat, as the… …   Wikipedia

  • car crash — A car accident …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • List of car crash songs — The car crash song emerged as a popular pop and rock music teenage tragedy song during the 1950s and 1960s at a time when the number of people being killed in vehicle collisions was rising fast in many countries. In the UK the number of… …   Wikipedia

  • TV total Stock Car Crash Challenge — Elton auf der Pressekonferenz der TV total Stock Car Crash Challenge 2010 Die TV total Stock Car Crash Challenge ist eine, seit 2005 jährlich ausgetragene, Stockcar Rennveranstaltung. Bei …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Scratch and Sniff Car Crash — Infobox Album | Name = Scratch and Sniff Car Crash Type = Album Artist = Swamp Zombies Released = 1990 Recorded = Genre = folk punk Length = CD 43:36 Label = Doctor Dream Records Producer = Reviews = Last album = Fink (1989) This album = Scratch… …   Wikipedia

  • Understanding in a Car Crash — Song infobox Name = Understanding in a Car Crash Artist = Thursday Album = Full Collapse Released = October 18, 2001 track no = 2 Genre = Post hardcore Label = Victory Producer = prev = A0001 prev no = 1 next = Concealer next no = 2 Understanding …   Wikipedia

  • car crash — automobile accident …   English contemporary dictionary

  • car crash TV — noun Colloquial a television program that is simultaneously absorbing and repulsive for the viewer …  

  • CAR CRASH — …   Useful english dictionary

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