1 switchback road
Архитектура: дорога с крутыми подъемами и спусками -
2 a switchback road
Архитектура: дорога с крутыми подъемами и спусками -
3 a switchback road
См. также в других словарях:
switchback — [[t]swɪ̱tʃbæk[/t]] switchbacks 1) N COUNT: oft N n A switchback is a road which rises and falls sharply many times, or a sharp rise and fall in a road. [BRIT] ...a dizzy bus ride over a switchback road. 2) N COUNT A switchback is a road which… … English dictionary
Switchback — may refer to:* (primarily in American English) a road or trail joined by hairpin bends * (primarily in British English) a roller coaster, or a roller coaster like road (for the latter, see also in article on hairpin bend) * Switchback Railway,… … Wikipedia
switchback — ► NOUN 1) Brit. a road, railway, etc. with alternate sharp ascents and descents. 2) a roller coaster. 3) N. Amer. a hairpin bend … English terms dictionary
switchback — ☆ switchback [swich′bak΄ ] n. 1. a road or railroad following a zigzag course up a steep grade 2. Brit. ROLLER COASTER … English World dictionary
switchback — UK [ˈswɪtʃˌbæk] / US noun [countable] Word forms switchback : singular switchback plural switchbacks 1) mainly American a road up a steep slope with a series of sharp bends 2) British a roller coaster 1) … English dictionary
road — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. way, path, track, passage, highway, roadway, thoroughfare, trail; anchorage. See abode. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A strip prepared for travel] Syn. path, way, highway, roadway, street, avenue,… … English dictionary for students
switchback — I. noun Date: 1863 a zigzag road, trail, or section of railroad tracks for climbing a steep hill • switchback adjective II. intransitive verb Date: 1903 to follow a zigzag course especially for ascent or descent < a trail that switchbacks > … New Collegiate Dictionary
switchback — /swich bak /, n. 1. a highway, as in a mountainous area, having many hairpin curves. 2. Railroads. a zigzag track arrangement for climbing a steep grade. 3. Brit. See roller coaster. v.i. 4. (of a road, railroad track, etc.) to progress through a … Universalium
switchback — 1. noun a) A zigzag path, road or railway track; especially a railway track in which the train travels in a reverse direction at each switch b) A hairpi … Wiktionary
switchback — switch|back [ˈswıtʃbæk] n a road or track that goes up and down steep slopes and around sharp bends … Dictionary of contemporary English
switchback — switch|back [ swıtʃ,bæk ] noun count 1. ) a road up a steep slope with a series of sharp bends 2. ) BRITISH a ROLLER COASTER … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English