1 hover
hover vi1 lit [small bird, insect] voleter (over, above au-dessus de) ; [bird of prey] planer (over, above au-dessus de) ; [helicopter] faire du surplace (over, above au-dessus de) ; fig [smile] errer (on sur) ; [danger, suspicion etc] planer (over, above au-dessus de) ; [price, costs etc] tourner (around autour de) ; to hover around sb/sth tourner autour de qn/qch ; a question hovered on her lips elle avait une question au bord des lèvres ;2 ( vacillate) vaciller (between entre) ; country hovering on the brink of war pays au bord de la guerre ; to be hovering between life and death rester suspendu entre la vie et la mort.
См. также в других словарях:
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John Diefenbaker — Diefenbaker redirects here. For other uses, see Diefenbaker (disambiguation). The Right Honourable John Diefenbaker PC, CH, QC … Wikipedia