1 XOR operation
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > XOR operation
2 XOR-operation
операция "исключающее ИЛИ" (операция сложения по mod2)Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > XOR-operation
3 XOR operation
(логическая) операция (логическая) операция исключающее ИЛИ, альтернативная дизъюнкция, неэквивалентность, сложение по модулю 2 -
4 XOR operation
(логическая) операция (логическая) операция исключающее ИЛИ, альтернативная дизъюнкция, неэквивалентность, сложение по модулю 2The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > XOR operation
5 operation
1) работа; функционирование; действие || работающий; функционирующий; действующий3) вчт операция || операционный4) срабатывание (напр. реле)5) управление; оперативное вмешательство || управляющий; оперативный6) эксплуатация || эксплуатационный7) pl выполнение операций•- amplitude-modulation/single-side-band operation
- AND operation
- anti-identity operation
- antisymmetry operation
- arithmetic operation
- asynchronous operation
- atomic operation
- attended operation
- auxiliary operation
- average calculating operation
- axial-mode operation
- back-to-back operation
- big bang operation
- bilevel operation
- binary operation
- bistable operation
- bitwise operation
- block operation
- Boolean operation
- break-in operation
- broadband operation
- clamping operation
- class A-operation
- class AB operation
- class B-operation
- class C-operation
- cleaning operation
- closing operation
- co-channel operation
- co-frequency operation
- coherent-pulse operation
- color-killer operation
- color-switching operation
- compare operation
- complementary operation
- computer operations
- continuous operation
- continuous-wave operation
- crystal operation
- cw operation
- data transfer operations
- decision-directed operation
- depressed collector operation
- destructive operation
- dial-up operation
- diplex operation
- diversity operation
- drawing operation
- duplex operation
- dyadic operation
- EITHER-OR operation
- electromagnetic operation
- end-to-end operation
- excise operation
- exclusive NOR operation
- exclusive OR operation
- forming operation
- full-duplex operation
- gate operation
- global operation
- group operation
- half-duplex operation
- high-gain operation
- high-level signal operation
- identity operation
- inclusive NOR operation
- inclusive OR operation
- INHIBIT operation
- integer operation
- invalid operation
- jump operation
- large-signal operation
- limiting operation
- linear operation
- logical operation
- low-gain operation
- low-level signal operation
- MAC operation
- magnetostatic operation
- maintenance operation
- manual operation
- mathematical operation
- modified semistatic operation
- monadic operation
- monostable operation
- multicarrier operation
- multijob operation
- multimode operation
- multiple job operation
- multiplex operation
- multiply/accumulate operation
- NAND operation
- NEITHER-NOR operation
- no-operation
- nonattended operation
- NOR operation
- NOT operation
- off-frequency operation
- one-pass operation
- one-way reversible operation
- opening operation
- OR operation
- parallel operation
- programmable remote operation
- pull-in operation
- pulse operation
- push-pull operation
- push-pull-push operation
- push-push operation
- Q-switched operation
- quadrature operation
- quasi-continuous operation
- register operation
- SCL operation
- self-Q-switched operation
- semistatic operation
- sequential staircase operation
- serial operation
- shared-frequency operation
- simplex operation
- simultaneous staircase operation
- single-mode operation
- small-signal operation
- soldering operation
- space-charge-limited operation
- space symmetry operation
- space-time symmetry operation
- spike operation
- store-and-forward operation
- string operation
- stripping operation
- suppressed-carrier operation
- symmetry operation
- synchronous operation
- tandem operation
- task switch operation
- translation operation
- transmitted-carrier operation
- TRAPATT operation
- trapped plasma avalanche transit-time operation
- tse operation
- unary operation
- unattended operation
- unit operation
- variable-cycle operation
- XOR operation
- π-mode operation -
6 operation
1) работа; функционирование; действие || работающий; функционирующий; действующий3) вчт. операция || операционный4) срабатывание (напр. реле)5) управление; оперативное вмешательство || управляющий; оперативный6) эксплуатация || эксплуатационный7) pl. выполнение операций•- alignment operation
- amplitude-modulation/single-side-band operation
- AND operation
- anti-identity operation
- antisymmetry operation
- arithmetic operation
- asynchronous operation
- atomic operation
- attended operation
- auxiliary operation
- average calculating operation
- axial-mode operation
- back-to-back operation
- big bang operation
- bilevel operation
- binary operation
- bistable operation
- bitwise operation
- block operation
- Boolean operation
- break-in operation
- broadband operation
- clamping operation
- class A operation
- class AB operation
- class B operation
- class C operation
- cleaning operation
- closing operation
- co-channel operation
- co-frequency operation
- coherent-pulse operation
- color-killer operation
- color-switching operation
- compare operation
- complementary operation
- computer operations
- continuous operation
- continuous-wave operation
- crystal operation
- cw operation
- data transfer operations
- decision-directed operation
- depressed collector operation
- destructive operation
- dial-up operation
- diplex operation
- diversity operation
- drawing operation
- duplex operation
- dyadic operation
- EITHER-OR operation
- electromagnetic operation
- end-to-end operation
- excise operation
- exclusive NOR operation
- exclusive OR operation
- forming operation
- full-duplex operation
- gate operation
- global operation
- group operation
- half-duplex operation
- high-gain operation
- high-level signal operation
- identity operation
- inclusive NOR operation
- inclusive OR operation
- INHIBIT operation
- integer operation
- invalid operation
- jump operation
- large-signal operation
- limiting operation
- linear operation
- logical operation
- low-gain operation
- low-level signal operation
- MAC operation
- magnetostatic operation
- maintenance operation
- manual operation
- mathematical operation
- modified semistatic operation
- monadic operation
- monostable operation
- multicarrier operation
- multijob operation
- multimode operation
- multiple job operation
- multiplex operation
- multiply/accumulate operation
- NAND operation
- NEITHER-NOR operation
- nonattended operation
- no-operation
- NOR operation
- NOT operation
- off-frequency operation
- one-pass operation
- one-way reversible operation
- opening operation
- OR operation
- parallel operation
- programmable remote operation
- pull-in operation
- pulse operation
- push-pull operation
- push-pull-push operation
- push-push operation
- Q-switched operation
- quadrature operation
- quasi-continuous operation
- register operation
- SCL operation
- self-Q-switched operation
- semistatic operation
- sequential staircase operation
- serial operation
- shared-frequency operation
- simplex operation
- simultaneous staircase operation
- single-mode operation
- small-signal operation
- soldering operation
- space symmetry operation
- space-charge-limited operation
- space-time symmetry operation
- spike operation
- store-and-forward operation
- string operation
- stripping operation
- suppressed-carrier operation
- symmetry operation
- synchronous operation
- tandem operation
- task switch operation
- translation operation
- transmitted-carrier operation
- TRAPATT operation
- trapped plasma avalanche transit-time operation
- tse operation
- unary operation
- unattended operation
- unit operation
- variable-cycle operation
- XOR operationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > operation
7 operation
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > operation
8 logical operator
1) (logic operator) - логический оператороператор, задающий выполение логической операции (logic operation)символ, представляющий некоторую операцию над логическими выражениями (logical expression). Например, в языке Си для обозначения логических операций используются следующие знаки: !, -,Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > logical operator
См. также в других словарях:
XOR linked list — XOR linked lists are a data structure used in computer programming. They take advantage of the bitwise exclusive disjunction (XOR) operation, here denoted by ⊕, to decrease storage requirements for doubly linked lists. An ordinary doubly linked… … Wikipedia
XOR cipher — In cryptography, a simple XOR cipher is a relatively simple encryption algorithm that operates according to the principles::A oplus 0 = A,:A oplus A = 0,:(B oplus A) oplus A = B oplus 0 = B,where oplus denotes the exclusive disjunction (XOR)… … Wikipedia
XOR gate — The XOR gate (sometimes EOR gate) is a digital logic gate that implements exclusive disjunction it behaves according to the truth table to the right. A HIGH output (1) results if one, and only one, of the inputs to the gate is HIGH (1). If both… … Wikipedia
Operation point a point — Opération point à point Cet article fait partie de la série Photographie … Wikipédia en Français
XOR swap algorithm — In computer programming, the XOR swap is an algorithm that uses the XOR bitwise operation to swap distinct values of variables having the same data type without using a temporary variable.The algorithmStandard swapping algorithms require the use… … Wikipedia
Opération point à point — Une opération point à point consiste à appliquer une fonction identique sur chaque pixel d une image numérique. Sommaire 1 Liste des opérations 1.1 Opérations booléennes 1.2 Opérations arithmétiques … Wikipédia en Français
Bitwise operation — In computer programming, a bitwise operation operates on one or two bit patterns or binary numerals at the level of their individual bits. On most microprocessors, bitwise operations are sometimes slightly faster than addition and subtraction… … Wikipedia
Block cipher modes of operation — This article is about cryptography. For method of operating , see modus operandi. In cryptography, modes of operation is the procedure of enabling the repeated and secure use of a block cipher under a single key.[1][2] A block cipher by itself… … Wikipedia
Mode d'operation (cryptographie) — Mode d opération (cryptographie) En cryptographie, un mode d opération est la manière de traiter les blocs de texte clairs et chiffrés au sein d un algorithme de chiffrement par bloc. Chacun des modes possède ses propres atouts. Plusieurs modes… … Wikipédia en Français
Mode d'opération — (cryptographie) En cryptographie, un mode d opération est la manière de traiter les blocs de texte clairs et chiffrés au sein d un algorithme de chiffrement par bloc. Chacun des modes possède ses propres atouts. Plusieurs modes existent, certains … Wikipédia en Français
Mode d'opération (cryptographie) — En cryptographie, un mode d opération est la manière de traiter les blocs de texte clairs et chiffrés au sein d un algorithme de chiffrement par bloc. Historiquement, les modes d opération ont été abondamment étudiés pour leur propriétés de… … Wikipédia en Français