1 warrant officer candidate military development course
WOCMDC, warrant officer candidate military development courseженские офицерские курсы усовершенствования военной подготовки кандидатов в уорент-офицерыEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > warrant officer candidate military development course
2 warrant officer candidate military development course
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > warrant officer candidate military development course
1) Компьютерная техника: WIYN Open Cluster Study2) Военный термин: Warrant Officer Candidate School, Women Officer Cadet School, Women Officer Candidates School3) Университет: Wellesley Off- Campus -
4 wocs
1) Компьютерная техника: WIYN Open Cluster Study2) Военный термин: Warrant Officer Candidate School, Women Officer Cadet School, Women Officer Candidates School3) Университет: Wellesley Off- Campus -
1) Общая лексика: wait-on-cement time, (Working Committee) рабочая комиссия, (Working Committee) рабочий комитет2) Компьютерная техника: wireless office system3) Военный термин: Waste Oil Collectors, Weapon Of Choice, wing operations center4) Техника: waiting-on-cement time, waits on cement5) Религия: Women Of The Church, Women's Ordination Conference6) Сокращение: Warrant Officer Candidate, Wing Operations Center (USA), waiting on cement (to cure)7) Физиология: Wonders Of Chiropractic, World Orthopaedic Concern, Wound Ostomy And Continence8) Электроника: IEEE Wireless and Optical Communications Conference9) Нефть: waiting on cement, время ожидания затвердевания цемента (waiting-on-cement time), the shut down time on a rig between the cement slurry is pumped down the casing and when the cement plug is drilled or the casing perforated (During WOC time the cement is setting), Перерыв в работе на буровой (между тем, как цементный раствора закачивается в обсадную колонну, и разбуриванием цементной пробки или перфорированием обсадной колонны. В течение этого времени цемент затвердевает), OWC, ВНК, водо-нефтяной контакт, водонефтяной контакт10) Фирменный знак: Whispering Owl Crafters, Wizards Of The Coast, World Of Chips, World Of Concrete11) Экология: World Oceanographic Center12) Бурение: wait on cement, ОЗЦ (waiting on cement), ожидание затвердения цемента (waiting on cement), waiting on cement (time spent waiting for cement to set)13) Нефтегазовая техника ожидание затвердевания цемента (ОЗЦ)14) Обогащение: водяной циклон, water only cyclone, water-only cyclone15) Макаров: waiting-on-cement16) Карачаганак: water-oil contact17) Цемент: сроки схватывания18) NYSE. Wilshire Oil Company of Texas19) НАСА: Waste Oil Collector -
Военный термин: warrant officer candidate military development course -
WOCMDC, warrant officer candidate military development courseженские офицерские курсы усовершенствования военной подготовки кандидатов в уорент-офицерыEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > WOCMDC
1) Военный термин: U. S. Army Warrant Officer Career Center, women officer candidate course2) Строительство: Work Order Completion Certificate3) Сокращение: Women of Color Conference4) Электроника: Wireless and Optical Communications Conference
См. также в других словарях:
Officer Candidate School (U.S. Army) — Officer Candidate School The original Officer Candidate School logo. Known today as the OCS roadwheel and still in wide use throughout the OCS. Active 1941 19/20 Dec 1949, 1951 present … Wikipedia
Warrant officer (United States) — For other uses of warrant officer, see warrant officer. In the United States military, the rank of warrant officer (grade W 1 to W 5) is rated as an officer above the senior most enlisted ranks, as well as officer cadets and candidates, but below … Wikipedia
Warrant Officer (United States) — In the United States military, a Warrant Officer (grade W 1 to W 5) is ranked as an officer above the senior most enlisted ranks, as well as officer cadets and candidates, but below the officer grade of O 1 ( NATO: OF 1 ). Warrant officers are… … Wikipedia
Officer Candidate — USN Officer Candidate insignia Officer Candidate is a rank in some militaries of the world that is an appointed position while a person is in training to become an officer. More often than not, an Officer Candidate was a civilian who applied to… … Wikipedia
Officer Candidate School (U.S. Navy) — The United States Navy s Officer Candidate School, currently located at Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island, provides training to become a commissioned officer. Attendance is one possible way for civilian college graduates (bachelor s degree or… … Wikipedia
Officer Candidates School (United States Marine Corps) — Officer Candidates School The OCS insignia Active 1891 present Country … Wikipedia
Officer cadet — is a rank held by military and merchant navy cadets during their training to become commissioned officers and merchant navy officers, respectively. The term officer trainee is used interchangeably in some countries. Some countries refer to naval… … Wikipedia
Officer Cadet — is a rank held by military cadets during their training to become commissioned officers. The term Officer Trainee is used interchangeably in some countries. Some countries refer to naval officer cadets as midshipmen, although in other countries… … Wikipedia
Officer Designate — OF(D)[1] is a term used in the NATO rank scale, and comes below OF 1.[1] Contents 1 NATO 2 Rank 3 See also … Wikipedia
Officer (armed forces) — An officer is a member of an armed force or uniformed service who holds a position of authority. Commissioned officers derive authority directly from a sovereign power and, as such, hold a commission charging them with the duties and… … Wikipedia
officer — noun 1 in the army, navy, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ air force, army, military, naval ▪ commanding, high ranking, ranking, senior, superior … Collocations dictionary