1 Дорогу осилит идущий
General subject: Walk and ye shall reach (http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?A=ForumReplies&MessNum=695)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Дорогу осилит идущий
2 дорогу осилит идущий
General subject: Walk and ye shall reach (http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?A=ForumReplies&MessNum=695)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > дорогу осилит идущий
См. также в других словарях:
Beliefs and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses — The beliefs and practices of Jehovah s Witnesses are based on the Bible teachings of its founder, Charles Taze Russell and his successors, Joseph Franklin Rutherford and Nathan Homer Knorr. Since about 1976 they have also been based on decisions… … Wikipedia
Canons and Canonesses Regular — • According to St. Thomas Aquinas, a canon regular is essentially a religious cleric Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Canons and Canonesses Regular Canons and Canonesses Regular … Catholic encyclopedia
Crucifixion darkness and eclipse — A solar eclipse from August 2008. It takes about an hour for the moon to cover the sun, with total coverage lasting a few minutes.[1] … Wikipedia
To go and come — Go Go, v. i. [imp. {Went} (w[e^]nt); p. p. {Gone} (g[o^]n; 115); p. pr. & vb. n. {Going}. Went comes from the AS, wendan. See {Wend}, v. i.] [OE. gan, gon, AS. g[=a]n, akin to D. gaan, G. gehn, gehen, OHG. g[=e]n, g[=a]n, SW. g[*a], Dan. gaae; cf … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
To go in and out — Go Go, v. i. [imp. {Went} (w[e^]nt); p. p. {Gone} (g[o^]n; 115); p. pr. & vb. n. {Going}. Went comes from the AS, wendan. See {Wend}, v. i.] [OE. gan, gon, AS. g[=a]n, akin to D. gaan, G. gehn, gehen, OHG. g[=e]n, g[=a]n, SW. g[*a], Dan. gaae; cf … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tradition and Living Magisterium — • The word tradition refers sometimes to the thing (doctrine, account, or custom) transmitted from one generation to another sometimes to the organ or mode of the transmission Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Tradition and Living… … Catholic encyclopedia
Descartes: metaphysics and the philosophy of mind — John Cottingham THE CARTESIAN PROJECT Descartes is rightly regarded as one of the inaugurators of the modern age, and there is no doubt that his thought profoundly altered the course of Western philosophy. In no area has this influence been more… … History of philosophy
Opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway — The Duke of Wellington s train and other locomotives being readied for departure from Liverpool, 15 September 1830 The opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway (L M) took place on 15 September 1830 … Wikipedia
Durrus and District History Modern — Durrus is an area of West Cork in Ireland. For earlier history, see Durrus and District History1900 2000 James Gilhooley M.P. and Elections 1910James Gilhooley MP (he had been a merchant in Bantry, and was jailed on a number of occaasions under… … Wikipedia
Timon and Pumbaa — DisneyChar name = Timon and Pumbaa caption = first appearance = The Lion King created by = Jonathan Roberts voiced by = Timon: Nathan Lane (films, early episodes of the show ) Quinton Flynn, Kevin Schon ( Timon Pumbaa ) James Arnold Taylor (… … Wikipedia
Israel, Palestinians, and the United Nations — Issues relating to the state of Israel, the Palestinian people and other aspects of the Arab Israeli conflict occupy a large amount of debate time, resolutions and resources at the spinout/link|United Nations.The adoption of UNSCOP s… … Wikipedia