1 STOL aircraft
2 STOL aircraft
3 STOL aircraft
4 STOL aircraft
5 STOL aircraft
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > STOL aircraft
6 STOL aircraft
самолет короткого взлета и посадки, СКВП -
7 STOL aircraft
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > STOL aircraft
8 V/STOL aircraft
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > V/STOL aircraft
9 V/STOL aircraft
1) Военный термин: СВВП/СУВП, самолёт вертикального/укороченного взлёта и посадки -
10 V/STOL aircraft
11 V/STOL aircraft
самолет вертикального/ укороченного взлета и посадки, СВВП/СУВП -
12 V/STOL aircraft
самолет вертикального или короткого взлета и посадки, СВ/КВП -
13 Q/STOL aircraft
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > Q/STOL aircraft
14 V/STOL aircraft
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > V/STOL aircraft
15 vertical/short take-off and landing aircraft (V/STOL aircraft)
Макаров: летательный аппарат с вертикальными и укороченными взлётом и посадкойУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > vertical/short take-off and landing aircraft (V/STOL aircraft)
16 aircraft
воздушное судно [суда], атмосферный летательный аппарат [аппараты]; самолёт (ы) ; вертолёты); авиация; авиационный; см. тж. airplane, boostaircraft in the barrier — самолёт, задержанный аварийной (аэродромной) тормозной установкой
aircraft off the line — новый [только что построенный] ЛА
B through F aircraft — самолёты модификаций B, C, D, E и F
carrier(-based, -borne) aircraft — палубный ЛА; авианосная авиация
conventional takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт с обычными взлетом и посадкой (в отличие от укороченного или вертикального)
keep the aircraft (headed) straight — выдерживать направление полёта ЛА (при выполнении маневра); сохранять прямолинейный полет ЛА
keep the aircraft stalled — сохранять режим срыва [сваливания] самолёта, оставлять самолёт в режиме срыва [сваливания]
nearly wing borne aircraft — верт. ЛА в конце режима перехода к горизонтальному полёту
pull the aircraft off the deck — разг. отрывать ЛА от земли (при взлете)
put the aircraft nose-up — переводить [вводить] ЛА на кабрирование [в режим кабрирования]
put the aircraft through its paces — определять предельные возможности ЛА, «выжимать все из ЛА»
reduced takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт укороченного взлета и посадки (с укороченным разбегом и пробегом)
rocket(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ракетный ЛА, ЛА с ракетным двигателем
roll the aircraft into a bank — вводить ЛА в крен, накренять ЛА
rotate the aircraft into the climb — увеличивать угол тангажа ЛА для перехода к набору высоты, переводить ЛА в набор высоты
short takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт короткого взлета и посадки (с коротким разбегом и пробегом)
single vertical tail aircraft — ЛА с одинарным [центральным] вертикальным оперением
strategic(-mission, -purpose) aircraft — ЛА стратегического назначения; стратегический самолёт
take the aircraft throughout its entire envelope — пилотировать ЛА во всем диапазоне полётных режимов
trim the aircraft to fly hands-and-feet off — балансировать самолёт для полёта с брошенным управлением [с брошенными ручкой и педалями]
turbofan(-engined, -powered) aircraft — ЛА с турбовентиляторными двигателями, ЛА с ТРДД
turbojet(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ЛА с ТРД
undergraduate navigator training aircraft — учебно-тренировочный самолёт для повышенной лётной подготовки штурманов
water(-based, takeoff and landing) aircraft — гидросамолёт
17 aircraft
летательный аппарат, ЛА; самолет(ы); вертолет(ы); авиация; авиационный; бортовой ( об оборудовании ЛА)C2 aircraft — воздушный КП, ВКП; ЛА для оперативного управления
electronic surveillance, reconnaissance and warning aircraft — самолет РЭР, наблюдения и оповещения
short takeoff, vertical landing aircraft — самолет укороченного взлета и вертикальной посадки
— high-penetration attack aircraft— shadowing aircraft— spotting aircraft— tiltable-wing aircraft -
18 aircraft
1. (атмосферный) летательный аппарат [аппараты], воздушное судно [суда]; самолет(ы); вертолет(ы);см. тж. airplane,2. авиация/ авиационный; бортовой <об оборудовании ЛА>4-D aircraft4-D equipped aircraft9-g aircraftADF aircraftadvanced-technology aircraftadversary aircraftaerobatic aircraftaft-tail aircraftaggressor aircraftagile aircraftagricultural aircraftair defence aircraftair-refuellable aircraftair-to-ground aircraftairborne early warning and control aircraftalert aircraftall-digital aircraftall-training aircraftall-electric aircraftall-metal aircraftall-new aircraftall-out stealth aircraftall-weather aircraftamateur built aircraftamphibious aircraftantisubmarine warfare aircraftaround-the-world aircraftartificial-stability aircraftasymmetric aircraftattack aircraftattrition aircraftaugmented aircraftautomated aircraftbackside aircraftBAI aircraftbalanced aircraftbattle-damaged aircraftbattle-tolerant aircraftbattlefield aircraftbulbous-nosed aircraftbuoyant quad-rotor aircraftbush aircraftbusiness aircraftbusiness-class aircraftcalibrated pace aircraftcanard aircraftcanard controlled aircraftcanard-configured aircraftcanard-winged aircraftcargo aircraftcargo-capable aircraftcarrier aircraftcarrier-based aircraftcarrier-qualified aircraftCAS aircraftcenterstick aircraftcenterstick controlled aircraftChristmas tree aircraftclass IV aircraftclear weather reconnaissance aircraftclose-coupled canard aircraftcoated aircraftcombat air patrol aircraftcombat training aircraftcombat-damaged aircraftcombat-loaded aircraftcombi aircraftcombustible fuel aircraftcommuter aircraftcomposite material aircraftcomposite-built aircraftcomposite-wing aircraftcomputer-generated aircraftconceptual aircraftconceptual design aircraftconflicting aircraftcontrol reconfigurable aircraftcontrol-by-wire aircraftconventional tailled aircraftconventional take-off and landing aircraftconventional variable-sweep aircraftconventionally designed aircraftcorporate aircraftcounter insurgency aircraftcropspray aircraftcropspraying aircraftcruise matched aircraftcruise-designed aircraftCTOL aircraftcurrent-generation aircraftdamage tolerant aircraftday-only aircraftday/night aircraftde-iced aircraftdefence-suppression aircraftdelta-wing aircraftdemonstrator aircraftdevelopment aircraftdevelopmental aircraftdivergence prone aircraftdouble-deck aircraftdrug interdiction aircraftdrug-smuggling aircraftdual-capable aircraftducted-propeller aircraftdynamically stable aircraftdynamically unstable aircraftEarth resources research aircraftEarth resources survey aircraftejector-powered aircraftElint aircraftEMP-hardened aircraftex-airline aircraftFAC aircraftfake aircraftfan-in-wing aircraftfan-powered aircraftfirefighting aircraftfixed-cycle engine aircraftfixed-landing-gear aircraftfixed-planform aircraftfixed-wing aircraftflexible aircraftflight inspection aircraftflight loads aircraftflight refuelling aircraftflight test aircraftflightworthy aircraftfly-by-wire aircraftflying-wing aircraftforgiving aircraftforward air control aircraftforward-swept-wing aircraftfour-dimensional equipped aircraftfreely flying aircraftfreighter aircraftfriendly aircraftfront-line aircraftFSD aircraftfuel efficient aircraftfuel-hungry aircraftfull-scale aircraftfull-scale development aircraftfull-size aircraftfully-capable aircraftfully-tanked aircraftgap filler aircraftgas turbine-powered aircraftground-hugging aircraftgull-winged aircraftheavy-lift aircrafthigh-Mach aircrafthigh-alpha research aircrafthigh-cycle aircrafthigh-demand aircrafthigh-drag aircrafthigh-dynamic-pressure aircrafthigh-flying aircrafthigh-life aircrafthigh-performance aircrafthigh-speed aircrafthigh-tail aircrafthigh-technology aircrafthigh-thrust aircrafthigh-time aircrafthigh-wing aircrafthigh-winged aircrafthighest cycle aircrafthighest flight-cycle aircrafthighly agile aircrafthighly augmented aircrafthighly glazed aircrafthighly maneuverable aircrafthighly unstable aircraftholding aircrafthome-based aircrafthome-built aircrafthovering aircrafthydrocarbon-fueled aircrafthydrogen fueled aircrafthypersonic aircraftice-cloud-generating aircrafticing-research aircraftidealized aircraftIFR-equipped aircraftin-production aircraftinterrogating aircraftintratheater airlift aircraftintratheater lift aircraftintruder aircraftinventory aircraftjamming aircraftjet aircraftjet-flap aircraftjet-flapped aircraftjet-powered aircraftjet-propelled aircraftjoined-wing aircraftJTIDS aircraftjump aircraftK/s like aircraftkit-based aircraftkit-built aircraftland aircraftland-based aircraftlarge aircraftlarge-production-run aircraftlaunch aircraftlaunching aircraftlead aircraftleading aircraftleased aircraftLevel 1 aircraftlift plus lift-cruise aircraftlight aircraftlight-powered aircraftlighter-than-air aircraftlong-haul aircraftlong-winged aircraftlongitudinally unstable aircraftlook-down, shoot-down capable aircraftlow-boom aircraftlow-cost aircraftlow-observability aircraftlow-observable aircraftlow-powered aircraftlow-rate production aircraftlow-RCS aircraftlow-speed aircraftlow-time aircraftlow-to-medium speed aircraftlow-wing aircraftlow-winged aircraftlowest weight aircraftMach 2 aircraftman-powered aircraftmanned aircraftmarginally stable aircraftmechanically-controlled aircraftmechanically-signalled aircraftmedevac-equipped aircraftmicrolight aircraftmicrowave-powered aircraftmid-wing aircraftmid-winged aircraftminimum weight aircraftmission aircraftmission-ready aircraftmultibody aircraftmultimission aircraftmultipropeller aircraftmultipurpose aircraftnarrow-bodied aircraftnaturally unstable aircraftneutrally stable aircraftnew-built aircraftnew-technology aircraftnight fighting aircraftnight-capable aircraftnight-equipped aircraftnonagile aircraftnonalert aircraftnonautomated aircraft1950s-vintage aircraftnonflying test aircraftnonpressurized aircraftnonstealth aircraftnontransponder-equipped aircraftnonpropulsive-lift aircraftnortheastwardly launching aircraftnuclear-hardened aircraftnuclear-strike aircraftoblique-wing aircraftocean patrol aircraftoff-the-shelf aircraftoffensive aircraftolder-generation aircraftout-of-production aircraftoutbound aircraftpace aircraftparasol-winged aircraftparked aircraftpartial mission-capable aircraftpatrol aircraftpiston aircraftpiston-engine aircraftpiston-powered aircraftpiston-prop aircraftpivoting oblique wing aircraftpoint-design aircraftpowered-lift aircraftprecision strike aircraftprobe-equipped aircraftproduction aircraftproduction-line aircraftproof-of-concept aircraftprop-rotor aircraftpropeller aircraftpropeller-powered aircraftpropulsive-lift aircraftprototype aircraftpublic-transport aircraftpurpose-built aircraftpusher aircraftpusher-propelled aircraftquad-rotor aircraftradar test aircraftRAM-treated aircraftready aircraftrear-engined aircraftreceiving aircraftrecent-technology aircraftreconnaissance aircraftrefueling aircraftremanufactured aircraftresearch aircraftretrofit aircraftRogallo-winged aircraftrollout aircraftrotary-wing aircraftrotary-winged aircraftrotodome-equipped aircraftsafely spinnable aircraftscaled-down aircraftscaled-up aircraftscissor-wing aircraftsea-based aircraftsecond-hand aircraftself-repairing aircraftsensor-carrying aircraftshort range aircraftshort takeoff and vertical landing aircraftshort-coupled flying wing aircraftshort-haul aircraftside-inlet aircraftsideslipping aircraftsilent aircraftsingle engine aircraftsingle-pilot aircraftsingle-service aircraftsized aircraftsized optimized aircraftslender-delta aircraftSLEPed aircraftsmall-tailed aircraftsmuggler aircraftsolar-powered aircraftspecial operations aircraftspin-proof aircraftspinning aircraftstatically stable aircraftstatically unstable aircraftstealth aircraftstealthy aircraftSTOL aircraftstopped-rotor aircraftstored aircraftSTOVL aircraftstraight-tube aircraftstraight-wing aircraftstraight-winged aircraftstretched aircraftstrike aircraftstrike-control aircraftsub-scale aircraftsubmarine communications relay aircraftsunken aircraftsuperaugmented aircraftsupersonic cruise aircraftsupportable aircraftsurveillance aircraftswing-wing aircraftT-tail aircrafttactical aircrafttactical-type aircrafttail-aft aircrafttail-first aircrafttailless aircrafttailwheel aircrafttandem-seat aircrafttandem-wing aircrafttarget-towing aircraftTCAS-equipped aircrafttest aircraftthreat aircraftthree-pilot aircraftthree-surface aircraftthrust-vector-control aircrafttilt-fold-rotor aircrafttilt-proprotor aircrafttilt-rotor aircrafttilt-wing aircrafttop-of-the-range aircrafttrailing aircrafttrainer cargo aircrafttrajectory stable aircrafttransoceanic-capable aircrafttransonic aircrafttransonic maneuvering aircrafttransport aircrafttransport-size aircrafttrimmed aircrafttrisurface aircrafttug aircraftturbine-powered aircraftturboprop aircraftturbopropeller aircraftTVC aircrafttwin-aisle aircrafttwin-engined aircrafttwin-fuselage aircrafttwin-jet aircrafttwin-tailed aircrafttwin-turboprop aircrafttwo-aircrew aircrafttwo-crew aircrafttwo-pilot aircrafttwo-place aircraftultrahigh-bypass demonstrator aircraftultralight aircraftundesignated aircraftunpressurized aircraftunslatted aircraftutility aircraftV/STOL aircraftvariable-stability aircraftVATOL aircraftvector thrust controlled aircraftvectored aircraftvectored thrust aircraftversatile aircraftvertical attitude takeoff and landing aircraftVFR aircraftviolently maneuvering aircraftVTOL aircraftwater tanker aircraftweapons-delivery test aircraftweight-shift aircraftwell-behaved aircraftwide-body aircraftwing-in-ground effect aircraftX aircraftX-series aircraftX-wing aircraftyaw-vane-equipped aircraft -
STOL, short takeoff and landing (aircraft)самолет укороченного взлета и посадки, СУВПEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > STOL
20 STOL medium transport (aircraft)
SMT, STOL medium transport (aircraft)English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > STOL medium transport (aircraft)
См. также в других словарях:
V/STOL aircraft — vertikaliojo trumpojo kilimo ir tūpimo orlaivis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Orlaivis, galintis vertikaliai pakilti ir nutūpti, atlikti trumpąjį kilimą ir tūpimą arba atlikti šių veiksmų derinį. atitikmenys: angl. vertical/short take off… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
STOL — is an initialism for short take off and landing , a term used to describe aircraft with very short runway requirements. The formal NATO definition (since 1964) is:: Short Take Off and Landing (décollage et atterrissage courts) is the ability of… … Wikipedia
STOL — ☆ STOL [stōl ] adj. [s(hort) t(ake)o(ff and) l(anding)] designating, of, or for an aircraft that can take off and land on a relatively short airstrip n. a STOL aircraft, airstrip, etc … English World dictionary
STOL airplane — STOL in full short takeoff and landing any of several fixed wing aircraft capable of taking off and landing on runways considerably shorter than those needed by conventional aircraft. Most aircraft of this type require a runway no more… … Universalium
STOL — abbr. Aeron. short take off and landing. * * * abbreviation short takeoff and landing * * * /es tawl /, n. a convertiplane that can become airborne after a short takeoff run and has forward speeds comparable to those of conventional aircraft.… … Useful english dictionary
Aircraft Manufacturing & Development Co — Zenair Zenair Ltd est une entreprise de construction aéronautique canadienne créée en 1974 à Richmond Hill, Ontario par Christophe ‘Chris’ Heintz pour développer et produire des avions de sport et de tourisme métalliques en kit. En 1992 ont été… … Wikipédia en Français
Aircraft carrier — From bottom to top: Principe de Asturias, amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, USS Forrestal and light V/STOL carrier HMS Invincible, showing size differences of late 20th century carriers An aircraft … Wikipedia
Stol — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Stol peut désigner : le mont Stol, une montagne de Serbie ; Stol, un village de Serbie situé dans la municipalité de Babušnica, district de… … Wikipédia en Français
Aircraft — An aircraft is a vehicle which is able to fly through the Earth s atmosphere or through any other atmosphere. Rocket vehicles are not aircraft if they are not supported by the surrounding air. All the human activity which surrounds aircraft is… … Wikipedia
Aircraft Manufacturing and Design — Infobox Company company name=Aircraft Manufacturing and Design company logo= company type=private foundation=1995 location=Eastman, Georgia key people= industry=Aerospace products = General aviation aircraft revenue = operating income = net… … Wikipedia
STOL — Avion à décollage et atterrissage court Un Avion à Décollage et Atterrissage Court (dont l acronyme est ADAC) est un aéronef à voilure fixe capable d utiliser des pistes de longueur très limitée (en général inférieures à 200 mètres) pour le… … Wikipédia en Français