Перевод: с aйнсккого на русский

с русского на айнский


См. также в других словарях:

  • pão — s. m. 1. Bolo alimentício, de qualquer tamanho e feitio, feito de massa de farinha de cereais, ou de milho, cozida em forno. 2. Pedaço desse bolo. 3. Objeto em forma ou com aspecto de pão. 4.  [Figurado] O que é indispensável para viver.… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Pao — can refer to: Contents 1 People 1.1 Fictional 2 Places 3 Things 4 All capital letters …   Wikipedia

  • Pao Yu-Kong and Pao Zhao-Long Scholarship for Chinese Students Studying Abroad — (Traditional Chinese: 包玉剛包兆龍中國留學生獎學金; Simplified Chinese: 包玉刚包兆龙中国留学生奖学金; for short: 包氏獎學金/包氏奖学金), is a renowned Chinese university scholarship issued by Zhejiang University. IntroductionThe scholarship was established by the Hong Kong based… …   Wikipedia

  • Pao — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pao cai — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pao cai. El pao cai (chino tradicional 泡菜, simplificado 泡 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Pao Tcheou — is a fictional character from a series of French novels. Referring to himself as Maitre de L invisible ( Master of the Invisible ), due to his ability to turn himself invisible, Pao is a megalomaniacal Chinese villain, evocative of the Yellow… …   Wikipedia

  • Pao de San Juan Bautista — Symboles …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pao Ming Pu — (the form of his name he used in Western languages, although the Wade Giles transliteration would be Pu Baoming; Chinese: 蒲保明 also named 蒲保民; pinyin: Pú Bǎomíng; Aug. 1910– Feb. 22, 1988), was a mathematician born in Jintang County, Sichuan,… …   Wikipedia

  • pao — pao·lo; pao·pao; pao·pao; pao·ting; …   English syllables

  • Pao cai — is a type of pickle, usually pickled cabbage, often found in Chinese, and particularly Sichuanese cuisine. It is most common to northern and western China; however, there is also a unique form of pao cai , called suan cai , which is prominent in… …   Wikipedia

  • Pão de queijo — (port. Käsebrot) ist typisches Gericht der brasilianischen Bundesstaaten Minas Gerais und Goiás. Die Herkunft des Rezeptes ist nicht eindeutig geklärt, es wird jedoch vermutet, dass es seit dem 18. Jahrhundert existiert. Seine große Beliebtheit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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