Перевод: с aйнсккого на русский

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  • Tey — Gran Esposa Real de la Dinastía XVIII de Egipto Imagen de Tey, representada en la capilla de Ajmin Entierro Tumba WV23 en el Valle de los Reyes, Egipto Conso …   Wikipedia Español

  • Tey — was the wife of Kheperkheprure Ay (occasionally Aya ), who was the penultimate pharaoh of Ancient Egypt s 18th dynasty. According to some accounts, Ay and Tey were the parents of Nefertiti and Mutnedjmet. It is probable, however, that Tey was the …   Wikipedia

  • Tey — Die Abkürzung TEY steht für Þingeyri, IATA Code des Flughafens in Island Tulishi, der ISO 639 3 Code der Sprache aus dem Sudan Tey ist der Name von folgenden bekannten Personen Josephine Tey (1896–1952), schottische Kriminalschriftstellerin Tey á …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • TEY — Die Abkürzung TEY steht für: Þingeyri, IATA Code des Flughafens in Island Tulishi, der ISO 639 3 Code der Sprache aus dem Sudan Tey ist der Name folgender Personen: Josephine Tey (1896–1952), schottische Kriminalschriftstellerin Tey á Kamarinum,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tey — I (Ağdam, Bakı, Cəlilabad, Culfa, Göyçay, Kürdəmir, Meğri, Sabirabad, Salyan, Şamaxı, Şahbuz) tamam, tamamilə, büsbütün. – Bir ət alıf tey yağdı (Ağdam); – Anam bir süzmə bişirmişdi ki, tey yağdı (Bakı); – Ancağ tey yunnan edərük (Kürdəmir); – Bu …   Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti

  • tey — sif. dan. 1. Qatışığı olmayan, xalis, xəlitəsiz, saf. Tey buğda unu. 2. Tamam, bütün, səlt. Xörək tey yağdır. – <Banıxanım:> Bağrımı döndərdin tey qızıl qana; Oğul, gedib, ağlar qoyma sən bizi! «Aşıq Qərib» …   Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti

  • tey — chan·tey; chan·tey·man; …   English syllables

  • tey — 1. noun [tɛi] a) an Old English measure of length for rope, perhaps equivalent to the fathom. The tey or toise, the modern fathom, is employed as a measure of rope. b) …   Wiktionary

  • TEY — taxable equivalent yield (TEY) The yield that a tax free investment would provide to an investor if the tax free yield was grossed up by the amount of taxes not paid. This is the most common way of comparing yields on taxable and tax free… …   Financial and business terms

  • Tey (disambiguation) — Tey may refer to:* Tey, consort of Pharaoh Kheperkheprure Ay * Josephine Tey, British mystery writer * Tey Cindy, Malaysian model. * Tey , a gender neutral pronoun * Kabaret TEY, a Polish cabaret * Marks Tey, an English village …   Wikipedia

  • Tey Hostel — (Познань,Польша) Категория отеля: Адрес: Świętosławska 12, Старе Място, 61 840 Познань …   Каталог отелей

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