1 shape memory alloy
Cплав памяти формыСплав, который может вернуть свою первоначальную форму после деформации, например путем нагрева до температуры выше температуры полиморфного превращения.Англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологиям > shape memory alloy
2 shape memory alloy
Автоматика: сплав с памятью формы, сплав с эффектом запоминания формы -
3 shape memory alloy
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > shape memory alloy
4 shape memory alloy
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > shape memory alloy
5 shape memory alloy
6 alloy
1) сплав || сплавлять2) легирующий элемент || легировать•- abrasion-resisting alloy
- acid-resistant alloy
- addition alloy
- age-hardening alloy
- aging alloy
- air-hardening alloy
- air-melted alloy
- alkali metal alloy
- alkaline earth alloy
- alkaline earth metal-aluminum alloy
- alkali-resistant alloy
- alkali-resisting alloy
- all-alpha alloy
- all-beta alloy
- alpha alloy
- alpha iron alloy
- alpha+beta alloy
- alpha-beta alloy
- alpha-phase alloy
- alpha-titanium alloy
- aluminum alloy of iron
- aluminum alloy
- aluminum casting alloy
- aluminum piston alloy
- aluminum-base alloy
- aluminum-bearing alloy
- aluminum-copper alloy
- aluminum-copper-magnesium alloy
- aluminum-copper-magnesium-nickel alloy
- aluminum-copper-silicon alloy
- aluminum-copper-silicon-magnesium alloy
- aluminum-magnesium alloy
- aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy
- aluminum-manganese alloy
- aluminum-manganese-magnesium alloy
- aluminum-nickel-iron alloy
- aluminum-silicon alloy
- aluminum-zinc-silicon alloy
- anticorrosion alloy
- antifriction alloy
- as-cast alloy
- austenitic alloy
- barium-aluminum alloy
- bearing alloy
- beryllium alloy of iron
- beryllium-copper alloy
- beryllium-copper-aluminum alloy
- beta alloy
- beta-phase alloy
- beta-titanium alloy
- binary alloy
- bismuth alloy
- body-centered cubic alloy
- boron-bearing alloy
- brass brazing alloy
- brazing alloy
- cadmium alloy
- cadmium-nickel alloy
- cadmium-silver alloy
- carbide-strengthened alloy
- carbon-bearing alloy
- carbon-free alloy
- cast alloy
- castable alloy
- casting alloy
- chrome alloy
- chrome-base alloy
- chrome-bearing alloy
- chrome-nickel alloy
- chromium-nickel-tungsten alloy
- chromium-rich alloy
- chromium-tantalum alloy
- chromium-titanium alloy
- chromium-tungsten-zirconium alloy
- chromium-yttrium alloy
- close-packed alloy
- cobalt alloy
- cobalt-base alloy
- cobalt-bearing alloy
- cobalt-chromium alloy
- cobalt-chromium-nickel alloy
- cobalt-chromium-tungsten-molybdenum alloy
- coinage alloy
- columbium alloy
- columbium-base alloy
- columbium-molybdenum-titanium alloy
- column's alloys
- commercial alloy
- complex alloy
- constant-modulus alloy
- constructional alloy
- controlled-expansion alloy
- copper alloy
- copper-base alloy
- copper-bearing alloy
- copper-free alloy
- copper-gold alloy
- copper-lead alloy
- copper-silver alloy
- copper-tin alloy
- copper-zinc alloy
- corrosion-resistant alloy
- corrosion-resisting alloy
- creep-resistant alloy
- cupronickel alloy
- die-casting alloy
- difficult-to-extrude alloy
- dilute alloy
- disordered alloy
- dispersion-hardened alloy
- dispersion-strengthened alloy
- ductile alloy
- duplex alloy
- electrically conductive alloy
- electrically superconducting alloy
- electrical-resistance alloy
- electrical-resistant alloy
- embrittlement-resistant alloy
- eutectic alloy
- eutectoid alloy
- extra-hard alloy
- extrahigh tensile alloy
- face-centered cubic alloy
- ferrite alloy
- ferromagnetic alloy
- ferrous alloy
- fine-grained alloy
- forging alloy
- foundry alloy
- four-component alloy
- four-part alloy
- free-cutting alloy
- free-machining alloy
- fusible alloy
- G.-P. zone alloy
- gamma-iron alloy
- gamma-phase alloy
- gold-base alloy
- graphitized alloy
- Guthrie's alloy
- hard alloy
- hard magnetic alloy
- hard superconducting alloy
- hard-facing alloy
- heat-resistant alloy
- heat-resisting alloy
- heat-sensitive alloy
- heat-treatable alloy
- heat-treated alloy
- heavy alloy
- heterogeneous alloy
- Heusler alloy
- hexagonal alloy
- high alloy
- high-carbon alloy
- high-chrome alloy
- high-cobalt alloy
- high-coercivity alloy
- high-damping alloy
- high-density alloy
- high-ductile alloy
- high-expansion alloy
- high-initial-permeability alloy
- high-melting alloy
- high-melting point alloy
- high-melting-temperature alloy
- high-nickel alloy
- high-permeability alloy
- high-resistance alloy
- high-strength alloy
- high-temperature alloy
- high-tensile alloy
- high-yield alloy
- homogeneous alloy
- homogenized alloy
- hot-strength alloy
- hypereutectic alloy
- hypereutectoid alloy
- hypoeutectic alloy
- hypoeutectoid alloy
- ignition alloy
- industrial alloy
- intermediate-strength alloy
- intermetallic alloy
- internally oxidized alloy
- iron alloy
- iron-aluminum-nickel alloy
- iron-bearing alloy
- iron-carbon alloy
- iron-chrome alloy
- iron-chromium-aluminum alloy
- iron-chromium-nickel alloy
- iron-cobalt alloy
- iron-cobalt-molybdenum alloy
- iron-cobalt-nickel alloy
- iron-cobalt-tungsten alloy
- iron-manganese alloy
- iron-nickel alloy
- iron-nickel-aluminum alloy
- iron-nickel-chromium alloy
- iron-nickel-cobalt alloy
- jet alloy
- lead alloy
- lead-antimony alloy
- lead-antimony-tin alloy
- lead-base alloy
- lead-bearing alloy
- lead-bismuth alloy
- lead-calcium alloy
- lead-tin alloy
- lean alloy
- Lichtenberg's alloy
- light alloy
- low alloy
- low-carbon alloy
- low-chrome alloy
- low-density alloy
- low-ductile alloy
- low-expansion alloy
- low-melting alloy
- low-nickel alloy
- low-permeability alloy
- low-quality alloy
- low-resistance alloy
- low-strength alloy
- low-temperature alloy
- low-tensile alloy
- low-yield alloy
- magnesium alloy
- magnesium-aluminum alloy
- magnesium-aluminum-zinc alloy
- magnesium-bearing alloy
- magnesium-manganese alloy
- magnesium-manganese-thorium alloy
- magnesium-thorium-zirconium alloy
- magnesium-zinc-zirconium alloy
- magnetic alloy
- magnetically hard alloy
- magnetically soft alloy
- master alloy
- medium alloy
- medium-carbon alloy
- medium-chrome alloy
- medium-nickel alloy
- medium-strength alloy
- memory alloy
- Mishima alloy
- molybdenum-titanium alloy
- multilayer brazing alloy
- multiphase alloy
- natural aging alloy
- nickel alloy
- nickel aluminide alloy
- nickel-base alloy
- nickel-based alloy
- nickel-cadmium alloy
- nickel-chrome-molybdenum alloy
- nickel-chromium alloy
- nickel-cobalt alloy
- nickel-copper alloy
- nickel-iron alloy
- nickel-molybdenum alloy
- nickel-molybdenum-iron alloy
- nickel-rich alloy
- nickel-silicon alloy
- noble metal alloy
- no-coolant alloy
- nonaging alloy
- noncorrosive alloy
- nonferrous metal alloy
- non-heat-treatable alloy
- nonmagnetic alloy
- nonordered alloy
- nonoxidizable alloy
- nonscaling alloy
- nonsparking alloy
- one-phase alloy
- ordered alloy
- oxidation-resistant alloy
- oxidation-resisting alloy
- palladium-silver alloy
- peritectic alloy
- peritectoid alloy
- permanent-magnet alloy
- phosphorous-copper alloy
- piston alloy
- plating alloy
- platinum alloy
- platinum-cobalt alloy
- platinum-metal alloy
- platinum-rhodium alloy
- plural-phase alloy
- polyphase alloy
- powder metallurgical alloy
- powder-brazing alloy
- precipitation hardening alloy
- preferred-orientation alloy
- preformed brazing alloy
- preliminary alloy
- process alloy
- pyrophoric alloy
- quasi-binary alloy
- quasi-eutectic alloy
- quasi-eutectoid alloy
- quaternary alloy
- quinary alloy
- random alloy
- random-orientation alloy
- rare-earth alloy
- rare-earth metal master alloy
- reduction alloy
- refractory alloy
- resistance alloy
- rich alloy
- Rose's alloy
- ruthenium-palladium alloy
- sand-cast alloy
- scale-resisting alloy
- self-fluxing brazing alloy
- semicommercial alloy
- semiconducting alloy
- shape memory alloy
- sheet alloy
- silicon alloy
- silicon-aluminum alloy
- silver brazing alloy
- single-phase alloy
- sintered alloy
- sintered hard alloy
- soft-magnetic alloy
- solder alloy
- solid solution alloy
- solution-treated alloy
- sparking alloy
- spelter-brazing alloy
- spring alloy
- stable alloy
- steam corrosion-resistant alloy
- steel alloy
- strain-hardened alloy
- structural alloy
- substitute alloy
- substitutional alloy
- superconducting alloy
- superconductive alloy
- superconductor alloy
- supercooled alloy
- superhard alloy
- superplastic alloy
- supersaturated alloy
- supersaturated substitutional alloy
- tailored alloy
- tantalum alloy of iron
- tantalum alloy
- tantalum-base alloy
- tantalum-tungsten alloy
- temperature compensation alloy
- ternary alloy
- thallium-lead alloy
- thermomagnetic alloy
- three-component alloy
- three-part alloy
- three-phase alloy
- tin-base alloy
- tin-bearing alloy
- titanium alloy
- titanium-aluminum-manganese alloy
- titanium-aluminum-molybdenum alloy
- titanium-aluminum-tin alloy
- titanium-aluminum-vanadium alloy
- titanium-base alloy
- tough alloy
- transition alloy
- tungsten alloy
- two-component alloy
- two-phase alloy
- type-metal alloy
- unsaturated alloy
- untarnishable alloy
- vacuum alloy
- vacuum annealed alloy
- vacuum-arc-refining alloy
- vacuum-induction-melting alloy
- vacuum-remelted alloy
- virgin alloy
- wear-resistant alloy
- wear-resisting alloy
- welding alloy
- Wood's alloy
- work-hardening alloy
- wrought alloy
- zinc alloy
- zinc-aluminum alloy
- zinc-base alloy
- zinc-bearing alloy
- zinc-copper alloy
- zirconium alloy of ironEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > alloy
7 alloy
1. сплавaged alloyAl-Li alloyaluminum-lithium alloyaluminum-magnesium alloybinary alloycast alloycryogenic alloydirectionally solidified alloyforged alloyhigh-damping alloylow-density alloynickel-based alloypowder alloyrapid-solidification alloyrapidly solidified alloyRSR alloyshape memory alloysingle-crystal alloysuperplastic alloyto build of riveted aluminum alloyuniform alloy -
8 cплав памяти формы
Cплав памяти формыСплав, который может вернуть свою первоначальную форму после деформации, например путем нагрева до температуры выше температуры полиморфного превращения.Англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологиям > cплав памяти формы
1) Общая лексика: stone mastic asphalt2) Компьютерная техника: State Machine Action3) Медицина: shape memory alloy (пространственно-модулированная абляция), сплав с памятью формы, (Superior mesenteric artery) ВБА (Верхняя брыжеечная артерия)4) Военный термин: Safety Mechanism Assembly, Self Motivated Agents, Sergeant-Major of the Army, Software Maintenance Agreement, senior military attache, single manager approach, site maintenance area, small arms, squadron maintenance area, standard maintenance allowance, авиационный комплекс для выполнения особых заданий (Special Mission Aircraft System)6) Сельское хозяйство: Standard Methods Agar7) Химия: Styrene Malic Anhydride8) Математика: Simple Moving Average9) Религия: So Many Angels10) Железнодорожный термин: San Manuel Arizona Railroad Company11) Бухгалтерия: Special Memorandum Account, special miscellaneous account12) Сокращение: Scientific Management Associates Pty Ltd (Australia), Search Mode Acquisition, Security Manager Agent (networks), Segnalamento Marittimo ed Aero SpA (Italy), Shape Memory Alloy, Signal Message Address, Spectrum Manufacturers Association, Systems Management American Corp. (USA)13) Университет: Saint Mary's Academy, Saint Michaels Academy, Studio Of Masquerade Arts14) Физиология: Sensory Motor Amnesia, Spinal Muscular Atrophy15) Электроника: Satellite Master Antenna, Sequential Multiple Analysis, Sub Miniature A And, Surface Modeling and Analysis16) Вычислительная техника: Shared Memory Architecture, Standardization Management Activity17) Иммунология: smooth muscle antibody18) Связь: Switch Management Assistant19) Космонавтика: Solar Maximum Analysis (SCOSTEP)20) Фирменный знак: Systems Management America21) Образование: Союз Сингапур-Массачусетский технологический институт (Singapore-MIT Alliance (MIT-Massachusetts Institute of Technology))22) Сетевые технологии: Surface Mount Architecture, Systems Monitor Architecture, архитектура системного мониторинга23) Пластмассы: Poly (Styrene Maleic Anhydride)24) Океанография: State Meteorology Administration25) Расширение файла: Software Migration Assistant (IBM)26) Печатные платы: surface mount assembly27) Чат: Suck My Ass28) Аэропорты: Santa Maria, Azores, Portugal -
10 sma
1) Общая лексика: stone mastic asphalt2) Компьютерная техника: State Machine Action3) Медицина: shape memory alloy (пространственно-модулированная абляция), сплав с памятью формы, (Superior mesenteric artery) ВБА (Верхняя брыжеечная артерия)4) Военный термин: Safety Mechanism Assembly, Self Motivated Agents, Sergeant-Major of the Army, Software Maintenance Agreement, senior military attache, single manager approach, site maintenance area, small arms, squadron maintenance area, standard maintenance allowance, авиационный комплекс для выполнения особых заданий (Special Mission Aircraft System)6) Сельское хозяйство: Standard Methods Agar7) Химия: Styrene Malic Anhydride8) Математика: Simple Moving Average9) Религия: So Many Angels10) Железнодорожный термин: San Manuel Arizona Railroad Company11) Бухгалтерия: Special Memorandum Account, special miscellaneous account12) Сокращение: Scientific Management Associates Pty Ltd (Australia), Search Mode Acquisition, Security Manager Agent (networks), Segnalamento Marittimo ed Aero SpA (Italy), Shape Memory Alloy, Signal Message Address, Spectrum Manufacturers Association, Systems Management American Corp. (USA)13) Университет: Saint Mary's Academy, Saint Michaels Academy, Studio Of Masquerade Arts14) Физиология: Sensory Motor Amnesia, Spinal Muscular Atrophy15) Электроника: Satellite Master Antenna, Sequential Multiple Analysis, Sub Miniature A And, Surface Modeling and Analysis16) Вычислительная техника: Shared Memory Architecture, Standardization Management Activity17) Иммунология: smooth muscle antibody18) Связь: Switch Management Assistant19) Космонавтика: Solar Maximum Analysis (SCOSTEP)20) Фирменный знак: Systems Management America21) Образование: Союз Сингапур-Массачусетский технологический институт (Singapore-MIT Alliance (MIT-Massachusetts Institute of Technology))22) Сетевые технологии: Surface Mount Architecture, Systems Monitor Architecture, архитектура системного мониторинга23) Пластмассы: Poly (Styrene Maleic Anhydride)24) Океанография: State Meteorology Administration25) Расширение файла: Software Migration Assistant (IBM)26) Печатные платы: surface mount assembly27) Чат: Suck My Ass28) Аэропорты: Santa Maria, Azores, Portugal -
11 SMA
сокр. от shape memory alloyEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > SMA
См. также в других словарях:
shape memory alloy — Shape Memory Alloy Cплав памяти формы Сплав, который может вернуть свою первоначальную форму после деформации, например путем нагрева до температуры выше температуры полиморфного превращения … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Shape memory alloy — A shape memory alloy (SMA, also known as a smart alloy, memory metal, or muscle wire) is an alloy that remembers its shape, and can be returned to that shape after being deformed, by applying heat to the alloy. When the shape memory effect is… … Wikipedia
Shape-memory alloy — A shape memory alloy (SMA, smart metal, memory metal, memory alloy, muscle wire, smart alloy) is an alloy that remembers its original, cold forged shape: returning the pre deformed shape by heating. This material is a lightweight, solid state… … Wikipedia
shape memory alloy — noun Any of a group of metallic materials that can return to a previously defined shape, after being deformed, by being heated … Wiktionary
Magnetic shape-memory alloy — Magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs), or ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs), are ferromagnetic materials which exhibit large strains under the influence of an applied magnetic field due to martensitic phase transformation. Magnetic shape… … Wikipedia
Shape memory coupling — is a system for connecting pipes using shape memory alloys. In its typical form the technique uses an internally ribbed sleeve of alloy such as Tinel that is slightly smaller in diameter than the pipes it is to connect. The sleeve is cooled in… … Wikipedia
Magnetic shape memory — (MSM) alloys are ferromagnetic materials exhibiting large changes in shape and size in an applied magnetic field.External links [http://www.fyslab.hut.fi/epm/heusler/ Magnetic shape memory alloys] at the Helsinki University of Technology … Wikipedia
Memory (disambiguation) — Memory is an organism s ability to store, retain, and recall information. Memory or Memories may also refer to: Contents 1 Music 1.1 Songs 1.2 Alb … Wikipedia
Memory-Metall — Formgedächtnislegierungen (FGL, engl. shape memory alloy, SMA) werden oft auch als Memorymetalle bezeichnet. Dies rührt von dem Phänomen, dass sie sich an eine frühere Formgebung trotz nachfolgender starker Verformung scheinbar „erinnern“ können … Deutsch Wikipedia
Memory Metall — Formgedächtnislegierungen (FGL, engl. shape memory alloy, SMA) werden oft auch als Memorymetalle bezeichnet. Dies rührt von dem Phänomen, dass sie sich an eine frühere Formgebung trotz nachfolgender starker Verformung scheinbar „erinnern“ können … Deutsch Wikipedia
Titanium alloy — Titanium alloys are metallic materials which contain a mixture of titanium and other chemical elements. Such alloys have very high tensile strength and toughness (even at extreme temperatures), light weight, extraordinary corrosion resistance,… … Wikipedia