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См. также в других словарях:

  • Sanūsīyah — ▪ Muslim Ṣūfī sect also spelled  Sennusiya,         a Muslim Ṣūfī (mystic) brotherhood established in 1837 by Sīdī Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī as Sanūsī. In modern history, the head of the Sanūsī brotherhood was king of the federal kingdom of Libya from… …   Universalium

  • sanusiyah — sa·nu·si·yah …   English syllables

  • sanusiyah — noun plural see sanusiya * * * Sanusi, Sanusiya(h see Senussi …   Useful english dictionary

  • monasticism — /meuh nas teuh siz euhm/, n. the monastic system, condition, or mode of life. [1785 95; MONASTIC + ISM] * * * Institutionalized religious movement whose members are bound by vows to an ascetic life of prayer, meditation, or good works. Members of …   Universalium

  • Sufism — Sufistic, adj. /sooh fiz euhm/, n. the ascetic and mystical system of the Sufis. Also, Sufiism /sooh fee iz euhm/. [1810 20; SUFI + ISM] * * * Mystical movement within Islam that seeks to find divine love and knowledge through direct personal… …   Universalium

  • Sanūsī, as- — ▪ Islamic religious leader in full Sīdī Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī as Sanūsī al Mujāhirī al Ḥasanī al Idrīsī born c. 1787, Tursh, near Mostaganem, in northern Africa died Sept. 7, 1859, Jaghbūb, Cyrenaica       North African Islamic theologian who founded …   Universalium

  • Libya — /lib ee euh/, n. 1. Anc. Geog. the part of N Africa W of Egypt. 2. Italian, Libia. a republic in N Africa between Tunisia and Egypt: formerly a monarchy 1951 69. 5,648,359; 679,400 sq. mi. (1,759,646 sq. km). Cap.: Tripoli. * * * Libya… …   Universalium

  • zāwiyah — ▪ Islam (Arabic),Persian  Khānqāh,  Turkish  Tekke,         generally, in the Muslim world, a monastic complex, usually the centre or a settlement of a Ṣūfī (mystical) brotherhood. In some Arabic countries the term zāwiyah is also used for any… …   Universalium

  • Senussi — dynasty Country Cyrenaica Tripolitania …   Wikipedia

  • СЕНУСИЯ — мусульм. религ. политич. орден. Назван по имени основателя Мухаммеда ибн Али ас Сенуси (1787 или 1791 1859). Осн. в 1837 в Мекке, в 1843 был перенесен в Киренаику, где центром ордена в 1855 94 был оазис Джарабуб, затем оазис Куфра (Ливия). При… …   Советская историческая энциклопедия

  • Сенусийя — Ислам Вероубеждение …   Википедия

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