1 SEC fee
2 SEC fee
фин., амер. комиссионный сбор Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам* (специальный комиссионный сбор, взимаемый с продавца ценных бумаг в виде определенной доли от стоимости проданных бумаг)See:
* * *
комиссионный сбор Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам США: комиссия, которая взимается Комиссией по биржевым сделкам с ценными бумагами, причем обычно только с продавца, в размере 1% на несколько сотен долларов суммы сделки (США). -
3 SEC fee
фин., амер. комиссионный сбор Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам (комиссия, которая взимается с продавца ценных бумаг)See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > SEC fee
4 SEC fee
Установленный законом взнос в размере одного цента с 300 долл., или доля, взимаемая при продаже ценных бумаг, зарегистрированных на бирже, независимо от места совершения сделки. Обычно этот взнос выплачивает продавец. -
5 fee
1. сущ.1)а) эк. плата (за услуги, какое-л. право и т. д.); комиссия, комиссионный сбор; чаевые; вознаграждение; гонорар; взносATTRIBUTES:
additional fee, extra fee — дополнительная плата, дополнительное вознаграждение
base [basic\] fee — базовая плата, базовое вознаграждение
contract with a base fee of 1% and an award fee of 2% — контракт с базовым вознаграждением в размере 1% и премиальными в размере 2%
lawyer's fee — гонорар [вознаграждение\] адвоката
We couldn't afford to pay the lawyer's fees. — У нас не было денег, чтобы нанять адвоката.
use fee — плата за пользование [использование\]
The total replacement fee for a lost book is $60. — Суммарная плата за замену утерянной книги составляет $60.
monthly fee — месячная плата, месячное вознаграждение, плата [вознаграждение\] за месяц
fee for [smth.\] — плата [вознаграждение, комиссионные\] за [что-л.\]
The fee for adults is $3 per day. — Плата для взрослых составляет $3 в день
The registration fee per person is £66 + VAT. — Регистрационный взнос на одно лицо составляет £66 плюс НДС.
a $5.00 per day fee — плата в размере $5.00 в день
$75.00 Rental Fee for two hours; $37.50 for each additional hour — Плата за прокат на два часа составляет $75,00; $37,50 за каждый дополнительный час.
fee of $100, $100 fee — плата в размере $100
one-time fee of $17.88 to $34.95 — единовременная плата в размере от $17,88 до $34,95
a fee in the amount of $1000 — плата в сумме [в размере\] $1000
amount of fee — сумма оплаты [вознаграждения, комиссионных\]
per-transaction fee — плата [комиссионные\] за операцию
$10.00 fee per transaction — плата [комиссионные\] в размере $10 за операцию
to receive a fee — получать вознаграждение [плату\]
See:12-b-1 fee, 12b-1 fee, account fee, administration fee, administrative fee, admission fee, advance fee, advisory fee, agency fee, allowable fee, annual fee, application fee, appraisal fee, arrangement fee, assumption fee, ATM fee, audit fee, automated teller machine fee, award fee, back fee, bounced check fee, break-up fee, brokerage fee, broker's fee, broking fee, capitated fee, capitation fee, chargeback fee, clearing fee, commission fee, commitment fee, conditional fee, connection fee, consulting fee, contingency fee, contingent fee, contractor's fee, copyright fee, credit report fee, custodial fee, delivery fee, directors' fee, discount fee, distribution fee, documentation fee, drop-dead fee, early redemption fee, early repayment fee, effluent fee, emission fee, entrance fee, exit fee, facility fee, factoring fee, fair share fee, filing fee, finder's fee, fixed fee, flat fee, front-end fee, graduation fee, grazing fee, guarantee fee, handling fees, harbour fees, high loan to value fee, high percentage lending fee, high percentage loan fee, holding fee, incentive fee, initiation fee, insufficient funds fee, interchange fee, issuer's reimbursement fee, joining fee, kill fee, landing fee, late enrollment fee, late fee, late payment fee, licence fee 2), listing fee, loan discount fee, loan fee, loan guarantee fee, loan origination fee, lock-in fee, maintenance fee, management fee, manager's fee, membership fee, merchant discount fee, mortgage indemnity fee, mortgage indemnity guarantee fee, non-sufficient funds fee, no-sale fee, NSF fee, origination fee, overdraft fee, penalty fee, performance fee, policy fee, prepayment fee, professional fee, purchase fee, reasonable and customary fee, redemption fee, registration fee 2), renewal fee, rental fee, reproduction fee, retainer fee, retaining fee, returned check fee, re-use fee, SAG fee, sale fee, sales fee, school fee, Screen Actors Guild fee, SEC fee, service fee, sign-up fee, slotting fee, stand-by fee, stop payment fee, storage fee, subscription fee, success fee, surrender fee, take-up fee, termination fee, transaction fee, tuition fee, union fees, upfront fee, user fee, usual and customary fee, usual, customary and reasonable fee, usual, customary and reasonable fee, usual, customary and reasonable fee, usual, customary and reasonable feeб) гос. фин. сбор (целевой обязательный платеж, предназначенный для оплаты услуг, оказываемых компаниям и предприятиям государственными органами)legal [litigation\] fee — судебный сбор, судебная пошлина
Syn:See:assessment fee, consular fee, customs user fee, harbor maintenance fee, Land Registry fee, licence fee 1), notarial fee, patent fee, registration fee 1) tax 1. 1) а), duty 1. 3) а), impost, government dues2) эк., ист. = fief 1),3)а) юр. право собственностиSee:б) юр., ист. лен, феод, феодальное поместье, частное владение2. гл.1) общ. выплачивать (гонорар, чаевые, плату за дополнительные услуги)2) эк. тр., редк. нанимать (на работу), предоставлять работуWe feed a lawyer to act for us. — Мы взяли адвоката для ведения нашего дела.
* * *
плата, комиссия, гонорар, вознаграждение: 1) плата (комиссия) за услугу; проведение операции в виде процента от цены или фиксированной суммы (может устанавливаться в ходе переговоров) (напр., оплата услуг юристов или аудиторов); 2) плата за учебу в частной школе или университете; 3) чаевые; 4) сбор, пошлина; 5) вступительный взнос в клуб; 6) абсолютное право собственности; право наследования без ограничений; = fee simple; fee simple absolute; freehold.* * *гонорар; комиссия; сбор; вознаграждение. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *Финансы/Кредит/Валюта -
6 fee
7 production fee
Юридический термин: вознаграждение за постановку (фильма) (например, выплачивается сторонним компаниям за производство визуальных эффектов - http://sec.edgar-online.com/2002/04/09/0001017386-02-000097/Section26.asp) -
8 avoir
vl'avoir manqué belle — см. le beau
l'avoir belle — см. le beau
avoir la casquette — см. ras le bol
avoir des hardiesses avec... — см. avoir des hardiesses avec...
en avoir jusqu'ici, jusque-là — см. en avoir jusque-là
avoir oublié d'avoir... — см. avoir oublié d'avoir
avoir oublié d'être... — см. avoir oublié d'être
avoir ouï-dire — см. avoir ouï dire
- l'avoir- en avoir- y a pas -
9 vert
10 soft dollaring
See:Another reason managers are interested in controlling client commissions deserves special attention. "Soft dollaring" has got to be one of the most misunderstood and controversial practices in the money management business. The very term "soft dollars" suggests something shady and conjures up images of money exchanging hands in dark alleyways. Among laymen, soft dollars may be confused with "soft money" political contributions. There is a thin connection between "soft dollars" and "soft money." Since brokerage firms are not subject to the same rules pertaining to political contributions as municipal underwriting firms, large "soft money" contributions from owners of brokerage firms do find their way into politicians' coffers more easily than contributions from underwriters. However, it is important to not confuse the two terms.So what is "soft dollaring?" Soft dollaring is the practice whereby money managers use client brokerage commissions to purchase investment research. When a manager pays for products or services with his own money, directly from the research provider, this is referred to as "hard dollars." Payment with client commissions, financed through a brokerage firm, is referred to as "soft dollars." Through soft dollar arrangements money managers are permitted to shift an expense related to the management of assets they would otherwise have to bear, onto their clients. The amount of this research expense the money management industry transfers onto its clients is in the billions annually. As a result, any analysis of the economics of the money management industry should include the effects of soft dollaring; however, we are unaware of any that has. In the institutional marketplace, strange as it may seem, it is possible for a money manager to profit more from soft dollars than from the negotiated asset management fee he receives.The general rule under the federal and state securities laws is that a fiduciary, the money manager, cannot use client assets for his own benefit or the benefit of other clients. To simplify matters greatly, soft dollaring is a legally prescribed exception to this rule. Congress, the SEC and other regulators have agreed that as long as the research purchased assists the manager in making investment decisions, the clients benefit and its legally acceptable. A tremendous amount of strained analysis has gone into the precise policies and procedures that managers must follow in purchasing research with client commission dollars. Over the years a distinction has been made between "proprietary" research or in-house research distributed to brokerage customers without a price tag attached and "independent third-party" research or research written by a third party and sold to managers at a stated price. Third party research has been most frequently criticized because its cost is separately stated and the benefit to managers most obvious. In this latter case, a breach of fiduciary duty seems most glaring. However, it is well known that proprietary research, offered for "free, " is produced to stimulate sales of dealer inventory. So presumably this research lacks credibility and is less beneficial to clients. There have been distinctions drawn between products and services, such as computers, which are "mixed-use, " i.e., which may serve dual purposes, providing both research and administrative uses. An adviser must make a reasonable allocation of the cost of the product according to its uses, the SEC has said. Some portion must be paid for with "hard" dollars and the other with "soft." There are several articles in our Library of Articles that describe soft dollar practices, rule changes and our proposal to Chairman Levitt to reform the soft dollar business.The issue that soft dollaring raises is: when is it acceptable for a manager to benefit from his client's commissions? For purposes of this article we would like to introduce a new and more useful perspective for pensions in their analysis of soft dollars or any other brokerage issue. That is, all brokerage commissions controlled by managers, benefit managers in some way. Brokerage decision-making by managers rarely, if ever, is simply based upon what firm can execute the trade at the best price. Brokerage is a commodity. Almost all brokerage firms offer reasonably competent, "best execution" services. If they didn't, they'd get sued and soon be out of business. Most savvy brokerage marketers don't even try to differentiate their firms with long-winded explanations about best-execution capabilities. Best execution is a given and impossible to prove. If you want to understand how your money manager allocates brokerage, study his business as a whole, including his marketing and affiliates-not just the investment process.The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > soft dollaring
11 valoir
vil vaut être le dernier au ciel que le premier en enfer — см. il vaut mieux être le dernier au ciel que le premier en enfer
l'intention vaut fait, c'est l'intention qui fait l'action — см. l'intention est réputée pour le fait
mariage d'épervier, la femelle vaut mieux que le mâle — см. mariage d'épervier
См. также в других словарях:
SEC Fee — A nominal fee that was created by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to be an additional transaction cost attached to the selling of exchange listed equities. This fee is usually listed as a separate fee, independent of any associated brokerage… … Investment dictionary
SEC fee — Small fee the SEC charges to sellers of equity securities on an exchange. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
SEC FEE — плата, взимаемая Комиссией по ценным бумагам и биржам (Securities and Exchange Commission) с продавцов. Невысокая (один цент за несколько сотен долларов) плата, взимаемая с продавцов ценных бумаг … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь
Fée — Peinture préraphaélite représentant une fée. Take the Fair Face of Woman, and Gently Suspendin … Wikipédia en Français
Fée verte — Spiritueux aux plantes d absinthe Pour les articles homonymes, voir Absinthe. Verre d absinthe et une cuillère à absi … Wikipédia en Français
SEC Form S-20 — A filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), more commonly known as the Registration of Standardized Options Form. It accompanies the submission of a prospectus for equity stock options. In addition to calculating the registration… … Investment dictionary
SEC Form N-14 — A filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that may be used by all management investment companies and business development companies to register certain types of transactions under the Securities Act of 1933. These transactions… … Investment dictionary
SEC Form N-6 — A filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that must be submitted by separate accounts that are unit investment trusts that offer variable life insurance contracts. SEC Form N 6 is designed to provide investors with information… … Investment dictionary
SEC Form N-54C — A form completed by an investment company and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in order to withdraw its voluntary election to be regulated as a business development company as defined in Sections 55 through 65 of the Investment… … Investment dictionary
Mélusine (fée) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Mélusine. Illustration du livre de Mélusine, 1478. Mélusine est une femme légendaire, souvent vue comme fée, et issue des contes populaires et chevaleresque … Wikipédia en Français
Interchange fee — is a term used in the payment card industry to describe a fee that a merchant’s bank (the “acquiring bank”) pays a customer’s bank (the “issuing bank”) when merchants accept cards using card networks such as Visa and MasterCard for purchases. In… … Wikipedia