1 Selectable Assault Battle Rifle
Abbreviation: SABRУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Selectable Assault Battle Rifle
2 макам сабр
3 терпение
1) General subject: bearing, endurance, patience, sufferance, tolerance2) Religion: maqam of sabr3) Law: forbearance4) Jargon: flip out5) Aviation medicine: indulgence6) Taboo: brooking
См. также в других словарях:
SABR — Society for American Baseball Research La Society for American Baseball Research (SABR), fondée en août 1971, est une société historique ayant pour objet l étude du baseball. L acronyme SABR a servi de base à la création du terme sabermetrics,… … Wikipédia en Français
Sabr (Islamic term) — Sabr (Arabic: صْبِرْ ṣabr) is the Islamic virtue of patience or endurance . Ṣabr, Encyclopaedia of Islam ] Sabr is characterized as being one of the two parts of faith (the other being shukr ). [ S̲h̲ukr, Encyclopaedia of Islam .] Its practice is … Wikipedia
Sabr ad-Din II — (died 1422/1423) was a king of Adal and the oldest son of Sa ad ad Din II. Trimingham tersely states that Sabr ad Din returned to Africa from Yemen to reclaim his father s realm, but was defeated in battle by the Emperor of Ethiopia Yeshaq. [J.… … Wikipedia
Sabr ad-Din I — (flourished 1332) was an amir of Ifat, the son of Nahwi bin Mansur bin Umar Walashma and younger brother of Haqq ad Din I.Sabr ad Din rallied his fellow Muslims in a counteroffensive in early 1332 against the Ethiopians; however, the Emperor of… … Wikipedia
SABR (disambiguation) — SABR may refer to:* The Society for American Baseball Research * Selectable Assault Battle Rifle (S.A.B.R.); see XM29 OICW. * The Stochastic alpha beta rho volatility model in mathematical finance. See SABR Volatility Model. * Sabr (Islamic term) … Wikipedia
SABR Volatility Model — In mathematical finance, the SABR model is a stochastic volatility model, which attempts to capture the volatility smile in derivatives markets. The name stands for Stochastic Alpha, Beta, Rho , referring to the parameters of the model.The SABR… … Wikipedia
SABR Deadball Era Committee — The Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) Deadball Era Committee is dedicated to the research and analysis of baseball history between 1901 and 1919. The Deadball Era includes some of baseball s most colorful personalities, including Ty… … Wikipedia
SABR — Special Assessment Baseline Review Contributor: GSFC … NASA Acronyms
SABR — Sabratha … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
sabr — (A.) [ ﺮﺒﺹ ] sabır … Osmanli Türkçesİ sözlüğü
SABR (SABIR) — Acıya ve zorluğa katlanmak. * Bir musibet ve belâya uğrayanın telâş ve feryad etmeyip sonunu bekleyip tahammül ile katlanması. * Muharebede şecaat gösterme. * Bir kimseyi bir şeyden alıkoymak. * Öğrendiği bir şeyi başkasının da öğrenmesi için… … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük