1 National Location Code (a numerical code assigned to revenue-generating locations on the British railway network for accounting and ticket-issuing purposes)
Economy: NLCУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > National Location Code (a numerical code assigned to revenue-generating locations on the British railway network for accounting and ticket-issuing purposes)
2 железнодорожный билет
Русско-английский словарь по экономии > железнодорожный билет
3 железнодорожный билет
сезонный билет, сезонка — season ticket
Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > железнодорожный билет
4 железнодорожный билет
1) General subject: pasteboard2) Economy: railway ticker3) Polygraphy: railway card4) Advertising: railroad ticket5) Business: railway ticketУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > железнодорожный билет
5 железнодорожная касса
General subject: railway ticket officeУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > железнодорожная касса
6 ехал за шерстью, а вернулся стриженым
ехал за шерстью, а вернулся (приехал) стриженымпогов.- Погорел я тогда крепко. - А в чём то есть погорел? - спросила Марина. - Вернулся пустой да ещё в дороге своих больше тыщи оставил. С жёлтым рублём вернулся. Ехал, как говорят, за шерстью, а приехал стриженый. (Ю. Трифонов, Утоление жажды) — 'Oh, I burned my fingers badly.' 'Burned your fingers? How did that happen?' asked Marina. 'I came back with empty pockets and besides spent over a thousand of my own on my railway ticket. I went there for wool, as they say, and came back clipped myself.'
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ехал за шерстью, а вернулся стриженым
7 бланк билета
Railway term: blank ticket, ticket blank -
8 путевая записка
Railway term: clearance card, line clear ticket, train ticket -
9 служебный билет
Railway term: employee's ticket, privilege ticket -
10 билётная касса
Railway term: ticket book -
11 билётный контролёр
Railway term: ticket examinerУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > билётный контролёр
12 билет без права остановки
Railway term: continuous ticketУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > билет без права остановки
13 билет развинчивающегося жезла
Railway term: ticket portion of staffУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > билет развинчивающегося жезла
14 билет с правом остановки в пути
Railway term: stop over ticketУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > билет с правом остановки в пути
15 билет электрожезла
Railway term: train staff ticketУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > билет электрожезла
16 билетная касса
Railway term: ticket book -
17 билетно-кассовый центр
Railway term: ticket centerУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > билетно-кассовый центр
18 билетный контролёр
Railway term: ticket examinerУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > билетный контролёр
19 выброшенный машиной билет
Railway term: ejected ticketУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > выброшенный машиной билет
20 детский билет
Railway term: half-free ticket
См. также в других словарях:
Railway ticket — Железнодорожный билет … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Edmondson railway ticket — The Edmondson railway ticket was a system for validating the payment of railway fares, and accounting for the revenue raised, introduced in the 1840s.Farr, M (1997). Edmondson, Thomas . In: Simmonds and Biddle (1997), Page 141] It is named after… … Wikipedia
Ticket platform — A ticket platform was a platform situated outside a passenger railway station to allow passengers tickets to be collected.These platforms were unpopular as they delayed the arrival of the trains just a short distance outside the station, but it… … Wikipedia
ticket — /ˈtɪkət / (say tikuht) noun 1. a slip, usually of paper or cardboard, serving as evidence of the holder s title to some service, right, or the like: a railway ticket; a theatre ticket. 2. a written or printed slip of paper, cardboard, etc.,… …
Ticket — may refer to: Ticket (admission), a card or slip of paper used to gain admission to a location or event Ticket (receipt), a card or slip of paper that designates one s position in a queue or ownership of an item to be picked up Ticket (election) … Wikipedia
ticket cases — a convenient name given to cases that relate to the effect of writing on tickets, such as those given by railway companies, deck chair attendants or parking companies. The cases arise from a reluctance of courts to enforce the letter of contracts … Law dictionary
Railway — Logo der Band Gründung 1977 Genre Hard Rock Aktuelle Besetzung Gesang Walter Wicha … Deutsch Wikipedia
Railway Koduru — is a Small Town in Kadapa District , Andhra Pradesh , India.Railway Kodur has got the rich storage of Barities mine. Mangampeta is the place which contains largest deposits of Barities mine. TDP has won all the General elections since its… … Wikipedia
Ticket — (engl.), Zettel, Stimmzettel, Billett, z. B. Railway t., Eisenbahnfahrkarte; T. of leave (spr. līw), Entlassungsschein (s. Gefängniswesen, S. 435) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Railway stations in the Netherlands — Railways in the Netherlands There are 392 railway stations in the Netherlands, including 5 railway stations which are only served during events, 1 which exists only to facilitate pilgrimage to a nearby site and 1 which exists only to facilitate… … Wikipedia
Ticket to Ride (board game) — Infobox Game subject name = Ticket to Ride image link = image caption = designer = Alan R. Moon publisher = Days of Wonder players = 2–5 ages = 8 and up setup time … Wikipedia