1 retained profits
фин. = retained earnings
* * *
оставленная или нераспределенная прибыль: чистая прибыль компании, не распределенная среди акционеров и направленная в резервы или на другие цели (реинвестированная в бизнес); такая прибыль может уменьшается в случае распределения дивидендов в виде акций; является частью капитальной базы компании, но отличается от внесенного в обмен на акции капитала; нераспределенная прибыль и все капитальные счета вместе составляют чистую стоимость компании (net worth); = undistributed profits; earned surplus; см. capital stock;* * ** * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *доля годовой прибыли компании, не распределенная между акционерами, а повторно инвестируемая в активы этой компании-----доля годовой прибыли компании, не распределяемая между акционера-ми, а повторно инвестируемая в активы этой компании -
Нераспределенная прибыль
Чистая прибыль компании, которая реинвестируется (см. Plough back), а не распределяется среди акционеров в виде дивидендов. Нераспределенная прибыль образует важный источник финансирования инвестиций в основной и оборотный капитал. Она также увеличивает стоимость акций компании и величину ее резервов. Нераспределенная прибыль - форма предпринимательского сбережения. Cм. Savings ratio.Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. > RETAINED PROFITS/UNDISTRIBUTED PROFITS/RETENTIONS
3 retained earnings
фин., учет нераспределенная прибыль (чистая прибыль компании, не распределенная среди акционеров, а направленная в резервы или реинвестированная в бизнес)Syn:surplus earnings, retained income, retained profits, ploughed-back profits, undistributed profits, undivided profits, accumulated earnings, earnings retained, earned surplusSee:balance of retained earnings, unappropriated retained earnings, appropriated retained earnings, retention rate 1), accumulated fund, reinvestment, improper accumulation
* * *
= retained profits.* * ** * *. Учет прибыли, оставленной фирмой для реинвестирования в свою деятельность: прибыль, которая не выплачиваются в виде дивидендов . Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *прибыли, полученные компанией на данный момент, но еще не распределенные между акционерами путем выплаты дивидендов-----прибыли, полученные компанией на данный момент, но еще не распределенные между акционерами путем выплаты дивидендов см. retentions -
4 undistributed profits
5 undistributed profits tax
гос. фин. налог на нераспределенную прибыль (налог, взимаемый с нераспределенной в качестве дивидендов части прибыли компаний, банков и других организаций, выплачивающих дивиденды)Syn:See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > undistributed profits tax
6 tilbakeholdt overskudd
retained earnings, retained profits, undistributed profits/earnings -
7 нераспределенные прибыли
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > нераспределенные прибыли
8 нерозподілені прибутки
retained profits, unappropriated profits, undivided profits, undistributed profits -
9 нераспределенные прибыли
retained profits, unappropriated profits, undivided profits, undistributed profitsРусско-Английский новый экономический словарь > нераспределенные прибыли
10 нераспределённый
нераспределённый резе́рв — unappropriated reserve
нераспределённая при́быль фин. — retained profits
11 нераспределённая прибыль
1) General subject: nett surplus, profit not distributed, unallocated profit, unappropriated balance (в балансах акционерных обществ), undistributed profits, (в балансах акционерных обществ) continue in surplus2) Trade: retained earnings3) Economy: accumulated surplus, available surplus, earned surplus, retained earnest, retained income, retained profit, retention, shareholders' interests (активы минус пассивы компании), unappropriated profit, undistributed profit, undivided profit4) Accounting: reserve, retained profits brought forward, unappropriated profits (см. также Retained Profit), retained earnings (компании), retained net surplus, retained surpluses, retain earning5) Finances: retained earning6) Stock Exchange: cumulative retained7) Advertising: undivided profit (акционерного общества)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > нераспределённая прибыль
12 Gewinnvortrag
Gewinnvortrag m 1. FIN retained profits, undistributed profit, accumulation; 2. RW profit carried forward, accumulated profits, accumulated surplus* * *m 1. < Finanz> retained profits, undistributed profit, accumulation; 2. < Rechnung> profit carried forward, accumulated profits, accumulated surplus* * *Gewinnvortrag
unappropriated balance, undistributed (undivided) profits, reserved surplus, accumulated income (earnings, profit, surplus) (US), profit carryforward, unappropriated earned surplus (US), surplus brought forward (US) -
13 einbehaltener Gewinn
einbehaltener Gewinn m RW undistributed income, retained earnings, retained profits, accumulated profits* * *m < Rechnung> undistributed income, retained earnings, retained profits, accumulated profits -
14 нераспределенные прибыли
1. retained profitsторговая прибыль; производственная прибыль — trading profit
2. unappropriated profitsостаток прибыли; баланс счета прибылей — balance of profit
счёт прибылей и убытков; дебет и кредит — profit and loss
3. undistributed profits4. undivided profitsРусско-английский большой базовый словарь > нераспределенные прибыли
15 beneficios retenidos
• retain with a layer of stones• retained earnings• retained earnings statement• retained income• retained profits• retained risk• undistributed profits -
16 utile
1. adj usefulin tempo utile within the time limit2. m finance profitunire l'utile al dilettevole combine business with pleasureutile netto net profitutile d'esercizio operating profit* * *utile agg.1 useful; helpful; (fam.) handy: avvertimenti utili, useful warnings; consiglio utile, helpful advice; credo utile farlo al più presto, I think it advisable to do it as soon as possible; il suo aiuto si è rivelato molto utile, his help has proved to be very useful; questo arnese è molto utile, this gadget is very useful (o handy); rendersi utile, to make oneself useful: cerca di renderti utile in questo lavoro, try and make yourself useful in this job // tornar utile, to come in handy: l'esperienza in quell'azienda mi è tornata utile, my experience with that firm has come in very useful // posso esserle utile in qlco.?, ( in un negozio) can I help you? // in tempo utile, in time (o duly) // (amm.): il tempo utile per la presentazione delle domande è scaduto, the term for sending in applications has elapsed; termine utile, term (o due date) // (fin.) investimento utile, profitable investmentutile s.m.1 (econ.) profit, benefit; ( interesse) interest; ( guadagni) gains (pl.), earnings (pl.); ( reddito) income; ( eccedenza) surplus: utile al lordo delle imposte, before tax profit; utile consolidato, consolidated surplus; utili correnti, current profits; utile d'esercizio, di gestione, operating income (o profit); utili di impresa, societari, company (o corporate) profits; utile lordo, gross profit (o earnings); utile lordo sulle vendite, gross profit on sales; utile netto, net profit; utili non distribuiti, earned surplus (o retained profits o undistributed profits); utili distribuibili, distributable profits; utile imponibile, tassabile, assessable profit (o taxable income); margine di utile lordo, mark-on (o spread); pianificazione degli utili, profit planning; produrre, dare un utile del 5%, to yield a five per cent profit // (fin.): utili di capitale ( plusvalenze), capital gains; utili finanziari, non-trading (o non-operating) profits; utili reinvestiti, ploughback profits; utile sul capitale investito, return on investment // (Borsa) utili da intermediazione, jobbing profits2 (fig.) profit: non ne traggo alcun utile, I don't get any profit out of it // unire l'utile al dilettevole, to join pleasure and profit.* * *['utile]1. agg(gen) useful, (consiglio, persona) helpfulmi è stato molto utile — (oggetto) it came in very handy, it was very useful
grazie per la guida, mi è stata molto utile — thanks for the guide book, it was very useful
posso esserle utile? — can I help you?, can I be of help?
rendersi utile — to make o.s. useful
2. sm1)2) (vantaggio) advantage, benefit, Econ profit* * *['utile] 1.aggettivo useful, helpful, handyessere utile a qcn. — to be of use to sb., to be useful to sb.
2.tornare o venire utile per qcn., qcs. to come in handy for sb., sth.; in tempo utile — duly, in time
sostantivo maschile1) (vantaggio) profit, advantage2) econ. profit, earnings pl.dare utile — to bring in o yield a profit
utile lordo, netto — gross, net profit
mancati -i — loss of income o earnings
* * *utile/'utile/useful, helpful, handy; essere utile a qcn. to be of use to sb., to be useful to sb.; le informazioni non ci furono molto -i the information was of little help to us; rendersi utile to make oneself useful; posso esserle utile? can I help you? tornare o venire utile per qcn., qcs. to come in handy for sb., sth.; in tempo utile duly, in time1 (vantaggio) profit, advantage; unire l'utile al dilettevole to mix business with pleasure2 econ. profit, earnings pl.; dare utile to bring in o yield a profit; utile lordo, netto gross, net profit; mancati -i loss of income o earnings; compartecipazione agli -i profit sharing. -
17 tax
1. nналог, сбор; пошлина
- accrued tax
- accumulated-earnings tax
- accumulated profits tax
- ad valorem tax
- advance tax
- advance corporate tax
- advertising tax
- alcohol tax
- alcoholic beverage tax
- amusement tax
- annual tax
- assessed tax
- average tax
- back tax
- bequest tax
- beverage tax
- bill tax
- bills of exchange tax
- budgeted taxes
- building tax
- business tax
- capital tax
- capital acquisition tax
- capital gains tax
- capital transactions tax
- capital transfer tax
- capital yield tax
- capitation tax
- car tax
- cargo tax
- cascade tax
- chain-store tax
- company income tax
- compensating tax
- complementary tax
- concession tax
- consumption tax
- conveyance tax
- corporate tax
- corporate income tax
- corporate profit tax
- corporation tax
- corporation income tax
- court taxes
- death tax
- death and gift tax
- defence tax
- deferred taxes
- deferred income taxes
- degressive tax
- delinquent tax
- direct tax
- discriminatory tax
- dividend withholding tax
- documentary stamp tax
- domestic tax
- donor's tax
- double tax
- earned income tax
- employment tax
- entertainment taxes
- environmental tax
- equalization tax
- estate tax
- excessive tax
- excess profits tax
- exchange tax
- excise tax
- export tax
- federal tax
- fixed assets tax
- flat tax
- flat rate tax
- foreign exchange tax
- foreign trade tax
- foreign withholding tax
- franchise tax
- gambling tax
- gasoline tax
- general property tax
- general sales tax
- gift tax
- graded tax
- graduated tax
- graduated income tax
- graduated poll tax
- green tax
- gross income tax
- gross profits tax
- gross receipts tax
- head tax
- hidden tax
- highway tax
- immovable property tax
- immovable property gains tax
- immovable property transfer tax
- import tax
- import equalization tax
- import turnover tax
- imposed tax
- income tax
- income tax on corporations
- income tax on individuals
- income tax on shareholders
- indirect tax
- industrial and commercial profits tax
- inheritance tax
- insurance tax
- land tax
- land-value tax
- legacy tax
- legal entity tax
- licence tax
- liquor tax
- local taxes
- long-term capital gains tax
- lump-sum tax
- luxury tax
- matured tax
- maximum tax
- minimum tax
- mortgage tax
- motor vehicle tax
- multiple stages tax
- multistage cumulative turnover tax
- municipal taxes
- national tax
- negative income tax
- net wealth tax
- net worth tax
- normal tax
- nuisance tax
- occupational tax
- oil tax
- one-time tax
- oppressive taxes
- outlay taxes
- output tax
- pay-as-you-earn tax
- pay-as-you-go tax
- payroll tax
- penalty tax
- per capita tax
- personal property tax
- poll tax
- pollution tax
- premium taxes
- profits tax
- progressive tax
- prohibitive tax
- property tax
- proportional tax
- provincial tax
- provisional tax
- public tax
- purchase tax
- pyramidal tax
- real estate tax
- real property tax
- real property transfer tax
- realty transfer tax
- receipts tax
- regressive tax
- remittance tax
- repressive tax
- resource tax
- retail sales tax
- retained profits tax
- revaluation tax
- revenue tax
- road taxes
- sales tax
- sales and turnover tax
- schedular tax
- securities tax
- security tax
- self-employment tax
- separate tax
- service tax
- severance tax
- short-term capital gains tax
- sin tax
- single tax
- social security tax
- specific tax
- spendings tax
- stamp tax
- state tax
- state excise taxes
- stock exchange turnover tax
- stockhoder's tax
- stock transfer tax
- sumptuary tax
- supplementary tax
- tonnage tax
- trade tax
- transaction tax
- transfer tax
- turnover tax
- underlying tax
- undistributed profit tax
- unpaid tax
- use tax
- value-added tax
- wage tax
- wealth tax
- wholesale sale tax
- windfall profits tax
- withholding tax
- withholding tax on dividends
- withholding tax on savings
- tax at source
- tax in kind
- tax on cargo
- tax on corporation
- tax on dividends
- tax on excess profits
- tax on gross receipts
- tax on gross revenue
- tax on importation
- tax on the income
- tax on inheritance
- tax on interest income
- tax on international transactions
- tax on land
- tax on motor vehicles
- tax on patents
- tax on personal income
- tax on profits
- tax on purchase of a motor vehicle
- tax on savings
- tax on stock exchange dealings
- tax on trade
- tax chargeable on the income
- tax due
- taxes levied at a flat rate
- tax payable
- tax withheld
- after taxes
- before taxes
- exempt from taxes
- free of taxes
- liable to tax
- subject to tax
- abate a tax
- abolish a tax
- apply taxes
- assess a tax
- be exempt from taxes
- be liable to tax
- calculate tax on profits
- charge a tax
- collect taxes
- compute a tax
- cut down taxes
- decrease taxes
- deduct taxes
- deduct taxes at source
- defer taxes
- dodge taxes
- evade taxes
- exempt from taxes
- impose a tax
- increase taxes
- kick against taxes
- lay a tax
- levy a tax
- lower a tax
- pay a tax
- raise taxes
- rebate a tax
- recover a tax
- reduce taxes
- reform taxes
- relieve from taxes
- remit taxes to appropriate authorities
- withhold taxes2. attr.
- tax abatement
- tax accruals
- tax arrears
- tax assessment form
- tax audit
- tax bracket
- tax declaration
- tax delinquency
- tax divide
- tax fraud
- tax offence
- tax rate
- tax rebate
- tax receipts
- tax return
- tax roll
- tax status
- tax treatment
- tax yield3. v
- tax at source
- tax capital gains
- tax capital gains realized on the disposal of immovable property
- tax income -
18 tax
19 beneficios retenidos
m.pl.retained profits, retained earnings, undistributed profits. -
20 нерозподілений прибуток
accumulated profit; earned surplus; retained profits; undistributed earnings; undistributed profit; undivided earnings; undivided profit
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
retained earnings — An account on the balance sheet which represents the accumulated earnings of a corporation less any dividend distributions (including capitalization through stock dividends). It is usually a credit balance and a component of stockholder s equity … Black's law dictionary
Нераспределенная прибыль — RETAINED PROFITS/UNDISTRIBUTED PROFITS/RETENTIONS Чистая прибыль компании, которая реинвестируется (см. Plough back), а не распределяется среди акционеров в виде дивидендов. Нераспределенная прибыль образует важный источник финансирования… … Словарь-справочник по экономике
profit — total revenue less total expenses for a period of time calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Glossary of Business Terms Revenue minus cost. The amount one makes on a transaction. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary *… … Financial and business terms
Нераспределенная прибыль — (retained earnings, retentions) Прибыли, полученные компанией на данный момент, но еще не распределенные между акционерами в виде дивидендов. Подобные прибыли часто называются резервами, созданными из прибыли (См.: резервный фонд (reserve) и… … Финансовый словарь
НЕРАСПРЕДЕЛЕННАЯ ПРИБЫЛЬ — (retained earnings, undistributed profits) Доля прибыли компании, которая не идет в уплату налогов и не распределяется между акционерами в виде дивидендов, а повторно инвестируется в активы этой компании. Нераспределенная прибыль может… … Экономический словарь
United Kingdom corporation tax — Throughout this article, the unqualified term pound and the £ symbol refer to the United Kingdom pound. Taxation in the United Kingdom This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the United Kingdom Central government … Wikipedia
income tax — a tax levied on incomes, esp. an annual government tax on personal incomes. [1790 1800] * * * Levy imposed by public authority on the incomes of persons or corporations within its jurisdiction. In nations with an advanced system of private… … Universalium
profit — Most commonly, the gross proceeds of a business transaction less the costs of the transaction; i.e. net proceeds. Excess of revenues over expenses for a transaction; sometimes used synonymously with net income for the period. Gain realized from… … Black's law dictionary
Corporate tax in the United States — Part of a series on Taxation Taxation in the United States … Wikipedia
New Deal — This article is about the 1930s economic programs of the United States. For other uses, see New Deal (disambiguation). Top left: The Tennessee Valley Authority, part of the New Deal, being signed into law in 1933. Top right: Franklin Delano… … Wikipedia
accounting — /euh kown ting/, n. 1. the theory and system of setting up, maintaining, and auditing the books of a firm; art of analyzing the financial position and operating results of a business house from a study of its sales, purchases, overhead, etc.… … Universalium