Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский


  • 1 plot

    French\ \ parcelle
    German\ \ Graphik; Zeichnung; Plot
    Dutch\ \ veld
    Italian\ \ grafico
    Spanish\ \ gráfico; parcela
    Catalan\ \ gràfic; diagrama; parcel-la
    Portuguese\ \ talhão; lote; parcela
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ parcel
    Norwegian\ \ rute
    Swedish\ \ plott; provyta
    Greek\ \ γράφημα
    Finnish\ \ ruutu; palsta
    Hungarian\ \ felvételi terv
    Turkish\ \ çiziş; grafik
    Estonian\ \ katselapp; graafik; diagramm
    Lithuanian\ \ grafikas; diagrama
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ parcela; poletko; działka; wykres; fabula; wątek; spisek; nakreślić; kreślić
    Russian\ \ график
    Ukrainian\ \ графік; зображення
    Serbian\ \ поље; парцела
    Icelandic\ \ tilraunaeining; reitur; tilraunareitur
    Euskara\ \ lur
    Farsi\ \ r sm k rd n
    Persian-Farsi\ \ نمودار; کَرت
    Arabic\ \ قطعة
    Afrikaans\ \ perseel
    Chinese\ \ 作 图 , 区 , 小 区
    Korean\ \ 시험구, 실험구, 플롯; 그림

    Statistical terms > plot

  • 2 Plot

    Law: PWP

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Plot

  • 3 plot

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > plot

  • 4 Plot Manager

    Software: PM

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Plot Manager

  • 5 plot board

    Military: PB

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > plot board

  • 6 plot extractor

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > plot extractor

  • 7 plot location

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > plot location

  • 8 plot plan

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > plot plan

  • 9 plot ratio

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > plot ratio

  • 10 plot trail

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > plot trail

  • 11 split plot design

    = split plot method
    French\ \ méthode par subdivision des parcelles; méthode des parcelles subdivisées
    German\ \ Methode geteilter Parzellen
    Dutch\ \ proefopzet met opgesplitste velden
    Italian\ \ metodo split plot
    Spanish\ \ método de los lotes subdivididos; método de las parcelas subdivididas
    Catalan\ \ disseny de parcel·la dividida; mètode de parcel·la dividida
    Portuguese\ \ delineamento em lotes subdivididos; planeamento split plot; método das unidades subdivididas; split plot; planeamento em lotes subdivididos; planeamento split plot; planejamento em lotes subdivididos (bra); planejamento split plot (bra); desenho split plot; método split plot
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ parceldelingsplan
    Norwegian\ \ rutesplittet forsøksplan
    Swedish\ \ splitplot-försök
    Greek\ \ μέθοδος χωριστής οικόπεδο
    Finnish\ \ osaruutukaavio; osapalstakaavio; osapalstamenetelmä
    Hungarian\ \ osztott parcella terv; osztott parcella módszer
    Turkish\ \ bölünmüş alanlar tasarımı; bölünmüş alanlar yöntemi (metodu)
    Estonian\ \ liigendatud elementidega plaan; liigendatud elementide meetod
    Lithuanian\ \ padalytojo grafiko modelis, būdas; padalytojo grafiko metodas, būdas; padalytojo diagramos modelis, būdas; padalytojo diagramos metodas, būdas
    Slovenian\ \ split ploskvi metoda
    Polish\ \ układ rozszczepionych poletek; metoda rozszczepionych poletek
    Russian\ \ план дробной делянки; метод дробной делянки
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ hættu lóð hönnun; kljúfa lóð aðferð
    Euskara\ \ -
    Farsi\ \ r veshe k rte khordshode
    Persian-Farsi\ \ طرح کرتهاي خرد شده
    Arabic\ \ طريقة القطع المنشقة
    Afrikaans\ \ splitperseelontwerp; splitperseelmetode
    Chinese\ \ 裂 区 设 计; 裂 区 方 法
    Korean\ \ 분할구설계

    Statistical terms > split plot design

  • 12 box and whisker plot

    French\ \ boîte à pattes; BàP
    German\ \ Box-und-Whisker-Plot
    Dutch\ \ box and whisker plot; snorredoos; repelsteel
    Italian\ \ box e basette diagramma
    Spanish\ \ diagrama de caja y bigotes
    Catalan\ \ gràfic descriptiu de Tukey; diagrama de caixa
    Portuguese\ \ diagrama em caixa de bigodes
    Romanian\ \ diagrama "cutia cu mustăţi"
    Danish\ \ boks og knurhår plot
    Norwegian\ \ boksen og whisker plot
    Swedish\ \ lådagram med morrhår
    Greek\ \ διάγραμμα πλαισίου απολήξεων ή θηκόγραμμα
    Finnish\ \ laatikkokuvio, laatikko-viikset-kuvio
    Hungarian\ \ doboz és pálcika ábrázolás
    Turkish\ \ iki çubuk çizişi; kutu ve tüy grafiği
    Estonian\ \ karpdiagramm; karp-vurrud-diagramm
    Lithuanian\ \ -
    Slovenian\ \ grafikon kvantilov
    Polish\ \ wykres skrzynkowy; wykres pudełkowy
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ kassi og whisker lóð
    Euskara\ \ kaxa eta bibotezko diagrama
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ نمودار جعبه و خط
    Arabic\ \ قطعة بوكس و وسكر
    Afrikaans\ \ houer-en-punt-stipping
    Chinese\ \ “ 盒 子 ” 与 “ 胡 子 ” 图
    Korean\ \ 상자수염도, 상자그림

    Statistical terms > box and whisker plot

  • 13 box plot

    French\ \ diagramme boîte
    German\ \ Boxplot
    Dutch\ \ snorrendoos; doosplot; repelsteel
    Italian\ \ diagramma scatola
    Spanish\ \ diagrama de caja
    Catalan\ \ diagrama box plot
    Portuguese\ \ diagrama em caixa; box plot
    Romanian\ \ box blot
    Danish\ \ box plot
    Norwegian\ \ boksplott
    Swedish\ \ lådagram
    Greek\ \ διάγραμμα πλαισίου απολήξεων ή θηκόγραμμα
    Finnish\ \ laatikkokuvio
    Hungarian\ \ doboz ábrázolás
    Turkish\ \ kutu grafiği
    Estonian\ \ -
    Lithuanian\ \ -
    Slovenian\ \ škatla ploskvi
    Polish\ \ wykres pudełkowy
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ kassi lóð
    Euskara\ \ koadroan lursail
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ قطعة صندوقية
    Afrikaans\ \ houerstipping
    Chinese\ \ -
    Korean\ \ 상자그림

    Statistical terms > box plot

  • 14 Q-Q plot

    French\ \ Q-Q diagramme
    German\ \ Q-Q-Plot
    Dutch\ \ Q-Q-grafiek
    Italian\ \ Q-Q diagramma
    Spanish\ \ Q-Q diagrama
    Catalan\ \ gràfic Q-Q
    Portuguese\ \ gráfico Q-Q; gráfico quantil-quantil
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ Q-Q plot
    Norwegian\ \ -
    Swedish\ \ Q-Q-plot
    Greek\ \ Q-Q διάγραμμα
    Finnish\ \ kvantiilikuvio; kvantiili-kvantiili-kuvio
    Hungarian\ \ -
    Turkish\ \ Q-Q grafiği
    Estonian\ \ -
    Lithuanian\ \ -
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ -
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ Q-Q lóð
    Euskara\ \ Q-Q lurzatian
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ نمودار Q‌-Q
    Arabic\ \ قطع Q-Q
    Afrikaans\ \ Q-Q-stipping; kwantiel-kwantielstipping
    Chinese\ \ -
    Korean\ \ 분위수-분위수 그림, q-q 그림

    Statistical terms > Q-Q plot

  • 15 beta probability plot

    French\ \ diagramme de probabilité bêta
    German\ \ Beta-Wahrscheinlichkeitsdiagramm; Beta-Wahrscheinlichkeitsplot
    Dutch\ \ grafiek van een beta-verdeling
    Italian\ \ andamento della probabilità beta
    Spanish\ \ diagrama de probabilidad beta
    Catalan\ \ gràfic de probabilitat beta
    Portuguese\ \ gráfico da densidade beta
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ beta sandsynlighed plot
    Norwegian\ \ beta sannsynlighet plot
    Swedish\ \ beta sannolikhet tomt
    Greek\ \ βήτα διαγράμματος πιθανότητα
    Finnish\ \ beta-todennäköisyyskuvio
    Hungarian\ \ béta valószínûségi ábrázolás
    Turkish\ \ beta olasılık grafiği
    Estonian\ \ beeta-tõenäosuse graafik
    Lithuanian\ \ -
    Slovenian\ \ beta verjetnost ploskvi
    Polish\ \ wykres dystrybuanty rozkładu beta
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ beta líkur söguþræði
    Euskara\ \ beta probabilitate lursail
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ قطاع احتمال بيتا
    Afrikaans\ \ beta-aksent-verdeling
    Chinese\ \ 贝 塔 ( β ) ― 斯 塔 西 分 布
    Korean\ \ 베타 확률도

    Statistical terms > beta probability plot

  • 16 P-P plot

    French\ \ P-P diagramme
    German\ \ P-P-Plot
    Dutch\ \ P-P-grafiek
    Italian\ \ P-P Schema
    Spanish\ \ P-P diagrama
    Catalan\ \ gràfic P-P
    Portuguese\ \ gráfico P-P; gráfico probabilístico
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ P-P plot
    Norwegian\ \ -
    Swedish\ \ P-P-plott
    Greek\ \ P-P διάγραμμα
    Finnish\ \ todennäköisyyskuvio (todennäköisyys-todennäköisyys–kuvio)
    Hungarian\ \ -
    Turkish\ \ P-P grafiği
    Estonian\ \ -
    Lithuanian\ \ -
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ -
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ P-P lóð
    Euskara\ \ P-P lurzatia
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ القطعة P-P
    Afrikaans\ \ P-P-stipping
    Chinese\ \ -
    Korean\ \ P-P도표

    Statistical terms > P-P plot

  • 17 chi-plot

    French\ \ diagramme de chi
    German\ \ Chi-Plot
    Dutch\ \ chi-grafiek
    Italian\ \ diagramma chi
    Spanish\ \ diagrama de la ji
    Catalan\ \ -
    Portuguese\ \ gráfico-qui
    Romanian\ \ diagrama hi
    Danish\ \ khi-diagram
    Norwegian\ \ kji-diagramme
    Swedish\ \ chi-diagram
    Greek\ \ χι-διάγραμμα,
    Finnish\ \ khii-diagrammi
    Hungarian\ \ chi-telek
    Turkish\ \ ki-çizişi
    Estonian\ \ hii-jaotuse graafik
    Lithuanian\ \ -
    Slovenian\ \ hi-ploskvi
    Polish\ \ wykres pozwalający ocenić podobieństwo do rozkładu chi-kwadrat
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ ki-samsæri
    Euskara\ \ lur-chi
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ رسم كاي
    Afrikaans\ \ chi-stipping
    Chinese\ \ 卡 方 ( χ ) 图
    Korean\ \ 카이그림

    Statistical terms > chi-plot

  • 18 entry plot

    French\ \ point d'entrée
    German\ \ -
    Dutch\ \ entry plot
    Italian\ \ diagrammadi immissione
    Spanish\ \ -
    Catalan\ \ -
    Portuguese\ \ gráfico de entrada
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ første udvalgsenhed (ved konstruktion af klynger)
    Norwegian\ \ første utvalgsenhet; første stikkprøveenhet
    Swedish\ \ inträde tomt
    Greek\ \ οικόπεδο εισόδου
    Finnish\ \ lähtöruutu t. -palsta
    Hungarian\ \ üres parcella
    Turkish\ \ kayıt çizişi
    Estonian\ \ -
    Lithuanian\ \ įeities grafikas; įeities diagrama
    Slovenian\ \ vpis ploskvi
    Polish\ \ działka wejściowa
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ færslu lóð
    Euskara\ \ lur-sarrera
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ قطعة االاستنتاج
    Afrikaans\ \ toetreeperseel
    Chinese\ \ 通 路 图
    Korean\ \ 입력 도표

    Statistical terms > entry plot

  • 19 half-normal plot

    French\ \ graphique gausso-arithmétique
    German\ \ Halbnormalplot
    Dutch\ \ half-normal plot
    Italian\ \ grafico semi normel
    Spanish\ \ -
    Catalan\ \ diagrama seminormal
    Portuguese\ \ gráfico semi-normal
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ -
    Norwegian\ \ -
    Swedish\ \ halv-normalplott
    Greek\ \ μισό-κανονική πλοκή
    Finnish\ \ puolinormaalinen plotti
    Hungarian\ \ fél-normális ábrolzolás
    Turkish\ \ yarı-normal çizişi
    Estonian\ \ pool-normaaljaotuse graafik
    Lithuanian\ \ -
    Slovenian\ \ pol normalno ploskvi
    Polish\ \ wykresy półnormalne
    Ukrainian\ \ графік в напівлогарифмічному масштабі
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ hálf-normal lóð
    Euskara\ \ erdi-normal lursail
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ نمودار نيم‌نرمال
    Arabic\ \ رسم نصف طبيعي (معتدل)
    Afrikaans\ \ halfnormaalstipping
    Chinese\ \ 半 正 态 图
    Korean\ \ 절반 정규 도표

    Statistical terms > half-normal plot

  • 20 split plot confounding

    French\ \ confusions dans un plan à parcelles subdivisions; confusion des parcelles divisibles
    German\ \ Vermengen bei geteilten Parzellen
    Dutch\ \ vermengen van opgesplitste velden
    Italian\ \ miscuglio dei lotti suddivisi
    Spanish\ \ confundido de los lotes subdivididos; confundido de las parcelas subdivididas
    Catalan\ \ confusió mitjançant parcel·la dividida
    Portuguese\ \ confundimento em unidades subdivididas; confundimento split plot
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ -
    Norwegian\ \ -
    Swedish\ \ -
    Greek\ \ -
    Finnish\ \ osapalstamenetelmään perustuva sulautusasetelma
    Hungarian\ \ osztott parcella zavaró hatás
    Turkish\ \ bölünmüş alanların etki karışımı
    Estonian\ \ liigendatud elementidega segaplaan
    Lithuanian\ \ padalytojo grafiko sumaišymas; padalytojo diagramos sumaišymas
    Slovenian\ \ split ploskvi osupljivih
    Polish\ \ uwikłanie rozszczepionych poletek
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ hættu lóð truflandi
    Euskara\ \ -
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ ادماج في القطع المنشقة
    Afrikaans\ \ splitperseelstrengeling
    Chinese\ \ 裂 区 混 杂
    Korean\ \ 분할구중첩

    Statistical terms > split plot confounding

См. также в других словарях:

  • plot — plot …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Plot’s — Plot s! Entwickler mhs Studio (Maik Heinzig) Publisher …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • plot — [ plo ] n. m. • 1890; techn. 1765; « billot » 1290; crois. lat. plautus « plat » avec germ. blok 1 ♦ Pièce métallique permettant d établir un contact, une connexion électrique. Les plots d un commutateur, d un billard électrique. ♢ Télédétect.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • plot# — plot n 1 *plan, design, scheme, project Analogous words: *chart, map, graph 2 Plot, intrigue, machination, conspiracy, cabal are comparable when they mean a secret plan devised to entrap or ensnare others. Plot implies careful planning of details …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Plot — Plot, n. [Abbrev. from complot.] 1. Any scheme, stratagem, secret design, or plan, of a complicated nature, adapted to the accomplishment of some purpose, usually a treacherous and mischievous one; a conspiracy; an intrigue; as, the Rye house… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • plot — PLOT, ploturi, s.n. 1. Piesă de contact electric constituită dintr un cilindru sau dintr o prismă metalică, fixată într o placă de material electroizolant sau pe suprafaţa acesteia, legată la un circuit electric. 2. Placă turnantă la încrucişarea …   Dicționar Român

  • plot — [plät] n. [ME < OE, piece of land: some meanings infl. by COMPLOT] 1. a small area of ground marked off for some special use [garden plot, cemetery plot] 2. a chart or diagram, as of a building or estate 3. [short for COMPLOT] a secret,… …   English World dictionary

  • Plot — may refer to: * Plot (narrative), the order of events in a narrative or any other type of story. **Plot device, an element introduced into a story solely to advance or resolve the plot of the story * a conspiracy * a chart or diagram * the output …   Wikipedia

  • plot — [n1] plan, scheme artifice, booby trap*, cabal, collusion, complicity, connivance, conniving, conspiracy, contrivance, covin, design, device, fix, frame, frame up*, game, intrigue, little game*, machination, maneuver, practice, ruse, scam, setup …   New thesaurus

  • Plot — Plot, n. [AS. plot; cf. Goth. plats a patch. Cf. {Plat} a piece of ground.] 1. A small extent of ground; a plat; as, a garden plot. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. A plantation laid out. [Obs.] Sir P. Sidney. [1913 Webster] 3. (Surv.) A plan or draught… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • płot — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. płocie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} ogrodzenie uniemożliwiające przejście; najczęściej zbudowane z wbitych w ziemię słupów połączonych poprzecznymi żerdziami, do których przymocowane są deski, paliki itp.; parkan …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

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