1 Pass Along
Abbreviation: PA -
2 Pass Along Message
Abbreviation: PAMУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Pass Along Message
3 Sending out funny, unusual e-mails, describing the product, that people want to pass along to friends
Marketology: viral marketingУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Sending out funny, unusual e-mails, describing the product, that people want to pass along to friends
4 метод "сквозной передачи"
метод "сквозной передачи"
[ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > метод "сквозной передачи"
5 вторичный читатель
6 проходить
1) General subject: blow over, come in, cover, elapse (о времени), get by, get by (осмотр), get over (расстояние), get through (о законопроекте), go, go away, go by (о времени), lapse (об интересе и т. п.), overgo, overpass, pass, pass along, pass off (об ощущениях и т. п.), pass on, penetrate, penetrate into, penetrate through, penetrate to, percolate, pervade (по, через), pierce, reeve, roll, roll by (о времени и т. п.), roll on (о времени и т. п.), sink, skirt, slip by (о времени), spread, take course, transit, traverse, undergo, wear off (the effect of the medicine will wear off in a few hours - лекарство перестанет действовать через несколько часов), wear on, get through, get under, sweep past, pass away (о времени), (о болезни-не столько в результате лечения, сколько само собой) run its course (пример: The doctor said I just had to stay in and rest until bronchitis ran it’s course), live through, (о болезни, инфекции) clear up, already tried2) Computers: route4) Naval: run in6) Engineering: cross, learn, move, pass through, propagate (о сигнале), raise, traverse through7) Rare: pervade (через что-л.), underrun9) Mathematics: assume, be in progress, become, go through, run across, run from (...) into (...), take on, take place11) Mining: hole (выработку), put down, sink (шахтный ствол), thirl, win (выработку)12) Diplomatic term: proceed (о визите и т.п.)14) Jargon: fly16) Oil: drive (горизонтальную выработку), penetrate (при бурении)17) Astronautics: run18) Mechanic engineering: advance19) Makarov: be under way, come through, develop, draw (напр. штрек), get in, intervene (о времени), pass over, progress, run (о времени), sift (о пыли, снеге и т.п.), silt, transmit, trickle (тж. back, out, through) -
7 kari
8 пройти
1) General subject: blow over, complete (курс обучения), elapse, get by, get in (на выборах), get over (расстояние), get thorough, get thru, go by (о времени), overpass, pass, pass along, pass off (об ощущениях и т. п.), pass on, penetrate into, penetrate through, penetrate to, percolate, pierce, roll by (о времени и т. п.), roll on (о времени и т. п.), skirt, get through (о законопроекте), move on, pass off (о дожде, буре), get through (о законопроекте), go off (о концерте и т.п.), be over (When these difficult times are over, we'll be much stronger. - трудное время пройдёт), go away (о боли, проблеме), pass away (о времени), make the cut (отбор успешно, см. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/make_the_cut), make it through2) Computers: route3) Sports: cover (дистанцию)4) Mathematics: assume, be in progress, become, go, pass through, run across, run from (...) into (...), take on, take place5) Diplomatic term: (for a constituency) get in (на выборах от какого-л. избирательного округа), pass (цензуру, досмотр и т.п.)7) Quality control: go through -
9 вторичный читатель
2) Business: pass-along readerУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > вторичный читатель
10 передать
1) General subject: assign, carry, cede, circulate, communicate, consign, deliver, deliver over, devolve, get across, give (to give a note - вручить записку), give over, hand, hand on, hand over (другому), hand over to (что-л., кому-л.), help, impart, leave, make over, part with (что-либо), pass, pass along, pass on, pass over, pitch, reach, recommit (вновь), relay, relinquish, render, repeat, sell, shift, sign away (право, собственность), sign over (собственность, право и т.п.), sub license, transfuse, transmit, turn over (to turn over documents - передать документы), leave word (записку, поручение, сообщение кому-л. - for), hand over to (кому-л.; что-л.), send word (на словах), (напр. бразды правления) hand over, feature, put smth. in the hands (of)2) Mathematics: convey to4) Economy: give up5) Radio: send7) Information technology: forward8) Astronautics: contribute9) Patents: transfer10) Business: expedite12) Gold mining: forward to13) Microsoft: upload -
11 аудитория вторичных читателей
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > аудитория вторичных читателей
12 вторичная аудитория
Advertising: pass-along audienceУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > вторичная аудитория
13 идти вдоль улицы
Makarov: pass along the street -
14 использование поочерёдно на ряде рабочих мест
Engineering: pass-along useУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > использование поочерёдно на ряде рабочих мест
15 не выплатить налог на добавленную стоимость
Diplomatic term: pass along collectionsУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > не выплатить налог на добавленную стоимость
16 передать послание
General subject: pass along the message -
17 передать сообщение
1) General subject: signal a message, convey a message, pass along the message2) Information technology: post (в группу новостей)3) Makarov: deliver a message, deliver the messageУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > передать сообщение
18 побочная рекламная аудитория
Cinema: pass-along audienceУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > побочная рекламная аудитория
19 побочный читатель
Cinema: pass-along reader -
20 пройдите, пожалуйста, в середину салона (автобуса)!
General subject: pass along the bus please !Универсальный русско-английский словарь > пройдите, пожалуйста, в середину салона (автобуса)!
См. также в других словарях:
pass along to — pass along (something) (to (someone)) to give something to someone. Reporters passed along the information as they heard it. If you don t want the book, you can pass it along to someone who does. Usage notes: also said about something given to… … New idioms dictionary
pass-along — pass a·long also pass·a·long (păsʹə lông , lŏng ) n. The policy, practice, or act of paying for an increased cost by raising the price charged to one s customers or clients: “Landlords... went to court... to allow a fuel cost pass along to… … Universalium
pass-along — ▪ I. pass along pass along 1 noun [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE ECONOMICS the act of increasing prices because costs have increased pass through [m0] ▪ II. pass along ˈpass aˌlong 2 … Financial and business terms
pass along — v. (B) pass along the message along to the others * * * (B) pass along the message along to the others … Combinatory dictionary
pass along — verb transmit information Please communicate this message to all employees pass along the good news • Syn: ↑communicate, ↑pass on, ↑pass, ↑put across • Derivationally related forms: ↑com … Useful english dictionary
pass along something to someone — pass along (something) (to (someone)) to give something to someone. Reporters passed along the information as they heard it. If you don t want the book, you can pass it along to someone who does. Usage notes: also said about something given to… … New idioms dictionary
pass along to someone — pass along (something) (to (someone)) to give something to someone. Reporters passed along the information as they heard it. If you don t want the book, you can pass it along to someone who does. Usage notes: also said about something given to… … New idioms dictionary
pass along something to — pass along (something) (to (someone)) to give something to someone. Reporters passed along the information as they heard it. If you don t want the book, you can pass it along to someone who does. Usage notes: also said about something given to… … New idioms dictionary
pass along (something) — (to (someone)) to give something to someone. Reporters passed along the information as they heard it. If you don t want the book, you can pass it along to someone who does. Usage notes: also said about something given to younger people: I wanted… … New idioms dictionary
pass-along readers — ˈpass along ˌreaders noun [plural] MARKETING people who read a newspaper or magazine, but do not buy their own copy: • The magazine has a circulation of 2.5 million and many pass along readers … Financial and business terms
pass-along reader — UK US noun [C] MARKETING ► someone who does not buy a newspaper or magazine themselves, but reads a copy after the buyer has finished with it: » Pass along readers, who did not actually buy the magazine themselves, account for a high proportion… … Financial and business terms