PRIP, parts reliability improvement programEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > PRIP
сокр. [parts reliability improvement program] программа повышения надежности деталей -
сокр.[parts reliability improvement program] программа повышения надёжности деталей* * * -
1) Военный термин: parts reliability improvement program -
parts reliability improvement program - программа повышения надёжности деталей -
English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms > PRIP
7 parts reliability improvement program
PRIP, parts reliability improvement programEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > parts reliability improvement program
См. также в других словарях:
PRIP — primipilaris … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
John Prip — John Axel Prip (1922 ), also known as Jack Prip, is a master metalsmith known for setting standards of excellence in American metalsmithing. His works and designs have become famous for bringing together the formal, technical tradition of Danish… … Wikipedia
Pripet — /prip it, et, pree pet/, n. a river in NW Ukraine and S Byelorussia (Belarus), flowing E through the Pripet Marshes to the Dnieper River in NW Ukraine. 500 mi. (800 km) long. Russian, Pripyat /prddyee pyit/. Polish, Prypec. * * * … Universalium
Pripet — Prip•et [[t]ˈprɪp ɪt, ɛt, ˈpri pɛt[/t]] n. geg a river in NW Ukraine and S Belorussia, flowing E through the Pripet Marshes to the Dnieper River in NW Ukraine. 500 mi. (800 km) long. Russian, Pri•pyat [[t]ˈpryi pyɪt[/t]] … From formal English to slang
Pripet Marshes — Prip′et Marsh′es n. geg an extensive wooded marshland in S Belorussia and NW Ukraine. 33,500 sq. mi. (86,765 sq. km) … From formal English to slang
prepacked — /ˈpripækt/ (say preepakt) adjective packaged in advance, as for purchase, presentation, delivery, etc. Also, pre packed …
prepossess — /pripəˈzɛs/ (say preepuh zes) verb (t) 1. to possess or dominate mentally beforehand, as a prejudice does. 2. to prejudice or bias, especially favourably. 3. to impress favourably beforehand or at the outset. {pre + possess} …
prepossessing — /pripəˈzɛsɪŋ / (say preepuh zesing) adjective that prepossesses, especially favourably. –prepossessingly, adverb …
prepossession — /pripəˈzɛʃən/ (say preepuh zeshuhn) noun 1. the state of being prepossessed. 2. a prejudice, especially in favour of a person or thing …
prepublication — /ˌpripʌbləˈkeɪʃən/ (say .preepubluh kayshuhn) adjective before publication, as a specially reduced price of a book before the official date of publication …
Pripet — /prip it, et, pree pet/, n. a river in NW Ukraine and S Byelorussia (Belarus), flowing E through the Pripet Marshes to the Dnieper River in NW Ukraine. 500 mi. (800 km) long. Russian, Pripyat /prddyee pyit/. Polish, Prypec … Useful english dictionary