1 расчленённая копия оригинала
1) Polygraphy: keyed original trace2) Makarov: keyed original trace (напр. на цвета)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > расчленённая копия оригинала
2 копия оригинала
1) Polygraphy: original trace2) Makarov: original copy -
3 расчленённый оригинал
1) Engineering: color-separation drafting (карты), separation drafting (карты)2) Cards: separation drawing (карты)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > расчленённый оригинал
4 совмещённый оригинал
1) Engineering: combination block (карты), combination drawing (карты), combination print (карты), composite combination plate (карты), composite drawing (карты)2) Polygraphy: composite print, original drawing3) Cartography: original trace4) Advertising: composite plateУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > совмещённый оригинал
5 восстанавливать
( реставрировать) to restoreвосстанавливать расположение или размеры (древних сооружений, памятников и т. п. по сохранившимся развалинам) — to trace
Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > восстанавливать
6 калька
1. ж. tracing paperкопия чертежа, чертёж на кальке — tracing of drawing
оригинал, выполненный на кальке — original tracing
2. ж. tracing clothвосковка, бумажная калька — tracing paper
3. ж. tracing
См. также в других словарях:
Original trace — Копия оригинала … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Trace (deconstruction) — Trace is one of the most important concepts in Derridian Deconstruction. In the 1960s, Derrida used this word in two of his early books, namely “Writing and Difference” and “Of Grammatology”. The English word “trace” was first used by Gayatri… … Wikipedia
Trace (psycholinguistics) — TRACE is a connectionist model of speech perception, proposed by James McClelland and Jeffrey Elman in 1986McClelland, J.L., Elman, J.L. (1986). The TRACE model of speech perception. Cognitive Psychology, 18, 1 86.] . TRACE was made into a… … Wikipedia
Trace — Trace, n. [F. trace. See {Trace}, v. t. ] 1. A mark left by anything passing; a track; a path; a course; a footprint; a vestige; as, the trace of a carriage or sled; the trace of a deer; a sinuous trace. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. (Chem. & Min.) A … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Trace Bundy — is an instrumental acoustic guitar player who lives and performs in Boulder, Colorado. He is specially known as The Acoustic Ninja for his legato/fingertapping skills. His first release was 1999 s O Night Divine , a collection of traditional… … Wikipedia
Original amiga chipset — OCS signifie Original (ou Old) Amiga Chipset. Il fut suivi de l Extended chipset (ECS). Il était fourni avec l A1000, ainsi qu avec l A500 et l A2000. De nouveaux A500 et A2000 ont été produits avec l ECS, ou un mélange d OCS et d ECS. Le jeu de… … Wikipédia en Français
Keyed original trace — Расчленённая (напр. на цвета) копия оригинала … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Trace Memory — This entry is about the video game. For the book based on the Torchwood television series, see Trace Memory (Torchwood). Infobox VG| title = Trace Memory (North America) Another Code: Two Memories (PAL) developer = Cing publisher = Nintendo… … Wikipedia
Trace fossil — Chirotherium footprints in a Triassic sandstone … Wikipedia
TrAce Online Writing Centre — From 1995 2006 the trAce Online Writing Centre hosted a unique international community where, using the internet as both medium and raw material, trAce contributors generated an unequalled body of innovative creative work. This group of people… … Wikipedia
trace — trace1 /trays/, n., v., traced, tracing. n. 1. a surviving mark, sign, or evidence of the former existence, influence, or action of some agent or event; vestige: traces of an advanced civilization among the ruins. 2. a barely discernible… … Universalium