1 Wild Oats Markets, Inc.
NASDAQ: OATSУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Wild Oats Markets, Inc.
2 Corn Oats And Barley
Food industry: COBУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Corn Oats And Barley
3 Granola Oats Raisins And Peanuts
Food industry: GORPУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Granola Oats Raisins And Peanuts
4 Quaker Oats Company
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Quaker Oats Company
5 Tiger Oats Ltd
6 Wild Oats
Botanical term: WIOA -
7 Wild Oats Markets options
Stock Exchange: QOQУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Wild Oats Markets options
8 овес
9 овес
10 овсы
11 хлопок отс
12 корончатая ржавчина овса
2) Agriculture: orange leaf rust of oats (возбудитель - Puccinia coronata var. avenae)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > корончатая ржавчина овса
13 напрячь последние силы
General subject: smell oats (при приближении к цели), smell one's oats (при приближении к цели), smell oats (когда близка цель)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > напрячь последние силы
14 остепениться
1) General subject: anchor, cast one's colt's teeth, cut one's eye-teeth, sow oats, sow one's wild oats, sow wild oats, steady, sober down, steady down2) Colloquial: range oneself (с женитьбой)3) Makarov: settle down, cast colt's teeth, come to an anchor, come to anchor, cut eye-teeth -
15 перебеситься
1) General subject: have fling, sow oats, sow one's wild oats, sow wild oats, have swing2) Colloquial: have one's fling -
16 овес
1. oat2. oats -
17 Office Automation Technology and Services
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Office Automation Technology and Services
18 лишиться аппетита
1) General subject: to be off (one's) feed, to be off ( one's) oats, be off oats2) Agriculture: be off feed -
19 овсяные хлопья
1) General subject: oat flakes, oat-flakes, oatmeal, oats, rolled oats ("геркулес")2) American: breakfast food (готовое блюдо к завтраку)3) Makarov: rolled oat flakes -
20 плохой сорт овса
1) General subject: a poor grade of oats2) Makarov: poor grade of oats
См. также в других словарях:
OATS — Open Source Assistive Technology Software is a source code repository or forge for assistive technology software. It was launched in 2006 [1] with the goal to provide a one stop “shop” for end users, clinicians and open source developers to… … Wikipedia
oats — [əuts US outs] n [plural] [: Old English; Origin: ate (singular)] the grain from which flour or oatmeal is made and that is used in cooking, or in food for animals →sow your wild oats at ↑sow1 (3) … Dictionary of contemporary English
oats — [ outs ] noun plural a type of grain that people and animals eat feel your oats OLD FASHIONED to be full of energy => SOW1 … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Oats — (engl., spr. ōts), der Hafer … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Oats — (engl., spr. ohts), Hafer … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Oats — Oat Oat ([=o]t), n.; pl. {Oats} ([=o]ts). [OE. ote, ate, AS. [=a]ta, akin to Fries. oat. Of uncertain origin.] 1. (Bot.) A well known cereal grass ({Avena sativa}), and its edible grain, used as food and fodder; commonly used in the plural and in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oats — Hardy cereal plant (Avena sativa), cultivated in temperate regions, that is able to live in poor soil. The edible starchy grain is used primarily as livestock feed, but is also processed into rolled oats and oat flour for human consumption. High… … Universalium
oats — [[t]o͟ʊts[/t]] (The form oat is used as a modifier.) 1) N PLURAL Oats are a cereal crop or its grains, used for making biscuits or a food called porridge, or for feeding animals. Oats provide good, nutritious food for horses. ...oat bran. 2)… … English dictionary
oats — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ whole ▪ rolled ▪ porridge (esp. BrE) … OF OATS ▪ field VERB + OATS … Collocations dictionary
oats — noun (plural) 1 a grain that is eaten by people and animals 2 oatmeal 3 feel your oats informal to feel full of energy 4 get your oats BrE informal to have sex regularly 5 be off your oats BrE informal to have lost the desire to eat … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
oats — Noun. 1. Sperm, with regard to being seeds. Used in phrases such as sow one s oats, which essentially alludes to procreation but at its most basic to having to sexual intercourse. 2. Sex. The informal phrase get ones oats meaning to have sex. E.g … English slang and colloquialisms