1 necromancer
necromancer [ˊnekrəʋmænsə] nнекрома́нт; колду́н, чароде́й -
2 Necromancer
{"Necromancer" – "некромант".} Подлежит переводу. -
3 necromancer
некромант имя существительное: -
4 necromancer
ˈnekrəumænsə сущ. некромант (человек, занимающийся черной магией) ;
колдун, маг, чародей Syn: sorcerer, magician некромант;
колдун, чародей necromancer некромант;
колдун, чародейБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > necromancer
5 necromancer
[ˈnekrəumænsə]necromancer некромант; колдун, чародей -
6 necromancer
[ʹnekrəmænsə] nнекромант; колдун, чародей -
7 necromancer
['nekrəmænsə]2) Религия: (One who practices necromancy) некромант -
8 necromancer
[`nekrəʊmænsə]некромант; колдун, маг, чародейАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > necromancer
9 necromancer
10 Necromancer
Dictionary of names translation of 'Lord of the Rings Tolkien > Necromancer
11 necromancer
некромант -
12 necromancer
13 necromancer
n некромант; колдун, чародейСинонимический ряд:magician (noun) archimage; charmer; conjurer; conjuror; enchanter; mage; magian; magician; magus; sorcerer; voodoo; voodooist; warlock; witch; wizard -
14 necromancer (One who practices necromancy)
Религия: некромантУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > necromancer (One who practices necromancy)
15 Osmand (A necromancer who by enchantment raised an army to resist the Christians)
Религия: ОсманУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Osmand (A necromancer who by enchantment raised an army to resist the Christians)
16 некромант
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > некромант
17 Osmand
Религия: Османд, (A necromancer who by enchantment raised an army to resist the Christians) Осман -
18 Sauron
Саурон КМ, ВАМ, ГГ, Э, Боб, КК, ВАТ, Я, ГА, ГЗ, Н См. также Black One, Dark Lord, Dark Power, Enemy, Lord of the Rings, Nameless, Necromancer, Unnamed.Dictionary of names translation of 'Lord of the Rings Tolkien > Sauron
19 psychagogue
сущ.1) человек, влияющий на сознание (кого-л.)2) книжн. заклинатель духов; некромант (человек, занимающийся чёрной магией)Syn:3) мед. средство, приводящее в сознание -
20 exorcist
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Necromancer — Éditeur Top Cow Format Série limitée Date(s) de publication 2005 2006 Numéros 6 1 en français Scénariste(s) Joshua Ortega Jonboy Meyers … Wikipédia en Français
Necromancer — Nec ro*man cer, n. One who practices necromancy; a sorcerer; a wizard. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
necromancer — (n.) c.1300, from O.Fr. nigromansere, from nigromancie (see NECROMANCY (Cf. necromancy)) … Etymology dictionary
Necromancer — A name given to Sauron. The evil being who dwelt at Dol Guldur in the heart of Mirkwood; originally thought by the Wise to be one of the Nazgûl, Gandalf later discovered that the Necromancer was Sauron himself … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
necromancer — necromancy ► NOUN 1) prediction of the future by allegedly communicating with the dead. 2) witchcraft or black magic. DERIVATIVES necromancer noun necromantic adjective. ORIGIN from Greek nekros corpse … English terms dictionary
Necromancer (video game) — Necromancer Opening screen on the Atari 8 bit platform Developer(s) Synapse Software … Wikipedia
Necromancer (1988 film) — Necromancer DVD Cover Directed by Dusty Nelson Produced by William J. Males Roy McAr … Wikipedia
Necromancer (Dungeons & Dragons) — Necromancer Characteristics Editions 2nd The Necromancer is a playable character class in the Dungeons Dragons fantasy role playing game. Publication history The Complete Necromancer s Handbook was published for 2nd edition AD D. Other media The… … Wikipedia
Necromancer (2005 film) — Necromancer (film) redirects here. For the 1988 film, see Necromancer (1988 film). Jom kha mung wej The Thai theatrical poster. Directed by … Wikipedia
Necromancer Games — was an American publisher of role playing games. With offices in Seattle, Washington and Coeur d Alene, Idaho, the company specialized in material for the d20 System, with most of its products being released under the Open Game License of Wizards … Wikipedia
Necromancer (disambiguation) — A necromancer is a person who practices necromancy, a discipline of black magic used to communicate with the dead to foretell the future. It can also refer to: Douglas Clegg The Necromancer (song), a song by the Canadian rock band Rush… … Wikipedia